The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 23, 1922, Image 3

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imiuy uvuutim are eomnnDU wnn
flltllllHI . I n I n n . . . . r I
ttnxulshers nnd stnndnlno and hose
uuin tiu iiiuua iuiyu uuuii iiimiu iui
using t'lese devices in the ovent of
firo. Probably more than half of tho
hlr.h Bchool teachers aro women who
trnliln onnrfiftlv tin nhli in lmti.lTn tlin
jtkui mu ui iiiiBuiHiiurs or uvea uio
fire-hose. For that reason it is stnngo
tthlyt more high schools have not or-
lepartments offer most valuablo train
inir ns won ns InnrnnRlinr tlin Immnil-
Bln BnfAlU rvF t 1 1 1-1 onliiiM lill 4 I ill II rr nnil
It a ntinfls.
kuvvi iiiiiuiik ill Lilt: I11K11 auuuum n"ciu
hn niinlln nrn nroanmoil tn hn old
crnir n. wnnrn pvnr il huh iiuuii Lriuu.
t ii n mill nni imrt iinnnriiiinni una
lirnnvlit nlirnit mnrtfoil Ininrnvnniont
. 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 t -.
' in ci'nuuci ol iiru urius un wuu u in
Yah linn .1 Hn m ii i If llwn iitltlnll
might occur. Tho student firo depart
ment has n fire crlef who organizes
his forces in such a' way that not only
are pupils safely escorted from tho
building, but from tho sounding of the
school alarm action is under way to
turn in tho alarm, extinguish tho fire
and remove valuablo property in tho
vicinity of tho flames. Just ns in any
-well organized industrial firo depart
ment, each members has his parti
cular duty to perform and goes about
it at once upon tho sounding of the
firo alarm. '
Why should not every high school
have a High School Firo Department.
Many farmers over the state who
have poor and run-down fields have
tho impression that their soil is lack
ing in some element which can bo
supplied by a commercial fertilizer
Tho Experiment Station of tho Uni
versity of Nebraska Agricultural Col
logo has carried on a largo number
of experiments both at Lincoln and
elsewhere over tho state and in prac
tically no case has it been found pro
fitable to use a fertilizer. Increased
yields havo been obtained by their use
but seldom is this great enough to
pay the cost of tho fertilizer and the
labor in applying it. In almost every
caso, howtiver, the use of manure has
proven profitable and in most cases
this is about all that the soil needs.
Tho productivity of the land can often
bo greatly increased nnd sometimes
doubled and even trebled by tho use
of legumes such as sweet clover, al
falfa or red clover. These crops will
not only add nitrogen to tho soil but
they also improve its physical condi
tion. Tho roots of these plnnts pene
trato the soil to a considerable depth,
bring plant food nearer tho surface
and when they .decay leave tho soil in
a more open and porous condition.
This increases its water holding cap
acity and also the rato of absorption
of tho rains. In this way there is less
run-off, the soil is not washed as
badly and more water is stored up
for tho crops.
Miss Mario Kaolher is visiting in
The crops nro badly in need of
rain. Sinnll grain can not hold out
much longer.
liny making is In progross these
dnys. Tho men nro all busy and some
of tho Indies.
Chris. Rosenborg who went to Om
nha and had an oporntion is nt homo
again. Ho is slowly recovering nnd
hopes soon to be himself ngain.
Tho Girls Sowing Club met with
their lender. Mrs. Ingwnrd Holm Fri
day afternoon nnd began the work of
the second course. Tho girls aro be
coming quite efficient In their work.
At the Community Club Thursdny
evening Mrs. A. It. Loavitt was elected
dologato to attend the Sewing Mnch
ino attachment demonstration to bo
hold at tho McPherson school house
Saturday afternoon.
wore all weighed. It wns found one
pig had gained forty pounds nnd tho
next lnrgost gain was thirty-six nun
one-half pounds. Let us take off our
hats to tho boys nnd girls who enn
ralso such pigs.
A boys and girls canning club wns
organized with seven mombors nbout
the first of May nnd cI-obo Mrs. A. R. I
Lcnvltt as their leader. It is named'
tho "Cheerful Canning Club" and is
under the direction of tho University
Extension Servlco. This club con
siders Itself vorv fortunate In belnir
one of tho first twenty clubs orgnn-j
Ized in tho state, thereby winning 9j
dozen glnss top fruit jars for use in
its work. Tho club hold a meeting
Thursday at tho homo of Lylo Morris
nnd discussed molds on foods. Encr
members having brought ono and mor"
specimens. They have also been study
Ung . why food spoils nnd dlfforent
methods of canning.
The young girls of tho community
met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
Chris. Itsenburg and perfected a
campfiro organization. Tho girls will
bo taught to swim this summer and
engnge In other out-of-door pleasure.
Tho boys and girls Poultry Club
met Thursdny morning with Mrs. I.
M. Abercromblo. Tho subject for study
was culling. On June 27, F. C. Olds
University Extension speclnlist will
meet with the club nnd give a culling
The Community Club met Thursdny
evening nnd had as guests Mr. and
Mrs. S. M. Soudor of North Platto.
Tho former gave a very, interesting
talk on tho County Fair as It will be
this fall. During the evening tho
Campfiro' girls sold candy, the funds
to be used in their work.
Tho Sewing Machine attachment
demonstration hold at McPherson
school house, Saturday afternoon was
well attended. Miss Rachel Harris, a
Univorsity Extension specialist gave
tho' demonstration. Many ladles came
thirty miles but went away feeling
woll paid for their trip. The demon
stration was ono of tho very best
over hold in tho county.
The community club met Friday
night. After listening to an interest
ing program, ice cream and cake was
served. Among the many visitors
from North Plutte were Mr. Dill of
the North Platte Milling Co. Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. North. Mrs. North gave a
talk, having thrown her hat into the
ring as a candidate for nomiation for
County Superintendent.
Tho community hall has been equip
ped with a very nicely decorated cur
tain bearing many advertisements of
North Platte business houses.
Jess Highberger has purchnsed a
new Oldsmobllo truck.
Mr. W. S. Haaso is able to be at
work again nfter his aocidont.
Paul Sbderman was taken to a
North Platto hospital Monday. He has
been ailing for some time.
The annual school mooting was
hold Monday evening and Harry A.
Shaner was elected treasurer to suc
ceed Georgo Israel. School district
number !)8 was divided in the spring
and Box Elder school foi'mod a new
district. The two districts settled up
their business Monday ovening and
the new district formed will be known
as District 135.
Geo. H. Kellogg. County Agent, mot
with tho Poland-China Pig Club last
week and the entire club with its
'oader. It. R. Morris), mado a tour of
inspection of all tho pigs of the
club, there being cloven. As it was
tho end of the first month Un i)1tr
A system of highways that will
orvo tho whole coutry and will be
far superior to nny other In the world
is being mapped out by Federal nnd
stnto enginers. It Is estimated that
tho system will comprise 180,000 miles
of road. Tho Federal highway act re
cently enacted specificnlly requires
that all Federal aid bo spent in n con
nected Bystcni of hlghwnys consisting
of not moro than 7 of the road mile
age in each State, and that this system
shall consist of interstnto or primary
roads nnd intercounty or secondnry
Proposed sytems have been received
by tho Bureau of Public Roads of tho
United States Department of Agricul
ture from all but eight states. They
are plotted on a large map of tho Uni
ted States and carefully examined as
to co-ordination with tho roads of
adjacent Stntos and servlco to nil sec
tions of tho country. Where co-ordination
Is not satisfactory conferences
are held with all interested State high
way officials and routes ndjustcd.
Many States havo already adjusted
difficult problems with their neighbors.
As an example the system sent in by
Nebraska showed a big gap in an
important road along tho northern
boundary. It was learned however thnt
South Dakota would follow with n
system that would fit like pictures
on toy blocks. Since tho Federal High
way act of last November became a
law, only roads certain to be on the
system havo been approved tor con
struction. - :o:
Brunswick phonographs. Ilolley
Music House.
Following is tho schedulo of games
announced so fnr and tho results of
games played to dato by tho North
Platto American Legion Bnso Ball
April 23 Legion 2. Gothenburg 0.
April 30 Legion 8, Mnywood 1.
Mny 7 Legion 0, Brady 3.
July 17 Omaha colored, hero.
July 18 Omaha colored, hero.
Mnp 10 Legion 15, Scottsbluff 1.
Mny 11, Scottsbluff hero. No gnmo.
May 14 Legion 8,. Gotnenburg 1.
Mny 21 Maywoo.l hero, ranccllod.
Mr.y 28 Omaha, snn profosslonnl
team hero. Cancelled.
Mny 24 Legion 12, Gothenburg 4.
June 3 Legion 14, Sterling 7.
June 4 Legion C, Sterling 0.
June 11 Legion 7. Omaha 4,
Juno 1G Legion 7, Cnmbridgo 2.
June. 17 Cnmbridgo 7, Legion 3
June IS Loglon C, Cnmbridgo 4.
July 2 Hnvolock here.
July 3 Hnvolock hero.
July !) Sterling here.
July 10 Sterling here.
July 1G Omaha colored, hero.
July 17 Omnhn colored, hero.
Julyl8 Omaha colored, here.
for less money
Green manuring plowing under of
green crops ns n means for soil im
provement, nlthough is can lmrdly bo
called a now discovery, snys tho Un
ited States Department of Agriculture
It really is one of tho oldest methods
Crops for this purposo were used by
tho ancients, tho Romnns using lunlnes
which were sown in September nnd
turned undor in Mny for tho benlfit
of tho following crop.
In Germany tho use of lupines be
gan in the middle of tho nineteenth
Lowest Rates
Best Terms
century and has proved an lmportont
(Victor In reclaiming tho snndy lnnds
of parte of Prussln. In England lo
gumos nnd other plants nro common
ly tiisod; In India nnd Jnpnn tho farm
ers gather groon plnnta of many
kinds oven cutting twigs from the
trcos and carrying them to tho rice
In tho United Stntos tho uso of
special groon-mnnure crops is much
moro gunoral in tho South thnn in
tho North. Undor irrigation they piny
an Important part in orchard culture
in tho West, but not under dry-fnrtn-Ing
Cholco lot of young Red Poll built,
nt fnrmora prices at
South Dowoy Street
Mrs. Kitchen nnd daughter of Choy
ono nro visiting Otis J. Kitchen ot
this city.
When in Norih Platte
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
Everything first class and price
reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific
Order A Case
Our special delivery will sec that you arc supplied for
parties, picnics and outings.
A few bottles on ice for the wife, tho kiddies a treat
for the guest.
Following flavors that are always good:
Cherry-Blossoms, Lemon-Crush, Orange-Crush
Grape-Piz, Hires Root Beer, Coca-Cola, White Horse Gin-
ger Ale.
Per case 24 bottles $1.50. Rebate on empties 50c.
"White Ribbon Beer A rqal beer minus the Icicle. 24
bottles $3.35. Rebate 90c.
T. C.
B. & L. Building
Star Bottling & Mercantile Co
T R "Y
Office Phone 241 Res. Phono 211
L. e. DliOST
Osteopathic Physician
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building
Don't cook the old-time way
Here is a new and better way
The "LORAIN" Oven. Heat Regulator is a simple
device that places 44 oven temperatures at your com
mand. You set the wheel at the temperature required
for the best results. The heat never varies. Your cook
ing is always done just right.
You can bake loaf after
loaf of bread, not one of which
will vary in color or in tex
ture. Everyday is a lucky day.
And most wonderful of all,
with this magic device, foods
formerly cooked on the top
burners are cooked in the
oven. You can cook a whole
meal unwatched in the oven
at one time.
You set the wheel of the
"LORAIN" and then you
know exactly when your
meal will be done. And you
forget about it until then.
Come in and see the "LO
RAIN" demonstrated on a
Then you will see why thou
sands of women are now
cooking this better, easier
and more economical way.
512 Locust.
is tho trend of money, men and
materials. With materials manufac
tured materials, it moans a bettor and
larger production. Keener compet
ition demands It. Bettor eyesight
guarantees It. Know your oyos nro
right. Seo an optical spociallst. lie
will know You ought to.
Eye Tosstod Lens Urouiut
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Get our FREE book, "An Eatier Day' Work."
Every woman ihould have thi valuable book
This new flour is made irom ihe best hard
winter wheat, grown in Lincoln county. By
our process we make a wholesome and nu
tritious flour which is guaranteed to be first
class and give absolute satisfaction or money
is refunded.
Wo have this day sold and dolivered this flour to tho following merchants in North Platte:
Clayton Grocery, 111 South Maplo St.
East End Grocery, 709 East Fourth St.
Burkes' Cash Grocery, C21 East Fourth Street.
Brcstol Grocery & Meat Market, 413 9. Chestnut.
Koontss Grocory, 11G East B St.
Liork & Stack, 507 Dowoy St
Hush Morcnntilo Co. C02 Dewey St..
Johnson Dopnrtmont Storo, C1G Dowoy St.
Turpon Grocery, 112 EaBt Front St.
Tho Economy Grocory, 512 Locust St.
McKnin Meat Market, 108 East Sixth St. .
Westenfold & Son, 723 LocuBt St.
DeForost Cash Grocory, 813 North Locust,
Gamble with Springer, 822 North Locust.
Will Brott Co., 220 West Twelfth St.
Crow & Crow. 702 Locust.
Frank Andorson Grocery, 824 West Third St.
BainB Grocory, 1900 West Fourth St.
Ella Cunningham Grocery, 1821 West Fifth St.
R. L. North, 811 North Oak St.
C. R. Aaboo, 1003 West Fourth St.
J. W. McMichaol Grocery, 408 South Dowoy St.
John Herrod Grocery, 207 East Sixth St.
Try a snck of this Flour from your Grocer every snck sold under absolute gnnrontce.
We are always in the market for good milling wheat,
other grains at highest market prices.