THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS SPEGIALLY WRITTEN sheriff, j I hcroby announce myself a candl- FOR RURAL dato for tho Democratic nomination for Sheriff of Lincoln county, sub. ..,.,. Ject to tho decision of tho voters nt ""0MATI01f tho prliuariea 6n July 18th. j TUKAL L. L. Bertho. . READERS ABOUT SUBJECTS AGBJCUL-FKOM ibnctcrla uso air, nnd this they rind! ' tnnrn nlmtiitniiMv fn n an eiitittlln.t mmwvm V a. II V J ... UUII C. l f 1 V l , with organic matter than In stiff clnys, poor with It. In sandy olls thoro Is air enough, but the addition' of humus helps to hold moisture and! so bonlflts tho bacteria as well as the higher plants. :o:- ItELIABLE SOURCES SHERIFF I am a candhlato for the Republican nomination for Sheriff of Lincoln county at tho primaries and will ap preciate your support. My years of service are my best recommendation. A. J. Salisbury :o:- SHBRIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Republican nomination for Slioriff of Lincoln county, subject to tho decision of the voters nt tho primaries on July 18. i .GEORGE W. RHODUS :o: CLERK I hereby announce myself a candi- J dato for the Democratio nomination for Clerk of Lincoln county, subject J to tho decis'ion of tho voters at tho Primaries on July 18th. ' H. S. Haskins I :o:- l CLERK I wish to announce that I am a candidate for tho Republican nom ination for County Clerk subject to tho wil of the voters nt Primary El lection. July 18, 1922. A. S. Allen :o: COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner from tho Second District of Lincoln county, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at tho primary election to be hold July 18, 1922. Chas. O. Jackson well Precinct "A BATTLE OF BRAINS" Moro thnn ever before is this fact evident in business and out. To tho clearest, keenest minds bolonc the spoils of victor'. Defective vision, -which most of us have unknowingly does much to dull tlio brain, to slow us up. Know that your eyes are as nearly 100 per cent as they can bo and should be. An optical specialist will know. See him today. Tomorrow may be the loser DIXON OPTICAL CO. Eyes Tested Lens Ground Slnco sudnn grass was introduced into the United States about 13 years ago, It has bocomo moro widely used each year, both as a pasturo and a hay crop. Its greatest value, In Nebr aska, says tho University of Nebraska Agricultural College, Is its uso as supplementary pasture. A small acre age of this grass will carry more Block thruout the season thnn any other pasture crop except sweet clover, and gives good pasture when othors are dried out. All kinds of sock llko It and do well on It, The seed is cheap nnd it is as easy to grow as millet, is being handled in about tho same way as the latter. It has been known to cause some poison ing but so far no reports of that kind havo come from Nebraskn. It may ho sown with tho ordinary grain drill at tho rao of 20 to 25 pounds per acre, any tlmo from the 15th of May to July 1st The seed bed should bo plowed and well work ed down beforo seeding. It should not bo pastured until it has had about six weeks growth. Earlier than this tho plants aro not. well rooted and may bo killed out. Sudan grass is also regarded as a very good hay crop. It will generally make two cut tings, yielding from 2 to 3 tons to tho acre. Tho hay is very palatable and has a feeding value equal to tim othy. Its greatest feeding value will be obtained If It is cut aB It is well headed out but before It is in full bloom. No doubt many of those farm ers who have wlntor killed wheat, will find tills a very good catch crop. COMPLETE LIST OF CIVIL X YETEHASS BEIJs'G MADE UP The Tribune Is undertaking to make up a complete list of veterans of the Olvil fVnr, who are now living it Lincoln county. Wo wish the list to bo complete and reliable and to that end ask our readers to scan the list given bel6w nnd send us the name of any veteran omitted. Tho following is tho preliminary list: T. C. Patterson Albert Sinoff Luko F. Healcy J. F. Schmalzreid , J. B. Elliott L. M. McDonald J. R. Shaw Eugeno Canrlght Ashley Peters. William 'Soman Cyrus Fox L. D. McFarland Bluo. James Snyder P. J. Oilman (n uddllluu to adding plant food to the soil nnd Improving Its texture, organlo matter, supplied by green manure crops, stable manure, or in any other form, adds greatly to tho moisture holding capacity. It hns been shown, says the United States De partment of Agriculture, that while 100 pounds of sand can hold only 25 pounds of water and 100 pounds of clay 50 pounds, the samo weight ot humus or decaying organic matter will hold 190 pounds. Clay soil containing organic matter is more friable than similar soil with out organic matter. When the organ ic matter Is entirely removed, the clay remains compact during lreeiv ing nnd thawing. When organic mat tor is returned the soil crumbier, af ter freezing, Just as tho original soil. Not only do tho higher plants grow better in n soil rich in organic matter but tho activities ot the soil bacteria aro largely dependent on the supply of decayed vogetable matter. These bacteria need food and arr. Their fcod is the dead vegetable matter, which they break down and mako available to tho higher plants. Most beneficial Do not expect your hens to lay moro eggs or growing chicks to thrive if. they aro Infested with Ilco nnd mites, snys tho poultrymen nt tho Univor-' slty of Nebraska Agricultural College.' Warm days of early summer aro very conductive to rapid multiplication of all vermin which disturbs fowls. Mltcs llVo in tho hen house, In tho crncks' and crovlces of walls, nests, roosts' nnd flooring. In a great mnny cases poultry keepors aro laboring undor tho delusion that whltownsh applied In liberal quantities will eradicate mltcs. Tho truth ot the mnttor Is that when whitewash Is applied, especially with a spay pump, thoro is n crust formed which offers a very tine hid-' Ing place between tho scale or tho' whltownsh and the board. Not long since a lady complained of general unthriftyness of her hens. Somo of them died from tho loss of blood, due' to mites. No mites could bo foundi until some of tho whitewash was scaled off tho roosts. Thousands of mites were found living and breeding' undor tho whitewash. Tho reason vhitownsh will not kill mltcs It that when it Is applied tho mites aro hid-1 ing in cracks, tho whltowash drys1 without having ever touched a mite' It Is better to uso a spray mnde up of thrco pints of good stock dip and ninety seven pints of water. Apply liberally with a spray pump. Another good spray can bo mnde from tho waste cylinder oil from the trnctor or automobile and kereoseno used in cqunl parts. If all the crevices and cracks are sprayed nil of the mites' will bo killed. Anyono interested in crops nnd soils should plnn on attending the first annual Crops and Soil Flold Day at tho University of Nebraska Agri cultural College on Wcdnesdny, Juno 21. At this time nn opportunity will be given to look over and to hear explained the experimental work that is being carried on. Among other things there wil bo n chance to soo and compare many varieties and strains of winter wheat and oats. Some of theso show striking differ ences. Moro than fifty plats showing various time and methods of seed bed preparation for winter wheat oats, and corn promise to offer an inter esting study. Tho effects of different commercial fertilizers and manures on various crops will bo shown. Many varieties of alfalfa, clover and grasses can be examined. Delegations from counties nenr Lincoln aro oxpec '. Bring your picnic dinner to bo oaten on tho collego campus. Tho tour of the fields will start nt 10:00 a. ni. and will bo over In plenty of tlmo for the visitors to reach home tho same day. Seo your county extension ngent regarding tho trip from your County. Those who aro pasturing sweet elo per this year should seo to It that enough stock aro kept on It to keep It eaten down to about six to night Inches in length, suggests tho Uni versity of Ncbrnskn Agricultural Col logc. If this is not done It wilt soon get rnnk, conrso and woody nnd tho flavor will becomo so strong that It will not bo relished. In somo enscs it will bo necessary to put as high as four or five head per aero In ordor to keep' It down. Later In tho season when tho growth is not so rapid the number should bo reduced. Whore sweet clover Is used In addition to a permanent pasture, it is a good plan to chongo tho stock from one to tho other, keoplng them on tho sweet clover long enough to control tho growth. There socms to bo but very llttlo dnngcr of bloat on sweet clover. Whore sweet clover is used for hay,, tho tlmo of cutting is important, par ticularly If It Is the second year's growth. It should bo cut beforo tho crop gets too coarno anrt woody. Whore tho first crop of tho second year's growth is to bo cut for hay, the tlmo of cutting is very importnnt. If let stand too long, tho lower buds on tho stoms will die duo to over shading. Since tho second crop comes from buds along tho stem nnd not from the crown as with alfalfa, It is necessary to cut tho crop high enough to leave llvo buds, a special shoo on tho outer end of tho sickle bar will help in cutting high. If left to long, besides thoro being danger of killing tho crop. Tho hay will be coarse nnd woody. Theso points nro discussed in Fnrmors' Bulletin 820, copies of which nro nvallablo upon request to your county Extension Agent or tho Agricultural College at Lincoln. FARM LOANS Como in and seo mo when In need of Farm Loans. At the present tlm? I can mnwke a few Farm Loans. T. O. SWENSON UNION STATE BANK 1 Agricultural Extension Agonts all over tho state of Nebraska aro report ing that thoy havo received many .calls for poultry culling during tho month of May nnd Juno. A great deal of stress has boon plnccd upon tho fact that there Is n right and a wrong , sonson of tho year for culling. Tho I l rrli onnomi In nflnw tit n lnl t4nnl t iiii ntunui i id ititvi uiu mob I uu hot weather In tho early summer which is usually tho first of July, and until tho first cool weather In the fall which comes usually In tho first part of October. Tho wrong tlmo of tho year to cull is between October first and July first. About Juno first, nt tho Univorsity of Nebraska Agri cultural Collego, a certain hen wns examined nnd found to bo In tho con dition stntcd below. Her comb wns pale, she was losing feathers, her skin wns yellow, tho logs woro well rounded, tho bndomon depth, tho dis tance between tho end of tho brenst bono nnd tho two polvlc bones wns only ono nnd one-half fingers, when it should havo boon four or flvo, tho polvlc, bones were crooked and nar row. All of theso conditions If existing in tho middle of July, would hnvo pointed out very definitely that the hen wns a poor producer. But when this hen's trap nest record waB in vestigated, it wns found that sho had laid ono hundred twenty-four eggs slnco tho first of November. Her poor condition wns duo to tho fact that sho hod been broody for throo weeks. Loss of many valunblo hens is cnuscd by untimely culling. In ono case it I was found that a professional culler had purchased all tho hens ho had placed In contlnmcnt as culls. It tran spired latter that ho had taken all of tho laying hens for ho prleo paid at tho market for tahlo stock. FOR SAL.E .Choice lot ot young Red Poll bulla nt farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Stroot Is your wlfo lonosomo whilo you are away? Send hor Tho Tribune. -:o:- The six millionth Model "T" Ford Motor waB produced May 18th, in the Fdrd factory at Detroit. In other words Prom tho time back In 1908 when tho Ford Motor Company began market ing tho now famous model "T" Motor Can until May 18, 1922, a total of six million Ford Cars and Trucks have boon produced. Out of this total 5,517 95G woro delivered to purchasers In tho United States alone, nnd according to tho litest statistics, 4,478,248 of theso Ford Cars and Trucks aro still in dally aervico. Thus It will bo scon that out ot ovory five Ford Cars and Trucks cold to retail purchasers in tho United Statos alono during tho past fourtc i years, four aro still in actual dally uso. which is really romarkablo when tho hard service of commercial cars is taken into consideration. This seems to forcibly confirm tho popular knowlodgo ot tho longevity of Ford cars. Advertlsomcnt, GROCERIES CHEAP but not CHEAP GROCERIES DEFOREST CASH GROCERY PHONE 212 Wo carry in stock In North Platto a full Btock of Dodgo motor car rc pairs, for your quick sorvlco. Thore Is no othor such service nvailablo in North Platte. J. V, Romlgh, Dealor. L. & S. Groceteria. Brunswick phonographs, Holley Music House. Watch tho Whlttnker Shop windows for bargains. Don't let your broken frames j if if if if . :.: if if if if if if if it j. - -- -- jj i stop your car when North Platto j.j if haso ono of tho best equipped j-j welding shops In western Nebr-, nska and can guarantiee you i'f ns good a weld as can bo had if if anywhoro. Nearly anything that ;j 1b broken can bo mended and save delay of order parts and if tlmo. Wo weld any kind of cast- h if in It j Those who havo harvest com- i ing on bo sure to got your mach- t if inory in order; your mowers, it rakos, headers and binders and it ntlm monMnniMf 1n citrrt in crnf 2t if fixed beforo noedlng them nt, if 8 NORTH SIDE BLACKSMITH $ if if if MEATS I have bought the shop formerly owned by Henry Simon, nt 820 North Locust and will carry a full lino of fresh meats nt fair prices. Give mo a trial. EDW ALL if t.t if if if if SHOP MARTIN WYMAN, PROP. Phone 301 W. I urn Deri Limoer $7500 Worth of Lumber Going at $700 Sale to Start June 14th at the Premises The U. P, Ice Houses nt North Platto will bo sold in sections to suit purchaser. Several of thoso houses havo already been sold. Thero is enough lumberin ono of those houses to build C residences qr cn- ough lumber In ono house to build all tho improvements ever needed on a farm or ranch. ' Thoso houses are 112 -feet long, 32 foot wido nnd 32 febt to tho eavos and aro easily taken down. All are floored with 2 inch plnnks and roofed with tho best ot romovnblo tin. $700 will buy ono Iioubc. ?350 will buy ono half houso. If ono half Is too much to handle alono, got your noighbor to go in with you, Thoro is also 1500 lineal feet ot double deck platform with roof. This will bo sold in 100 foot longths at the rato of $75 per hundred feet. Purchaser will bo given until Novombcr 1st to got lumbor off tho prcmlsos. SEE MR ADAMS AT THE ICE HOUSES When in Omaha stop with us Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of theso hotels. Guests may stop nt any ono of them with tho ns suranco of receiving honest valuo and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY REMEMRER TIIK 1AY AND DATE 10 ONE DAY ONLY I North Platte MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDER Only Real Wild Animal Show on Earth AL. G. BARNES DIG FOUIt DING WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS THE SHOW THAT'S DIFFERENT 1 9HH Performing 1 ( Cage 1 1 A Big Sensational 1UU Animals 1UU Zoo 11U Animal Acts TUSKO A Foot Taller Than Jumbo, FAR LARGER THAN THH LARGEST KLK I'll ANT IN THE WORLD Moro thnn nn elephant say tho scientists. The last ot tho Prehistoric Race of Mammoths. Tho solo Living Link between Civilization and tho Glacial Ages Performing Jungle bred African Lions, Ilengal and Slberlnn Tlgors. Lcopnrds, Jaguars. Pumas, Russian Grizzly and Polar Beurs, Elo phants, Camels, Zebras. Zubus, Llamas, Kangaroos, Hippopotamlo, nhlnoccrl, Giraffes, Ostriches, Hyenas, Ourang Otitangs, Clilmpnnzoos, Dogs, Ponies, Monkeys and Goats. KVEHY ANIMAL AN ACTOR, FVERY ACT AN ANIMAL ACT THE STUPENDOUS FAIRYLAND FANTASY "Alice In Jungleland" Al G. Humes' nowest edition of tho Most Lavish, Gorgeous, Colossal Lyrical Pagent, Iiarbarlc Speetaclo and Opulent Extravaganza Ever Conceived. 1080 PEOPLE 550 HOUSES 1200 WILD ANIMALS MOST AMAZING ANIMAL ACT EXTANT OA Royal Bengal Tigers In One Act OA Including HAJA11, $10,000 wrestling tiger. 100 THE CIRCUS ACT BEAUTIFUL DANCING HORSES ' DANCING GIRLS The world's only performing herd ot Llamas. Tom, Dick and Harry Horse Riding Soals. Hlg Hill AVrestllng Grizzly. Tot nnd Tiny Smallest Educated Horses. Tho World's oniy Educated Zebras 2 Herds. Danger, Dynamise, Cactus, Gun Powdor Just Mules. Tho only performing Camola In tho world, Inaludlntf Holy Moses, Sacred Arabian Black Camel. Tho largest Ilord of Performing Elophnnts. Tho High School nnd Tnngo Dancing Horses. Tho groups of performing South American Pumas. A Soxtotto of Trained Laughing Hyenas. Tho Riding, Driving, Racing Ostriches. Tho Musical Carrier Pigeons. Tho World's only Group ot Performing Ilengal Tigers Tho Funny Clown Pigs. 40 Animal Clowns 1010 peoplo 0 Concert Rands 200 Animal Trnlnors Threo nig Special Trains GO Cars 3 Calliopes. GMTTHWNO TW0.5IILK STREET PA It API! A1M0:!10 Performance Rain or Shlno. 2 nnd 8. p. m. Doors opon at 1 and7 1 .... - See the Big Freerto-Everybody Acts Como Early. There Is Plenty to Isstruct and Anniso. You are Invited to Inapcct tho Coolc Tent or tho Barnes Pre mium Horses In the Stahlo Tents, or any othor Depart ment that may hold for you Particular Tntorost.