The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 16, 1922, Image 2

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'By Eleanor H. Porter
Illustrations by
95. H. Livingstone
Otrrifkl bf n. rrtf
CHAPTER V Continued.
Hut nffer Riippcr lie took mo out
again to sec tin' stars, and lie was
JiiMt ns nice mid friendly us could lie.
Not n bit like n iiinu Unit's only 11
father liy ordor of the court. Hut the
next day I
Well and that's the way It's been
nil tho week. And that's why I say
he's been so queer. One minute he'll
be Jjist as nice and folksy as you
could rtik anybody to bo, and tho very
next lie's looking right through you
ns If he didn't sec you at all, and you
wonder nnd wonder what's tho mat
tor, and If you'vo done anything to
dlsploato him.
Sometimes he stems almost glad and
happy, and then he'll look so sorry
nnd Midi
I Just enn't understand my father
nt nil.
I'm so excited I don't know what to
do. Tho .most wonderful tiling lias
hnpponed. I can't hardly believe It
yet myself. Yet It's so. My trunk Is
nil pricked, and I'm to go home tomor
row. Tomorrow 1
This Is the way It happened:
Mother wrote Ai'iit Jnno and asked
if I might not be allowed to come
home for tho opening of school In
September. She mild she understood
quite well that she had no right to
nBk this, nnd, of course, If they saw
lit, they were entirely within their
rights to refuse to allow me to go un
til the allotted time. Hut that she
could not help asking It for my sake,
on account of the benefit to be derived
from being there at the opening of
the school year.
Of aiurse, I didn't know Mother was
going to write this. Hut she kno
all about the school here, and how I
came out, and everything. I've nhvnys
told Mother everything that has hap
pened. Oh, of course, I haven't writ
ten "every few inlnutes," as she asked
me to. (Thut was a Joke, anyway, of
course.) Hut I havo written every few
days, and, ns 1 said before, I told her
Well, when the letter came 1 took It
to Aunt Jane myself; and I was crazy
to know what was In It, for I recog
nized tho writing, of course. Hut Aunt
Jane didn't tell me. She opened It,
rend It, kind of flushed up, and said,
"Humph I The Idea 1" under her breath,
and put the letter tu her pocket,
Marie wanted to mako a scene nnd
Insist on knowing what was In her
own mother's letter; but Mary con
tented herself with looking superb nnd
lyiughty and dlsdulrful, and marching
out of the room without giving Aunt
Jane the satisfaction of even being
asked what was In that letter.
Hut at the table that noon Aunt
Jane read It to Father out loud, So
that's how I came to know Just what
was lu It. She started Hist to hand It
oyer to him to read ; hut as ho put out
his baud to take It I guess he saw
the handwriting, for he drew hnck
quickly, looking red and queer.
"From Mrs. Anderson to you?" he
asked. And when Aunt .lane uoddcl
her bend he sat still farther back In
Ids duilr and said, with a little wave
of his band, "I never enre to read
other people's letters,"
Aunt .lane said, "Stuff and nonsense,
Charles, don't be silly I" Hut she
pulled back the letter and read rt
after giving u kind ol an uneasy
glance In my direction.
Father never looked up once while
she wus reading It. He kept his oyes
on his plate mid the baked beans lie
was eating. 1 watched him. You see,
I knew, by Aunt Jane's reading the
lcttur to him, that It was something
ho had got to decide; and when I
found out what It was, of course, I
was Just crazy. 1 wanted to go bo.
So I watched Father's face to see If
he wus going to let me go. llut I
couldn't make out. I couldn't make
out nt ull. It changed oh, yes, It
changed 11 great deal as she read; but
I couldn't mako out what kind of a
change It was tit all.
Aunt Jane Uulshed the letter and
began to fold It up. I could see sho
was waiting for Father to speak; but
he never said u word. Ho kept right
on eutlng b'eruis.
Then Aunt Jnno cleared her throat
and spoke.
"You will not let her go, of course,
Charles; but naturally I had to rend
tho letter to you. I will write to Mrs.
Anderson tonight."
Father looked up then.
"jjes," iio Bald quietly; "and you
may toll her, please, that Mary will
"Charles 1"
Aunt Jane sjtl d. th.U Put II b
Mioit ran nr'ound tho tnblo and huggcll
lilrn. (Oh, Ijohj I wish ho wns tho kind
of a father you could do that to I)
"Charles 1" eald Aunt Jnno again.
"Hurely you aren't going to glvo In so
lutnely as this to thn( child and her
I "I'm not giving In at all, Jnno," said
Father, very quietly again. "I am con
sulting my own wishes In the matter.
I prefer to have her go."
I 'most cried out then. Some way,
It hurt to have him say It like that,
right out that he wanted me to go.
You we, I'd begun to think he was
getting so be didn't mind go very much
having me here. All the Inst two
weeks he'd been different, really dif
ferent. Hut iinni' of that anon. I'll
go on with what happened nt the tnble.
And, as I said, I did feel bad to have
him speak like that. And I can re
member now Just bow the lump came
right up In my throat.
Then Aunt Jane spoke, stiff nnd dig
nllled. "Oh, very well, of course, If you put
It that way. I can quite well under
stand Hint j on would want liar to go
for your sake. Hut I thought Hint,
under Hit- circumstances, you would
manage somehow to put up with the
noise and "
"Jane!" Just like that he Interrupt
ed, and he thundered, too, so thnt
Aunt .la no actually Jumped. And I
guess I did, too. He had sprung to
his feet. "Jane, let us close this mat
ter once for all. I am not letting the
child go for my sake. I nm letting
her go for her own. So far as I am
concerned, if I consulted no one's
wMios but my own, I should keep
her hero nlwnys."
With that he turned rum strode from
the room, leaving Aunt Jane and me
Just staring after him.
Hut only for a minute did I stare.
It cnino to mo then what ho had said
that ho would like to keep me hero
nlwnys. For I had beard It, even If he
had said the last word very low, and
In a queer, Indistinct voice. I wns
sure I bad beard It, and I suddenly
realized wlTat It meant. So I ran after
him ; and that time, If I had found
him, I think I would have hugged htm,
llut I didn't find him. Ho must have
gone quite away from tho house, lie
wasn't oven out to tho observatory. I
went out to see.
He didn't come In all the afternoon.
I watched for that, too. And when ho
did come well, I wouldn't hove dnrcd
to hug him then. He had his very
sternest I-nni-not-thlnklng-of-you-nt-nll
air, and he Just came In to supper nnd
then went Into the library without say
ing hardly anything. Yet, some way,
the look on his face made me cry. I
don't kimw why.
The next day he was more as ho has
been since we Find that talk In tho
parlor. And ho has been different
since thcn,.you know. He really has.
He has talked quite a lot with me, ns
I have said, and I think he's been try
ing, part of the time, to ami something
I'll be Interested In. Honestly, I think
he's been trying to make up for Carrie
Hoywood and Stella Mayhew and
Charlie Smith and Mr. Livingstone. I
think that's why be took me to walk
that day In the woods, and why he
took me out to the observatory to see
the stars quite a number of times.
Twice he's asked 1110 to piny to him,
nnd once he asked me If Mary wasn't
about ready to dress up In Marie's
clothes again, Hut he was Joking
then, I knew, for Aunt June was right
there lu the house. Hesldes, I saw the
twinkle In his eyes that I've seen there
once or twice before. I Just love that
twinkle lu Father's eyes I
Hut that hasn't come any since
Mother's letter to Aunt Jane arrived.
He's been the same In one way, yet
different In another, Honestly, If It
didn't seem too wildly absurd for any
thing, I should sny he was actually
sorry to have me go. Hut, of course,
that Isn't possible. Oh, yes, I know he
said that day at the dinner table that
ho should like to keep me always. Hut
I don't think he really meant It. He
hasn't acted a mite like that since, and
I guess be said It Just to hush up Aunt
Jane, and make her Stop arguing the
Anyway, I'm going tomorrow. And
I'm so excited I can hardly breathe.
When I Am Both Together.
Well, I came last night. Mother and
Grandfather and Aunt Ilattle nnd
Haby Lester all met 1110 at the station.
And, myl wasn't 1 glad to see them?
Well, 1 just guess I was I
I was specially glad on account of
having such n dreadful tlmo with Fa
ther that morning. I mean. I wns
feeling specially lonesome and home
sick, and not-beloiiglnganywhero like.
You sco, It was this way: I'd been
sort of hoping, I know, that at the Inst,
when I came to really go, Father
would get back the understanding
smile and the twinkle, nnd show that
he really did caro for me, and wni
sorry to have me go. Hut, dear mo!
Why, ho never was so storn and sol
emu, and you're-my-danghtor-only-by-tho-order-of-the-court
Borl of way as
ho was that morning,
Ho never even' spoke at tho breuk-fuqt-tubto,
(Ho wasn't there hardly
long enough to speak, unywny, nnd he
nover ate n thing, only his coffee I
mean ho drank It.) Then ho pushed
his chair back from the table and
stalked out of the room.
Ho went to tho station with mo;
bt bo didn't tnlk there much, only to
nsk If I was sure I hadn't forgotten
anything, nnd wns 1 warmly clad.
Warmly clad, Indeed 1 And there It
wns still August, and hot as It could
bol Hut that only goes to show how
absent-minded lib wns, and how little
ho was really thinking of me I
Well, of course, ho got my ticket and
chocked my trunk, mid did nil thoso
proper, necessary things; then wo sat
down to wait for the train. Hut did
ho stay with mo and talk to mo nnd
toll 'mo how gla'l ho had been to havo
niQ-WUh hjui, and how $orry ho wns
to have me go, and all the oilier nice,
polite things 'most 'everybody thinks
they've got to say when n visitor goes
nwny? He did not. He asked me
again If I was sure I bad not left any
thing, mid w 11s I warmly clad; then he
took out his newspaper and began to
read. That Is, ho pretended to rend;
but I don't believe he read much, for
he never turned the sheet once; nnd
twice, when I looked at him, he wns
looking Hxedly at me, as If ho was
thinking of something. So I guess he
was Just pretending to rend, so he
wouldn't hnve to folk to me.
Hut he didn't even do that long, for
ho got up and went over and looked nt
a map hanging on the wall opposite,
nnd at a big time-table near the other
corner. Then he looked nt bis watch
ngiiln with a won't-thnt-trnln-cver-come'
air, and walked back to me nnd
sat down.
And bow do you suppose I felt, to
have him net like that before all those
people to show so plainly that be was
Just longing to have me go? I guess he
wasn't any more anxious for that train
to come thnn I wns. And It did seem
11S If It never would come, too. And
It didn't come for nges, It was ten
minutes late.
Oh, J did so hope he wouldn't go
down to the Junction. It's so hnrd to
be trTken care of "because It's my duty,
you know !" Hut he went. I told him
he needn't, when he wns getting on
the train with me. I told him I Just
knew I could do It bonutlfully all by
myself, iilmost-a-young lady like me.
Hut he only put his Hps together hard,
and said, cold, like Ice: "Are you then
so eager to bo rid of mo?" Just as If
I was the one that wns eager to get
rid of somebody!
Well, as I said, he went. Hut he
wasn't much better on the train than
he had been in the .station. Ho was as
nervous nnd fidgety ns a witch, and he
acted as If he did so wish It would bo
over, and over quick. Hut at the
Junction nt tho Junction 11 funny thing
happened. He put me 011 the train,
Just ns Mother had done, aiirt spoke to
the conductor. (How I bated to have
him do thnt I Why, I'm six whole
months older, 'most, thnn I was when
I went up there 1) And then, when
he'd put me In my seat (Father, I
menu; not the conductor), all of n sud
den he lenned over and kissed me;
kissed me Father ! Then, before I
could speak, or even look nt him, he
wus gone; and I didn't see him again,
though It must hnve been five whole
minutes before that train went.
I had a nice trip down to Ho'itoh,
though nothing much happened. This
conductor was mil near so nice and
polite as the one I had coming up;
and there wasn't any lady with a
baby to play with, nor any nlco young
gentleman to loan me magazines or
buy enndy for me. Hut It wasn't n very
long ride from the junction to Hoston,
anyway. So I didn't mind. Hesldes.
I knew I hnd Mother waiting for me.
And wasn't I glad to get there?
Well, I Just guess I wasl And they
acted as If they were glad to see me
Mother, Grandfather, Aunt Ilattle, and
even Haby Lester. He knew me, and
remembered me. He'd grown n lot,
too. And they said I had, and that I
looked very nice. (I forgot to say that,
of course, I had put on the Marie
clothes to come home In though I
honestly think Aunt .lane wanted to
send me home In Mary's blue gingham
and calfskin shoes. As If I'd have ap
peared In Hoston lu hat rig !)
My, but It was good to get Into an
nutomoblle again nnd Just go! And It
was so good to have folks around you
dressed In something besides don't-care
black alpaca and stiff collars. And I
said so. And Mother seemed so
"You did want to come back to me,
darling, didn't you?" sfie cried, giving
me a little hlig. And she looked so
happy when I told ,her all over again
how good it seemed to be Marie again,
and have her and Boston, and automo
biles, and pretty dresses and folks
and noise again.
She didn't say anything about Father
then; but Inter, when we were up In
my pretty room alone, and I wns tnk
lug off my things, she yiade me tell
her that Father hadn't won "my love
nway from her, and that I didn't love
htm better than I did her; mid that
I wouldn't rather stay with him tiinn
with her.
Then she askod 1110 a lot of questions
about what I did there, and Aunt June,
nnd how she looked, nnd Father, and
was he as fond of stars ns ever (though
she must have known 'most everything
'cause I'd already written It, hut she
asked tuo Just the same.) And uo
8cemed real Interested In everything I
told her.
And she nsl&d was he lonesome;
and I told her no, I didn't think so;
and that, anyway, be could huve nil
the ladle' company he wanted by Just
being around when they called. And
when she asked what I meant, I told
her about Mrs. Darling, and the rest,
nnd how they came evenings nnd Sun
days, and how Futher didn't Uko them,
but would lleo to the observatory. And
she laughed and looked funny,. for a
minute, llut right nway sho changed
and looked very sober, with the kind
of expression she has when sho stnnds
up In church and says the Apostles'
Creed on Sunday; only this time sho
dd sho -was very sorry, she was suro;
that she hoped my father would And
tomo estlmablo woman who would
mnko a good homo for him.
By virtue of tho authority vostod
In 1110 by law nnd in nccordanco with
Section 2159 of tho Rovlsed .Statute
of Nebraska, I, A. S. Allen, County
Clerk of Lincoln County, Stato of
Nobraskn, do horeby 'Iroct nnd pro
claim that a Prima 1 y Election bo
hold In tho several vol ng placcB
within Lincoln County, Stnto of Nebr
aska, on Tuesday tho 18th day of
July 1922, during tho hours d( t
cd by law for tho following purpora,
For the nomination by each of tho
political parties ono candidate for
I'nited States Senator.
For tho non-political nomlnutlon of
two candidates for Judge of tho Sup
remo Court for tho Sixth Supremo
Court Judicial District as provided
by the Constitution of the State of
For tho nomination by each of the
political parties of ono candldato for
Congressman from the Sixth Congres
sional District within the State of
For tho nomination by each qf the
political partlos of the following can
didates for Stato Offices, to-wlt
Ono Governor
Ono Lieutenant Governor
Ono Secretary of State.
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts
Ono Stato Treasurer
Ono Attornoy Gcnciui
Ono Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildlugs.
Ono Railway Commissioner
For tho non-political nomination of
two candidates for Stato Superintend
ent of Public Instruction, as provided
by law.
For tho nomination by each of the
political parties one cantfidajto for
Stato Senator from tho 30th Senat
orial District as apportioned by the
Session laws of 1921.
For tho nomination by each of the
political parties of one candldato for
the State Representative from the 89th
District as apportioned by. the Session
Laws or 1921.
For tho nomination by each of the
political' parties of ono candidate for
Stato Representative from tho 90th
District as apportioned by tho Session
Laws of 1921.
For the nomination by each of the
political parties of tho following can
didates for County Offices, to-wlt
Ono County Clerk.
Ono County Treasuror
Ono Register of Deeds
One Sheriff
Ono County Attorney
" Ono County Survoyor
Ono County Commissioner from the
2nd District.
For tho non-political nomination
of two candidates for County Super
intendent of Public Instruction as
provided by law.
Polls will open at 8 a. m. and re"
main open until 8 p. m. of the same
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed my official
seal this 20th day of May, A D. 1922.
A. S. Allen
(SEAL) County Clerk
ASKA. To tho ownors of the record of nil
property adjaceut to or abutting Upon
the streets hereinafter described and
all persons Interested therein.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that tho Mayor and jCityj
Council of the' city of North Platte
did under date of Juno 2, 1922 pass
and npprove a certain ordinnnco form
ing and creating paving district No.
15 of the city of North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nobraskn. And that tho fol
low.lng streots including tho Intersec
tions thereof within tho limits of the
i 1 . . nHA ...iii.i.. 1 .i . . 1
uiLy uiu uuiuiu iHi-i niuuii Bum jiuvuiki
district to-wlt: All that portion of
Second Street commencing at- tho
west lino of the Intersections of Sec
ond Street nnd Dewey Stroot in said
city of North Platte, running thence
west along said Second Street to tho
east lino of tho Intersection of said
Second Street with Oak Street or the
city of North Platto, Lincoln County
Nobraska, and commencing at tho
north lino of tho Intersection of Third
Stroot nnd Ash Stroot in said city
running thence north to tho south
llnq of tho intersection ot Fourth
Streots and Ash Streots in said city
and commencing in said city running
north along Maplo Stroot to tho south
lino ot tho Intersection ot Fourth
Street with said Maplo Street and
commencing at tho north lino ot tho
Intersection of Fifth Street nnd Maplo
Stroot in said city running thonco
north nlong said Maplo Street to tho
south lino ot tho Intersection of Cth
street nnd Maplo Street in snld City
ot North Platto Nebraska, there to
Unloss objoctions aro filed as re
quired by stotuto within twenty days
from tho first publication fo'f this
nottco, tho Mayor and City Council
shall proceed to construct such pav
ing. Dated this Cth day ot Juno, 1922.
Attest: 0. E ELDER, Mayor
City Clork (SEAL)
Swlod bids will bo rocolvod at tho
offico of tho Stato Dcpartmont ot Pub
lic Works, fourth floor Brownoll Block
at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock,
noon, on Juno 12, 1922, for gravel, sur
facing, culverts and incidental work
on tho North Platto-Vroman Crossing
Project No. 170, Federal Aid Road.
BId3 will be opened nnd contracts
let in tho Senate Chamber, Capital
Building an fast ns practicable aftor
tlmo for filing bids is closed. County
Hoards nro hereby requested to bo
present or represented. Bidders aro
Invited to bo present.
Tho proposed work consists of con
structing 2G.320 miles of Gravel road.
Tho approximate quantities are:
18,500 Cubic yards earth excava
tion. 1,191.04 Stn. Blado grader construc
tion. 17,500 Cu. Yds. Clay excavation
for Binder.
100 Cu. Yds. Special excavation
Class A Grading.
100 Cu. Yds. Special excavation
Class B Culvert.
0,000 Cu. Yds. Sta. overhaul.
14,500 Cu. Yds. Mi. Hauling clay
for binder.
27.25 Cu. Yds. Coucrcto for Head
walls. 552 Lin. ft Wood Guard rail.
78 Lin. ft- 18 In. Corrugated
40 Lin. ft. 21 in. Corrugated
20 Lin. ft 30 in. Corrugated
280,711 Sq. Yds. 4x20 Gravel surfac
ing. 21,027 Sq. Yds. 3x20 Gravel sur
facing. 0,333 Sq- Yds. 2x20 Gravel sur
facing. Class B, Grading.
200 Cu. Yds. Special excavation
Certified chock for 5 per cent ot tho
amount' of tho bid will bo required
with each and ovory bid received.
Plans and specifications for the
work may bo seen and information
and proposal forms secured at tho of
fico ot tho County Clerk at North
Platte, Nobraska or at tho offico rt
the Stato Department of Public Works
nt Lincoln, Nebraska.
Tho State and County resorvo the
right to waive all technicalities and
reject any or nil bids.
County Clerk, Lincoln County.
According to city ordinance, weeds
within the city must be cut in Juno.
I will start to cutting on June 20 and
charge the expense to the ownors of
the vacant lots and tho adjoining
John Jones.
Road Overseer
Estate of Rhoda A. Edmiston de
ceased in the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska
The Stato of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested in said Estate take
notice that a petition has been filed
for tho administration of said estate
and for the appointment of Edwin W
Wright as Administrator of said estate
which has been set for hearing herein
on June 30, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated May 29, 1922.
Seal County Judge.
We havo stored in a public ware
houso in North Platto a now high
grade player piano which for quick
sale, will bo sold at a tremendous
sacrifice. Terms to any responsible
parrty. If Interested write quick for
particulars to
The Denver Music Company
Denver, Colorado.
Taken up by th. undersigned at
2100 East Sixth street, County ot Lin
coln, Stato of Nebraska; on tho 9th
day of May 1922: Ono whito-faccd
3-ycar old heifer; brand on left side.
H. V. Pastuod, on F. J. Breemer's
Dated this lGth day ot May 1922.
Signed: W. D. CRAIG.
W. E. Shuman, Attornoy
To Addison E. Erb, executor of tho
ostato of Henry B. Erb, deceased,
Addison B. Erb and Ellzaboth Erb,
his wife, Gonora E. Benncthum nnd
Clinton Bonncthum, her husband, Lin
nlo Kirk nnd Reuben Kirk, her hus
band, Harry Erb and Donald Gratf,
a minor.
You and each of you aro heroby
notified thnt tho First National Bank
of Freoport, Illinois, a corporation,
commonced nn action In the D'strlct
Court ot Lincoln County, Nobraska,
on May 29, 1922 against, you and each
of you as defondonts, tho object and
prayor of tho petition filed in said
action boing to forocloso a certain
mortgago mado, oxecuted and dollvorod
by ono Henry B. Erb (slnco decoas
od) tf the First National Bank ol
Freoport, Illinois, a corporation, on
May 14, 1920 nnd which mortgago
was given to securo paymont ot a
note in tho principal sum of Fifteen
Hundred and no 100 dollars ($1,500)
bearing tho samo dato and with in
terest nt 7 por anum from said date,
tho said mortgago conveying to tho
said plaintiff as socurlty for tho pay
ment ot said debt, all of tho North
wast Qunrtor (NWVi) of section Fivo
(5) In Township Fifteen (15) North
ot Rango Thirty (30) Wost of C p, m.
in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and bo
lng recorded on May 21, 1920 in Mort
gago Record 56 at Pago 9 ot tho Re
cords of Lincoln County, Nebraska
nnd to cause tho said premises to bo
sold to sntisfy tho amount duo upon
said mortgngo nnd to bar tho defend
ants and each of them from all in
terests, rights, title nnd equity of re
demption in tho said premises.
You are required to answer said
petition on or boforo tho 17th day
of July, 1922.
PORT, ILLINOIS, A Corporation.
By Wm. E. Shuman -
Its Attornoy
Notice is horoby given that the co
partnership composed of Carlton E.
Portor and Henning G. Andersoii
heretofore entered nuo on tho 3rd
day of October 1921, for tho conduct
ing of an electrical contracting bus!
noss and retail electric shop, was dis
solved on tho 15th day ot March 1922,
said Honnlng Anderson, withdrawing
from said firm and tho said Carlton
E. Portor continuing to operato saiu
business under tho former name of
Portor Elcctlc Company, ho to assume
and pay all indebtedness of said firm
and to receive all accounts collec
table and all assets of said firm.
Polled toninloes plan'cd now will
bear In July. C. J. Pass, Florist.
for less money
Makes or Repairs anything mado of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
510 Locust Under General Hospital
joiln s. snnis, d.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank- Building
Office Phone 83 Residence 38
Practice Limited to Diseasseof
Women and Surgery
Over Rexall Drug Store
Phones: Office 127 Resldonco G56
Physician and Surgeon
Dlagnoss and Treament
Over Union Stato Bank
Offico Phone 29GW Houso Phone 296R
Physician nnd Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130 Residence 115
X-Itay Diagnosis Oxygen and
Gns Anesthesia for Extractions.
Ovor Union State Bank
Phono 290.
Licensed EmhaliiMrs
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 5d8
Eyes examined, Glasses fitted. Sat
isfaction, sure, Clinton (c Son
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and ex
assistant lloputy Stato Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vino Street
Phones. Hospital 033 Residence C35
For dates and terms call at
First National Bank
North Platto, Nob.
DR. REDFIELD -Physician,
Obstclrlclan, Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day
Phones. Offico G42 Residence G7G
Ovor Hlrschfeld's
Offico Phono 332 Ros. Phono 1020
Rooms 5. G, 7 Building & Loan Bldg
Offico Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242
Offico Phono 241 Ros. Phono 217
Osteopathic Physician .
North Platte, Nohraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.