N TUESDAY and TltlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE 16, 1922. NO. 4G. TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE EXPECTED bnormous ckowr will in: tak. kn cake of qn july fourth Indications now are that at least twentieth's thousand poole will soo tho auto ' races at the fair grounds on Julv Fourth. At lanat tills la Mm number which the managers tiro plan-' DuBenl)Ur my car is roistered VAIL ASKS TO ENTER FOURTH OF JULY HACKS AS NWIHER FOUR A rocont letter from Ira Vale at In dianapolis Informs Manager Crawford of tho Fourth of July races that ho has always used No. 4 on li ts car and asks that he bo allowed to use that number at North Platto. lie says "I trust this will bo agroonblo to you as I expect to have my car repainted before shipping it to North Platte.'' In a postscript ha says "In all your future advertising, program, etc. please refor to my car as a Duson burg Straight Eight and not Phllbrln- with the A. A. A. as a Dusonborg spe cial." nlng to take care of. The grand stand has been sold out. During the com ing week the auto parking spaces n:ARQUAimMSOF THE HRANCH wju uu uu brio, me space witnm me quarter stretch will be seated with plantyi where thousands can bo ac comodated. Theso seats Willnot be raised off thaground and so will not obstruct, the view of tho other sido of the race track. Guards, police, ush ers, tioket takers, gatemun, ticket sell ers and all other officials used in tak ing care of the crowds aro being se lected and coached in handling the big crowd. Tho American Logion is putting on these races and it is intrust ed to look after the safety of all. A statement issued yesterday by Com mander Selby said in part, "A six foot woven wire fence will' be placed around the inside of the track ranging from a distance of sixty foot frbm the straightaway to two hundred feet from the curves. This will insure safety and inside this fence will bo constructed at least six rows of soats around the entire circumference, thus accomodating at least six thousand people inside the track and so con structed that it will not obstruct the view from the grand stand, the bleach ers of tho car parking spaces. By this plan along with other details of en larging the seating capacity, we will be ablo to comforatably seat tho near ly 20,pQ0 people who expected. f--'"- , .;05 ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Connelly left Wednesday for Brady to attend tho wedding of Miss Delia Donaldson and Herman Kerr. They wore married Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. Shan er. Mrs. Kerr was principal of tho Lincoln school last year. ROADMASTER MOVER TO CURING Roadmaater C. IS. Souser is this woek moving his office to Gering and W. II. Daly, local time keeper has been appointed as his chief clerk. Whon the extension, which has been built to Cottier, Wyoming, is taken over, tho branch district will be about 200 miles long. Since North Platto is not oven on tho branch it was con sidered best to take tho roadmnster's office to a point from which ho could easily cover the division. Gering was selected andfor the time it will be tho headquartors. SERIES OF GAMES TO UK PLAYER WITH CAMHRIDGE TEAM SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS items of interest about re cent happenings' ln this community C. IS. Simmons of Scotts lilurr was in North Platto the other day on his way home from tho University com moiioement exercises which ho attend ed last wdok. While In Lincoln Mri Summons entered his name for th republican nomination for congrts man to succeed M. P. Klnkaid POULTRY CULLING REMONSTKA. TIONS TO HE GIYKN 1IY SPECIALTIST F. C. Old of Lincoln, Unlv'orslty In tension spocinllst will mnko talks on poultry raising nnd will give culling demonstrations nt tho following placos In Lincoln county: Juno 20 at tho C. J. Fernstrom farm about sixteen miles north of Brady at 10:30 a. m. and at Henry's grove nonr Harry Goodonow farm at 3 p. m. June 27 at Bignoll beroro tho poul try club at 10 a. m. and at the Fred Peckham farm ijbout twelve miles southeast of Brady at 2 o'clock. Everyono interested in" Poultry rais ing is invited to attend one or more of these meetings, all of which are free. miles a year, the.v would pile up,. ft total or twenty-five billion trfttts-F Donation miles which is equtvaltttP to- more than a million trips around the world- Who says that we (IQM'i travel some in this age. One of the strongest teams In the southern part of tho state is to bo hero today, tomorrow and Sunday. It is tho team from Cambridge. Tho bunch 1b managed by Jake Kranigor. who last year made a name for him self In the Golorado stflile lcagiu(. The local team is in fine r8rm nnd will givo a good account of itself. Mannger Peterson has called attention to tho fact that tho week-day games do not get as good crowds as tho 'Sunday games nnd yet thero is acon- stant complaint against Sunday baso ball. So he has scheduled tho series with tho hopes that It will satisfy all and be well supported In attendance. ' - :o: Victor, Viotorolns, Holley Music House. if if t.t :.: :.: i.i i.t 3.i if n -. i.t :.: j: if if i.t :ti :3t V . .: :.: :: i.t tf :.: if tf it i.t i.t .:: :.: U it i.t n . :,: .it tf :.: :.: :.$ i.t i.t t.t i.t if i.t i.i if i.t i.t i.t i.t tf :.: :.: if A 3D ecia AND- Demonstration Saturday, June 17 of H. P. Lau's Mi-Lady Coffeo and National Biscuit Co.'s Crackers nnd Cookies. Come and get a good cup of coffee It is freo, with cream.. Crackers and Coffee will bo sold at cost on this date. Nabiscos, per lb. ' .30 Fig Nowtons, per lb k 1 .18 Prem Soda Crax, per lb. .14 Graham Crackers, per lb. . .14 Cheese Tid-Bits, per pkg.. rJa .05 Lemon Snaps, per pkg. . ,05 Nabiscos, 2 pkgs. .15 Macaroon Snaps, per pkg ? 1 - .05 Zu-Zu Snaps, pkg. .05 U-Ncedn Biscuit, per pkg. , .05 We have just recently opened up our shoe repair shop with all tho latest machlnory to do good work nnd with Mr. Walters from Brownfiold, 111., a man of many years experience, will do a half solo job for you on tho above dates at 25 conts off o regular prico and to ovory porson who brings a pair of shoes to our place bctveon 10 and 11 o'clock for repair, will get a slico of water melon freo, and ovory person who is in our grocory department for an order of groceries between 10 and 11 o'clock will recolvo a slico of water molon free. Sugar is going up, wo are going to givo you a chance to get somo moro cheap sugar before another ralso on tho market. On tho above dates wo aro going to sell you 10 pounds of sugar for G9 conts, only 10 pound packago to a porson. 0 Wo are also going to introduce GOLDEN WET Flour, manufactured by tho now North Platto Flavo, Mills, just recently opened up for busi ness. You can get a slico of bread made from flour milled tho day beforo tho baking. COFFEE, COOKIES, BREAD AND WATER MELON FREE Everybody come, thoro will bo plenty of help to wait on you. McMichael Grocery ' Phono ill if i.t i.t if it it if J.t .: if i.t if i.t it i.t if if t.t t.t if, if if if i.t it if if i.t if i.t if if if t.t if t.t t.t if i.t t.t if t.t if if if i.t t.t if if Someone has figured that If Malt Rm! ''8 l,T0v8n M'hself to be efficient of the Ford cars now in owraUto "n.( .(lepen,ab,& Ul announcement would travel a mlnlmupi of M1, 0Wn,, 9lMwhr in tllls l"er- A telegram reeetved this weeX shows the wide publicity which the Fourth or July races havo attained. It Is from one of the Chevrolet bro thers at Indianapolis and asks if it Is too late to mnke. entry for the race. Another telAffram tmnt W W Tr m thing which the Union PatUflO,ot KftnBflB ntv ,avH; .,,,, ,TaIa. is undertaking which wil mak. U came througJl ere ,n8t nJ ditibnal work on ts line. Is the told me you are going to have auto ing of new gravel on its tracks Crwn!race8 there on the Fourth. Tf so, Korty, a siding Just west of Pnxtnn,; pl9age mRl, mo ontr bI.inlg , llflVfi to NorUi Platte. The track t.e;, mm& vei.y fnst cnr lMt ,, bi raised about four inches with Uti jiew gravol. The estimate calls for! In commenting on tho different 1,700 cars of new gravol. " " I makes of oars entered in the Fourth lof July races, Manager Crawford said The committee in charge of the nr yesterday "You will notice that in rangements for the Fourth of July '( the Indianapolis races seven possible races at the Fair grounds announcd prizes out of the ten offered wero won that it has made plans for water, lea- by drivors of Dusenberg cars. Thoro cream and other necessities to bo sold in the quartor strotch. This will bo appreciated by those who will at tend the races, especially if It should bo a warm day. 4, Lincoln Word wns received from Wednesday t'nt William S. Davis has passed the examinations given by tho Nebraska State -Boards of PharmajL ManagSi; ..Cooper of thq .Northwest mm huh uuuu icuuiiuiiuiiuuu lur 11 pos ition as a registered phamaclst. Will are two Dusonborg cars ontorod in tlie North Platto races and ono of thorn is boing driven by ono of tho drivors who won a prize in tho In dianapolis races. I rofor to Ira Vail who took eighth placo in tho big race thoro and won $1,(100 with his Dusonborg." Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Davis of this city and has been attending tho University of Nebraska School of Pharmacy. Judge Bruno I. 'Hostetler of Kearn ey was in tho city Thursday looking after his candidacy for congressman from tho Sixth district urn tho Repub lican ticket. Ho has been Judge for eighteen years and would now like to take Congressman Kinkaid's placo in tho Houso of Representatives. Judgo Hostotler has many friends hero who would be glad to have him in Congress. Theodore Lowe, Jr. returned from Laramie Wednesday and at once com pleted his filing for the nomination for County Clerk on tho Democratic ticket. Mr. Lowe was born In North Platto about thlrty-fivo years ago and attended tho public schools here. He has been an employee of tho Union, Pacific railway for a number of years orn Boll Tolophono, North Platto ex change was tolling the othor dny what a porson should do in coso a fire was to bo roportcd. IIo said tho porson reporting tho fire should call Central and toll tho oporator to call tho firo station, thon hold tho line until tho firo station answers nnd glvo oxact directions us to whero tho firo is" It Is not enought to say that thero is a firo at Jones on west Third Streot snid Mr. Cooper, " for thoro may bo moro than ono Jones on that street and tho driver of tho firo truck may not know where any of them livo. Ho is moro interested in knowing wncthor tho firo is in tho 200 block or in tho 1900 block on west Third street. UIvo tho street nnd number nnd stay by it until you arc suro they havo it right." Tho directions aro interesting nnd vnuablo nnd may bo uspful to anyone at any time. SCHOOL BOARD HASJHE POWER SUIOOL DANCE QUESTION HAS HE EN Sl.Tri.KI) HY SUPHE.ME cuuirr The following ellintlng from the Nebraska State Journal will be of In terest to those who have followed tlie history of the contention that oroao here, about allowing dapces in the Franklin tchool auditorium. The final decision in n nice nttle town row from North Plntte was handed down by the supremo court Monday when it held that the board of education was within Its legal rights in permitting supervised dances to be held in the Franklin high school building. A number of taxpayers and patrons insisted Uiat sehoolhouees built by public moneys should not be used for such purposes. Somo objected on re ligious grounds to their children danc ing and the children thus required by parents to stay at home made life un pleasant for the parents. They de sired the cause of irritation removed. The court says the legislature has the power to bostow upon school au thorities unlimited control and dis cretion in tho use of school property within constitutional limitations and that In a city Uie board may permit use of public school buildings for public assemblages and In the rural districts the electors may, at their an nual mooting, permit such use and fix tho rental. IOWA .HAN OPKNS A GROCERY IN HOOJI ON LOCUST , STREET J. V. Roblson enmo here recently from Lnvorno, Iowa nnd soolng tho possibilities of n small grocery storo on Locust streot He secured tho room formorly occupied by tho Economy grocory and lntor by tho Esliloman Feed Storo nnd hns opened up n gro cery and fruit mnrkot. IIo Is prepared to handle all kinds of stnplo and fancy groceries, fruits and vogotnblos nnd will also handle soft drinks aim con fectionary. Mr. Roblson nt ono timo lived on a farm wet of North Plnlto and is well known, by the old settlors in Uiat community. He thinks thero is a great future for North Platto and' wants to get into the huslnoss Hfo of such a community. The Trlbuno extends its best' wishes to the now store. vi, to:- LEIBCTRTC LIGHT COMPANY SHIPS COAL SUPPLY FROM NEW MEXICO The first cars of New Mexico coal for the North Platte Llglt & Power Company arrived' here this woek and will be used to build up the fast dis appearing nlntr'days supply which was stored at the outset of Uie conl strike. Managel,C. It. Moroy, in n statement issued this week says "Tho coal from NoyfS Mexico, now boing received is coaling twice ns much as is ordinnrlly paid' for coal but wo p.ro determined that nothing shall spoil our record for uninterrupted servicer to our customers, regardless of tho cost" Mr. Moray stated that this Is the first timo it has been necessary to ship coal such a distance but that the tie-up in the northern fields is so complete that, coal cannot bo so curcd nny closer. -:o:- Mrs. Thos. Watts loft Tuesday for Nampa, Idaho where she will spend tho summer. E Music In The Air m Radjo activity, they tell us, lias j j added to tho air thousands of now Sj j sound waves. I Thoro's ono now note, how6vor, jl which tho farmer and rancher may al- x M jl ready have detected without tho aid fcj j of nn instrument. It's tho NEW OP- 1 TIMISM that camo a few months ngo Ml III j when business took on n moro steady, j oven tono. ?m I Haven't you noticod it? Let's work m now to keep business sonnd and 7 I rational ' l i Platte Valley State Bank j MORNING HOCK nGKT I The Peak Load When the dingy fln&ei begins to smudge the sky, John Smith "calls it a day," puts on his hat and goes home. He's tired and hungry. A million other "John Smiths" are also Urdu and hungry, and they're all going home. And then elec tricity enters tlie scone. In the little blaclc square above you can see wncn most electric power is consumed. At nght! Night with its crowded street cars with its electrically light ed homes, "movies" and all. Night turned into day by elec tricity. We your electric com pany carry a tremendous bur den from the time John Smith leaves his office until ho winds the clock and puts out the cat. True, there are constant indus trial demands for unending power throughout tho day. But tho "peak load" of lighting for every electric company is after the world's workers havo end ed their day's toil. Wo aro proud of our responsibility to you proud to be ablo to ren der Uninterrupted Service even during tho "peak load" oven though tho electric light de mand of our busy customers is crammed into a few small hours of the night. Un 1X AnPt- d North Platte Light . & Power Co,