THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CHATS WITH YOUR GAS MAN The luxuries of yestordny have b'ccohle the necessities of flny. We have only to think of gas, telephones, electric lights, and street cars to appreciate this, and wontlor how people over lived without them. Tliatils. tojpur public utilities, tho most Yftlqient form of co operative bjifslhoss, these ser vices havol)ecoino commonplace things of daily life. Gas service, for instance, is at our command so easily that wo accept and use It as a matter of course, without a though of how It got there. Yet it has not simply "happen ed", or like Topsy, "Just grow ed." The story of its origin',- grow th and place in tho life of tho nation is romance made reality. It shows tho result of labor, In vestment and directing genius, al uniting to render a service bo lndispensiblo as to deservo tho good-will of every community fortunate enough to obtain it. North Platte Light & Power Co. lMcnlc Tho Methodist Ilrothorhood and tholr families held a picnic last ovon ing at the city park. Killed allied at Slumer Miss Hessle Smith entertained this noon at a luncheon In honor of Miss Loretta Murphy, n brldo of this week. Kntortnlns nt Parly. Miss Lois Hnrt entertained her Sun day School Class In the parlors of the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon. Entertained a'. Slioivor Mrs. C. J. Pass ontertnlned last evening at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Loretta Murphy, a bride-to-be. DoMolay The members of the DoMolay hold llnltlatlon Friday evening two now members were taken in. They wero Qunlcy Wilcox and ITomor Speckham. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Choir Enter' nined ' Mrs. C. S. Trovlllo entertained tho Catholic Choir at the Catholic School Thursday evening. Twenty guests wero present. At tho closo of tho ov- u ening a dainty luncheon was served. richlc. I Tho Travel and Study Club will hold n picnic this evening in tho hills south of tho city. All members of the club and their families are invited. I Entertains nt Shower. I Mrs. Dewey Lawrence and Mrs. E. . S. Gllnes entertained at a tin shower j Friday evening at the Math'ewison' ,homc in honor of Miss Era Mason, a . bride of this month. Broken hearts love those who send 'em Fragrant flowers with which to mend 'em. Nothing clears up an t understanding like a gift of flowers. As the "sflh 'iljisiifals tlld ' dow, they clear the way to a Jiappy understanding, and continued friendliness. 'THE OTTO PIATTF FLORAL CO. J FLOWERS AND PLANTS W WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AC VnilD DUflWCI' Enjoy a Hike I The Young Ladles Class of the i Presbyterian church enjoyed a Jilkc , Friday evening. The girls hiked out , to the old campflre camp, about twelve girls making the hike. I Entertains At A Dance ! Miss Jlablo Kemper will entertain at a farewell dance Saturdnv nlsjbt at her home on ppt "ncond street in honor' of Lillian and Violet Kopf who are leaving Monday to spend the sum mer in the east. V PHONE 1023 When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Everything first class and prices reasonnble. Opposite Union Pacific Station. Yonnir CoHple JWeils ' Miss Cora McNeil of Hershey and Ben Yates of Perry, Towa were mar ried Sunday noon ;at tho Catholic church, Ttev. McDald officiating. Tho young couple was attended by Mr, and Mrs W. E. Miles of this city. They loft Sunday evening for a two weoks honovmoon to be snent in Perry and Dos Moines, Towa. Upon their return thev will make their home on a farm near Hershey. 5;: i'.t i.i :: Don't let your broken framos stop your car when North Platto base ono of tho best oqulpped welding Bhops in western Nebr aska and can guarantteo you as good a weld as can be had anywhere. Noarly anything that is broken can bo monded and save dolay of order parts and time. Wo weld any kind of cast ing. Those who have harvest coin ing on be sure to got your mach inery in order; your mowers, rakos, headers and binders and otho machinery, bo suro to got fixod beforo needing thorn at, NORTH SIDE BLACKSMITH SHOP MARTIN WYMAN, PJtOP. Phono 301 W. i.i it :.: y it ft :.: :.: t.t IV g i.t ' . 1 :.: i.i :.: 3'J 1 j.: y :,: v :.; Around the World Tlio Am Hazeltlno group of tho Bap tist church made a trip around tho "world Friday evening. They visited five countries and at tho different homes were served the native food of that country. Their first stop was in Chlnn,' which was at tho Norman Connelly homo. Hero thoy wore sorv- ed rioodles. They then journeyed to Japan and stopped at tho homo of Rov. Shenk and were served with tea and wafers. Their next stop was In Italy at tho A. N. Durbln homo whore thoy wero served mncaronl nnd cheese. Then they next journeyed to Holland and stopped at tho O. L. Johnson homo nnd wero served Dutch cheese and bologna. After visiting all tho foreign countries they visited Am erica and stopped at tho Fred Loudon homo where they woro served tho countries most popular food, lolly pops and coffee. At tho Loudon homo tho young people woro entertained with games. A charge of ton cents was mado for each meal served, this money to go into tho church fund Mr. and Mrs. Dean Richardson have started back to tho United States. Thoy havo been In Milan, Italy. Thoy havo been in Milan, Itnly. Mrs. Richardson was formerly Miss Hilde gard Clinton. ' William D. Itvlno of Sioux City call ed at tho Trlbuno office Saturday and loft some fine photographs of the band, tho patrol nnd tho chantora which aocompanied tho Abu-Bokr Tcmplo of Shrlnors from Sioux City. Mr. Irvine 1b recorder of tho Abu-Bokr Templo nnd Is certainly an enthusias tic member of the ordor. IK. 0. H. CItESSLEIt ARAliUATE DENTIST Office over tho McDonald State Bank. :o:- JUST TELL Cia'TJlAIf S12, Whon placing your ordar for grocerloe tomorrow. DEFOREST CASH flROCERY Rev, Moore returned Sunday from Mnyo Brothers at Rochostor, Minn. Miss Hosslo Cottornl loft Sundny for Rochester, Minn. Wntoh tho Whittakor Shop windows for bargains. William Null of Sldnoy ia visiting Ills sister Mrs. Archlo Lloyd. Vernon Wnlkor of Ogalalla under went an operation at a local hospital. Mrs. Claronco Wilson of Hershey shopped In tho city Saturday. Miss Francos Meyers of Wollflcet is visiting friends In tho city. Brunswick phonographs, Holloy Music House. Roy Cochran la transacting bushloss In Lincoln this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Ablo of Lin coln nro visiting In tho city. Misses Ceclla and Evangllnc Hcrrod will leave Juno 20 for Europe. Harold Coates of Sutherland is vis iting his mother Mrs. Emily Contes. Mrs. Kirk of Omaha ia visiting Mrs. Pulver for several days. Miss Ella Kastcn of Hayes Center is visiting friends In tho city. Harry Cramer left Saturday for Lexington to transact business. N. E, Esaley of Maxwell transacted business In tho city Saturday. Saturday Is tho last day of Wilcox Dopartment Store's ono-flfth off snlo. Miss Gladys Stegall visited in Su therland last week. Miss Forenco Klrkpntrlck of Pax ton visited in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frank Brunk of Brndy shopped In the city last week, S. W. Parson and family of Brndy visited in town last week. Conner White of Sutherland visited at the Hugh Bird homo last week. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Welbel of Paxton Bhopped in tho city Thursday. Mrs. B. T Teal of Ogalalla shopped in the city Saturday. Harry Mason nnd family of Hershey vlsitod friends In the city Inst week. Conductor A. C. Howard has been reinstated and began work Friday. Miss Anna Q'Haro will leavo June 20 for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Goodman are visiting friends in Omnha. Harry Pinkerton of the Flats visit-' ed in the city Saturday. I- Miss Frances DoRolf has resigned her position as cashier at tho Leader. One-fifth off On Dry Goods nt Wil cox Department Store. Miss Gladys Hansen left Saturday for her homo in Council Bluffs after visiting relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. O.. H. Albright and son of Paxton visited friends In the city last week. 1 Mrs. Frank A. Beelcr left Saturday for Big Springs to visit for soveral days. Mr. and .Mrs. J. H. Edmlsten left Saturday for Lincoln to trnnsnct busi ness. Rev. Koch left Sunday evening for Oamha to transact business for sev eral days. . Miss Gladys JohDSon has accepted a position wltlVtho. Western Union dur ing the absence of Bessio Cottcral. Mrs. Fred Elliott left yesterday for Omaha where.sho will visit for sever al days. ' ' Miss Pearl Hunte'r will leavo Thurs day for points In California whero sho will spend her two weeks vacation You can savdorib fifth on any pur chase madefrom tho Wilcox Depart ment store before Saturday night. Harry E. Jordell spent Saturday and Sunday in tho city enrouto to Roches tor, New York. Mrs. William' McGlone of Denver was called hero by tho. death of hor mother Mrs. Anna Seyferth. Miss Gladys Bird of Sterling, Colo. is- visiting at tho homo of Mrs. ('nrl Bonnor. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jollef are tho proud parents of a baby boy born Sundny. Mrs. Samuel Burgman of Salt Lako ia visiting hor pnrcnts Mr. nnd Mrs Julius Plzer. Mr. nnd Mrs. WIHam Siobold return' cd Saturday from Portland, Orogon whoro they visited a month. Paul Palazzlnl of Broadwater Is taking troatmoht iji tho Gonoral Hos pital. Misa Kntlo Seyferth of Omaha was called hero by hor death of hor iwxhor Mrs. Anna Seyferth. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Poaso of Paxton transacted lAislnoss In tho city Satur day. Dr. Ingle of Billings, Montana will havo chargo of Dr. Statos practice whllo sho in in Europe Dr. Statoe loft Monday for oastorn points whoro sho will visit boforo go ing to Europo, Robborn broke in tho offlco of Dr, Wilson oniotimo Friday ovonlng a Mr. ami Mrs. Guy Sw'opo will lcnvoj Mrs. L. SohwonU and dnughtors today for Tornnto ns n deloga' 1 Esther and Minn ot uiuycnno aro tho Klwnnla convention. Thoy itl visiting frionda in tho city. Thoy wero visit in New York nnd Baltimore- ' former residents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Miko McCullough and family loft laat wcok for tholr ranch at Maxwell whero they will spoud tho summer. OolumWs Lost 3oDa Whistling for a jyreee bu Needn't Lose a Minute Phone f&raFan! People still ride around till midnight on hot summer nights burning gasoline and missing sleep. Hunting for a cool spot that will stay right there when they leave it. What such people want, whether they know it; or not, is a Westinghouse Fan Save the gas and the time and have the coolness at home, not merely at night, but all the time, Phone for a Fan! North Platte Light & Power Co. . t if , . - 1 ifi Hi h; Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Ice Cream and Sherbet AGAIN! No, Not Again "Yet." Why? Because Ice Cream and Sherbets of their class are so good that their praises never grow stale. . Their worth is so appreciated by the people of North Platte and our supply keeps moving so fast that our - only trouble is lo keep them supplied lor the constant demand. AMERICANS like to follow the crowd, The crowd is coming, so we advise you to push right in and speak right out and you'll get the best wc have. Or phone and we. will send any quantity to you. We do not need to tell you the different kinds, EVERYBODY knows. But we do want to emphasize that we are not-charging anyone lancy prices, but just what many dealers charge for common stuff. But you do not want common stuff. Hi iff Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 1 ce JUST SPEAK THE WORD, Cream or Sherbet SMITH-JOHNSON DRUG C Hi ifi Phone No. 8. Hotel McCabe Building - id Hi (Your Druggist is More Than a Merchant.) " Ifi Visit Our Rose Room. Watch for Our Sunday Specials. Hi Hi bout $180 In material was taken WHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiffilliHiHiHiffi 1 ... .....,...,.,.,.....