The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 13, 1922, Image 1

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    Ute Jtottlt
rt ,k. , . '4-m
NO. 45.
Tilt; drivers who have entered the
A. A. A. races at. North Platto on the
Fourth of July will be here. They arc
members of the A. A. A. and as such
are under contract to do as thoy agree
to do. A letter from the headquarters
of the A. A. A. irt New York informed
Manager Crawford early In the season
that It was not necessary to require
the racers to post a forfeit In cnsc
thwy did not appear. The letter reads
"The fact that n driver signs such
a contract at the A. A. A. contract
which you are using will obllgato him
to make his appearance or ho will
bo disqualified and the matter reffored
to this board and made permanent
providing there aro no circumstances
which would indicate that it was
either physically or mechanically im
possible for him to start." They aro
dealing with organized auto racing
as thoy have dealt with organized
base ball. Jumping a contract there
Is almost unknown.
George Kirchuber undor dito of
June G writes as follows: "I will ship
my car crated via American Railway
express J. S. Davis Auto Co. about
the 20th of June and same will arrive
about the 25th. I will bo in North
Platte about the 27th, or 28th. I have
rebuilt my car and spent a Jot of mon
ey in getting it in first class shape."
Ira Vale under date of June 7 writes
from Indianapolis: "I am expecting
my racing car to arrive horo by ex
press tomorrow and as soon as it is
overhauled at the Dusenburg factory I
will ship it to North Platto. However
it is very possible that I will not bo
able to got it there before the 30th
of Juno. as there is a great aoal of
work to be dono on it. I trust that
some arrangements can be made for
me to get on the track for at least
a few laps. (This was mado in reply
to a notice that tho track would bo
closed for repairs after Junef30. )
& S. Groceteria.
$7500 Worth of Lumber
Going at $700
Sale to Start June 14th at the Premises
The U. P. Ice Housos at North Platto will bo sold In sections to
suit purchaser. Several of theso houses havo already been sold. There
is enough lumber In ono of theso houses to build C residences or en
ough lumber In ono houso to build all tho Improvements ever needed
on a farm or ranch.
Theso houses aro 112 feet long, 32 feet wide and 32 foot to the
eaveB and aro easily taken down. All aro floored with 2 inch planks
and roofed with tho best of removablo tin.
$700 will buy ono houso. $350 will buy ono halt house. If ono half
is too much to handle alono, get your noighbor to go in with you.
Thero is also 1500 lineal feet of doublo dock platform with roof. This
will bo sold In 100 foot longths at tho rato of $75 per hundred feot.
Purchaser will bo given until November 1st to got lumber off
tho premises.
, County Agent! Kellogg announces
tho following meetings at which Miss
Rachel Harris, specialist from tho
Unlvorslty of Nebraska Extension
Sorvico w'll glvo demonstrations:
Juno 14 Sowing machine attach
ment demonstration at Sutherland
high school building at 2 p. m.
Juno 15 Dress form demonstra
tion at Mt. Pleasant school house,
district 25, soven miles north of Mny
wood at 2 p. m.
June 10 Dress form domonstra
t'on in school houso of District 109
about fourteen miles northeast of
Brady nt 2 p. m.
Juno 17 Sowing machlno attach
ment demonstration nt McPhorson
school houso south of Maxwell at
2 p. m.
Mr. Kellogg asks that delegations
from othor communities nttend theso
demonstrations so they can carry tho
work to their neighbors. Over e'ghty
flvo dress forms have been mado in
this county as a resnlt of former dem
onstrations. Tho sowing machlno at
tachments follow the dross form dem
onstrations and is in turn followed
by the clothing nnd millinery work
Eleven cars of Shrinors from Abu
Bokr Temple at Sioux City formed a
special train which reached North
Platto at ton-thirty Saturday morn
ing. The siren-attracted wide attention
but 'when the Shrinors started the
parade up Dowey Street every store
and office was deserted while tho
crowds marched and applauded. Tho
band of more than fifty pieces, bril
liantly uniformed nnd equipped was
bettor than any hoard here for some
time. It was followed by tho state
flag of Iowa and tho twenty-flvo or
more Shrine Chantors who sang as
they marched. Tho Shrine Patrol was
unmounted in tfio parade but marched
as well as they ride. Many ladles
and unorganized Shrlners completed
tho brilliant sight. The train is en
route to San Francisco where tho Im
perial Council will be in session next
week. The Stars and Stripes was
conspicuous in the line of march.
Big preparations nre being mado for
tho corner stono laying of tho now
County Court house. The, walls aro be
ing pushed up on all sides excopt tho
northeast corner where tho big stone
will bo placed. Tho Chambor of Com
merce band has been engaged for the
day and other organizations will assist
in tho oxerclses. Every taxpayer in
Lincoln county is urged to bo present
as it is an important occasion in tho
history of Lincoln county.
Wednesday, Juno 28 Is to be n big
(dny at North. Platto Experimental
Substation'. That is tho day set for
tho Annual Field Day. It Is not an
athlotic ovent but tho day when par
ties of fannors and other interested
pooplo aro taken over tho experimen
tal part of tho farm and shown tho
oxporlmcnts which nro being conduct
ed there. Guides will take groups ol
fannors froiu ono experiment to an
other and explain what is being dono
This will Include tho crops, forestry,
poultry, hogs, cattle, dairy and horti
culture. On the same day the Lincoln
County Farm Bureau and tho Ltncoif
County Farmers' Union will hold their
postponed picnic. It is expected that
most of thp County Agents of Western
Nebraska will be on hand that day
as their convention Is to bo hold at
tho farm on the following day. County
Agents from neighboring counties
have sent word they will bo horo with
largo delegations of farmers. Ono
Lincoln County official estimated that
two thousand1 farmers would bo hero
that day. Full announcements will
bo mado ntor.
At a meeting held In tho Platto
Valley school house last Friday night
tho Platte Valley Community Club
was organized nnd officers wore
olected as follows: II. S. "Hasklns,
president; Ray Arnett. vice-president;
Mrs. Wm. Haught, secretary; Mrs.
Geo. Starr, resistant secretary?
George Starr, treasurer. Tho follow
ing chairman of committees wore ap
pointed: Pure-Bred Stock, Frank
Strolberg; Pure Seed, Andrew Olson;
Refreshments, Mrs. Andrew Olson;
Entertainment, Charles Bostwick;
Sports, Elliott Olson; Nows Reporter,
I. E. Crabb. Other committees will be
appointed from time to time as nec
essity arises. This organization is tho
result of a meeting held May 19 at
which time Miss Murphy of the Uni
versity Extension Department nnd
County Agent Kellogg were present.
Miss Murphy gavo a very interesting
and instructive talk on health and In
connection with this subject spoko of
tho work nlong community organi
zation. Mr. Kollogg spoke of tho ad
vantages to be derived from organ
ization in its relation to the work of
I his office 'and urged the people of
Platto Valley to set a dato or a meet
ing to proceed to orgnnlze. Tho results
was tho meeting of Friday night. It
is planned to hold meetings on Friday
night at tho ond of each four weeks
and July 7 Is tho date of tho next
meeting. It will probably be a moon
light picnic. Tho Hershoy band will
probably bo present on that occasion.
Tho people are enthusiastic about tho
community club and urge all who
i live within that territory to nttend tho
meetings, ono member suggesting that
j thoy como by alrplano If thoy wish.
Albert W, Jiffnit
Republican Candidate for
United States Senator
Farm boy, country school
teacher, college man, amateur
ball player, lawyer, earnest
worker in development of Ne
braska, now in Congress.
Always a Republican
Primary July 18th.
The subscription contest which tho
Trlbuno had planned for this month
had to bo postponed until a latter
date. Full announcements will be
mado later.
Tho fast soml-profosslonnl team
front Cambridge, Nobr. will bo hero
Friday, June 1G nnd tho two follow
ing days for a sorlos of games with
the North Platto' Legion team.
R. F. Stuart wns a city visitor yes
terday for a few 'hours. Ho was in tho
plumbing business hero nt ono Jimo,
moving to Columbus, Nobr. about sev
en years ago. Ho was on his wuy west
for a rest and treatment for honrt
troublo which has lately developed.
A proposition to voto ono mill each
year for five years for a fund with
which to build a now school houso
wns carried at tho annual school moot
ing hold Monday in District 30. Tho'
amount available at tho closo of tho'
fivo year period will bo in tho neigh
borhood of four thousand dollars.
Nowspaper roports from Omaha toll
of tho marriage of A. R. Dunphy of
tho Air Mail service to Miss Irene C.
Gibbons of Omaha. Mr. Dunphy is
Well known horoi hnving roprosontod
tho government in tho Installation
of tho air mail and the wireless Btn
tions tko other day.
Ed Mnson, chlof clork for train
master Sholver returned from sovcrni
Weeks spent In California. Mrs. Mason
remained behind nnd will visit with
her parents who live there. Mr. Mason
traveled along tho Pacific from Los
ni " -w. w - W 1 M utlli I O UUkUUB-
instic about tho country and its de
velopment. W. E Flynn. a lawyer of this city
who is quite well known horo, nas
filed for tho republican nomination
for congress from tho Sixth District.
Ho desires to tako tho placo so long
hold by M. P. Kinkaid. Mr. Flynn
bollovcs that ho has somo Ideas which
should bo mado Into laws and ho bo
Hoves ho enn got thorn passed If given
tho chanco.
Two candidates for county offices
on tho Progressive ticket wcro fikd
yesterday with tho county clork. Thoy
wore H. E. Brestel for shorriff and
Thos. Axtell for state representative.
Mr. Brestol has boon a resident of
North Plntto for a number of yoars
boing employed in the Union Pacific
I shops horo. Thos. Axtell has nlsn
ueon a resident of North Platto for
qulto a while and is well known. He
is a Union Pacific englneor.
The European party with Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. P. Klllen ns guides will cm
bark from Now York during tho first
week in July, going on moro than
one boat but arriving at Naples at
about tho same time. Some members
of tho party aro leaving tills week
nnd stopping at various eastern points
for brief visits. Mr. and Mrs. Klllon
will accompany part of tho group,
starting from horo noxt Sunday and
stopping at Chicago, Pittsburg and
Washington enrouto.
Tho accounts of tho graduation ox
erclses of tho North Platto city
schools do not contain any reference
to any part taken by the high school
alumni. Tho organization is dead horo
but it should bo revived. Tho alumni
mooting and bnnquot should bo hold
during tho holidays and not at tho
closo of tho school year and tho alum
ni should plan to take somo part In
tho formal graduation oxcorslsos.
Tho Alumni aro needed not to boost
foot ball but to encourage boys and
girls to stay In school as thoso who
graduated boforo thorn havo dono.
Thoro has boon somo complaint
from motorists that thoro nro count
less tacks In tho roads nnd on tho
now pavomonts. Investigation has con
vinced Street Commissioner John
Jones that thoy como from tho prac
tlco of tacking pastboard signs on
polos and sides of buildings and tho
first wind carries thorn away and dis
tributes tho tacks. At fho last mooting
of tho council ho complained about tho
matter and asked for somo remedy.
It was thought that tho matter could
I bo stopped If tho praetlco of putting
Exocutlvo Stephens hns mado ar
rangements with tho Park Board for
the scouts to assist In cleaning up
the community lake nnd put it In
shape for tho summer swimming
season. He has called on all scouts to
report at scout hondnuartors Mils:
aftornoon at 1:30 with a boo or sharp
shpvol. The scouts aro anxious to as
sist as they are among tho chief users
of tho pool nnd It is a part of their
progrnm to help In such community
up signs with tacks could bo.atoppcd.
Friends of Miss Lola Tllford who
was ono of tho Junior itlgn school
teachers hero for n number of yoars,
will bo intorstcd In learning of her
successes in Drako Unlvorslty at Dos
Moines, In. Sho hns been taking dra
matic work In which sho showed n
great deal of interest nnd ability
when in North Plntto and sho has
Just won tho first placo in tho an
nual contest between tho Juniors nnd
Sonlors. This entitles her to Initia
tion into tho nationnl dobating frater
nity which Is a coveted honor. The
orntlon cntltlod "Missions From a
Business Point of View" was her own
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Guy Swopo lenvo
today for Toronto, Canada where Mr.
Swopc will bo tho dolcgato from North
Platto Kiwanls Club to tho Inter
national convention which opens thoro
on noxt Mondny. Following tho con
vention Mr. and Mrs. Swopo will visit
a number of places, planning to reach
Now York City on July 4 whoro thoy
expect to bo Joined by Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Halllgan and 'Mr. and, Mrs.
Horton Mungor. Thoy will spend the
day together nfter which. Mr and Mrs.
Swopo will contlnuo tholr vacation
trip to various places of interest, stop
ping nt Mr. Swopo's old homo nnd
with relatives in othor places. Thoy
will bo gone a month or moro.
A deserted car was found in tho
east pnrt of tho city Monday morning
which bore tho numbor of n car stol
on in Lincoln Friday night and which
was thought to havo boon taken by
Fred Brown, tho man so much wanted
by tho polico of sovornl cities. An nt
tompt wns mndo to secure tiros for
tho car and ono gnrngo had boon en
torod nnd two tiros romovod from a
car but Is thought that tho men wore
frightened from this Job or gavo it
as too difficult as thoy wont across
tho block and took tho Dodgo from
tho.garago of D. A. Klsor nnd it has
not boon soon slnco. Federal, stnto
and local offlcors spout much timo
yestorday trying to locate tho Dodgo
car In which tho oscnpo was made.
A big reward has been offered for
tho enpturo of Brown, dead or allvo.
Wednesday Only
Consisting of three men who do a nut comedy singing and talk
ing act. Thoy aro especially to bo commented on their harmony sing
ing nnd comedy. A feature act on any circuit.
Comedy singing and talking with a novolty finish, This act must
bo soon to bo appreciated, '
Naval captain introducing different sweethearts he has mado while
traveling tho sons. Also a too dancing specialty by tko femalo mombor.
Presonts his now musical comody a la carte. Ho appearod last
season with Bert "Willams as co-star In tho musical comody rovtto
"Broadway Brovltlos". Ho has also boon featured with many Now
York Shows ond also foaturod by Mack Sonnott in tho famous Koy
Btono comedy. MUMkln's act Is a suro euro for tho blues. His mono
loguo Is up to tho mlnuto and his songs Hkowlso.
Something to romomber. Our theatros aro tho coolest 'placo in
town. Our now blizzard fan now Installed at the Kolth Thoatro and tho
ono which Is always on tho job at tho Sun makes our theatres an Ideal
placo to koop cool and roat whllo
Tho general fund to tho nnmo of tho
part of tho taxos of Lincoln county
that Is uso'd in paying tho running
oxponses of tho county. This includes
tho salaries of tho officers, tho ox
ponses of elections, tho enro of tho
county poor and sick, tho cost of tak
ing caro of prisoners, holding court
and many othor dopartmonts of gov
ommont. Tho gcnoral fund docs not
pay for roads, bridges nor buildings.
Tho nmount raised in Lincoln county
for oach of tho past ton yenrs for tho
general fund is given below:
1912 $39,515.00-
1313 $41,008.00
1914 $41,1G0.00
1915 $41,507.00
191G $50,480.00
1917 $47,802.00
1918 $50,25000
1919 $51,309.00
1920 $72,107.00
1921 $60,448.00
In a talk with Treasurer Soudor,
yostorday tho editor was informed that
in order to mnko a fair comparison
of 1921 with tho othor yoars ;3.000.00
should" bo taken from tho amount giv
en nbovo which would loavo $51,448.00
This would bo back to pro-war n
mount. Tho nlno thousand ho would
tako from this fund Is for Institutions
which wore not boforo givon nn ap
propriation. Thoy nro tho Farm Bur
oau, $5,000.00, tho County Fair, $2,000
and tho Mother's Pension Fund of
$2,000.00. Lincoln county has a greater
population than in 191G nnd has many
moro neods and yet according to
Troasurer Soudor's statomont Lincoln
county was back to pro-jwajvcondl-tions.
It cortnlrily is not tho county
gonornl fund which hns Increased tax
ation this year ns it amounts to $12,000
less than last year.
Lowest Rates
Best Terms
B. & L. Building
enjoying our programs.