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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1922)
TUB NORTH PLATTE 'SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 0 ifi - -.-" At the annual meeting of tho Jegnl voters of' school district No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nobr&lka, 'which will bo held at tho school house on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m.,tho proposition will be submitted to tho votors of raising tho budgot of $1,000 to conduct tho sohool for tho coming your. This will roqulro.a lovy of not lose than seveit mills nor more than twenty mills on the total 'assessed valuation of said diitrlct. Signed: A. P. McClollen i Director a I Liberty Bond Holders! 1 j ! Ill E M BER ONE-FIFTH OFF 1 i 'II I I IIHIIIl n ON ANY ARTICLE IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK Wilcox eim31iteeklij Irtlnme. WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher, Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as So con it Class Mutter. SDBSOMl'TION PJIICEi Orio Year, In advance $1.50 .. V FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1922. EDITORIAL Solomon said: "Let another man praise theo and not thine own mouth; a strnngor nnd not thlno own lips," Proverbs 27:2. Every patriotic lodge', church nnd society should have an American Flag displayed during oVoFyifciootlng. This Is right nnd momborsNmould demand Its observance. It Is roal Americanism. It wns reported on- tjio street that tho North Platto Chamber of Com merce is trying to buy off the othor auto drivers for tho Fourth of July rnccs so that King IUiUcy will win. The editor recently accompanied T. M. Cohagen on a trip over tho now graded highway south to Wollfleot, Wo snw mon at work at dlfforcnt plnces along tho route Bamo with grading tools lowering tho hills nnd filling up tho draws; othors woro making now roads ovor tho lovol places. Tho aim is to havo a straight, lovol, hard road from North Platto to tho south "boundary of tho county and tho commissioners nrp going na, far toward accomplishing that aim! as they can with tho monoy they havo 1 on hand. That part of tho 'road which is finished Is cortalnly an lmprovo mont ovor tho road which has boon' used horotoforo, At the Sun-Three Days I jg COMMENCING SUNDAY IpT ffi I Lloyd m.i Also BeBe Daniel Department Store g Tho Trlbuno acknowledges receiv ing n well proparod report of tho stnto convention of "War Mothers at Omaha from Mrs. Frank n. Baker, corresponding secretary of tho state organization. Another account cov ering much tho Bamo ground had been handed to us In time for tho last ,sbuo and by this timo Mrs. Baker ana tho othor officers and members of tho War Mothers will havo read tho account. Tho convention is reported to havo been very successful fror orory point of view and now wo aro all ready to begin preparation in any way wo can for tho noxt year's con vention at North Platto. -:o:- Announcement wns received this wcok of tho schedule for tho booster trip by tho Nobraska Horford Breed ers' Association. Tho members start nt Grand Islnnd on Monday, June 19: and cover tho country about St Paul,1 drcoloy and Ord that day. Tho noxt day thoy aro at Burwcll, Sargent, I Broken Bow and Calloway. On Wed-j nosday Juno 21 thoy arrlvo at North! Platto at 1 p. m, where thoy meet tho Lincoln County Horford Brecdors', Association during the afternoon and oVening. Thursday thoy go cast to1 Cootd and Lexington nnd Friday they; aro at tho Baiiantlne salo at Curtis. -inl Mrs. J. F. Schwalgor returned last evening from Donvor, Colo, whoro she spont a wook visiting friends. Miss Qortrudo Wiggings of Key stone tniiBactod business In tho city stono trnnsactqd business In tho city Wcduosday , Mrs. W. J: O'Connor and daughter, returned yesterday from Omnha. ' You savo ono-flfth on any article you purchnso at Wilcox Department Storo. Tho local council of tho Boy Scouts mot "Wodncsdny noon nnd heard ro ports of tho budget campaign. About $1,600 yet remains to bo subscribed with committees only about two-thirds through with their territory. The can vass will go on until tho full amount bus been subscribed. Mrs. I. A. Holn of Wellflcet visited in tho city Wednesday. - a - That first warm day Bo ready for it. May and early June can bring some of the hot test weather of the season. Re member the early hot spell last year? ELECTRIC FANS COMPLKTK SUMMER STOCKS SOW 10.00 AI UP i Fans repihrod vand polished up lil;c now. Get tho work started at once. Wo'll call for tho fan and phono es timate of charge. North Platte Light & Power Co. Tolophono Number 15. HI Wfa Ml 100111 oia Iiitarw. ooupons of two isaiiok the lt and fitli will be duu and payable June 18th. Do sure to clip jiromptly all coupons duo and let us add tho interest to yiur savings nccount so that It witl go on earning more interest. Thorp's no quiokr way to make monoy grow. Regular savers know! 1 The Platte Valley State Bank 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL One-fifth off on shoes at Wilcox Mrs. James Stafford of Paxton shopped in the city yesterday. Brunswick phonographs, Hollcy Music House. Miss Mary Monill of Maywood shopped in tho city yesterday. Dr. McOraw of Tryon transacted business in tho city Wednesday. Abel Larson of Gothenburg trans acted business In the city Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Elchman of Ogalalla was a visitor in the 'city Wednesday. Celery Plants ready $1.00 a hundred C. J. Pass, Florist Harry Huffman of Santa Anna, Cali fornia is visiting friends in the city. Ray Breternltz and Richard Kepler of Sidney aro visiting at tho Charles Bretornitz homo for several days. Mr ".and Mrs. J. A. Allmen left last ovenlng for Denver whoro thoy will visjlt friends for several weeks. rWo dollver any tlmo, any place . for loss. Burko Cash, Grocery, 621 Bqst Fourth, Phono 971. 1 1 Plenty of tlmo for potted tomatoes. Order now. C. J. Pass, Florist, Phone 74. j Special price on Dolineator sub-, scrlptlons for a few days at Wilcox Department Store. Julius Forsteadt is confined to his home with a sovoro attack of rheuma tism. - Mrs. Verno Brewor of Hershey shopped' in tho city tho first of the week. Raymond Johnson of Cheyenne vis ited a week with his parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Hans Johnson. Try our chop corn, just tho thing for growing chicks, 2c per pound, or $1.25 per sack, delivered Burke Cash Grocery, G21 East Fourth street, Phono 971. Plain w-ork-a-day of smart garden frock aprons, on salo, 98c,' ?1.25, $1.45, and $1.95 at tho Leader Mer cantile Co. Mrs. R. L. Graves loft last oven lng for Los Angeles, Calif, "whoro sho will spend the summer months visiting friends. ' Mrs. J. C. Holman and two children loft last week for Tipton, Iowa to visit with Mrs. Hollmnn's parents for 3over-al weeks. Mrs. Ellas Lloytl loft Wednesday for Groen City Mo. Sho was accompan ied thero by hero mother Mrs. Emma Ilnrlon. Mrs. V. Lucas and Bister Miss Mar- guerito Campboll loft Wednesday for Canada whoro thoy will spond tho summer months. Mrs. William Morris nntt children loft this morning for SIdnoy whorf they will visit for sovoral woolcs at tho homo of Mrs. Morris' paronts. Mrs. Dutlor Buchanan, Mrs. Oalllo Davidson and Porry Buchanan accom panied tho body of Mrs. Nowbold to Alount Ploasnnt, Iowa Sunday even ing. Mrs. D. M. Loypoldt and Mrs. a Wlllorton will ontortain Tuesday at tornoon at n mlcollnneous showor at tho Loypoldt homo In honor of Miss Holon Swnn8on. Miss Stolla Nichols of Casper, Wyo., Miss Mary Morrow of Sterling, Colo., nnd Miss Mario Shannon of Donvor nro house guoatat tho W. R. Mnl oney homo. Mrs. C. J. Pass entertained nt a party at her homo last evening in honor of ltor sister Miss Agnoa Good la who will Ioato for hor homo in Kontucky Juno 15. Sho will bo ac companied homo by hor slstor arid niooa Mrs. C. J. Part) 'and daughter ho wiA spaed Um evmnor those. Want Ads FOR RENT Furnished room, mod ern. 209 Locust. WANTED To rent Ford car for part of tho summer. Address F C care Tribune. FOR SALE One ton Republic truck or will trado for light roadster or light truck. C. H. Overmeyer. FOR SALE Tqmato plants 15c per dozen. Cabbago 50c per hundred. L. I. Tucker Phone G98J. FOR SALE One span 3-year-old, broke mules, or will trade for Ford car. Notify box 297 Sutherland, Neb WANTED Young man for bookkeep er and collector. North Platto Light & Power Co. FOR SALE One adjustable dress form; also all kinds of beo sup plies. Phono 439W. C20 W. 2nd WANTED To buy a second hand typewriter stand, in good condition Write T. 9. caro Tribune office. STRAYED From tho Wyman farm, west of town, ono mouse-colored Jenny mulo, branded "7Y" on right shoulder. Phono 1152W. FOR SALE Scholarship In tho Grand Island Business College. For part iculars write to Fremont J. Wilson Box 31, Alliance, Nebraska. FOR RENT Improved irrigated ten acre track, adjoining Sutherland. F. C. Leach, care American State Bank, Sutherland. FOR SALE Handy jack changes hoaviest racks." barges, etc.. from ground onto wagon and off. Good sidoliuo for blacksmiths. Get circu lars. F. Lovering, Fremont, Nobr. FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls. Ono two years old; ono threo years old. Just right for turning into a herd. Experiment Station, W. P. Suy dor, Superintendent. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lot 2 Block 13 A. C. Taylor's addition to North Platto. Mako us a cash offer Will cousidoiv a good automobile. Writo Downoy and Johnson, Scottsbluff. Nobr. WANTED A Ralosman capable of calling on morchants, to head quarter in North Platte, man with car profored. References renulrni. Central Statce Secret Service Bureau, Dopt. D. Lincoln, Nebraska. -o:- NOTICE Tho threo horses belonging to man in moving wagon who stoppod nt tho Btockyards horo In Farnum woro taken up by John Roborts. Tho own er may havo samo by paying for this and their care. Ono white mare, ono gray gelding and one roan pony. :o:- Clnronco McCIclIon of Gothenburg camo Inst week to holp with repairs at tho mil. Tho Wilcox Department Storo ia giving oae-flfth off on any articlo in their stock. Roy HlU of Gothonbarg transact-J od business In tho city tho first of tho vreoAc. Plenty of tlmo for potted tomatoes. Ordr H8. C. J. Paso, Elorlst, Pfaeu S74. :o:- NOTICE At tho annual meeting of the legal votors of school district No. 21 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho school house on Mon day, Jui.o 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to (ho voters of raising tho budget of $1,000 dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will requlro a lovy of not loss than soven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total asses sed valuation of said district. Slgnod: John W. Klines Director :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of the leal voters of school district No. 87 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m the proposition will bo submitted to the voters of raising tho budget of one thousand ($1000.00) to conduct tho school for tho coming yea-. This will require a levy of not less than 3even mills nor moro than twenty mills or. tho tota: nssossod valuation of said district. Signed: C. R. Smith Director. :o: NOTICE At the annual moetlng of the legal voters of school district No. 97 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. the proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of Ono Thousand ($1,000) dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will require a lovy of not less than seven mills nor more than twenty mills on the total assesod valuation of said district. Jool Olsson Director :o: - " NOTICE At the anual mecifng of tho legal voters of school district No. 107 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will be held at the school house on Mon day, Juno 12, 1922 at 2 p. m. the pro position will be submitted to tho vot ers of raising tho budget of ono thou sand ($1,000.00) dollars to conduct tho school for the coming year. This will require a levy of not less than soven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total assesed valuation of said district. Mrs. Llllio M. Brigg3 Director -:o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of the legal votors of school district No. 47 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which wiH bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budgot of eleven hundred X$l,100.00) to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will require a lovy of not less than soven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total assesed valuation of said district Signod: C. C. Bowman Director -:o:- NOTICE At tho annual meeting of tho legal votors of school district No. 131 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which wJll Lo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at Q p. m., the proposition wil bo submitted to tile voters of raising tho budget of ono thousand ($1,000) dollars to conduct tho school for the coming year. This will requlro a lovy of not le3s thnn seven mills nor moro than twonty en tho total assessed vauatlon of said district. Signed: E. J. Damoode Director -0; NOTICH At tho annual mooting of tho logal Votors of school district No. 71 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho Bchool houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 3 p. m., the proposition will bo submitted to the votors of raising the budget of TMr toen Hundred ($1300) Dollars to con duct tho school ,for the coming year. This will require a levy of not leas than seven mills nor moro than twen ty mills on tho ttal asseuod mut ation of said district. flfeaod: John Slmms