The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1922, Image 5
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE AT THE KEITH, SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND MONDAY MATINEE SUNDAY. LOOK WHATS COMING j DB MOLAY Initiation Friday sight. Ail Mfts'tor Mnsons irftlted. . l EPISCOPAL 'K 11:00 Morning prayer and sortnon 7:30 Bvoning prayer nnd sermon. CHRISTIAN 11:00 Tho IMblo as a Guide tff ATn Life'- i 7:30 "Tho Tragedy of Sin." CHRISTIAN Pio social tonight In tho church basement Each lady Is requested to bring a pie. Como and have a good time. DUGHTERS A special mooting of Job's dau ghters Monday, Juno 12, at 8 o'alock. Mrs. W. II, Mick of Omaha will visit at that time. All Masons and Eastorn Stars are cordially Invited. T r V j One greatest race track drama ever staoed Scenario by-Paul H Sloant Directed by 'Richard Stanton LUTHERAN ' 11.00 The Holy Communion. Ser mon subject "The Measuro of For glvonoss." ' , 8:00 Tho Holy Communion. No sermon. CLERK I wish to announce that I am a candidate for tho Republican nom ination for County Clerk subject to tho wil of tho voters at Primary El ection. July 18, 1922. , A. S. Allen :o:- FORD TURNS OUT C.000,000 MOTOR NEXT ONE COMES THROUGH BUT . "; 5 1-3 SECONDS LATER Ford Motor Number 6,000,000 was lifted from tho assembly lino In High land Park Ford Plant at 9:14 a. m. May 18th. Just 5 1-3 seconds later Number G,000,001 was finished. The unusually heavy demand for Ford cars and Trucks at tho present time has necessitated tho building of 5400 motors dnily. Those are ship-! ped in carload lots to tho various Ford assembling plants throughout the, United States. The first ' Model "T" Ford Motor was completed on October 1st, 1908; number 1,000000 left tho .assembly lino December 10th, 1915; and num ber 5,000,000 came through May 28th, 1921. Although the Ford Motor Company turned out a number of different numbering system began with tho first model "T". Advertisement. -:o: One-fifth off on Dry Goods at "Wil cox Department Store. Earl Fear of Wallace transacted business in the city the first of tho week, s OAMPFIRE Tho Sioux Cnmpfiro hold its rogular , "weekly meeting last Friday. Thoy. practiced Bongs nnd yolls to bo given' at tho big mass meeting which was held that evening. PICNIC Methodist men nnd their fnmlios will hold a picnic in tho city park' Monday evening, Juno 12. All mem bers of tho church and Sunday School aro expected. Autos for all, will leave tho church from 6 to C:30. LEGION Thoro will be a smoker at the Le gion hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Plenty of refreshments will bo served by the auxiliary of tho Legion nnd a real good tlmo is assured. Tho word ing details for tho coming July 4th races will be arranged nnd every working committee should bo ther.e In force. -:o:- Fred Edmonstoln of Sutherland is visiting friends in the city for several days. Mrs. Josephine Koch of Kalania, Washington is visiting at the home 'bf Rev. nnd Mrs. C. F. Koch. Largo selection of dress hats at ono halt price Saturday. Como and see them. Block's Millinery. GIFTS FOR BRIDE AND GRADUATE First ot all you want your gilt to be practical, useful,, valued for its utility. ' It must present a good appearance, and it should be "different," not likely of duplication. All these requisitesiire met in Electrical Appliances--highly welcrinfe Waffle Irons Grills and Table Stoves : y ' Percolators Toasters Irons Lamps and Candlesticks Beauty Appliances Attractively priced and arranged for your inspectionw,,on special Gift Tables. Come and see the eood values. North Platte Light & Power Co. Mrs. Cora Brown is taking her va cation from tho O'Connor. Sho will leavo In a few days for Sterling. You can save 25 by buying a B gal lon can of Havollno oil for your car, nnd then you always know that you havo good oil. Get a can today. J. V. Romlgh Dealer. :o:- 3LYKHIAGE LICENSES Juno 3 Louis Herman Korr, 37, stockman, Brady and Miss Dolla G. Donaldson, 34, teacher, North Platte. Juno 3 John G. Dlscoo, 48, U. P. ongjneor, North Plntto, and Miss Em ma G. Overhoiser, 39, teacher, Max woll. Married by Rev. C. F. Koch. Juno 5 Carl Thos. Sknggs, 34, en gineer, North Platto, and Ilnnnnh M. Timm. 35, saleslady, Sidnoy. Married by Rov. P. R, Stovoua. June 5 John Jerome, 23, credit man, North Platto, and Miss Vnlllo M. Burke, 23, teacher, Abordoon, S. D. Married by Rov. P. MoDnid. Juno 5 Cecil a Fudgo, 28, 'farmer, Mndrld, and Miss Gorna M. Cornollus, 21, Madrid. Married by Rov. N. P. Pattorson. June G Charles W. Clark, 28, U. P. omnloyoo, Sutherland, and Miss Ednn Elvira Lofdahl, 2G, Sutherland. Mar ried by Rov. C, F. Koch. r tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi ONLY UA I a LLr I ; Efj Don9t be deceived by guesses that you can buy the bargains we are offering later tfi tfi ffi . at these prices. Many buyers have taken advantage of these unheard-of prices tfi tfi tfi tfi 5 tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi Sale Positively Ends Saturday Night, June 10th ft :.: it ft LPi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi & tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi tfi ACCESSORY DEPT. Gas Saver installed on your car Only $2.50 Will reduce your gasoline bills 'from 10 to 40 per cent. Spark Plugs 25c and up Spark Plugs, porcelains, ' 10c to 20c. Spot lights installed $3.50 to $11.50 Windshield glass installed $3.00 and up REPAIR DEPT. Steel Fly Wheel Gears installed $5.00 and up Wire Wheels, rebuilt all new spokes $7.50, up Our valve refacing tool will make your old valves look like new. Ask for demonstration, coats you nothing extra for it's use during sale. Labor 75c. per hour during sale. tt it it NASH CARS ' All models open or closed. Famous for their easy riding and marvelous powder. This week $1045.00 and up. BATTERY DEPT. Why break your back (ranking your car when we are willing to furnish your starter with a man in the box, for one whole year for $15.00 tx $22.00 Our DAVGO battery does this work for you. We also handle and repair Farm Lighting Batteries. it it it it it it- ft it FILLING STATIONS IMoney will not buy a better oil than our Superoil, we ! are furnishing our customers. Crank Cases drained and filled while you wait. 75c to $L00 Superoil 15c and up per quart during .sale. Differential or Transmission examined and necessary oil added, only 25c each. ........ .......... . it 0 it it it USED CARS . Assortment gclting low.'Stlll have Nash, Buiolc, Jef t'ory, Overland, all repaired and guaranteed. $200 and up. it rin ORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA,