THE NORTH PLATTE bEMI-WEKKLY TRIBUNE s Your Last Opportunity Totake ad vantage of this Gigantic Ten-Day Clearance Sale. Hundreds have already availed .themselves of the WONDERFUL, BARGAINS offered. If you have not al ready supplied your SEASON'S wants, be sure to take advantage of this the Last Day. s& El TS SATURDAY SPECIAL Values up to $1.15 $1.65 SHIRT SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY - - Values $3.00, $4 00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00, all at one price 19 Men's High Grade Suits $15.50, $20.50, $27.50, $35.50 ' ' WWeVVVV Remember-baturdav is. the last day. Don't fail to take advantage of this wonderful buying opportunity; right in the heart of the . ' - . season- your last CHANCE. , . STAR CLOTHING HOUSE : The Oldest and Most Reliable Men's and Boys' Clothing Store in Western Nebraska. m Ml m & Hi m Hi jr Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Mi Hi Mrs. Mny Jenkins of. Sterling is Mrs. Grnco Pcaso vt 1'axton shop YiBitlng at tlio Cnl Bonner homo. I pod in tho city ycstcrdny. A Double Demonstration o COFFEE AND COOKIES will be held at McMicliaeFs Grocery, Sat., June 17 II. P. Lan Co. of Lincoln will give a demonstration as how to niitlco good coffee from the famous Milady Brand Coffee. Come in and get a cup free. Mr. Scoopes ' representing tho National Biscuit Co. will have chargo of the cookies and cracker line. All cookies and crackers will be sold at.cost on this date. What you eat and drink is free. Remember the date. McMichaePs Grocery Phone -Ml. Jju Newest hosiery styles for Summer are moderately priced Lovely Summer Hosiery Summer planning brings need for just such hosiery ' as this, which combines exquisite appearance with durability at subtractions from customary prices, which adds much to their excellent value. Jjjf LOCAL AND PERSONAL Big I tho1 Mrs. "William Borgrcn of Springs transacted business in city Thursday. Early summer hats at .half-price Saturday at Blocks Millinery. j Mrs. Clias. A. Ilollerson of Valy rang, Nobr. visited in tho city tho first of tho week. Boautiful summer drosses arriving ovory day at tho Leader Mercantilo Co. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Rahmoyor living south of tho city lUdorwont an oporation yesterday. Women's gingham streot dressoe in good quality, porfect model and most stylish, on salo $3.08, $4,98, $7.45 and bettor, at tho Leader Mercantile ,Co. Mrs. Harry Trlmbell left this morn ing for Denver to visit her brother, John Trimboll. argo solection of dress hats al one half prlco Saturday. Come and soo thorn. Block's Millinery. Mrs. Austin Raymond of Omaha visited for sovoral days at tho Louis Poterson homo. Children's gingham dresses on salo 08c, $1.25, $1.40, $1.05 and bettor at the Leader Morountllo Co. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp and daughter, Marion, loft yostordny for Council Bluffs to sea isa lone Brown graduato. Early aummor hats at hnlf-prleo Saturday nt Blocks Mllllnory. ..Carnations ait $1.00 a dozen. C. J. Puss, Florist Mrs. II. J. Dienor and daughtor Gladys will leave Sunday for Gothon- burg to visit friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilorbort Wnxman of Denver Hopped over to visit Mrs. Harry Mooro onroute to Omaha, I ruin ami Arohie Bradloy and mother Mrs. A. N, Bradley returned yesterday from Grand Island. Retueher Uiat you will have one- fifth taken off your bill on any goods purehated during the sale at the Wil cox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Ilaner will leave Sunday for Hastings where they will visit for , several days Mrs. "William Luenenherg of O cal ami transacted nusiuaas in me cny yesterday. We pay hlghoBt market prioe for butter and oftgft and sell for less. Burke Gash Grocery, Gal IBnst Fourth stroot, formerly Gamblo and Sprluger store. Come in and. u us. Unllaoy Tliompson returned yes terday .from San Dlago, Calf, vhero he spent Uie wiutor. Peter Egington of Pnxton transact ed business in tho city tho first of the week. Miss Ollvo Marx of Gothenburg transacted business In tho city yes terday. ntln and Crepe summer skirtr and a big lino of tho washable Kind "n salo at the Loader Mercantilo Co iIr. and Mrs. Munsen' and baby of Cozad spent tho first of tho week visit ing at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. Jk Burke. T3r, O. H. Cressler returned this morning from Omaha whero ho has been transacting business for several days. rotted tomu oes planted now will bear in July. C J. Pass, Florist. Platte, Nebraska, and said paving of city is hereby created. Section 3. This ordinanco shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. Passed and approved this 2 day of Juno, 1022. E. H. EVANS Attest: O. E. ELDER Mayor City Clerk. (SEAL). :o:-v, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the co partnership composed of Carlton E. Porter and Ilenning G. Andorsoii heretofore entered lino on tho !lrd day of October 1021, for tho conduct ing of an electrical contracting busi noss nnd rotall electric shop, was dis solved on the 15th day of March 1022, said Henning Anderson, withdrawing from said firm and tho said Carlton E.. Porter continuing to operate &Htu business under tho former name of Porter Electic Company, ho to assume and pay all indebtedness of said firm and to receivo all accounts collec table and all assets of said firm. Signed: CARLTON E. PORTER, HENNING G. ANDERSON. ORDINANCE NO. 153. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAVING OF CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AND !FOR THE CREATION OF PAVING fcISTRICT NO. 15 OF SAID CITY. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor and City Council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 1. That iho following streets tnoludlng tho intersections within tho limits of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, bo paved to-wit: All that portion of Second Street com mencing at, tho wost lino of tho Inter section of Second Street and Dowoy Stroot in said city of North Platte, running Uionco west nlong said Second Streot to tho cast lino of; tho intersection of said Second Stroot with Oak Stroot of tho city of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebr aska, and commencing at tho north line of the Intersection of Third Street and Ash Streot in said city running thenco north to the south line of the intersection of fourth streets and Ash Streets In said oity and com mencing nt the north Hue of tho In tersection of Second Street and Maple Street In said city running thence uorih along said .Maple Street to the south lino of the Intersection of Fourth Street with said Maplo Street commencing at the north lino of the intersection of Fifth Street and Maplo &reot In said city running north sJDiigysaid Maple Street to the south Una of the Intersection of Oth Street and Maple Street 'In said oity of North Platte, Nebraska, thore to term Inajo. Sjotion 2. That all of tho street a dfteorlbod In Section 1 of this ordin ance shall bo and constitute paving dlstrlot No. 15 of the city of North PIZER'S STORE NORTH SIDE For Friday & Saturday MAItY PICKFOliD APItONS Fine quality Chambray gingham, newest patterns and trimmings. We just received them and will sell them special on Friday and Saturday for LAD IPS' BLACK SATIN E APItONS An extra good soft quality of satine, pretty trimmings special' at LADIES TEA APItONS i Mad of fin Lawn and Dimities. An Qxtm value for the two days. 49c LOOK FOll QUK SPECIALS EVEltY WEEK PIZER 9S STORE NORTH SIDE r