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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE OLD TIMERS CLUB Tho Old Timers continue to ba In terested In tho anouncomonts of the club and names are bolng addod dally. Following nro the more recent ad ditions of thoso who wore living In Lluco'n county boforo Jan. 1, lSb'l or who wore rosldonts ot tho county th:rty yoars ngo. 91. Frank W. Cross camo to Lin coln county In 1SS7. Ho Is now ro siding In California. 92. Mrs. Frank W. Cross lived In Lincoln county from 1887 until tho family moved to California a few yoara ago. 93. A. D. Colvln was born In Lin coln county near Gothenburg In 18SG and still lives on tho samo place, Ho Is ono of the Trlbuno's valued sub scribers, 94. Edward Easton camo to Lincoln county In 1879 from Bridgeport Pa, 95. Frank Mcyors camo to Lincoln county in 1890 but moved to Brighton Colo, a few years later. Ho now lives thoro. 9C. Mrs. Frank Meyers Is tho daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cohn who llvo at Maxwell. Sho was born In Lincoln county In 1877 and now lives at Brighton. Colo. Sho writes My husband and I llvo out hero In Colorado, nevertheless wo claim tho honor of being old timers in Lincoln county. 17. N. C. Anderson asks to be enrol led in the Old TtmeiV Club because ho settled Jn Lincoln county In 18S6 and Is still nt tho old plae, north east of Brady. 9S. Mrs. Wm, A. Grogg oamo to Lin coln county in 1SSS with her husband and sottlod in the. north-oast part ot the county, 25 milos northeast of North Tlatto. 99. P. D. Bergstrom wrltos that ho sottlod on a homoetoad In Wild Horso Vnlloy, in Lincoln county In 1888 and Is still living thore." 100. Chas. Hondy first camo to Lin coln county as an army officer in 1870. Ho has lived hero most of the Umo slnco and now lives hero In North Platto. 101. Joseph E. Weeks samo to North Platto beforo 1870. Ho now lives at tho soldiers homo at Grand Island. His wlfo 102. Mrs. NolHe Huntington Weoks camo hero beforo 1870 and lives with him at Grand Inland. Their children aro 103. Edward AVeeks who was born hero in 1875 and is still living hero 104. James Weeks born hero In 1878 and who la a conductor on tho South ern Pacific out ot Los Angoles. 105. Robort Weeks, born In 1879 is a brakeman on tho Union Pacific out of North Platto. 10G. Frank Weeks, born In 1882 Is a lineman for tho Tolpbone Co. with hcadquartors in Omaha. HEMEMBEIt TILE DAY AND DATE 10 ONE DAY ONLY I MAlim A V fflATaC1 1 North Platte MARK IT OJf YOUR CALENDER Only Real Wild Animal Show on Earth AL. G. BARNES BIG FOUR RING "WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS THE SHOW THAT'S DIFFERENT 1 OAA Performing 1 f( Cage 1 1 A Big. Sensational IZUU Animals 1UU Zoo HU Animal Acts TUSKO A Foot Taller Than Jumbo, FAR LARGER THAN THE LARGEST ELEPHANT IN THE WORLD r More than an elephant say tho eclentists. The last of tho Prehistoric Race of Mammoths. Tho solo Living Link between Civilization and tho Glacial Ages Performing jungle bred African Lions, Bengal and Siberian Tigers, Leopards, Jaguars. Pumas, Russian Grizzly and Polar Boars, Ele phants, Camels, Zebras. Zubus, Llamas, Kangaroos, Hippopotamie, Rhlnocerl, Giraffes, Ostriches, Hyenas, Ourang Outangs, Chimpanzees, Dogs, Ponies, Monkeys and Goats. EVERY ANIMAL AN ACTOR, EVERY ACT AN ANIMAL ACT THE STUPENDOUS FAIRYLAND FANTASY "Alice In Jungleland" Al G. Barnos' newest edition of the Most Lavish, Gorgeous, Colossal Lyrical Pagent, Barbaric Spectacle and Opulent Extravaganza Ever Conceived. 1080 PEOPLE 550 HORSES 1200 WILD ANIMALS MOST AMAZING ANIMAL ACT EXTANT Royal Bengal Tigrs In One Act Including RAJAH, $10,000 wrestling tiger. THE CIRCUS ACT BEAUTIFUL DANCING HORSES 1! DANCING GIRLS I The world's only performing herd of Llamas. T6m, Dick and Horry Horso Riding Seals. Big Bill Wrestling Grizzly. Tot and Tiny Smallest Educated Horsee. The World's only Educated Zebras 2 Herds. . Danger, Dynamite, Cactus, Gun Powder Just Mule. The only performing Camels in tho world, Including Holy Moaes, Sacred Arabian Black Camel. The largcet Herd of Performing Elephaut. The High School and T 'ngo Dancing Home. Tho groups of perform g South American Pumas, A Sextette of Trained Laughing Hyenas, The Riding, Driving, Racing Ostriches. Tho Musical Carrier Pigeons. The World's only Group of Performing Bengal Tigers The Funny Clown Pigs. 10 Animal Clowns 1040 people Concert Baads 200 Animal Trainers Three Big Special Trains 60 Cars Calliopes, i GLITTERING TWO-MTLU STltEKT I'AllADIi AT 10tM Performance Rain or Shine, S and '8 p. m. Doors open at 1 and7 Sa tht Big Frtte-to-Everybody Acts Gome Barly. There is Plenty to Iabtruct and Amuie, You are Invited to Inspect the Cook Tent or the Barnes Pre mium Horses in the Stable Tents, or any other Depart ment that may hold for you Particular Iuterest. 107. Floyd Weeks born In ISSi Is In the General Pasaengor Agoht's' of fice for the Santa Fe In Los Angeles- 108. Pearl Weeks Stttt, born in 1S88 and now liven at Tulsa, Oklahoma. 109. Prod nrooks came to North Phitto in 1880 from Buffalo, N. V. 110. Mrs. Fred Brooks was born in North Plattto In 1872 and has rosldcd in Lincoln County oVer since. Sho and her huaband now llvo In Mbran canyon fourtoon miloa south-onst of North Platte. Mrs. Brooks writes tha she has soon North Platto grow from a small railroad town to a city. Indians, buffalo, doer and antolopo woro com mon sights thon." 111. Burton W. Iunbert, writes: "As I am ono of tho folks who camo to North Platto In September 1SSG vln Overland rail In n prairie schooner and lived thoro until 1001 and still count North Platto ns my homo. Our famly as It thon was, camo from, Tokamah, Burt county. Another thing that you can say Is that any North Platters who visit Seattle Portland and Pugot Sound and go homo from hero without getting in touch with mo hero at the Navy yard wjll sure mako mo sore. And by way, this is tho best timo to sco this part of tho country to tho host advantage. His address is 96C Second street, Bremerton, Washington. (iOVEKN'M KXT lirXTKHS MAKK III!. COM) KILL IX COLORADO AltlZOXA ROYS VIX PRIZES KILL , ING THOUSANDS OF GOPHEKS A contest in which 1,135 boys of Maricopa County, Ariz., participated recently resulted in tho killing of more than 3G.000 pockot gophers. The contest was conducted by the Etio logical Survey of tho United States Department of Agriculture, tho Uni versity of Arizona co-oporatlng. The Interest and co-oporatlon of the busi ness men of the valley added greatly to tho success of tho campaign. Each boy was given a trap and In structed as to tho most effective wny of catching the destructive pocket go pher. Tho cost ot this huge catch was was $178, or about half a cent a go pher. Under the old bounty system thoso rodents would have cost the county J1.S00 at 5 cents each. In ad dition it is estimated that the 36,000 pocket gophers would have damaged fruit trees, ditches, and Holds to the extent of at least $10,000 a, year, if they had not bcou Killed. More preditory animals were killed in Colorado during the month of April than In any othor month this year, j according to reports received by the United States Department oi Agil culturo. One Biological Survey huntir In that district has a record of 11 wolvoa, 125 coyoto pups, 125 unborn coyotes, 82 coyote femulcn, several males and several mountain lions. ; Cattlomon who havo boon suffering I heavy lossos in the Divide country from preditory animals nro co-oporat- Ing heartily with Fedoral hunters In 1 gottlng rid of wolves and coyotes. Ono family of notorious killers, con sisting of an old malo wolf, a fomnlo and their nnnual crop of puppies, was killing from 40 to 50 por cent of tho calves on somo ranges near DoBonuo. Tho loss was so sovcro that stockmon had decided not to put any cnttlo on thoso ranges this season because they could not save tho lncreaso from tho tho wolves. Bounty hunters wore able occasionally to clean out tho whelps, but tho old pair persistently eluded capture, until this April when a Bio logical survey man wbb sont to Do Bequo. Ho found tho wolf don nnd succeeded In killing six puppies. The fioventh puppy was trapped a few days latter. Tho trail ot tho old wolves led for miles south of DeBoque, thon turned north nnd over Into Garfield County. Traps woro sot along1 the trail, and tho old malo was finally caught In one ot them about 18 miles north of Grand Junction or nbout 50 miles from tho original den at DoBcquc. Two weeks latter tho femalo was trap ped in the samo locality. Both animals woro about 15 years old. Tho tcmala had lost ono foot, presumably In a trap. Tho polt of tho malo was more than6 feet long. :o: NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 15 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. RACHKL FARQUIIAU XEWllOLD To tho ownors of tho recprd of all property adjacent to or abutting upon the Btreets hereinafter described and all persons Interested therein. You and each of you aro hereby notified that the Mayor and (City) Council of tho city of North Platto did under date of Juno 2, 1022 pass and approve a certain ordinance form ing and creating paving district No, 16 of the olty of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska. And that tho fol lowing streets Including the Intersec tions thoroof within the limits of tho ally are comprised within said paving district to-wit: All that portion of Second Street commencing at tho west Hue of the Intersections ot Sec ond Street and Dewoy Street in said olty of North Platte, running thonco wost along said Second Stroot to the east lino of tho Intersection of said Second Street with Oak Street or the city of North Platto. Lincoln Count; Nobraska, and commencing at tho north lino of tho Intersection ot Third Stroot and Ash Stroot in said city running thonco north to tho south lino of tho Intersection ot Fourth Stroota nnd Ash Streets In said city nnd commencing hj said city running north along Maplo Strcot to tho south lino of tho Intersection of Fourth Stroot with said Maplo Street nnd commencing at tho north lino ot the intersection ot Fifth Stroot and Maple Street In said city running thence north along said Maple Street to tho south lino ot tho Intersection or tith street and Maplo Street In said City of North Platto Nebrnska, there to terminate. Unloss objections nro filed as re quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first .publication jot this notice, tho Mayor nnd City Council shall proceed to construct such pav ing. Dated this 6th day of Juno, 1922. B. H. HVANS Attost: O, IS ELDER, Mayor Olty Olbrk (SEAL) 21 South 3Inpl Street NEW SURBURBAN STORE With an up-to-dato lino of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Fresh Fruits mid Vegetables in soason. Milk mid Cream nnd IdenI Ilronil Quality a nil Service Our Trade Mark. 1VE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS riiono .us CLAYTON CASH GROCERY Whenio North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBaza ar Everything first class and price reasonable Opposite Union Pacific Station. SPECIAL PEATUJIES WIMTTEN IN COMBINATION WITH STANDARD LIFE POLICIES Non-Cancellnblo Accident and HoalUi Insurance. Doublo Indemnity Provisions. Specific DIsmombcrment Provisions. Disability Income Clause. Monthly Lifo Income Provisions. Puro and Installment Income Endowment Provisions. Proralum Waivor Clause. Post Mortem Dividends. Full Participation In all Surplus. Automatio Non-forfoituro Clause. Insurance Hint Insures Protection thnt Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Homo Offico Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Neb. x Mrs. Rachel Farquhar Newbold daughter of Robert and Mary Far quhar, was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, on May 13th, 1S30 and died at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Butler Buchanan, C02 Wost 2nd street, North Platto, Nobr., Monday, Juno Gth. Sho was 92 yoars, 20 days old. Sho was the oldest of a famllv of' eight children, all having passed away, except a younger sister, Mrs. Anna Bowors Murphy, who lives .at Burns, Knnsns. Sho was married u uovernor Jo shua G. Newbold, on May 2nd, 1S50, In Fnyotte County, Pennsylvania. Thoro woro born to thoso paronts five children, only ono of whom is still living, Ms. Butlor Buchnnnn. She is also survived by sovon grand children, eight gront grand children and three groat great grand children. She, with her husband, moved to Iowa in 1854, locating on a farm nw Mount Pleasant, Iown, near alio town of Hilisboro, Her husband having un listed in tho U. S. Army, Company "C" 25th Volutoor Infantry, ibft for tho war, serving about two years. Tho farm nnd business of hor hus band was loft ontirely in her hands, also tho caro of the family consisting of three small children. At the closo of tho war, In September, 13 "7, she with hor husband nnd family, r.ove.1 to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Governor Newbold departed this life on June 10th, 1903, at Mount Pleasant, and in 1914 Mrs. Newbold moved to North Platto, whero she has made her home until hor death. Mrs. Nowbold In hor younger days was a mombor.of tho Fonwlll Baptist Church, having professed religion and united with the Church in early life. She romalnod a faithful member of this church until she moved to Mount Pleasant, Iowa when she with hor husband united with the First Presbyterian church of that city. where her membership remained until her death. She lived a long and useful we ana endured without a murmur the sufferings and hardships of three wars, especially the Civil War. She was loyal to her country, and her family and friends, You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Cor. EXPERT AUTO TOP MAKERS AND TRIMMERS PLATTE AUTO TRIM CO- PHONE 30OJ 107 West 6th Street PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE CADILLAC OVERLAND We have stored in a pnbllo ware house iu North Platte a new high grade player piano whkrtr tor qulcfc sale, will be sold at a tremendous sacrifice. Terms to auy respouslbie parrty. If Interested write quick for particular to Tfea nenyer alusio 0gijny , Dearer, Color. ' For the Cadillac we recommend tha fol lowing grades: Summer MEDIUM HEAVY Winter MEDIUM LIGHT Transmission TRANSMISSION OIL Differential TRANSMISSION OIL Lnhrlcaim Is Easy you use IS your motor boing rdentlncally lubricated? How sure re yon that you are buying tho right oil? Can you be 'curtain you are right without tho guidance of lubrication enginoers, who not only understand your motor but who havo also mastered the tremen dous complications of oil supply and oil refining? Automotive engineers agree thut fully 80 of all motor repair and replacement coats are directly caused by the use of low grade oil or oil of unsuitable body. To meet thin condition our experts have propared a slmplo chart the Polarine Chart which insures you against costly mistakes of thlB nature. This chart is included in the Red Crown Road Map which has been mailed to every motorist in the stava of Nebraska. If you have not received a copy one will be sent upon request. It gives speci fications for practically overy car made; specifications tested ami proved beyond the possibility of doubt. Polarine is the highest quality of oil you can buy. Its stability under high engine heat assures a fuel-tight and gas-tight seal in the cylinders maximum power and mileage from the gasoline, its smooth, penetrating film protects bearings and engaging parts against wear, vibration and breakage. Polarine Oil is made I a fuur grades tntdium liht, mulluoi Iwhvj', heavy and extrm Aaavy but in only ete quality. You can get the proper grada for your car where you buy yotir clean-burnir-r. t iontiflcally hnUnced Red Crown Gasoline and yon will avt,l i !. ! .t of bptfuM and expense, Prevan; costly lubri cation mhn-ltfs. oe th Polarine Chart today, mate sura your oil is right, tfnd f.k-k to it. It paya big I ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA .For the Overland we recommend fia following grades! 4 Summer MEDIUM LIGHT Winter MEDIUM LIGHT Tranamiaaion TRANSMISSION OIL e Differential TRANSMISSION OIL ' ., j t-fv I. , . v;- ,.tf