The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1922, Image 1
ran- oOeemii Crilnmt elite TUESDAY and FRIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE fl, 1922. NO. 44. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE ND THINGS ITEMS OF OTEltEST ABOUT HE- CENT HAPPENINGS IN TlIIS COMMUNITY Treasurer Souder,'s office reports Is suing 3.C57 auto licenses so fur this year up to Juno 1st. During tlio month of May the coun ty Judgo's office Issued only thirteen mariago licenses. It is understood that the rush will como this month. The death, of Henry B. Burke of Kimball was announced here last Tuesday. Mr. Burke was a member of company K, First Nebraska regi ment and served In the Phlllipines. Ho was -a member of the North Platte post U. S, W. V. During tho month of May the North Platto Volunteer Flro Department re sponded to flvo alarms. Tho total damage was estimated at $350, and this was by two of tho thrco fires. Thero was no damage at tho other three. Calvert Naviaux has been chosen assistant chief senior patrol leader of tho Boy Scouts and will have charge of the senior patrol leaders In troops seven, olght and nine. Darroll Trout will havo chargo of those in troops three, four and five. The International convention of Rotary clubs Is being hold in Los An goles this week. Harry Dixon is tho dolegato from North Platto. He 13 one of tho S.000 members from all na tions' who are in attendance at tho sessions which are being held In tho Philharmonic auditorium. The members of the Pioneer Camp Fire aro selling tickets for tho show, "Tho Journeys End," which will be shown at the- Keith tonight The girls havo arranged for a vaudovlllo consisting of homo talent Tho pro ceeds will bo used to send the girls to camp at Crete. Seventeen young ladies entertained Thursday afteroon at a farewell party in honor of Miss Alta Munslnger at hot home at 218 South Dewey. Tho after ' noon was spent Ix playing games and -with music. At the -close of the after noon a dainty luncheon was served, tfiss Munslnger will leave about June 15 for Europe. John Ginapp of Brady filed the first of the week for the nomination on tho Republican ticket for county commissioner from tho second district. He is a resident of Gaslin precinct. BASE Sunday, AT 3 Omaha U. P. Stores vs. North Platte This team defeated the local team in one of the fastest games played last season. ADMISSION 50 CENTS CAItll'FljlJ. 01KLS TO ATTEND THE STAIh CAMP AT CHETE MIXT WEEK Sovon members of Nioaflgoo Camp-fire- with tho acttng guardian, Mrs. H. A. Blalock and tho samo number from tho Pioneer group with Miss Alma Morrill as guar.dlan will leave next Wednesday morning for Crete whore they will spend n week in what is known as tho state camp. Tho fol lowing girls expect to attoud: Helen Schwalgcr, Gladys Stogall, Lucille Goldsmith, Alice Smith, Floriuo Stob bins, Bonnie Murdock. Evelyn Pow oll, Mario Watts, Ellon Erlckson, Merlo Watts, Dorothy Elder. Ada Bigham and Gwendolyn Mcltoynoids. Mr. GInnpp has boon a resident of this cpunty for many years and feels that ho knows conditions here woll enough to givo a good account of him self If he Is Intrustod with thiB import ant position. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Figard and Charles Figard of Thedford, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Gadrick of Grant visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Starr whllo enrouto from Thedford t to Grant. J. H. Figard Is vlco president of tho Citizens Stato bank at Thed ford. Charles Figard is interested in tho mercantile business In Thedford. Mr. Gadrick is the owner of tho Tele phone exchange in Grant. Chas. E. Allen of Cozad Tuesday, filed for tho Republican nomination for Stato Senator from this district This district comprises Lincoln and Dawson counties and it seems that in tho arrangement of affairs this is tho turn of Dawson county to supply the senator. Mr. Allen has been an active Republican for a good many years but has never been asked for any of flco before. Ho is in tho general mer cantile business and is highly respect ed by thoso who know him. The funeral of Mrs. Rachel Now bold was hold on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 from the homo of her dau ghter, Mrs. Butler Buchanan. The ser vlco vas conducted by Rev. N.'P. Pat terson of) tho First Presbyterian church and music was furnished by a quartet composed of , Mrs, Edw. Burke, Mrs. Guy Andorsdn, Glen Rit ner and Dr. H. E. Mitchell. Miss Flo rence McKay was at tho piano. Thp body was taken to Mount Pleasant, Iowa whero a short service will bo hold before placing It beside that of her 'husband. '.o: James Mallon, ono of tho officials for tho Groat NortlnYostorn railroad Is transacting business in the city for a fow days. Gordon Schwalger accompanied' by his grandmother, Mrs. Anna Schwal ger left this morning for La Grande, Oro. whero they will spend several months. BALL June 1 1 P. M, LINCOLN COUNTY TAX PROBLEMS EXPLAINED A SEMES OP TIMELY ARTICLES DEALING WITH COUNTY AND CITY jt It has lieon charged that tho North Platte schools aro more oxpenslye than thoso of other places. In order that wo may study this fact wa se cured somo figures from tho Depart ment of Financo of Nebraska. Out of over' dollar paid for tnxos in 1921 forty-flvo cents wont to tho school; In tho four cities In Nobraska which aro larger than North Platto tho part of tho dollar paid In taxes thero whlgh wont for their schools was as follows Omaha 31 conts Lincoln 48 conts Grand Island 42 cents Hastings ! 52 cents North Platto 45 cnts Tho four cities next to North Platte in tjize show the following figures: Beatrice i 44 cents Fremont 42 cents Norfolk 47 cents . . Kcarnoy 44 cents Other places In tho state having a population of over 2,000 show as fol lows: University Place 05 cents Havelock 59 cents Bayard 5G cents Collego View 5G cents Superior 31 cents South Sioux City 31 cents r This" shows that tho schools of a c Dodge B l . j ''if., ',y T CIL ESTABLISHED HOY SCOUT ORGANIZATION PUT IN THE HIGHEST ItANK Tho local council of tlio Boy Scouts at Its mooting Wodnosday noon voted unanimously to apply for n charter as a flr3t class council. Thero are but four first class councils In tho stato and tlioy are located t. Omaha, Llur Coin, Grand Island, and Hastings. Those aro the four cities in Nobraska having larger populations than North Platto and as this city is tlio fifth in population it is proper for it to be come tho fifth city to establish tho lajger relation with scouting. Tho council has compiled with every ro qulrment for a charter of tho first class council nnd It will undoubtedly bo granted ono. A full-tlmo paid scout executive Is ono of tho -requirements that is tho last action of tho council. Executive Stophons began working full-timo for tho Scout bodies on Juno 1st. :o: Dr. nnd Mrs. Noal of Charlostown, West Virginia aro visiting at the homo of their daughter Mrs. Keith Neville and family, Otto Westcnfcld, Albort Westenfcld and Harry Lannln' loft Thursday morning for Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. They will bo gone threo wcoks. North Platto arc not spending more than about tho avorago part of each dollar of tax paid in. FIRS GOON ANNOUNCE "'V' A Business Coupe Conservative changes in the body design v. . '''V,!f - a- of all other types 1- A -1 t 1 f - V. ROMIGH, DEALER 6th and Locust TAX REDUCTION MEETING IIEAHS MUTZ AND ELECTS OEEICEKS Tho stato commlttoo of tho Pro gressive party In holding a sorles of moetlngu over tho stato and organizing Tax ltoductlon associations ' In onoh locality. Chairman ISdmlston of tlio state commlttoo was in North Platto last Saturduy nnd at a mooting hold In tho county court houso ho Intro duced Kr-Sonntor Otto Mutz of Lin coln who opoko nt length on tho gon oral subject of tax reduction. The pormanent otflcors ot tho Lincoln county association aro Win. Lyman, North Platto, prosldont; Mrs. Chas. Porkins, North Platto.socrotary; J. W, Shoop, Maxwoll, treasurer. Flvo mcotings woro held in Lincoln county during tho wook nnd Mr. Mutz ad drossod them all. Tho addresses worn woll given and are causing much dis cission, somo claiming they aro overdrawn and that tho romcdiod nggosted aro impracticable and others that titty irost a true- ifolvt tlcn of our 'iconomic reeds. :ot J. O. Wilson loft last ovoning for Glonwood Springs, Colo, whoro ho will spend a month. Ho will rocolvo med ical treatment whllo thoro. MEATS I havo bought tho shop formerly owned by Henry Simon, at 820 North Locust and will carry a full lino ot fresh meats at fair prices. Give mo a trial. N. P. ED WALL roth ers X , : - CORNER STONE TO BE LI UK LODGE ODD l'ELEOWS TO HAVE CHARGE OF IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY Tlio Bonrd ot County Commissioners has glvon tho North Plntto Lodgo of Odd Follows pormtsslon to Uao Its coromony at tho laying of tho now Lincoln county court houso cornor stono on Thursday, Juno 22. Tho stono is furnished by tho Odd Follows nnd is boing properly engraved now. Tho oration of tlyj day is to bo glvon by Sonator W. V. Hongland who is high In tho councils of the Odd Follows in this stato and who is widoly known over tho country. It is planned to mako tho occasion as much ot a holl day as posslblo In ordor to gtvo pconlo a chanco to attond such a historic oc casion. Architect Borllnghof, Contrac tor McMicliaol and tho County offi cials will tako part In tho proceed ings. ' yn r yt jy 'yy Uf.m, .y--.y TyW:" 1. . i ',:'