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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ScmMteeklu Eribune. WILSON TOUT. Editor ami Publisher, Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflceaa Second Clang Matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year, In ndvnnco $1.G0 TUI96DAY, JUNE G, 1922. EMTORIAL Hnnnnl, the goer said to King Asa of Jndah "For the oyos of tlio Lord run to-nnd-fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong In bo half of those whose heart Is right to ward him." II Chronicles 1G:9. Tlio flag should novor ho allowod to touch tho ground while being raised or lowored on a flag polo or nt an unveiling. IN MKMOItY OK MY MOTHHR T'8 night and ths Btars are gloaming, Harth'e tollers have gone to rost, I5ut I pause a. while at the window, With my head to tho cascmont prowiod Oh! tho w.i Vow of remembrance and tho yearning Thnt over my weariness creep, And I pray for a moment's communion Boforo I havo fallen asleep. Just a sound of your voice Angol Mother, Or a glimpse of your garmonts so white, Or a hit of the music you'ro hearing, As you dwoll In tho City of Light; Tho hush only doopons about mo, And I hoar but the sound of my sigh, Whllo all that my oyos are seeing Are God's stars In tholr shining on high; A year ago tho Tribune supported a Olonn-Up, Paint-Up campaign and Judging by appearances, It was suc cessful. Evbry little whllo wo hoar of someono who has cleaned up on his friends and cleared out and some of tho girls In this town havo taken over tho paint-up job. Their- daubing ol red, white nnd black stuff on tholr faces has passed tho bounds of de cency and serves as a disguise which friends can penetrate. Wo aro told that they will never. havo tho fresh rosy comploxion of healthy youth be cause the stuff they uso on tholr facta saps tho llfo out of their skin. A disguise of paint, and powder may luru a man hut is, paij never hold him. Tho girls who uso these things nre being misled but It Is not our business to try to put them right. It Is tho huslnss of their mothers. Thoy aro to blomo but In many cases tholr vanity has caused them to dec orate their faces la an attempt to look Hko pbacock. Wo aro going to havo an understanding Just what Is meant boforo ,wo go In to boost any moro palnt-up campaigns. :o; Brunswick phonographs, Holloy Music House. l'U-lt!!f'Mi-5t''.,..M..M,MM...M. ' J y ...,...,.',',.'',, j j.; II i.t it i.t i.t i.t .t j: f . V j.: i.t i.t i.t it it i.t i.t it j stop your car when North Platto i.t it liHHO One of thn tmnl itmilmiml V. " - ' ... welding shops In western Nobr- t ftkn and can guaranttco you j ok good a wold as can bo had i; U nnywhoro. Noarly anything that j v In broken can bo mended and navo dolny of order parts nnd ft time. Wo wold any kind of cast ft' e K Those who have harvest com- ing on ho sure to get your mnch- ft J lnery In order; your mowors. $ it rakes, headers and blndors and otho niachlnory, bo sure to got ft . men ooioro needing thorn at, ft ft NORTH SIDE BLACKSMITH H SHOP - MAHTlN WYMAN, PROP, Phono 3G1 W. Oh no 'tis a pathway of glory, 7-Vi ' And I thought It was only a star, . . ,' Whllo tho dlstanco that lloth botwoen, . Now bridged, for It novor was far, v Mother, I hoar your voice singing, As you sang In tho sweet long ago, And your robes, in radiance shining, Aro as white as tho new fallon snow. ; Your faco Is tho face of my Mother, Holding "poaco which tho world never knew;" Tho dear oyos and Hps In their smiling Aro glorious tender and true, Tho touch of your doar hand I'm feeling, With Its wonderful old.tlmo caress,' And tho world-weariness you aro healing With nil your dear tenderness, Then a hush and onco moro I am seeing Only tho stars gleaming high, Whllo tho'only sound I am hearing -., fs tho song of tho broezo passing by, But Father I rovcrontly thank Thee For leaving tho portals ajar, And lift my soul to my Mother As I gaze on tho faco of a star O. O. 1L Weldncr, Maxwell, Nebr. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS SHERIFF I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for1 Shoriff of Lincoln county at the prlmnrles and will ap preciate your support. My yoors of sorvlco aro my best recommendation. A. J. Salisbury :o:- SHERIFF. ' I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho Democratic nomination for Shoriff of Lincoln county, sub. Ject to tho decision of tho voters at the primaries on July 18th. L. L. Bortho. :o:- CIcEHK I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for Cleric of Lincoln county, subject to tho decision of tho voters at tho Primaries on July 18th. H. S. Hasklns SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho Republican nomination for Shoriff of Lincoln county, subject to tho decision of the voters nt tho primaries on July 18. GEORQE W. RHODUS :o: COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner from tho Socond District of Lincoln county, subject to tho will of the Democratic voters at tho primary election to bo hold July 18. 1922. Chas. O. Jackson well Precinct SCOUT HEADQUARTERS IS MOVED TO NEW DOWNTOWN LOCATION Don't lot your broken frames jj Tho hoadqunrters of the local coun cil, Boy Scouts has boon moved from tho high school building to tho baso mont of tho Bidding and Loan build ing. This Is tlio room formerly occup lod "by Roberts Bros., and' Is a good room for tho purpose. Executive Stop hons has secured some needed furn Ituro and Is making tho hoadquartors comfortahlo and hnndy. :o: . Tho Missionary Clrclo of tho Firm Christian church ontortnlned last Thursday ovonlng at a miscellaneous shower n honor of Mrs. Ocorgo Gregg iwho was recently married. Sho la hotter known as Miss Blancho Pylo, ono of tho class of 1922 of tho North Plnttc high school. Want Ads WANTED Second hand typewriter, In good condition. Tribune office. FOR SALE One ton Republic truck or will trade for light roadster or light truck. C. II. Ovormoyor. FOR SALE Woll bred trail hound puppies. Make fino rabbttt or coon dogs $5.00 ench. Phono 941W. Tho Camp Fire conforouco at the Luthoran church laBt Friday was at-! tondod by moro than 150 camptiro1 enthusiasts and friends. Tho after noon session was taken up with round tnhlo discussions by tho guardians and prosldod ovor by Mrs. Chas. Huh-; bard of Omaha. In tho ovenlng tho local council hus lnvltod Homo of tho camp flro groups to put on somo demonstration work nnd in rosponso tho Sioux and Pioneer groups put on motion songs nnd tho Kllllkolocho group gavo tho ceremonial. Songs and yells by tho girls enlivened tho mooting. Talks woro given by somo of tho mothers and guests. Othor out-of-town peoplo woro Mrs. Arthur Gent zlor and Mrs. W. J. Blrkofor of Gothenburg. FOR RENT Clean airy, quiet sleep ing rooms; furnished or unfurnish ed, under now management ono block east of tho depot, 400 East Front St. W. E. Shumnn Is In Lincoln this week, arguing the telephone case be fore tho State Railway commission Ho and Mrs. Shumnn left hero Friday and went to Omaha where they spent a day whllo Mr. Shumnn looked after some needed reports and records. ..Misses Gladys Stegall and Hazel Lowis entertained last evening at a dancing party at tho E. Y. P. A. Club House In honor of Miss Marguerite Campbell who will soon leave for her homo In Canada. Tho out of town guests wore Miss Margaret Campbell, Miss Esther Guffey of Sutherland, Harry Young of Omaha and Dr. C. C. Kundel of Oothenburg. There were ab'oui - twenty young people present. Puricli and wafers werb served during the ''evening. Albert W. Jeff oris Republican Candidate for United States Senator Farm boy, country school teacher, college man, amateur ball player, lawyer, earnest worker in development of Ne braska, now in Congress. Always a Republican Primary Julv 18th. NOTICE At tho annual meeting of the legal voters of school district No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, whlch will bo hold at tho school house on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m., tho proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of $1,000 to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will roqulro a levy of not less than seven mills nor moro than twonty mills on the total assessed valuation of said district. Signed: A. P. McClellen Director :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of the legal voters of school district No. 21 of Lincoln County, Nebraska., which will bo held nt tho school house on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1D22, nt 2 p. m. the proposition will bo submitted to the votors of raising tho budget of $1,000 dollars to conduct tho school for the coming year. This will requlro a 16vy of not less than seven mills nor more than twenty mlllB on tho total asses sed valuation of Bald dlstrlot Signed: John W. Klinca Director -:o:- Darius M. Amsberry Of Broken Bow, Nebraska Candidate for Congress From the Sixth District STRAYED From the Wyman farm, west of town, ono mouse-colored Jenny mule, branded "7Y" on right shoulder. Phono 1152W. FOR SALE Scholarship In tho Grand Island Buslnoss College For part iculars write to Fremont J. Wilson Box 31, Alliance, Nebraska. FOR RENT Improved Irrigated ten acro track, adjoining Sutherland, F. C. Leach, care American State Bank, Sutherlnud. THIS WHEEL FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls. Ono two years old; ono threo years old. Just right for turning Into a herd. Experiment Station, W. P. Suy- dor, Superintendent. One of tho Items .of news which almost escaped us was tho selection of North Platte as the location for tho 1923 meeting of the Sixth District of ' tho Nebraska Bankers' Association. When the te'egrnm camo .innounclng the selection of E. F. Seeberger as president and W. E. Starr as secretory-it looked as If It were the intention of tho convention to glvo us the next meeting hut tho message did not say so and so wo could not announce tlt At a. later dato It was almost over looked. North Platto peoplo will ap preciate having tho bankers of this district como and look us over and North Platto will try to put on Its best clothes and behavior for tho occasion. FOR SALE Three acres alfalfa. In 'qtilro COS Enst 3rd. FOR SALE OR TRADE High grado touring car, fine condition, new tires; soil cheap, tako small car or secured paper .In exchange! bargain. O. II Thoelocko. FOR SALE Steamer trunk. Reason- ahlo price. Phono 1208. IS GIVEN AWAY Fd c" pr 1 V Ian Im in 20 days. Enroll now and start to work. No money needed. We supply information and neces sary material. Anyone in Lincoln county over 12 years of age. The North Platte Tribune HEMSTICHINO AND PICTOING at tachment; fits all sowing machines. Prlco $2. Checks 10c extra. Lights Mall Order House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. WAiNTED Portion as housekeopor olthor In iclty or country, fcibod cook. Ono girl can milk cows. Mrs. Flshor, Roddon rooming houso. Room 27. FOR RENT Horso barn for 1G horses also ono for 10 horses at old stock yards. Hoy barn 40x88 sultnblo for Btorago purposos. Bratt, Goodman & Buckley. FOR SALE Tomato plants lCc per dozen. Cabbage 50c -per hundred. L. I. Tuckor Phono C98J. FOR SALE Dining table, library table, buffet, bod, range, hoator, wardrobo, largo mirror, chairs and rockor. Phono GG1W 409 W. 3rd. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lot 2 Block 13 A. C. Taylor's addition to North Platto. Make us a cash offer Will consider a good automobllo. Write Downoy and Johnson, . Scottshluff, Nobr. WANTED A Salesman capable of calling on merchants, to hoad quartor In North Platto, man with car profcrcd. Roforencos required Contrnl Statos Socrot Servlco Bureau, Dopt. D. Lincoln, Nebraska. Can ij ow read this policy? Toil 'don't die to win It doesn't increase in price. It means cash in old age. Insurance that Insures from ages 15 to 05. Any form you desire on terms to suit you call or see t tSTAQUSHEOIN I3IO . hm0 jf THERE IS NONE BETTER TO BUY' Darius M. Amsberry is a native of Ipwa, and was raised on a farm near Knoxville. He filed on a homestead in Custer Copnty, Nebraska in 1878. He was County Superintendent of Schools for six years. In that time he organized 1C0 .of , the schools of the county. He organized and con ducted a summer Normal scnool of six weeks for six years for the bene fit of the young teachers. He purchased the Guster County Republican, and edited and published this paper for 25 years at Broken Bow, and was instrumental in mak ing Broken Bow one of the first dry towns in the state in spite of the opposition of the other newspapers oi tne town. He was annotated Receiver of the Government land office of Broken Bow in 190G by President Roosevelt, nnd re-appointed nt the end of the four year term by President Taft, holding the office of Receiver prac tically ten years. Ho was Mayor of Broken Bow when elected Secretary of State in 1919. He was re-elected in 1921 by a majority of 103,320, which was among the largest majorities cast for any of the stntc candidates. He refers with prido to his record in economic, and efficient sen-ice during his administration of the office of Secretary of State. Mr. Amsberry believes in the doc trine of the Fatherhood of God nnd the Brotherhood of Man and in or der to further this doctrine he be lieves that our laws should bo so ndjusted as to protect the producer, laborer and consumer from monopo list organizations of every kind that impose upon tho rights of tho people. He favors the regulation of all cor porations, trusts and combines that seek to infringe upon the rights of tho public. He stands for tho conservation of nil natural resources such as coal, timber and oil that nature has pro vided for nil mankind. Laws govern ing traffic in such products should be regulated so that equal justico to the consumer would be vouchsafed. He is for reduction of national ex penses to the minimum in every avenue compatible with efficie-t tov ernmcnt so that these expenses do not exceed t,ho Income. He is for tho enforcement of the Volstead Act. He believes in tho government denling justly with tho World War Veteran nnd thinks that the ques tion of tho bonus nnd from what source it should bo paid might well bo removed from politics nnd refer red to the people at the next general election. Ho promises, If nominated and elected, to exert his best endeavors to faithfully servo the public and emulnto his predecessor, Hon. Moses P. Kinknid, in giving personal servico to his constituents of tho Sixth Con gressional District. NOTICE At tlio annual mooting of the l'gal votora of school district No. 87 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, whloh will bo hold at tho school hbuso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m the proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of one thousand ($1000.00) to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will require a levy of not less thrni 3even mills nor moro than twny mllte or., the tota: assessed valuation of said district. Signed: C. R. Smiih Director. :o: s NOTICE At the annual meeting of the legal voters of school district No. 97 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will, bo held at the school house on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of Ono Thousand ($1,000) dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will require a levy of not less than seven mills nor more than twenty mills on the total asscsed valuation of said district. Rork. salesman, had charge of the Director :o: NOTICE At tho anual meeting of tho legal voters of school district No. 107 of Lincoln county; Nobraska, which will be held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12, 1922 at 2 p. m. the pro position .will bo submitted to tho vot ers of raising the budget of one thou sand ($1,000.00) dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will require a levy of not less than seven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total assesed valuation of said district. Mrs. Llllio M. Brlgga Director :o:- NOTICE At tho annual meeting of tho legal votors of school district No. 47 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will be held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. tlio proposition will bo submitted to the voters of raising tho budget of eleven hundred ($1,100.00) to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will roqulro a levy of not less than seve mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total asscsed valuation of said district Slgnod: C. C. Bowman Director NOTICE Miss Mablo Ball was fined $5.80 In pollco counrt yesterday for disturb ing tho ponco. Mrs. E. R Maunder and daughter of Paxton shoppod In tho city Satur At tho annual meeting of tho legal votors of school district No. 131 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will Lo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. in., tho proposition wll bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of ono thousand ($1,000) dollars to conduct tlio school for tho coming year. This will requlro a levy of not less than seven mills nor moro than twenty on tho total assessed vauatlon of said district. Signed: E. J. Damoodo Director :o: NOTICE At tho apnual mooting of tho legal voters of school district No. 71 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m., the proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of Thir teen Hundred ($1300) Dollars to con duct tho school for tho coming year. Tills will roqulro a levy of not less than Boven mills nor moro than twen ty mills on tho total assosscd valu ation of said district Signed: John Slmms DIrecter day.