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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1922)
J. .4 THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE wm m lb m m m ifi MR !fi IR Hi ... s.t M i.t 1 , y :.: :: :.: i.t it i.t t.t it j'r I.t it it ... . M . . .. . . M . . . . . M ........... ... M M . M . . M . . . . '. .. . .'. ... M .. . . . . M . ..... V.V..M..V.V.VVVV.VVV. . .... ........w,,wwwww..w,.w.w....w.......V........V.V. Ill 1 ANNOUNCEMENT! THE NEBRASKA MILL & ELEVATOR COMPANY - W Has just finished installing, the machinery for a flour mill with a daily capacity of fifty barrels of the best flour made. This machinery is all new and ol the very latest design. We will have our best grades of ' flour on sale at every grocery store in Lincoln county just as soon f as, we can make the necessary arrangements. Our brands are "Golden West" and "North Platte Flavo." 4. V A, The Nebraska Mill & Elevator . EAST FRONT STREET, NORTH PLATTE Company j 2' ' -V. V V 0' 4 V IV '.' - V -J "1 . 4. , tr- :.: i.t :.t J.t i.t :.: j.t J.t Jt Jt Jt j.t j.t j.t 3 . j.t jt j.t jt j.t j.t !i jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t i.t i.t j.t j.t j.t IS j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t H j.t j.t j.t CHATS WITH ' YOUR GAS MAN It la difficult fox a cook who is used to-a coal range to real ize the Kreat intensity 'of gas rango hoot. Vfhaii cooking on a gas rango is once started it is almost Impossible to use too little boat, but it is easy to use too much. Almost all kinds of stowing or boiling should bo done with (he burner turned low; the re siiiltB will bo very much better. If pid cooking will often spoil the food. The proper method is to start tho boiling over a single burner with full flame, and when the boiling point is reach ed, turn tho flamo very low, or transfer tho saucepan to the simmering burner. Somo cooks light the giant burner for everything. Tills is wastful and unnecessary. Tho simmering burner is an import ant aid to economy. It burns tho satnllest possible amount of gas and can be used for a great doal of cooking and for keeping things warm. North Platte Light & Power Co. LOCAL AN J) PERSONAL Donald Yost is visiting friends in Sterling. .Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Buckloy re turned yostorday from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. V. A.' Nelson loft yestorday for their homo In Soattlo. C..P. Nelson of Gothenburg visited at tho A. T. Johnson homo last weok. Mrs. A. O. Carlson and son Harold pt Gothonburg aro visiting Mrs. IJogh tol. Sligs Stella Nichols of Sterling is visiting friends in tho city. Sho was a tormor teaohor in tho Junior High , School, ' Mrs. F. G. Hoxio has been visiting her daughter Mrs. R. P. Motcalf of Paxton. Miss Gertrude Doty is visiting in Oshkosh at tho home of Miss Sarah McCord. , Piano tuning, Ilolley Music House. L. N. Ilito left yesterday for Oga lalla where ho is working with tho work train. Roland Locke and Dnrrell Healoy aro spending a fow days in Denver visiting friends. . Miss Valask Vc-seipka of Broadwater is visiting at tho William Vosoipkaj homo for a few days. Rev. Gossingor of Omahn proached at tho M. E. Church Sunday during the absonco of Rov. Hess. i J. J. WILSON DENTIST I OPPOSITE JIcCARE HOTEL, OVEln STAMP'S HAKEItY. PHONE 71. I Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wieso of Meadow Grovo spent Sunday at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harold "Wieso. Miss Wilnia Coates returned homo Saturday from Lincoln where she has been attending tho University. Mrs. John Stafford stopped over at tho Trexler homo Sunday botwoon trains onrouto to Los Angeles. Mrs. L. J. Krauso and baby return ed Sunday after a several weeks visit In Denver at the John Burke homo. Mr. and Mrs. James Dorran loft this morning for tho Springs where thoy aro taking their dnughter Zella for medical treatment. Quality articles sold at reasonable prices always will sell. Dodge Bro thers led tho field today because you get your full money's worth. J. V. Romlgh Dealer. Theo, Lowe, assistant yard mnstor bore, left for Laramie yestorday whore ho is said to hnvo received an appointment ns yard master. He went up to look It ovor. "Wo carry in stock In North Platte a full stock of Dodge motor car re pairs, for your quick sorvlco. Thoro Is no othor such service available in North Platte. J. V. Romlgh, Dcalor. Miss Florence Stamp roturned homo Sunday from Kansas City whoro she has boon visiting the last month. Sho was accompanied homo by hor Httlo niece Fritzlo Keslor who will spend the summer In tho city. Avalon Hockonborger loft Friday for hor homo In Brush. Colo. Sho has spent the past yoar nt tho homo of her aunt, Mrs. John Day In this city and hns attondod the local high school from whioh triio graduated with the olase of 1922. A good sized crowd of tax payers attended the meeting in tho county court room last Saturday afternoon ami listened to tho address given by ex-Senator Otto Mutz of Lincoln, Gollmar Bros, circus was In North 'Platte last Saturday and showed to an enormous crowd in tho aftornoon with only a fair crowd in tho evening. Opinion differs s to. tho show. Some saying it was tho same thing over again and othors calling attontlon to tho now features which thoy had not seen In a circus before. Mrs. Racliael F. Newbold dlod yes-j terday morning at the age of 92 years and 23 days. Mrs. Wowbold was born ! May 13, 1830 In Lafayette County, Pa. j Tho funeral wilt bo hold this after- i noon from tho house and tho romalns will bo sont to Mount Pleasant, Iowa for burial. Thoso surviving her aro hor daughter, Mrs. Butler Buchanan and family and grandsons J. A. Isainnn of Aurora and Georgo Isaman of Hastings. Mrs. Frank Lawrence will leave for Denver Sunday after visltng hero for sevoral weeks. Mm. "W. A. Buchfinch and children returned yostordny from Grand Is land where tltcy spont several days visiting Mrs Buchfincli's nioth.or. Tho North Platto Woniann' Club banquqtcd at tho Presbyterian church last night and was served by tho church ladlos with a dinnor which mot every requirement. Following tho banquot thoy repaired to the church auditorium whore thoy listened to ad dresses by Mosdnniofl Bogue, MoRey holds, Starr, Blalock, Prater, Shelvor and Scott. Music was furnished by Mrs. 0. H. Shrlver and Mri. Carl Grelson and Mrs. W. J. Tlley gavo a reading. Flowers wore presented to Mrs. W. C. Shelver who has resigned ns president. MrB. M. B. Scott was chairman of tho program. FORD N13ARS OUTPUT OF G.000 A DAY Dealers Call For 191,750 Cars, Trucks And Tractors For Juno Ford Dealers In tho United States have asl(ud for a total of 195,750 Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors to meet their Juno requirements, sayw a state ments issued by tho Ford Motor Com pany, Detroit, Michigan. As a rosult the ostintntod output for Juno has boon boosted to MO.000 which Is an Incroaso of 10,000 over tho prea ont month, and, of course, will set a new high roeord, in spite of tho fact that tho May output will show a sub stantial Incroaso over tho provlous highest month. Ford sales hnvo boon constantly in creasing since the first of tho year, tho demand growing during tho pust two months faster than It has been posslblo to Incroaso producton. Monday, May 10 brought forth u now record of cars built for one day, tho figures roachlng -1878 at the close of tho days work. This was an Increase of 10 ovor May lGtU whon tho pre vious high mark was established. On May 18th, the six millionth Ford motor was assembled, No. five mil lion fa m off the line May 28th, 1921. Ford officials Btate that every nt tompt is being mado to build a suf ficient number of cars and trucks to fill the retail requirements of their 8,000 donlorB. Advertisement :o: ATTENTION Y013M13N .Regular businufte mooting and social following at K. C. Hall Juno 8th at 8 p. m. Evorybody como oarly. (,; Miss Laura Murray visited friends in Maxwoll last week. Tho Trlbuno subscription contest with a now $50 Dayton blcyclo as the first prize, starts this week. The flr-t list of contestants with the1- stnii'l ngs" will bo mndo up on F turd:iy night. Tliis contest Is open to country people as woll as those of the differ ent towns and cities of Lincoln coun ty. Tho only qualification is ,thnt thoy must bo rosldents of Lincoln county nnd must be ovor 12 years age. It Is best to call at tho of fice boforo starting out as tho in formation you can get hero Is w. ll worth tho effort. Tho baseball team Journod to St r- Hng Saturday. Whtlo thoro It played a scries of two gamos. Tho scoro Saturday was 7 to 14 In favor of North Platto, They playod 12 innings North Platto tied tho scoro In tho nin th. Tho locals secured two runs In tho elevonth. North Platto had sovi'ii runs in tho twelfth inning, winning by a scoro of 7 to 14. Tho feature of tho game was a homo run by Dwl anty which tied tho score. Tho locals mot tho Storllng team again on Sunday. Tottonhoff was too much for Storing and lot them down with throe hits, North Platto getting nlno from Payne, Stprllng's pitcher. Tottodhoff was given wondorful sup port by tho rot of tho team. North Platto Avon tho seond gamo "by a scoro of C to 0. Tho locals will meet tio fast Omaha U, P. Shop team lure Sunday. Jm 31 Serviceable, good-looking shoes that cleverly display3 fiew fashion details COOL WHITE SHOE! Hi Bi FIND MANY WAYS OF BEING BEAUTIFUL AND 'DIFFERENT Even the 1922 riot of colors cannot usury the popularity of whiteso ' crisp, so cool, so refreshing. And we are showing white footwear in a variety of styles which assures both pleasure and satisfaction in choosing here. Bi 4