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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE DR. 0. II. CKKSSLEIt OlIADUATKDKNTIST OMco ovor tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND 1'ERSONAL . C. S. Clinton roturnod yosterday from Excelsior Springs. Miss Siirtlo' Egiuton of Paxton shop ped In the city Saturday. W. II. Cramer loft yeitorclay lor Gliappoll to transact liulnos. Orr Cuintnlng of Koarney transnct cd hiiBlnosp In tho city Saturday. Conductor A. C. Howard Is tempor arily out of service on the railroad. Tho C S. Clinton store la being re painted on the Inside and romodlod. Earnest Hclnch of Omnha is visit ing with IiIb sister Mrs. .Too Nolan. Hov. and Mrs. Moore left yosterday for Mayo Brothers, Rochostor, Minn. I Ionium Stcvlo of Shoridan, Wyom ing Is visiting In tho city for soveral days. Dr. Lucuh roturnod Saturday morn ing from his homestead at Rock River Wyo. Mrs. Janios Ware stnrtod this morning for nn extended trip through Europe. William Hondy returned yesterday from Omaha whor6 ho transacted Imalnessi. Miss Fay Cypher loft yesterday for Lincoln whoro sho will visit for sev ere! days. Mrs. P.M. Wulvcrton of Dickens, Nohraska was a business visitor In our city Friday. Honry Sudman and sisters Minnie Jind Sophln of Paxton visited in tho city last week. Mrs. G. W. Slovens of Creek, Colo rado transacted business In tho city for soveral days. B, P. Weston returned Sunday from Hot Springs, Arkansas after spending several weeks thero. Junior Hlnman rotumed Saturday from Lincoln whoro ho has been at tending tho University. Miss Ina Dlener loft yestorday for Lincoln whoro she will attend school during Uio summer months. Mrs. Frank Brotzer and son Walter, havo roturnod from a trip to Denver whoro thoy spent a fow days. Mrs. M. Henry Qllfoyl Is spending a fow days In Omaha. While there alio will bo the guest of Miss Mary Mllnchhoff, at tho presentation recital of one of her advanced pupils. Tit Indies band met ftt the home of Mrs. A. D. Wlmbcrly 000 South Chmt nut Street on Friday evening. Mis Ruth Hubbard returned yester day from Sutherland and Offftlalla after spending five weeks there. Ml Hi Helen Honnor will return' Thursday from Lincoln where alio j has boon nttondlng the University. I Miss Florence Antondlos left yostar day for Lincoln where sho will nttond school during the summer months. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Wolngand left tho last of tho wcok for Los Angelos) nftor n short visit, with tho Hnrry Johnson family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tollle Glnves nnd ' children are leaving this week for. I Cheyenne whor thoy will reside dur-1 lng tho summer. .. i I A special trnln of Shrinks passed through tho city yosterday onrouto to' Los Angolos by way of Denvor. They, were from Mllwnlkoo. Miss Union Sandull has resumed her dutloa at tho Woetorn Union Tola raph office aftor a two-weoks vaca tion spent in Colorado. Miss Lura Erb of Gothenburg spent sovernl days In tho city visiting with friends. Sho was a former teacher In tho Senior High school. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Donkln loft tho last of tho weok for a fow weeks trip through tho south where they will visit nnd enjoy a vacation. A marriago license was Issued on Juno 1 to Philip C. Hutchcns, 24, n farmer of this vicinity anil Miss Ivn M. Snyder, 18, who also lives here. Miss Mario Shannon of Denver is visiting at tho W. R. Maloney home. Sho was a former teacher In the Sen- ; lor High School nnd was class spon sor of tho classes of 1920 and 1921. I would llko to soe every Dodge car owner uso good oil In his car. We soil j Havollno In bulk or 5 gallon cans. This oil Is used by the factory and wo also recommend It. J. V. Romlgh Dealor. Sunt, W J. (Brtiham of 'Sidney (was in tho city Tuesday. He Is tho ( Buperlntondent-olect nt North Platto nnd was hero making arrangements j to movo horo nbout July 1. Ho has not yet secured a house. :o: NOTICE According to cltv ordinance, wends within the. city must bo cut In June. ' , I will start to cutting on Juno 20 and chargo tho expense to the owners of tho Vacant lots and tho ndjolning j property. ! Road Overseer LOOK WHATC COMING MISSION Pastor J. '. Holm of the Swedish Mlslon will be at the Baptist churoli tonight at S p. in. IlKBEICAH The Jtoboknh Kensington will moot Friday nftornoon at tho I. O. O. F. Hall. EASTERN STAR Will moot Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'clock,' June 8th. Thoro will be in itatlon and Instnllutlon. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. M. B. Cavel of Maxwell vlslt od In tho city Saturday. Peer Peters wns fined $1-1.80 In police colirt for Intoxication. Goorgo Cash of Tryon transacted business In the city Saturday. Mrs. Mark McConnoll of Hershey transacted business In tho city Saturday. Goorfo Law of Hershey was a busi ness visitor In the city Satufday. Mrs Guy Cady of Horshey trans acted business In the city Saturday. Mr. and, Mrs. J. D. W. Lincoln lcavo this aftonoon by auto for Goth enburg. Albert Rlchlgln of Mnxwoll trans acted business In tho city Saturdny. Colo, transacted business In tho city yestorday. Mrs. Edna Voss of Horshoy trans acted business In the city SaCurday. j. V. Romlgh Is spending a ffrw days In Omaha vlsltng his son Victor who is sick in tho hospitnl In tht city. . Wffl Mrs. L. O. Johnson and daughter Anita visited at tho Robert Evans homo In Gothenburg One day last week. During tho evening Auita play ed her violin at tho Lake Theatre. PHILOS GUNA CLUB Will moot Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C WSaundqrs, 204 wesT IstfSt.' ' ' jf ? CATHOI.1C GIRLS . Will ontertaln at a card party on WltACtrlntr nVAtilni. 41... T.- f 1 . 1 1 Evoryono Is r.ordfnllv Invited 2fn wlllft bo clmrgod, YOUNG PEOPLE Tho Young Peoples Missionary So ciety of tho Lutheran church will meet with Miss Then Hansen this ovenlng. PRESBYTERIAN Aid Society will meet In tho church parlors Thursday afternoon nt 3 o' clock. The hostesses are Mesdames Jung, Curtis, Dickey nnd Hill. EPISCOPAL GUILD Will meet nt tho homo of Mrs. R. L. Gray, 405 West nth SL at 3 o'clock Thursday aftornoon. Committee serv ing are Mrs. R. L. Gray, Mrs C. F Temple, Mrs. L. C McGraw and Mrs. Wnlter Hazoncamp. John Jones. REGULAR MEETING Tho Womans Christian Temperance Union will meet Jurle 6 nt tho homo of Mrs. Anna Howard, 520 South Pino Street. Mrs. A. P. Kelly will talk on prison work and Mrs. O. J. Perkins "will give her report on her visit to tuberculosis hospital, :o;v Mr, and Mrs. Stevo Colo and dau ghters Marie and Dorothy left Friday for Tnmpa, Florida. Enrouto they will visit relatives In New York City and will visit Mrs. Cole's sister, Mrs. Edgar Baker In Washington D. C. Mrs. Baker was formerly Miss Ida Carroll, a North Platto resident. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Hershey unvrwent and op oration for Mastoldectory at the Platto Valley Hospital. GIFTS FOR BRIDE AND GRADUATE First ot all you want your gilt to be practical, useful, valued for its utility. It must present a good appearance, and it should be "different," not likely of duplication. All these requisites are met in Electrical Applianceshighly welcome Waffle Irons Grills and Table Stoves Percolators Toasters Irons Lamps and Candlesticks Beauty Appliances P4 Attractively priced and arranged for your inspection on special C Gift Tables. Come and see the good values. 1 i'i North Platte Light & Power Co. All Departments tine Have Special P 3rd to June lOt rices Dun Inclusive S3 BUT A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS LISTED E as Hi j.t it t.t t.t j.t J.t it t.t i.t i.t i.t it j.t j.t J.t j.t i.t i.t i.t :.: j.t t.t i.t t.t i.t i.t j.t J.t t.t t.t t.t it t.t i.t i.t j.t t.t j.t j.t H j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t J.t if MKW NASH CARS TIRES AND TUBES I 1 Grey Tubes j't On deliveries, or on orders placed, with 10 per cent deposit, to bo delivered before August 15th. Nash 8 Passenger, 6 Cylinder $1485.00 Nash 2 Passenger, 6 Cylinder 1455.00 Nash 5 Passenger, 4 Cylinder 1065.00 Nash 2 Posoengor, 4 Cylinder 1045.00 ACCESSORIES TIRE CHAINS Size Weed 30x3 1-2 $3.75 32x4 4.50 33x4 4.88 32x4 1-2 5.25. 34x4 1-2 5.63 Rid-O-Skid $1.99 .2.25 j't j.: j.t Jt j.t Fabric Tiros 30x3 CI. Smooth $7.50 30x3 1-2 Non-Skid 7.95 32x4 Non.Skid 17.00 33x4 Smooth 16.50 30x3 1.25 30x3 1-2 1.35 32x4 1.75 33x4 1.85 REPAIR WORK All overhaul jobs contracted during sale at 75c per hour. A deposit of 10 per cent of estimate amount of repairs will be required at this price. FILLING STATIONS Ford crank case drained and refilled .75 High Test Gasoline .26 1-4 Aviation Gasoline ,29 All Grades Oil. Special Price j.: j.t j.j j: j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t Jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t . j.t j;t Ford Special $15.00 Buick, Overland, Chevrolet 16.50 Studebaker, Hudson, Nash 18.50 Dodge and Maxwell 22.00 These Batteries carry our One Year Guarantee USED CARS Buick 6, Winter Top, 5 Passenger Nash Chummy, 6 Passenger Chalmers ,6, 5 Passenger Overland 6, 7 Passenger Jeffery 6. 7 Passenger Ford One Ton Truck Reo 4 Cylinder, 5 Passenger $850 800 600 495 475 300 200 ttWKWW Jt J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t -J.t t.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t Jit . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... J DA VI AUTO CO si m m & Efi IE bFi IE m m E IE LH E E E E m E & E E Wt Hi E lSt E E E r