THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE jl A Mans Size Dayton Bicycle lo be given away for the most sub scriptions to the Semi-Weekly Trib une. Subscriptions may be new or renewal and may be in advance or for back subscriptions. s.t :t t.t it tt it i.t it i.t it it it it it i.t it :.: it it i.t i.t i.t it i.t it i.t i.t if i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t it it i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t :.: i.t it, :.: i.t it i.t i.t i.t it i.t FIRST PRIZE Regular $50 Dayton Bicycle :.: :.: a it a i.t it i.t i.t i.t J.t i.t it :.: :.: i.t i.t i.t t.t :.: t.t t.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t if i.t it i.t i.t it t.t 5.J J.t i; t.t t.t it tx t.t t.t a t.t t.t it i.t it t.t i.t t.t tt i.t s.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t A Full Size Ladies' Model oi the same wheel will be given if preferred. Not a lottery, not a draw ing, ybu earn the wheel. The contest is limited to persons over 12 years of age who are living in Lincoln 'county. The Tribune is the courrty seat pa per and is read in every part of Lin coln county. It comes twice a week and costs $1.50 a year. Everyone should take it. We want people to know about it, so are putting on the contest. - CALL OR WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. CONTEST STARTS JUNE 5 AND CLOSES JUNE 24. S3 hR GI FT THAT, LASTj CLINTON Sign of Tho Big Ring CLINTON, THE JEWELER & SON, The Eye Glass Men Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians episcopal 11:00 Holy Communion and Ser mon I 7:30 Evening Prayor-and Sor-mou. ScmMWccIdu (inbune. tVlLSON TOUT. Editor ami Publisher, Entered at tho North Platto, Nobraoka PostofTIco us Second CluBa Mutter. SUBSCKIPTION I'lIIGKs Ono Year, in ndvanco ..$1.00 '' v vi i, imrmsas- in.1 w ' Fill DAY, JUNE 2, 1922. r-p- ' 1SD1T0KIAI. David snldi "Unto liliuo, O Lord, bolonguth moroy, for thou rendoroat to every mruRcrordlnif to his work. PuuluiH GiJrli'. Whon Uio Hug' is In parade, tho man who in in civilian dross, Hhould take off hia hat and hold it against tho loft shouldor.' 'American Loglon Wookly. Wo hoard several times that tho Tho attendance at tho Skovgaard races wore to bo fakoa because when concert, Tuesday night was disap tlio tlmo camo tlioro would bo no ono pointing. A number of prominent sup horo but Rhlloy so wo suprised Man- portors of tho host in music woro not agor Crawford in his offico tho other thoro and woro missed. This concert day and asked him to soo tho con-, was ono of tho best In North Platto tracts. Ho wont to his vault and took out a filo and handed them to us. Wo looked through them and can cer tify that thoy aro as advortisod. Ab bott, Moling, Croon, Kirchubor, Mnls, Moon, Vail, Priotauor, nullock and Rhlloy. So that llo is nallod. MUSICIANS Association will meet at 2:30, Juno 4 to hear the report of the delegate FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FREE PORT, ILLINOIS, A Corporation. By Wm. E. Shuman Its Attorney Clias. Herrod and William Otten left Monday morning on a fishing trip to three mllo lako. Thoy wero gone for several days. 5THE NEW SAVINGS POLICY OF THE to tho place National convention. Usual TODAY Tho L. A. to tho B. of R. F. will hold a regular business meeting this aftornoon at 3 p. m. in tho K. P. Hall. ": 4 i Broken hearts lovo thoso who send 'urn Fragrant llowora wltli which to mond Nothing clears up an understanding liko a gift of flowora. As tho sun jdjlsjfals tho (low, thoy clear tho way to a Uinppy undoratandlng, and conlinuod friendliness. R THE NORTH PIAITjE is ri.llKKIi Ul A PHONE em. -v w An item from this paper somo time ago rogardlng tho management of tho J. C. Penny Co. storo hore was truo at tho time but Is not truo now. Frank do Unuornfoind is to tnko tho now storo at Contervlllo, Iowa and II. J. Ilathman Is to roninin as nmnagor of tho storo hore. A change of plans at tho contrnl offico brought this about aftor is soomod certain that tho plan announced first had boon ndoptod. Tho Editor rogrots to see olthor of thoso gontlomon louvo hero but Is glad ono of thorn Is to romaln. Both hnvio shown thomsolvos to bo gontlomon of tho finoat typo. for somo tlmo. Thoro was not a dull mlnuto In tho program only between numbors. Mrs. Skovgaard won tho nd- mlratlon of tho audlenco with hor brilliant work on tho plnno, qulto as much if not a Httlo moro thnn did hor husband on tho violin, it was a treat to bo long romomborod and on- Joyed in tho romomborlng. Tho peoplo of tho Christian church who under-j took tho management of this concert' cortainly dosorvo tho commondatlon i of tho music loving pooplo of this1 community. BRADFORD Any member of tho G. I. A. who can nttend tho meeting at Denver, Juno 7, or Omaha, Juno 14 will phono tho president Mrs! H. A. Law-head for information. :o: NOTICE T8& Wo usually think of tho bad boy as stealing bird oggs but Scouting Is putting a stop to that and Just as wo thought tho birds woro going to bo glvon a chanco, thoro comes n talc of a group of girls who aro reported to havo returned to town ono dny; vory rocontly with their hands full of hirU oggs. It thoy know that tho fine is $100 for each nost destroyed thoy might lot tho birds alono through i fear; if thoy know tho number of harmful Jnsocts thoso birds destroyed annually they might lot tho birds a lono through duty or If thoy know that somo birds nctually dlo of a brok ou heart as it woro whon tholr nest IB destroyed, they might lot Uio birds alono through pity. Wo can't boliovo thoy aro real Amorlcan girls who nro informed ns to tho mattpr or thoy would not tako bird oggs. Wo would almost guarantoo thoy wqro not Camp firo girls. This is tho tlmo of tho iris. No moro brilliant ilowor blooms hero in spring and they grow In almost ovory yard. Tho Iris or flag ns It Is com monly callod, Is ono of tho hardy plants which can bo raised under tho worst conditions wo havo hero and it should bo gonornlly planted. Flow or. lovers could well form an Iris club and by oxchanges of tho roots and an nnnunl exhibition of bloom, thqy could promoto tho culturo of tho nowor and flnor varieties and thus bautify tho city and add Joy to Uio lives of tho pooplo. :o: LOOK W1IATS COMING BAPIST 11:00 "Forgottlng tho Wator Pot." 8:00 "Tho Divined Christ." CHRISTIAN 11:00 "Tho Unity ot God's Peoplo." 8:00 Chlldrons Day Program. AUXILIARY Amorlcan Loglon will hold its reg ular monthly mooting this oroning in tho Fireman's Hall. ' BRADFORD Division will obs'orvb momorlal day for Doccasod mombors Sunday, Juno 4th Moot at Mrs. Clydo Cooks at 2:30. W. E. Shuman, Attorney To Addison E. Erb, executor of tho ostato of Henry B. Erb, doceased, Addison B. Erb and Elizabeth Erb, his wife, CJenora E. Bonnothum and Clinton Bonnothum, her husband, Lln nlo Kirk and Reuben Kirk, hor hus band, Harry Erb and Donald Graff, a minor. You and each of you aro horoby notified that tho First National Bank of Froopdrt, Iflinols, a corporation, commenced an action in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on May 29, 1922 against you and each ot you as dofendents, tho object and prayor of tho petition filed in said action boing to forocloso a certain mortgngo mado, oxecuted and delivered by ono Honry B. Erb (slnco deceas ed) to tho First Nattonal Bank ot Freoport, Illinois, a corporation, on May 14, 1920 and which mortgago was given to sccuro payment ot a note in tho principal sum of Fifteen Hundred nnd no 100 dollars (U.G00) bearing tho same date and with in terest nt 7 por anum from said date, tho said mortgago convoying to tho said plaintiff aa security for tho pay mont of said dobt, all of tho North wost Quarter (NW4) of Boctlon Fivo (5) in Towuship Fiftoon (15) North ot Rango Thirty (30) Wost of C p. m. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and bo ing recorded on May 21, 1920 in Mort gago Rocord BG nt Tago 9 ot tho Ro 'cords of Lincoln County, Nebraska and to cauao .Uio said promises to bo sold to Batlsfy tho amount duo upon said mortgago and to bar tho defend ants nnd oach ot thorn from all in terests, rights, titlo and oqulty ot re demption in Uio said premises. You aro roqulrod to answor said potitlon on or beforo tho 17Ui day of July, 1922. I ILLINOIS BANKERS' LIFE Gives you something absolutely new and different to talk to prospects Gives you a chance to earn more money thtfn you are now making. Our Insurance Con tracts contain the most up to date features known to the Insuruance World. Our Agency Contracts Are the Most Liberal Full particulars as to contract and territory. Wrlto or call and wo will tell you moro about it. C. A. WILSON, State Agent 204 Nebraska State Bank Bldg., Lincoln Nebr. William Fox presents ..iiiiiiiiilllllllll " JOHN 'mIHI G I LM RT i 1C suiodUf EMMETT J FEYN.t At The Sun, Sunday, and Monday, MATINEE EACH DAY.