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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1922)
Till!) NO It Til PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TIUHUNE Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi SALE 3i SPECIAL Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 5fi 7 DAY All Departments Have Special Prices During This Sale, June 3rd to June 10th Inclusive BUT A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS LISTED j.t :.: :: j.t j.t j.t :.t :.: j.t J.t j.t :.: j.t j.t :.: jt J.t j.t j.t :.: :: j.t j.t J.t :;: j.j B :.: j.t jt j.t B t.t t.t t.t j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t :.: i.t j.t J.t J.t J.t j.t t.t it 11 NEW NASH CARS On deliveries, or on orders placed, with 10 per cent deposit, to be delivered before August 16th. Nash 5 Passenger, 6 Cylinder $1485.00 Nash 2 Passenger, 6 Cylinder 1455.00 Nash 5 Passenger, 4 Cylinder 1065.00 Nosh 2 Passengor, 4 Cylinder 1045.00 ACCESSORIES TIRE CHAINS Size Weed Rid-O-Skid 30x3 1-2 $3.75 $1.99 32x4 4.50 2.25 33x4 4.88 32x4 1-2 5.25 34x4 1-2 5.63 jt t.t t.t it t.t it tt j.t t.t j.t :.: j.t j.t j.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t tt t.t j.t j.t t.t t.t tt t.t t.t j.t j.t t.t t.t t.t it t.t t.t it i.t t.t t.t it t.t i.t t.t t.t :: t.t it it i.t it TIRES AND TUBES tt BATTERIES Fabric Tiros 30x3 CI. Smooth $7.50 30x3 1-2 Non-Skid 7.95 32x4 Non,Skid 17.00 33x4 Smooth 16.50 Grey Tubes 30x3 1.25 30x3 1-2 1.35 32x4 1.75 33x4 1.85 $15.00 REPAIR WORK All overhaul jobs contracted during tiale at 75c per hour. A deposit of 10 per cent of estimate amount of repairs will be required at this price. ,, ,, FILLING STATIONS Ford crank case drained and refilled .75 High Test Gasoline .26 1-4 Aviation Gasoline .29 All Grades Oil. Special Price j.t t.t t.t t.t it it t.t' it i.t It tt 16.50 Ford Special Buiok, Overland, Chevrolet Studebaker, Hudson, Nash Dodge and Maxwell These Batteries carry our One Year Guarantee tt t.t j.t J.t t.t t.t it t.t t.t it j.t t.t t.t 18.50 8 22.00 USED CARS Buick 6, Winter Top, 5 Passenger Nash Chummy, 6 Passenger Chalmers 6, 5 Passenger Overland 6, 7 Passenger Jeffery 6. 7 Passenger Ford One Ton Truck Reo 4 Cylinder, 5 Passenger $850 800 600 495 475 300 200 :.r i.t t.t t t.t . S. DAVIS AUTO CO. J ffiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiH LOCAL AND PURS ON AL Tlio Stato Farm Field Day will bo hold on Juno 28. ' j Born A girl on May 20 to Mr and Mrs. 0. D. Weaver. j Miss Ilolon Ootty linH uccoptod u poHtlon wltli tho Whlttakor Art Shop. 1 1 .. fl... .....I It..,. iTTnHi Ifixl ' DDI ii i u i 1 1 . iiuu viii o linii) mun ition on May 2(i, n boy. Miss Edna llood of Ilorahoy was n shoppor In tho city Thursday. Mm. N. E. Dolun of Mntcwoll wns n ahoppod lu tho city Wodnoadny. Mrs. Luther McCormlck ot Madrid Bhoppod n tho olty Wednesday. Mrs- M. I Hoslor .'loft Wednesday for Aurora, 111. to vluft her so'n. John Milton ot Wallace, transacted buBfnws In tho city on Wednesday. It. D. Hasmussen Is spending the week In Wallaco transacting business. Miss Vora Mallno of aothonbitrg 1b visiting relatives in Uio city for a fow days. s J.t it J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t !j i j.t j.t THOUSANDS 01? dollahs woitfrii or ritOrUUTY DAMAGE CAUSKD HY TODNADO The United I'resB rocontly ro portod GO persons killed, 300 In Jurod and property and crop loss reaching Into tho millions, resulting from floods and tor- U nadoea. j. Reading of sucli nowa In tho press Bhonld bo a wafnns to all j j proporty owners. j'j ft It coots very Httlo to lmvo U t$ tornado liiBuranco protoctlon. A roprosoutatlTO will call and ox- U $t phUn our spoolal policy In do- J tail. Just p.hono. S C. F. TEMPLE. East Bariftuont, 13. & L. Bldg. g Dr. C. H. Moltoynolds loft this morn ing for Denver where ho will spend his two weeks vacation. D. M. Loypoldt left yestorday fofi Sutherland whoro ho will transact ' buHlnoes for a fow days. I Dr. and Mrs. 11. 12 Mitchell left last ovonlng for Omaha whoro Uioy will spond several weeks. E. It. Goodman and N. H. Utiokloy spout Wodnoadny. In Iloralioy wlioro they transacted business. Miss FrancoB EUwards rotumed' last ovonlng from Hastings wlioro sho attended IlastlngH College. Miss Ktta Taylor entertained twelve friends at a party Mpnday afternoon. Sho leaves today for Mlnltnrc. MIbb Avalon Ilockenbergor wll ro turn to hor homo this afternoon in llrush Colo. Sho nttonded schoorl hero Mrs. 0. F. Wotngnnd of Omnha, formorly ot this city la visiting rel atives In tho city enrouto to Cnllfornln. Miss Efflo Carpontor will lexvo In a fow daya for Koarnoy vhoro sho 111 nttond tho Normal during tho summon MIbs Ruby MoMlchnel staffs on hor vacation this morning. Sho will visit with hor slater and fnntly In Cali fornia. MIsb Rota Boutwoll Joft yesterday for ICearnoy whoro bIio will attend tho Normal during tho summar months. Mrs. 0. R. Salloo returned tho flrnt of tlio week to kor home In Lincoln aftor vlUiting her duughtcr Mra. Ilom or Gray. Mrs. Mnrcollus of Wntorloo will ar rlvo this aftoroon to vlsty her dnu ghtor MIsb llortha linrcollus for sor- oral daya. Uio Fnrmor picnic which was to bo hold at tho Stato Farm yoatorday was postponed Indefinitely on nccmint of Uio rain. Mrs. J. B. Mason nrrhKMl homo Tuosday from Shannon City. Iowa whoro sho has bqon visiting relatives for sovoml weeks. Mrs. Arthur RoynoldB and dauhtor Margarot loft yostorday for Rock lllvor, Wyoming to Bjrtnui sovon montlis on Uiolr homestead. MIbs Alma Splinter and slstor Panrl ot Gnkul Island will loTlvo Monday for Yodor, Wyqmlng to visit wlUi rolatlvon for sovoral weoks, M.rB. Frod Slomflior and chlldroN wNl loavo this .mornlnl; bv auto for Fremont whoro they will visit with Mrs. Slemmcr's mother for soveml FOURTH WARD ITEMS Juno I'orkins and Gladys Cornwoll visited In Omaha yostorday. Edward Cornwoll returned Friday from a visit to Ragloy, Iowa. Mrs. Lnwson and daughter Violet nro spending a wook In Columbus, Nobr., visiting frlonds. Mrs. M. Hayos is spondiug several wooks in Victor, Iowa with friends and relative. II. A. Lawhoad is Improving his homo by putting on- a now room and ro-shingllng tho roof. Rona Wilson has tnkon n position with tho Verntflllon plumbing shop for tho Bummor. Walter Cornwoll gnvo a card party at his homo Monday evening wth Miss Fern Rlionds aa tho honor guest. Mrs. Frank Hretzor.and son, Waiver aro spending a week or moro ;in Denver visltng rolatlvos. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Luko ot Oxford, Nebraska aro visiting their daughter Mr A. Eficksba. ThomnH H. Joffers, 720 W. Ninth street is building an addition astd hav ing other improvements mado on his homo. Mrs. August Eiickjicn and Uttlo daughtor aro leaving this week for Ogdon, Utah whoro they will spond tho suminor. Mra. E. O. Cool, Mrs. C. Cornwoll and Mrs. C. J. Porktns roprosotited tho fourth nvnrd nt tho Wiyr M'othorB' state convention at Omnha yostorday. Wm. Woisborgor suid family left Uio first of tho week for Beaver City, making Uio trip by auto. They will visit Mra. WolsgorborB parent, who llvo Uiorte. Miss Muudo Ballard has a position with tho Santa Fo railroad and writes that bJio likes her work, Sho is ataUonod p Colorado1 Springs and says that sho likes Colorado also. Fifteen Httlo boys and glrla help ed Jackio Juinoa colobrato his fourth birthday last Saturday afternoon. Thoy gavo htm a numbor fit nlco pres ents and all had a good tlm(). Tho tolophono girls gnvo an oloctrlc fron to Mrs. Thomas King, nco Marie Lolb at n sliowor for her ono night last wook. Games and music wojre on the program of nmusomcnts and Bplendld rofroBlimcnts woro Borvel. :o: ' Mra Mlko Hayos will return tomor row from Iowa whoro Bh has boov sptfcdtng tlio pait two weeks. :;t it t.t it :.t j.t it t.t it it I.t J.t j.t H j.t j.t j.t H jt j.t j.t j.t 9 ON THE NORTH SIDE Now Open For Business Wo take pleasure in announcing to the public that we have just opened a General store including Diry Goods, Clothing, Ladies and Gents' Furnishings, Shoes for the whole family. Notions of all descriptions, etc. Our stock is all fresh, new and up-to-date, undersell us but we do undersell the others. Our prices are so low that no one can The reasons we can are First Our stock is bought for cash and you know what cash means; Second We have no high rents to pay, it is our own building; Third We sell for cash so Jones don't have to pay the losses for Smith; Fourth There are no war-priced goods in this store so we don't have to figure how to make up the losses and the drop of merchandise rttrried during the war. The many visitors we are having during the opening are all pleased with the kind of a store we have opened, the quality of our goods and our low prices; A child can buy hero the same as a grown person as we havo oue price to everybody and everything is marked in p.lain figures. t Mr. Pizer's thirty yoars of experience and success he has made in the business has taught him the needs of the public in these linos. We are glad to state that many of our old customers are calling us up by phono or tolling us in person how glad they aro that Pizer is once more in tho Dry Goods line. They still remember the high grado dross goods, silks and linens they could buy there. The same lines are carried again by us. , Wo welcome you all to visit our new store. Everybody look for our new electric sign. Tomdrrow Saturday is the last day of our will pay you to attend. opening, many specials are offered. It Pizer's Store Julius Pizor has done his share in building up the part in building up tho North Bide. southsido now he fill do his Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t B .t j.t . j.t j.t j.t j.t t i i.t . J.t J.t 1 J.t J.t B j.t j.t j.t ft it i.t 1 1 B B B . j.t j.t j.t B j.t j.t j.t . j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t tt