The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 02, 1922, Image 3

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J 100 bushels per ncro from thu uso of
dry land seed as compared with thoiV
own home- grown stock. Tlmt thoy
nro convinced of tho superiority of dry
I mud sood Is shown by tho met Unit
moro than 40 au londs of dry land scod
I potatoes are bolng planted In tho west
INFORMATION ABOUT AGIUCUL-! ern part of tho North Platte Valloy
Good purobred beef bulls make more
profit than scrubs because their calves
mako gains more" economically and
bocauso thoy dress out a larger per
contago of beef, of which a larger
part Is In tho region of tho high priced
jiuts. Tho question a beef cattlo man
"should ask hmsolf Is not "Can 1 afford
to uso a good purebred bull?" but
"Can I afford not to uso ono?"
this year.
Of tho twenty-threo million dairy
cows in tho United States only a
small per cent return a profit to their
owners at tho ond of each year, ac
cording to tho University of Nebr
aska Agricultural Collogo. Thero Is
ono cow In tho world with an official
record of over 37,000 pounds of milk
produced In ono year, or an average
of over 12 gallons a day for 3G5 days.
Thero aro hundreds of cows that have
produced under official supervision
ovor 20,000 pounds of milk In a year
or an average of over 7 gallons per
day. Thero arc thousands of cows
that produco at least half this a
mount, yet thero aro millions of cows
that aro consuming as much feed and
roquiro as much labor and attention
as thoso that are producing 10,000
pounds of milk or less a year, but
yiold only nbout 5,000 pounds of milk.
In a report from Wisconsin to the
Department of Agriculture, photo
graphs of tho registered Holstoln bull,
Eggler Mercedes and four of his
daughters are shown. These four
daughters avoraged 82 lbs. of butter
fat more than their dams. This Is an
average of 35 per cent in ono gener
ation that can bo credited to the bull.
Eggler Mercedes was sold as beef for
$160, and his former owners would
consider him worth $2,000 if they had
him back.
Tho report asks, "Who will invent
a workable system to keep these good
bulls in a community?" A workable
system, has already been in operation
in this country since 1908. Tills sy
stem is the co-oporativo bull associ
ation and by means of it bulls are
kept in a community until their value
can bo recognized. Extension special
ists and county extension agents of
tho University of Nebraska Aglcul
turnl College have organized several
such associations.
Boot cattle aro bred by few mon
for pleasure most breeders arc do
ing so for profit. Tho fact that beef
cattlo raising has lately been a losing
proposition does not mtfan that It
will contlnuo to be so for any great
longth of time Tho near futuro will
witnoss greater returns for those pro
ducing beef cattlo.
Good beef cattle nro those meeting
tho requirements of tho butcher, who
is tho final Judge of nil block ani
mals. Tho butcher wants a steer that
Is lowdown, square, compact, fat and
thick fleshod. Scrub sires rarely pro
duco such animals, as thoy themselves
do not hnvc these dharnotcristlcts.
Our purebred beef slrus today aro tho
products of centuries of Intelligent
breeding for individuals, possessing
lowdown,. compact, broad, thlck-flosh-cd
bodies. To try to make money rais
ing beef cattlo nt any time without
using good purebred sires is a waste
of time, says tho University of Ncbr.
nska Agricultural -College.
Scrub sires usually produce small
rangy steers that aro thin fleshed
ovor tho back and lokis. Wlillo tho
good purebred sires produco steers
that aro less rangy and with moro
meat along tho back and loins where
tho butcher wants it, as ho can soli
this meat easily to those who. aro will
ing to pay a premium for such cuts.
How long and nt how many pounds
pressuro sholild various meats bo
cooked In tho pressuro cooker?
According to tho University of Nob
raska College, this ques
tion is not easily answered, for many
factors influnco tho time of cooking.
Among these aro tho weight, shape,
and size of tho piece to be cooked, tho
amount of bono it contains, and most
important of all, whothor it is old and
tough or young and tender.
In gonornl, a large, thick piece of
moat which is rather tough should e
cooked about 15 mlnutosxto tho pound
at 15 to 20 pounds pressure. Ono of
tho most tender outs, however, such
as n leg of lnmb, would roquiro only
10 minutes to tho pound at n pressure
of 15 to 20 pounds. When meat is cut
into small pieces 3 for stow, It does
not mnko any dlfforenco in tho timo
of cooking whothor tho amount of
meat is 2 pounds or 7 pounds. At
15 to 20 pounds pressure, 30 to 50
minutes, depending upon tho tough
ness of tho meat will bo long e
nough to cook It. This applies also
to chlckon cut into pieces before it
is cooked.
Over cooking Is nover desirable and
should bo avoided when meat Is cook
ed in tho proasuro cooker. Othor
wiso flavor and juiciness aro suro to
bo lost oven If tho moat docs not ac
tually becomo hard and dry and nl-
togthor undesirable.
Ab a result of rather careful trials
conducted turnout tho last 5 years in
western Nebraska, tho University of
Nebraska Agricultural College rec
ommends tho use of good dry land
grown seed potatoes that aro relative
ly freo from disease in the irrigated
sections in tho western part of the
state and throuout eastern and contral
Nobraska. Potatoes that -have been
irrigated ono year have been found to
bo worth approximately 10 less for
seed purposes than dry land grown
isced potatoes. Tho potatoes which
havo been irrigated two years are
frequently worth 20 to 40 less than
good dry land grown seed poNtoM.
In Scotts Bluff county in 1021 a num
ber of growers planted a total of 8
carloads of western Nebraska dry
land seed potatoes, 1 ctarloads of
which wcro cortiilecV The growora
estimated that they gained at least
Havo you a good pair of
glasnos fcr sport wear?
You'll soon be. leaving for
Play Laud, pml you may not
faro to risk your only pair of
glasses out In tho groat out-of-doors.
Wo suggest that you come
in and havo an extra pair made
fo'-hM'v,- strong, substantial
stylo -suitable for sport wear.
"Take (are of your liilin's."
k MM v n' k " L HI ..X&i&tL. ,rt SmwSlVTT ,u--f 'v'J --
"vM-? V T
f& ioes a iNearasKa insurance
' Company Protection Against LoS9 ?
Did you ever have the sad experience of
prWW2222l awakening in the early morning to find
jxJi, thtt vour favorite milk cow, or the fdrn
KsSoGo,oa0R iJy horse hadjen- killed by lightning
during the night? Possibly they Tyexe
iljsamoutaS blooded animals highly prized by both
yourself and family.
You can protect yourself from financial loses by lightning at a
small cost. More than $0,000,000 of dollars was sent out of tho
State to foreign Insurance Cotnpaniea Uist year. Insist that your
local agent place your insurance in a Nebraska Company.
Omaha Liberty Fire
Insurance Co.
Fire Wind Hail Lightning
Baill up Nebraska by placing your Insurance through your local
s.t.I in a Nebraska Company.
' Agents' Names Addresses Telephones
Roy Rice, Maxwell, Nebr., Phone 4.
Miss Jcttio Pylo returned tho first
of tho week from Sedgwick, Colorado
whore she spent the past school year
Miss Lona Gartner left for her home
In Lincoln Monday after teaching
school in North Platte for tho, past
school year.
Hotel Ritner
NVe have changed management
and also redecorated the rooms
thruout the hotel. We now have
a first class modern, clean hotel.
Rooms by the week. $2.50 up.
115 West 6th St.
By virtue of tho authority vested
in me by law and in accordance with
Soctlon 2159 of tho Revised Statutes
of Nebraska, I, A. S. Allen, County
Clerk of Lincoln County, State of
Nebraska, do hereby direct and pro
claim that a Primary Election be
Qiold In tho several voting places
within Lincoln County, Stato of Ncbr
aaka, on Tuesday tho 18th day of
July 1922, during tho hours designat
ed by law for tho following purposes,
For tho nomination by each of the
political parties ono candidate for
United States Senator.
For tho non-political nomination of
two candidates for Judge of tho Sup
remo Court for tho Sixth Supremo
Court Judicial District as provided
by the Constitution of tho Stato of
For tho nomination by each of the
political parties of ono candidate for
Congressman from the Sixth Congres
sional District within tho Stato of
Vor the nomination by each of the
political parties of tho following can
didates for Stato Offices, to-wit-
Ono Governor ?
One Lieutenant Governor
Ono Secretary of State.
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts
Ono Stato Treasurer
One Attorney Gonouu
Ono Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings.
Ono Railway Commissioner
For tho non-political nomination of
two candidates for Stato Superintend
ont of Public Instruction, ns provided
oy inw.
For tlio nomination by each of tho
political pnrtios ono candidate for
Stato Senator from tho 30th Sonn
orial District as apportioned by the
Session laws of 1921.
For tho nomination by each of tho
political parties of ono candldato for
tho Stato Roprescntatlvo from tho 89th
District ns apportioned by tho Session
Laws fit 1921.
For tho nomination by each of tho
political parties of ono enndidato for
Stato Representative from tho 90th
District ns apportioned by tho Scsnlon
Laws of 1921.
For tho nomination by each of tho
political parties of tho following can
didates for County Offices, to-wit
Ono County Clerk.
Ono County Trensuror
Ono Register of Deeds
Ono Shorlff
Ono County Attorney
Ono County Commissioner from tho
$nd District.
For tho non-piolitlcal nomination
of two candidates for County Super
intendent of (Public Instruction ao
provided by law.
Polls will open at 8 a. m. and ro-
main open "until 8 p. m. of tho samo
In witness whereof, I havo liorounfo
set my hand and nffixed my official
seal this 2fith day of Mny, A D. 1922.
A. S. Allen.
(SEAL) County Clerk
We Have These New
June Victor Records.
Wc have them now, but first calls nre always heavy. Hear them now while our list 5s yet
St. Paul But the Lord is Mindful of Mis Own Mmo. Louise Homer
Stnbat Mntcr Cujus Animnm (Rossini) Lambert Murphy
Stnbat Mater Inflninmatus (Rossini) Lucy Innbcllo Marsh nnd Chorus
Echo Song (Sir Henry R. Bishop) Amclitn Gnlll-Curcl
Only to Dream You Lovo Mel (Lnsciali dir. tu m'ami) Italian Einlllo do Gogorzn
Die Toto Stadt Lnutcnlled dcr Marietta In German Maria Jcritza
Lohengrin Elsas Trnurn (Elsa's Dream) (Wagner) hi German Maria Jeritin
Znza L un riso gcntil (Tis a Gentle Smile) In Italian Giovanni Mnrtinclli
Jasmine Door (wcathcrly-Scott) Sophie Braslnu
Moonriso (Dick-Samuels) Rclnald Worrcnrath
08658 12
55162 12
Midsummer Night's Dream Wedding March
crenncio (,uruia; violin Solo
Slavonic Dance No. 1 (DvofAk)
Slavonic Dance No. 2 (Dvorak)
Faust Waltz from Kcrmesse Scene (Gounod)
Medley of Favorite Operatic Airs Accordion
Toscnnlni-Ln Scala Orch.
Mischn Elman
Victor Concert Orchestral
Victor Concert Orchestral
Accordion Pletrol
A Little Homo with You '
Indiana Lullaby (Waltz Song)
Marcheta (Love Song of Old Mexico)
Mammy Lou
Pick Mo Up and Lay Me Down in Dear Old
Geo I But I Hate to Go Homo Alone (from
Don't Fool Sorry for Mo
Wake Up Little Girl You're Just Dreamt
It's o Wonderful World After All
Olive Klinol
Royal Dadmunj
Olive Kllnc-Elsio Baker)
Ollvo Kline-Elsie Bakerl
Peerless Quartet)
Dixieland Peerless Ouartctl
The French Doll") Victor Roberts)
Victor Roberts
... .
ng ilcnryuurrl
Charles Harrison
(1) Tho Bunny (2) Pretty Pussy (3) Little Chickens and Snow Birds
(4) Tho Squirrel (5) Gold Fish (6) Bow-wow-wow Alice Green!
(1) Sing, Bluebird, Sing (2) The Butterfly (3) Robin Redbreast (4)Rain-
drops (5) Pussy Wdlow (G) The Woodpecker (7)Jacky Frost A. Green
(1) The Wild Wind (2) The Rainbow (3) Happy Thought (4) Now It is Spring
(5) Twinkle, Twinkle, Littlo Star (G) The Dolly Alico Green I
(1) God Loves Me (2) A Christmas Lullaby (3) Evening Prayer
(4) Praise Him (5) Tho Child Jesus Alico Grcenl
Cuddlo Up Blues Fox Trot Tho Virginians
My Honey's Lovin Arms Fox Trot The Virginians
Swance River Moon Medley Waltz International Noveltv Orchestra
Do It Again 1 FoxTrot (fronV'French Doll") Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Every Day Med. Fox Trot ("For Goodness Sake") Smith and Hia Orchestra
Rose of Stamboul Medley Waltz Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra
No Uso Crying Fox Trot All Star Trio nnd Their Orchestra
Tcasin' Fox Trot All Star Trio nnd Their Orchestra
You Can Have Ev'ry Light On Broadway Fox Trot
International Novelty Orchestra
Lovey Dove Fox Trot (from "Rose of Stamboul") Club Royal Orchestra
California Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra
Who Believed in You? Fox Trot AH Star Trio and Their" Orchestra
Some Sunny Day Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra'
Rosy Posy-Fox Trot (from "The Blushing Bride") Club Royal Orchestra
74743 12
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66047 10
74745 12
66048 10
35715 12
18883 10
45308 10
45309 10
18884 10
18892 10
18893 10
18886 10
18387 10
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18882 10
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18888 10
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18890 10
18891 10
You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car.
107 West 6th Street
For the Packard wo
rocommond the fol
lowing grades:
WBmcB Grade oS MctZor Oil to Use
IT sometimes happens that an unusual operating con
dition in a given make of motor makes advisable the
use of a grade of motor oil which would not have been
used had the motorist usd ordinary methods of selec
tion or followed casual advice.
The matter of finding precisely the right lubricants for
your motor for everybody's motor seemed so neces
sary to this company that our experts examined the
entire field of automotive equipment; testing, checking
and re-testing, until a chart of specifications was evolved
which makes it impossible for you'to go wrong.
This chart, called the Polarine Chart, i3 printed in the
Red Crown Road Map, which has been mailed to every
Nebraska motorist. If you have not received it, write
direct to the company. A brief glance at the chart will
tell you which grade of Polarine you should use Follow
the specifications consistently and much of the over
hauling, replacement of worn or broken parts, burned
out bearings and other expensive and unnecessary repair
jobs will be eliminated.
Polarine Oil is mudo in lour frndcs-S.mec7um lifilit, medium heavy,
heavy, and extra heavy but only one quality. Got tho proper
grudo for your enr at tho some place you buy ctcan-Jiurning,
Bclentifioully balanced Red Crown Gasoline.
For the Ford wo
recommend the fol
lowing grades: