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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1922)
-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI MARY MARIE Hy Eleanor H. Porter Illustrations by H. Livingstone OprrUbtbr EImui n, I'.rur CHAPTER V Continued. That night I heard Aunt Juno tell Mr& Darling tlint the worst fcaturo of the whole deplorable situation wan tho effect on tho child's mind, and Uie wretched conception It gave her of tho sncrediiess of the mnrrlugo tie, or something like that. And Mrs. Darling sighed, and said, oh, nnd ah, and the pity of It. I don't like Mrs. Darling. Of course, as I said . hefore, Mrs. Darling could ho my now mother, be ing n widow, so. But, mercy I I hope sho won't. I'd rather hnvo Miss Grace Ann than her, and I shouldn't bo crazy about having Miss Grace Ann. Well, I guess there's nothing more to write. Things at school nro Just the sunie, only more so. The girls arc getting so they act almost as bad as those ddwn to Boston In tho school where I went before I chunged. Of course, maybe It's the divorce here, same as It wns there. Hut I don't sets how It can bo that here. Why, they've known It from tho very llrstl Oh, dear suss mo I llow I do wish I could see Mother tonight and have her take mo In her nnns and kiss me. I'm so tired of being Mary 'way off up here whero nobody cures or wants me. Even Father doesn't want me, not really want me. I know he doesn't I don't see why he keeps me, only I suppose he'd be ashamed not to take mo his six months as long as tho court guvo mo to him for that time. ANOTHER TWO WEEKS LATER. I'm so angry I can hardly write, nnd at the sumo time I'm so angry 1'vo Just got to write. I can't talk. Thero isn't anybody to tall: to; and I've got to tell somebody. So I'm going to tell it here. I've found out now whnt's tho mat- Ewlth tho girls you know, I said o was somothlng tho mutter with them; that they ucted queer and stopped talking when I came up, nnd faded away till there wasn't anybody but mo left. Well, It's been getting worse nnd worse. The girls have had parties, and more nnd more often the girls hnvo stopped talking and have looked queer when I enme up. We got up a secret Roclety and culled It the "(Tony Ten," nnd T wns going to be Its presi dent. Then nil of a sudden nuo dny I found thero wusn't any Tony Ten only Currlo Heywood nnd me. The other eight had formed unothcr soci ety nnd Stella Mayhow was their president. I told Carrie we wouldn't cure; that we'd Just change It und cull It tho "Tony Two:" and that two was a lot more exclusive than ten, anyway. Hut I did care, and Carrie did. I know she did. And 1 know It better now because last night sho told me. You seo things have been getting simply unbearable these lust few days, and It got so It looked as if I wasn't even going to have Carrie left. She begun to act queer and I accused her of It, and told her If she didn't want to be long to the Tony Two sho needn't. That I didn't care ; that I'd be a secret Boclcty all by myself. Hut I cried. I couldn't help crying; and she knew I did care. Then she began to cry; and today, after school, we went to walk up on the hill to the big rock; and there she told inc. And It wus tho divorce. And It's all Unit Stella Mayhow tho new girl. Her mother found out I wub divorced (I mean Mother was) und she told Stella not to play with me, nor speak to me, nor hnvo a thing to do with mo. And I said to Carrie, nil right! Who cured? I didn't. Thnt I nover hnd liked thut Mayhow girl, unywny. Hut Carrie said that wasn't nil. Shu said Stella hud got to be real popular before I cunie; thut her folks had lots of money, and she al ways hnd candy and could trent to ice-cream and nuto rldos, and every body with her was suro of a good time, Sho had partlos, too lots of them; and of course, nil tho girls and boys liked that. Well, when I came everything was ajl right till Stella's mother found out about the divorce, and then well, then things wore different. First Stella contented herself with making fun of me, Carrie said. Sho lnughod nt tho sorgo dresses nnd big homely ehocs, und then sho begnn on my anme, nnd said tho lllcn of belnR caned Mary by Father and Mario by Mother, and that 'twas Just llko Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde. (That's a story, carrlo says. I'm going to read It, If Father's got it If there over wus another Mary and Mario all in ono in the world I want .to know what sho did.) But Carrie says tho poking fun at me didn't make much difference with the gfrls, so Stella tried some thing else. Sho not only wouldn't pejk. la me hureulf. or Invite me,, pr unythltig, but she told all (he girls thnt they couldn't go with her and me, too. Thnt thoy might take their Choice. And Carrie said some of thorn did chiftse and stayed with me; hut they lost nil the good times nnd Ice cream and parties and rides nnd ev erything; and so one by one they -dropped me und went bnck to Stella, nnd now there wnsn't anybody left, only her, Carrie. And then .she begnn to cry. And when she stopped spenklng, nnd I know all, und saw hor crying there before me, nnd thought of my dear blessed mother, 1 wus so angry I could scarcely speak. I Just shook with righteous Indignation. And In my most superb, haughty and disdain ful manner I told Carrie I ley wood to dry her tenrs ; thut sho needn't trouble herself any further, nor worry about losing any more Ice-cream nor pnrtles. That I would hereto declare our friendship null and void, and this day set my hand and seal to nover speak to her again, If she liked, nnd consid ered that necessary to keeping the ac quaintance of the precious Stella. Hut sho cried all tho more at that, and flung herself upon me, nnd, of course, I began to cry, too and you can't stay superb and haughty and disdainful when you're all tho time trying to hunt up a hundkcrchlef to wipe owny the tears that are count ing down your- wan checks. And of course I didn't. We hnd n real good cry together, nnd vowed wo loved each other better than evor, and no body could come between us, not oven bringing a chocolntc-fudgc-marsh-mnllow college Ice which wo both adore. But I told her that sho would bo all right, Just the same, for of course I should never step my foot Insldo of that schoolhouso ngaln. That I couldn't, out of respect to Mother. Thnt I should tell Aunt Jnne thnt to morrow morning. Thero Isn't nny other school here, so thoy can't send me any whero else. Hut It's 'most tlmo for school to close, anywny. There nre only two weeks more. Hut I don't think that will make nny difference to Aunt Jnne. It's tho prin ciple of tho thing. It's nlwnys tho principle of the thing with Aunt Jnne. Sho'll be very angry, I know. Maybe she'll send me homo. Oh, I hopo sho will 1 Well, I shall tell her tomorrow, nny way. Then we'll see. ONE DAY LATER. And, dear, dear, what n day It has been ! I told her this morning. She was very angry. She said at first; "Non sense, Mnry, don't bo impertinent. Of course you'll go to school I" and nil that kind of talk. But I kept my tem per. I did not act angry. I was sim ply Jinn und dignified. And when sho saw I really meant what I said, and that I would not step my foot Inside that schoolroom again that It was a matter of conscience with me that I did not tldnk It wns right for me to do It, sho simply stared for a minute, as If she couldn't believe her eyes and ears. Then she gasped : "Mnry, what do you mean by such tnlk to me? Do you think 1 shall per mit this sort of thing to go on for a moment?" I thought then sho was going to send me home. Oh, I did so hope sho was. Hut she didn't. Sho sent me to iny room. "You will stny there until your fa ther comes home this noon," she snld, "This Is a matter for him to settle." Futherl And I never even thought of her going to him with It. Sho was always telling me never to bother Fa ther with anything, and I knew she didn't usunlly ask him anything about me. Sho settled everything herself. But' this nnd tho very thing I didn't want her to nskhlm, too. Hut of course I couldn't help myself. Thut's the trouble. Youth Is so helpless In the clutches of old age. Well, I wont to my room. Aunt Juno told mo to meditate on my sins. Hut I didn't. I meditated on other people's sins. I didn't have any to mwlltuto on. Wns It u sin, pray, for mo to stand up for my mother and re fuso to associate with people 'who wouldn't associate with mo on account of her? I guess not I I meditated on Stella Mayhow and her mother, nnd on those silly, faith less girls that thought moro of lco (.renin soda than thoy did of Justice and right to their fellow schoolmate. And I meditated on Aunt Juno and her never giving me so inueh as , n single kiss since I came. And I medi tated on how much hotter Fattier liked ut,urs und comets than ho did his own daughlor; and I meditated on what u cruol, heurtl088 world this Is, anywny, nnd what a pity It was that I, so fair nnd young, should have found It out so soon right on tho bank, nn It were, or where thut brook and river meet. And I wondered, If I died If anybody would care; and I thought how beau tiful and pathetic I would look In my coflln with my llly-whlto bunds folded on my breast. And I hoped thoy'd have the funeral In tho daytime, be causo if It was at nighttime Fnther'd bo sure to have u star or something to kcop him from coming. And I want (Ml him to come. I wanted him to fool bad ; nnd I meditated on how bad ho would feel when It wns too late. Hut oven with .nil this to medilnto on, it wns an invfully long tlmo com ing noon; and' thoy didn't call mo down to dinner oven then. Aunt Jano sent up two pieces of bread without any butter and a glass of water. How like Aunt Jano making oven my din ner a sin to medltnto on I Only sho would cnll it my sin, und I would call it hers. Wpllj fter dinner Father sent for me to come down to tlio library. 'So I knew then, of course, that Aunt Jano had told him. I didn't know but sho would wait until night. Father usu ally spends his hour nfter dinner reading In the library nnd mustn't bo disturbed'. Hut evidently today Aunt Jnne thought I wns more consequence than his reading. Anyhow, sho told him, and he sent for me. My I but I hated to go 1 Fathers and Ajmt Janes arc two different propo sitions. Fathers have more rights and privileges, of course, Everybody knows that. Well. I went Into tho library. Fn thcr stood with his back to the Are- I Went Into the Library. Father Stood With His Back to the Fireplace and His Hands In His Pockets. placo and his hands In his pockots. Ho was plainly nngry at being dis turbed. Anybody could seo thnt. Ho begnn speaking nt once, the mlnuto I got Into the room very cold and dig nified. , "Mnry, your uunt tells me you hnvo been disobedient nnd disrespectful to her. ITnvo you anything to say?" I shook my head and said, "No, sir." . What could I say?N Old folks nsk such senseless questions, sometimes. Naturally I wnsn't going to suy I had been disrespectful and disobedient when I hadn't; nnd of course, I couldn't say I hadn't been when Aunt Juno said I had. That would bo Just like snylng Aunt June lied. So, of course, I hnd nothing to sny. And I said so. "Hut sho says you" refused . to go back to school, Mary," said Father then. "Yes, sir." "Then you did refuse?" "Yes, sir." "Well, you may go und tell her now, plense, thnt you nro sorry, and that you will go to school this afternoon. You mny go now.' And ho turned to tho table and picked up his book. I didn't go, of course. I Just stood thero twisting my handkerchief In my fingers; nnd, of course, right away ho saw me. Ho had sat down then. "Mary, didn't you hear me?" he de manded. "Yes, sir, but Father, I can't go bnck to thut school," I choked. And I began to cry. "Hut I tell you that you must" I shook my bend. "I can't." "Do you mean that you defy me as you did your Aunt Jnne this morn ing? that you refuse to go back to school?" "Yes, sir." For a minute he sat and stured nt me Just as Aunt Juno hnd done; then ho lifted his head and threw buck his shoulders as If ho was throwing oft n heavy weight. "Come, come, Mnry," ho snld stern ly. "I am not a patient man, nnd my temper hns reached the breaking point. You will go buck to school nnd you will go now. I menu that, Mary." "But, Fattier, I can't," I clinked ; nnd I guess thero wns something In my face this time that mndo even him see. For again he Just stared for n minute, nnd then snld: "Mary, what In tho world does this mean? Why can't you go back? Hnvo you been expelled?" "Oh, no, sir." "Then you t meuu you won't go bnck." "I mean I can't on account of Mother." I wouldn't have said It If I hadn't had to. I didn't want to toll him, but I knew from the very first that I'd hnvo to tell him before I got through. I could see It In his face. And so, now, with his oyos bluztng as ho Jumped al most out of his chair and exclaimed: 'Your mother 1" I let it out and got it over us soon us possible. "I nipnn, on nccount of Mother thnt not for you, or Aunt Jnne, or iinybody will 1 go bnck to that school and assoclato with folks that won't nsoclnto with tin on account of Mother." TO BE CONTINUED. -:o:- Wo carry in Btock In North Platto a full stock of Dodgo motor car re pairs, for your quick sorvico, Thoro hi no other such serricQ availnblo in North Platto. J. V. nomigh, Doolor. to: k Victor, VIctorolas, Holloy MubIc Houso, Mr. and R!rs. Win. Thayor and children left yesterday for Denvor, Salt Lnko, Seattle and California points. Thoy expect to be gone four or flvo weeks. Brunswick phonographs, Holloy Music House. 21 South Maple Street NEW SURBURBAN STORE With an up-to-dato lino of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Fresh Fruits und Vegetables in season. Mill; nnd ('renin nnd Iilenl Bread Quality nnd SeryJco Our Trado Mark. WK SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Phono ttlS ILAYTON CASH GROCERY When in Omaha STOP with us Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing Is back of these hotels. Guests may stop nt any one of them with the as surance of receiving honest value and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY FARSV1 LOANS Come In and seo me when in need of Farm Loans. At tho present time I can mawke a few Farm Loans. T. 0. SWENSON UNION STATE BANK I DR. J. It. aicKIRAHAN Practice Limited to DIsensso of I Women and Surgery Over Roxall Drug Storo -Phones: Off lea 127 Residence 65C Offico 310 Houso 723J DR. IV. I. SHAFFER ' Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis North Platte J. S. TWINEM, M. D. ' Homepathlc Physician & Surgeon General Practico and 7 Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Platte Vnlloy Hospital . Former Naino Twlnoin Hospital NORTH PLATTE NEHE. J i NOTICE FOR BIDS Notico Is horeby given that the Board of County Commissioners ot I 'nco'it County, N'obraska, will qn the 5th day of Juno 1922 rocolvo soaled bids for tho caro of tho County Poor for tho balnnco of tho year 1922, as por specified bidding forms on file In tho County Clerk's office. All bids must bo fil.od with tho County Clerk on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho Cth day ot Juno 1922, and will bo publicly opened in the offico f tlio CVunt Cou'mi?r.n.i('r3 nt 2 P. M. of tho sumo dny. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, this lGth day of May, 1922. (Soal) A. S. AlLEN, County Clerk. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by tlu undersigned at 2100 East Sixth strcot, County ot Lin coln, Stato of Nebraska; on tho 9th day of May 1922: Ono "whtto-faccd 3-yoar old heifor; brand on loft side. II. V. Pastued, on F. J. Breemer's placo. Dated this ICth day of May 1922. Signed: W. D. CRAIG. NOTICE All parents living In rural districts, who desiro froo high school privileges for tholr children for tho noxt school yoar, should mako application to this offico for froo high school tuition be fore tho annual mooting. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by tho undorslgncd on tho old Edis place, 2 miles south ot Ntown, County of Lincoln, Stato ot Nobnuika; on the 10th day of May, 1922: Ono black mule, about 3 years old, weighing $1100 pounds. Dated this 15th day of May, 1922. Signed: -W. II. Leonard. You buy Service nnd Reliability in n, Dodgo Brolhors car, and thon prompt nftor-sorvlco nt reasonablo :o:- P LAYER PIANO FOR SALE i Wo hnvo stored In a public wnro . houso In North Platto a new high grndo player piano which for quick sale, will bo sold at a tromendous ' sacrifice TormB to any responsible 1 parrty. If interested write quick for partlculaVs to I Tho Donvor Music Company I Denvor, Colorado. OFFICE OF MUTUAL BUILDING St I LOAN ASSOCIATION To tho Shareholders of Said Assoclattlon : At n mooting of the stato , taxing authorities held In Lincoln April 2G, it was docldod, that in arriving nt tho valuation to bo placed on sharos of stock In domestic Building & Loan Associations for tho purpose of taxa tion, tho same rulo of arriving at the taxable valuation of such shares, with tho samo deductions, ns Is applied to tho shares of stock of nit other domes tic corporations. Tho law provides: "Tho valuo of tho shares of Btock of corporations or ganized under tho laws of tills state shall bo determined for tho purpose of this section by deducting from tho actual vnluo of tho paid up capital stock surplus and undivided profits, tho actual valuo of tho property of tho ! corporation both tangible nnd intan giblo listed and taxed in .this state, and tho actual valuo of tho property of tho corporation outside of tho stato." I Following up this ruling and apply ing tlio same to tho taxable value of tho shares of this Association, it has been decided that only throo per cent of tho actual valuo of said shares shall be roturned for taxation; that Is, for each ono hundred dollars of actual value of such share thrco dol lars shall bo roturned as Intangible and only one-fourth of that amount shall bo assessed against tho share holder. Shareholders can ascertain tho ac tual value of their shares by applying to tho secretary. T. C PATTERSON, President. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will bo received at tho offico of tho State Department of Pub lic Works, fourth floor Brownoll Block at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Juno 12, 1922, for gravol, aur faolng, culvorts and . incidental work on the North Platte-Vroman Crossing Project No. 170, Federal Aid Road. Bids will bo opened and contracts lot In tho Senate Chamber, Capital Building as fast as practicable after tlmo for filing bids Is closed. County Boards aro hereby requested to bo present or represented. Bidders are invited to bo present. Tho proposed work consists of con structing 2G.32C miles of Grayol road. Tho approximate quantities are: 18,500 Cubic yards earth oxcava tlon. 1,191.04 Sta. Blado grader construc tion. 17,500 Cu. Yds. Clay excavation for Binder. 100 Cu. Yds. Special excavation Class A Grading. 100 Cu. Yds. Special oxcavatlon Class B Culvert C.000 Cu. Yds. Sta. overhaul. 14,500 Cu. Yds. Mi. Hauling clay for binder. 27.25 Cu. Yds. Concreto for Head walls. 552 Lin. ft Wood Guard rail. 78 Lin. ft. 18 In. Corrugated pipe. 40 Lin. ft. 24 In. Corrugated Dipo. 2G Ifln. ft. 3G In. Corrugated pipe. 280,711 Sq. Yds. 4x20 Gravel surfac ing, i 21,027 Sq. Yds. 3x20 Gravol sur facing. 0,333 Sq. Yds. 2x20 Gravel sur facing. Certlfiod chock for 5 per cent of tho Class B, Grading. 200 Cu. Yds. Special excavation amount ot tho bid will bo required with each and ovory bid received. Plans nnd specifications for the work may bo seen and information and proposal forms secured at tho of fice of tho County Clork nt North Platto, Nobraska or at tho offico of tho Stato Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho Stato and County resorvo the right to walvo all tochnicalltios and roject any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, Couilty Clork, Lincoln County. GEO. E. JOHNSON Secretary. When in North PI at le COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe Palace Bazaar Everything first class and prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. L. & S. Groceteria. DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-llny Calls promptly nnswored Night or Day Phonos. Offico 642 Residence G7G DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Hirschfeld's Offico Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 DR. ar. B, STATES Chiropractor Rooms 5. G, 7 Building & Loan Bldg. Offico Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242 Offico Phono 241 Res. Phone 217 L. C. DROST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culturo and tho Art of SInfriiiLr Res. Studio 108 W. Third Phono 114J OTIS R. FLATT,- M. D. Physician and Surgeon X-Hay Diagnoss and Treamont v Over Union State Bank Offico Phono 29GW Houso Phone 29GR GEO. B. DENT I'liyslcian and Surgeon ' .Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offico 130 Residence 115 DR. L. A. SNAVELY Dentist X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen and Gas Anesthesia for Extractions. Over Union Stato Bank Phono 29G. DERRYBERRY & FORBES Liconscd Einhalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 Eyes examined, Glasses fitted. .Sat isfaction, sure. Clinton & Son IV. T. PRITCIIARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and y- assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Street Phones. Hospital G33 Resfdonco 63S ED KIERIG Auctioneer For dates , and terms call at First National Bank North Platte, Nob. war. WALDORF Tinner Makes or Repairs anything made of Tin or Sheet Metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital joiin s. siaors, ai. d. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Offico Phono 83 Residence 38 FOR S4LE Cholco lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices nt PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dowoy Stroot Is your wlfo lonesome whiloyou are away? Send hor Tho Tribune. Ilalllgan, Bcatty, & Halllgan, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1884 of Louis Rayomo, de ceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, as: Credit ors of said estato will tako notico that tlio tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Sept 13, 1922, and for settlement of said Estato is May 9, 1923; that I will sit at tho county court room in sald County on Juno 13th, lfffe, at 10 o'clock a, m. nnd on Sept 13, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m., to reeeiro, oxomlno, hear, ollow, or adjust all claims and objections duly tiled. Datod May 9, 1922. T. 0. Blankcnbuxg, Acting County Judge