The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1922, Image 4

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Sure Relief
Red Cross Will Ask President to
Make An Appeal to the Country
for Their Relief.
France Urges Participation in
Proposed Commission of
Great Britain Apparently Satisfied, But
France Disappointed, and Bel
glum In Attitude of
Cloiiou. France has appealed In Uu
United Sliilcs to participate In Ilie pro
posed liilernullnnnl commission to-in-vcstlgMo
the Russian hIIiiii t lim. The
.American ambassador has Hinted Unit
much a proposal had been submitted to
Silm by the French dolognllnn.
The ambassador understood that the
French i'0oHiit suggests that the
United State, If the Invitation Is ac
cepted, would have a dominant voice
Sn the action of the coiiiiiiIkmIoii, hut
would not he hound by itu nccoprnino
to any decisions if the coinnilHslun
which It did not approve.
If the United Slates accopts, Franco
would ngrs to the Russians bejttg
rcprosentcd In the commission.
Russia's Reply Well Received.
Jonou. Htissln's reply to the allied
memorandum, presented to Kignor
Jiehnnzor. president of the econoinlc
conference, Is regarded as conciliatory.
At least It Is consldorvd as basis for fur
ther negotiations. Its suggestion that
all the tangled financial problems be
submitted t a mixed committee of ex
perts named by the Oouon conference
provided a means of escape from tb.
present appears to bo unfavorable for
the settlement of the myriad (piestloiiM
arising froui the Russian situation.
England regards the reply as mod
erately conciliatory; so also does Italy.
France expresses great disappoint
ment at the reply, and Belgium Is fa."
from satisfied.
Most Colleges Favor Prohibition.
Chicago, III. The Intercollegiate pro
filbltlon association has made public
replies, from lf8 college and university
presidents In forty states received In
nswor to ii questionnaire asking what
the faculty and students of each Insti
tution thought about prohibit Ion in
theory and fact. The replies showed
1,10 favorable to prohibition, ten non
'ommltnl or Indefinite, eight unfavor
able nnd four favorable to theory, but
unfavorable to present laws, The
riuostlonnalre was sent to qvery college
ind university president In the country,
Jiut some did not reply.
Financial Crisis at Canton.
Amoy, China. A financial crisis In
Oanton, tho seat of the southern gov
ernment, Is reported lit dispatches re
volved, here. The banks are closed,
JjiiRlness Is paralyzed and the govern
ment hank notes have depredated fit)
per cent In vnltie. The crisis Is tie
lared to be duo to mismanagement on
the part of Hun Ynl.Hen, head of tho
southern government.
Asks Local Red Cross to Aid.
"Washington. Local chapters of tho
American lied Cross have been re
quested by John Barton Payne, na
tional chairman, to solicit contributions
for a fund to bo used for relief In tint
flooded ureas of the valleys of the Mlt
alsslppi, Illinois and Ohio rivers. At
least half a million dollars Is needed,
Chairman I'uyno said,
Cut In University Maintenance.
Lincoln, Neb. The cut or !?2."0,000
In tmlvorHlty.innlntennnco by Governor
McKelvle's special session of the legis
lature Inst. January has been bettered
liy University of Nebraska regents, who
Siave approved a budget for 1023 with
a $.'MI1,000 decrease, Chancellor Samuel
Avery announces, Tho new budget
totul Is $2,82.rvl7!.aS.
Deficit May Be Increased.
Washington, I). 0. Secretary Mellon
flees no immediate prospect of lowering
the estimated deficit In government
ijminees for 1023 of approximately
$1-10,000,000 and gives the Impression
of four that the dellclt may be In
creased. Retail Clothing Prices Drop.
Chicago, III. ltetall clothing prices
tinvo driippud 12 per cent since July
1020,. and a further decline Is expected,
according to the National Industrial
Conference board, which has made u
survey of the clothing Industry,
Make Draft on Guaranty Fund.
"Lincoln, Neb. Secretnry J. H. Hart
of the department of trade and com
merce has announced n draft of $210,
000 on the state bank guaranty fund tc
tiny depositors in the defunct Bank of
Cats county at Plattsmoutli.
Women Carry Election,
(Jokovlllo. Wyo. Tills city, once re
puted as a hangout of "had men," held
nn election and Mrs, Wfhol Stofier was
tho successful candldivit for mayor and
Jlrs. J. D. Noblltt met Mrs. Rlchnrd
Stoberts woro unmet! to the city, council-
Paraguan Cotton Crop Increases.
Asuncion. Tho cotton crop In Par
aguay this year Is estimated at -1,-110
balQK. Seed Imported from the United
States Is found to bo giving a yield
nearly W) por cent greater than tho
tiallve seed.
New York. Americans are "saving
at the spigot and wasting at the bung
hole" at a period when they should he
discarding non-essentials and clinging
to nicesaltres, John H. Kdgorton, pres
ident of the National Association of
Manufacturers, declared at the annual
convention of the organization here.
"Hlch priced hotels, t neutron, hall
parks and other camping grounds of
amusement and noii-producllon are en
larging their capacities to accommo
date the over-Increasing army of refu
gees from the storms of lire," ho de
clared. 4
"(lolf clubs, cigar factories, Jewelry
establishments, walking cane, empor
iums, pet dog kennels, canary bird dis
pensaries and bootlegging Joints nro
nourishing as never before. lSvory
street and highway throughout the land
Is teeming with automobiles t.iat are
burning expensive gasoline in the pre:.
once of self-imposed Idleness.
Flood Refugees Ned Aid.
New Orleans, La. Approximately
70,000 men, women and children are
homeless In Minslsslppl and Louisiana
as the result of the Mississippi river
Hood and of this number 10.000 are be
ing fed, sheltered and clothed by the
Hod Cross and other organizations, If.
Is olllclally announced by various relief
bodies. No provisions have been made
to aid the .'0,000 persons who have not
reached the refugee camp, the state
ment said.
Hatlons are now being Issued to
18.501 Individuals, who were, driven
from their homes In Louisiana.
In .Mississippi (he committee plans
to feed 20,000 persons In the Yazoo val
ley. Cost of State Government.
Lincoln, Nebr. The cost of the state
government Is now running about SI,
01)0.000 a month. The report of Secre
tary I'. F. Itross of the finance depart
ment from July 1 of last year to the
last of March this year, a period of
nine months, shows state warrants Is
sued amounting to .$8,51!t,218.20 and
$.7r:i,!5i)7.fi7 contracted for but not
covered by warrants Issued at the close
of March. These two Items, represent
ing the cost of the state government
for nine months Is $r,01.r,0l.r.01.
Investigating Lusltanla Claims.
Washington, I). O. Negotiations are
under way between the United .States
ar I Germany, It Is said in official cir
cles, looking to the organization or n
mixed claims commission which will
puss upon clnlms grow't g out of thu
seizure of property In the United States
government hy American citizens as n
result of the sinking of the Lusltama.
Return of American Troops Delayod.
Washington. Orders hnve been Is
sued by the, war department delaying
the sailing of a part of the Aiuerlcnn
troops on the Ithlue until .Tune 17.
This action lias neon taUen In re
sponse to the nllled and Ocrmiin repre
sentations that a contingent of the
American forces bo retained in Ger
many for a while.
Result of Indiana Primary,
Indianapolis. With tho vote of tho
Indiana primary elections completed
former Senator Beverldgo Is shown
winner of tho republican senatorial
nomination by 20,472 votes, and for
mer Governor Samuel M. Halston vic
tor In tho democratic contest by 7,
'105 votes.
Italy and Britain In Joint Pact.
Genon. A general polltlcnl and
economic agreement Is being elaborate
between Italy and Great Britain. The-
chief object of this agroement Is tho
guaranteeing of Italy's position In the
Floods Inundate 3,759 Square Miles.
Baton Rouge, La, Flood backwaters
of the Mississippi mid tributary
streams have Inundated 3,750 square
miles lu nine Lonlsana parishes, leav
ing 25,000 persons who will need ns
Blstanco. To Announce Reduced Freight Rates.
Washington, 1"), ( There have neon
numerous Indications of late tlmt tne
Interstate Commerce commission will
shortly announce a general reduction
In railroad rates, both freight and pas
senger. Foreign Trade Molds Its Own,
Washington, D. O. Foreign trade or
tho United States Is now higher thnn
Its pro-war level, Secretary Hoover
said In an analysis of the country's
overseas commerce situation, Despite
the post-war depression, he said, "wo
have held on."
Texas Dlstrlcft Again Flooded.
Fort Worth, Tex. The lovee winding
around the banks of the Trinity river
In Arlington Heights hero, has broken
again, Hooding that district for the
second time In two weeks.
Flood Damage In Manitoba.
Winnipeg. Seventy-live thousand
acres of Manltoba'8 'finest wheat land
Is threatened by Hood waters of the
Asslnlboliie river between this city and
Portage La Prairie, and already thous
ands of acres have been Inundated,
according to reports. Farmers art)
busy trying to protect their land with
dykos, Farm houses aro reported sur
rounded, .with families rooming In tho
upper stories Two thousand seeded
acres aro under wator. There will be
h total crop failure, It was said.
Heaping Screened Guano for
(Prepared by the National CJeoKrnphlc
Society, Washington, D. C.)
Peru, already of considerable agri
cultural importance and destined to
beconio much more so, Is fortunate in
having ono or the most valuable
sources of natural fertilizer In tho
world its famous "bird islands" on
which thousands of tons of gunno nre
deposited in a sort, of unnunl crop.
Those deposits, rich In precious nitro
gen, have been laid down on tho Is
lands for thousands of years, nnd'iii
tll recently there seemed a well-nigh
lnoxhnustlhlo mine of tho material. Hut
tho tremendous world demand which
arose near tho middle of tho past
century brought In its train wasteful
methods, and all tho accumulated de
posits have boon stripped away. Tho
annual accumulations arc still avail
able, however, and nro worth ninny
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Peru's peculiar geographical condi
tions make possible tho preservation
of her valuable guano "crop." A few
showers might wash away the vnlun
hlo fertilizer, but thanks to Its moun
tain masses, Its very cold off-shore
waters and Its prevailing winds, tho
region of tho Bird islands Is rainless.
Guano. It will bo understood, is prl
mnrlly tho deposit of fish-eating birds,
Into which may ho mixed and incor
poratcd-ln greater or less proportion
-a variety of other substances, such
as the eggs and bodies of birds nnd
the deposits and the bodies of sea-
lions. It may he found mixed with
gravel nnd snnd In very small pro
nortlon or sometimes To an extent
rendering It unprofitable to extract
Peruvian Guano is Best.
"Peruvian guano" Is practically
synonymous with nitrogenous guuno
and lias long been recognized ns the
best nitrogenous fertilizer that Is, as
u fertilizer of generally high nitrogen
vnluo in which the nitrogen com
pounds are found In a condition most
readily assimilable by our plants.
Nitrogen is a primary .necessity to
tho farmer. Whatever bo the Impor
tance of adding to the soil potnsh and
other mineral components of our food
nnd our clothing, there never exists a
doubt as to the fundamental Impor
tance of nitrogen. Consequently n pe
culiar Interest attnehes to birds of the
Peruvian islands, which have long
erVed to nt r .,0 worhl's dgr.culture
and which, given duo protection, may
continue indefinitely to- contribute ma
tcrlully to the support of humanity
The peculiar climatic conditions pre
viously mentioned offer merely tho
proper environmental conditions for tho
S. o fo mmdant bird 1
n . r inntifiii fmi
la nut u.inn;iiv. i "
supply, and this Is found In the schools
of small tlsh. called ancliobetas, that
swarm In the Peruvian current. There
shoals of llsh. acres In extent, are
often pursued In the wnter by bonlto
und other large llsh, wplie nesei irom
tho air bv thousnnds of birds.
Billions of pounds of llsh must bo
consumed each year by the lilrds, lie
sides the Incalculable quantity d
vminwi lv other fishes: but tho
feeundltv of the nnchobetns Is such
that their numbers nro still maintain
ed. At times great acres of the sea
arc made rod by myriads of small,
brightly colored sbrlmp-llke crustncoa ;
nnd thet-e, too, piny a part of Im-tmftnni-i)
us food for the fishes and
Islands Crowded With Guanays
Not all of tho birds are of equal
lninortance from the commercial poln
r imieoil. ihreo snecles virtual
ly support the guano Industry at tho
present tlnip-the white-breast cor-
' . i.i ..nil......
::, v z sr' 1
mm in" ....... .
Gimnuys occur on ..: '
from near the northorn to tne extreme
southern tmuntiary, i uv i ,..i
untiary, i m uu-.r !
eminent homo Is the doutiie group
Bourn ninnu 01 "-
Is n rookery which for slzo and com
pactness can scarcely bo rivaled In
nnv nurt of the world.
Tho nesting ground occupies about
two-thlrds or the surface of the Is
lnnd. embracing the crown and the
gcntlo slopes of tho tun umi
Itu low blurt walls. Lho ncstH a
Transfer to Mainland.
very uniformly spaced, nveraglng near
ly three to tho square yard, and not a
yard of ground within tho outside
limits of tho rookery is unoccupied.
In form nnd arrangement the nests np-
pear as heavy rolled-rim basins stuck
into the hillside.
The guanay well deserves Its com
mon name, its gregarious nnnit, us
choice of the level places or more
gcntlo slopes for nesting grounds, and
Its custom of remaining on the is
lands n great part of tho tlmo all com-
hlno to ennso the iormation of enor
mous deposits of guano, from which
there is little nntural wnste. In tho
region where this bird Is most abun-
dant, nbont the Chlnchas and Bal
lestas Islands, the climate 'conditions
are most favorable to the preservation
of tho nitrates. It Is doubtful If tho
guano of tho Chlnchas nnd Ballestns
Islands Is over wet from atmospheric
moisture. A pair of guannys, with
their offspring, produce nearly $1.50
worth of guano per year.
How th Work la Done
Tho guano workers nro
all Peruvians of the ancient stock, and
many of them come down from tho
mountains to engage in this work.
Often there are few In tho camp who
can speak Spanish and the foreman
ran communicate with the employees
only by signs or through an Interpre
The extraction of guano is a very
simple process. Where the material
is comparatively recent, tho only itu
plcments required nre tho pick and
tho shovel, a screen und n few saclcs
Tho surface cake Is first broken up
and thrown into small heaps. Where
several contractors have a concession
from the government covering the
samo island, there Is much rivalry In
getting tho best guano mounded, for
this Is the only recognized method of
establishing a claim to a particular
Tho guano Is subsequently pitched
throuch slanting wire screens to re-
move the gravel, and then sacked for
embarkation by lnnchas, which are
strongly constructed lighters In tne
form of rowboats, adapted for use m
the heavy swell liable to prevail about
the Islands.
A very common method of convey-
ing the guano t o the lighter f by mews
aiaiiiiK i. " - -
nended between a frame at tho top of
tho Islnnd nnd somo convenient rocs
somewhat removed from the shore,
The boat Is rowed beneath tho lower
nart of the cable to receive the guano,
lowered by pulleys and windlass
ends of tho line being attacln
ends of tho line being uttacneu to
travellni: nulleys, tlio sacks of guano,
descending by gravity, draw the empty
sncks back. No power Is applied to
tho windlass except to prevent the
too-rnpld descent of the gunno. When
the lancha Is loaded It Is rowed out
tin. i-pskpI. where, the sacks nro
hoisted into the hold.
A much more extensive equipment
Is found on tho larger Islands of tho
..nrtii Kn American coiminny. con-
rrnctliiL' for tho Peruvian exporters,
hns laid lines of track for conveying
the guano by trnm-enrs, and tne screen
ing is done from trusties over n lower-
level track.
Bv far the greatest portion of tho
L'uano that has been exported con-
Ktsted of the nnclcnt deposits, called
"mineral" guano, which In places
covered the Islands to grout depths.
Tills hiiB been simply stripped away
nntlt scnrcelv nny of the old guano re-
mains exec
grades that
..rnnnt some ol tne lowest
scarcely justliy expona-
n . w.ti,m mo bounds of poty
. ...... ...i, ilenoHlts. DUrieO o-
1 ,i' mnv vet bo located.
iiiiu. " " ' i.iHtrV
" '" p,r to the annual
-; Prod t
or w -"-. ' ,, t,.
- .,,. ,. r Inter with
teins of irrlcntlon.
Though tho important Dims uavo
,..,.. rn,.nv roiiiicpii in numucrs. ii
IIV-t.ll -- , .1.1
i.. ..,nl,l in nrnect n SUUSiaiUUU
Increase under natural conditions,
Interference with tho breeding bo
t,. n.r. minimum consistent with
U.VU " - ..
Mw. iirllWnttoii of the deposits.
Authorizes President to Set
Allowances Each Year for
Note From Germany to Reparations
Commission Pledges Good Will
and Effort.
Washington. Tho McKonzle bill re-
adjusting tin pay and allowance of the
commissioned and enlisted personnel of
the army, navy, marine corps, coast
guard, coast and goedetle survey and
public health service, was passed by
the house, UK) to 20.
The bill will go Immediately to tho
senate, as leaders bad announced that
the army and navy supply bills, already
passed by the house, were being held
tip so that the new pay scales could be
Representative Alice Robertson,
Oklahoma, won her light for higher
subsistence and more room rent money
for army and navy nurses. Her'
amendment Increased the subsistence
rate from 00 cents to $1.20 a day and
rent money from $40 to $00 a month.
Germany Pledges Good Will.
Paris. The (Jerninn reply to th.'
reparations note of April Kt, which hns
been received by the reparations com
mission, reiterates the good will of the
Oermnn government, but pleads the
material Impossibility of imposing GO,
000,000,000 marks new taxes before
May 31, or complying with all tho con
ditions laid down on March 21.
The Oornmn government, t no re
ply says, Is convinced of tho neces
sity of covering expenditures without
further monetary Inflation. Having re
gard, however, for the German eco
nomic situation and flnnncinl obliga
tions abroad. It Is considered Inevitable
that Important payments due by Ger
many in foreign currency cannot be
met without the aid of foreign loans.
Peace Move at a Dead Lock.
Dublin. Reports from t:.e vnrlous
participants in the dall elrcnnn peace
ronforonce ruVeals a break on funda
mentals. The republicans will not
agree to n settlement of the situation
on any terms which involve their ad
mission that the Anglo-Irish treaty ts
acceptable to the people or that its
d nt , tl)e dnll plrpimn ,mR ,
tored the situation. There was an nl
most complete agreement In the dall
for an adjournment for week in or
der to allow the peace comm. tee to try
ngain to smooth over the difficulty.
Tornado Strikes Western Nebraska.
Lexington, Neb. Five persons wore
reported carried away In their farm
homo, and more than a score woro in
jured, some seriously, in this vlclnlry.
by a tornado which struck Severn?
miles south of this city. The wind
wrecked farm houses and outbuildings.
razed croves, and sweenliiK in a norf
easterly direction through a corner of
(no town, tied un all wire communica-
u j,y levelling the lines, unroofed a
number of buildings and crushed others
by hurling great trees against them.
Must Get Rid of Prairie Dogs.
Scottsbluff, Neb. June 1 is the time
not by the Nebraska law for the (lis-
' .'of ; tQ whcl
" and O. L. Taylor, w
the law
ho has
been organizing the county into pest
districts, is Issuing final notice that,
party or parties having prnlrio dogs on
their premises on nnd after Juno 1,
1022, will be subject to arrest unless
good cause is shown why such posts
hnve not been disposed of.
Amnesty for Espionage Violators.
Washington. A bill granting nm-
nesty to all persons held In federal
prisons for vlolntlon of wartime espion
age laws, has been Introduced In tho
sennte by Senator Ladd, North Dakota,
who estimated that 113 prisoners wou'.d
bo effected.
Awaits Action of U. S.
Paris. "France," says n high oftlclat
Of the government, "will not recognize
tho Russian soviet government until
the United Stntes does."
Plan New Soldier Hospitals.
Washington. D. C. Erection of
twelve soldier hospitals nt n cost of
$17,000,000 and with a total capacity
of 5,-lfiO beds, Is provided for In n
bill reported by the house appropria
tions committee. NVbrnskn is among
the locations proposed.
More Jobs Than Men.
New York. For the first time since
its organization tho American Legion
employment bureau hero has more jobs
I" " ,ra,,,,,UK.1" "Ul
thnn It can fill, nccordlng to word by
aucnaei uunoei, nurenu mnnnger.
"Earthwaves" Shake Italian Town.
Rome. Cornto, a city In southern
Italy, about twenty-five miles from
Bnrl, hns been visited ngain by "earth
waves" which In the past have caused
much' damage there. Buildings ex
tending for nlmost n mile were demol
ished, nnd nO.OOO Inhabitants aro living
I I.. .1-,,...! lot tlin nlln.m
"i m-ii irai ni" ......U.....V....T vuiiwhuu.
If Three thousand of them, enrrying their
re - belongings, aro seeking refuge In near-
ty towns, tjornto is situated over a
t A.. . 41.
nuiiiuirimuuii uuuy ui wuiur, uu- cur-
i rums ui which cuuse uiu lurraiu iu
shift occasionally.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25fc and 75$ Packages, Everywhere
Headquarters for Merchants, Cattle
Men, Agriculturists and
Their Families
Fireproof. Hooma J1.26 upwards
The Hotel with o Imputation
Take Dodge Street Car Line from Depot
IIAIU'KIl gs KIUKL, Proprietors
If you are tired of farm drudgery and want
to turn your land holdings for better than
cash, let me give you a Chicago Income
paying property that will pay you 10 on
tho Investment, rain or shine, without work
on' your part. I have clear buildings and
buildings with valuable equities, tbo owners
of which have genuine requirements for
farms. Let me solve tho problem o. a deal
for you.
C. A. Jlooro, 111 N. Denrborn St., Chicago, 111.
WANTKD IJVK AGENTS to sell our snippy
shopping bags. Quickest seller .on market.
Enormous prollt. Write for sample. Bend for
prices. Flotnar Mfg Co., 2530 Drake, Chicago.
color your hair
easily, quickly
and safely by
using u-uat
ss ys -sssr ar n n.i. rvinr n.
torer. Bate to use as water. Makes you look young
galo. At all good druggists, 75 cents, or direct
from HE8SIO -ELLIS. Cbemlata, Memphis. Teun.
You'll Get
A Year's Wearemor
when yon bay
SausstsLEss -
No rubber to rot. Phosphor
urunzv springs give tne.
stretch. Ask Your DnlwlU
for No -Way SatDemkrs.VJ
barters and Hose Supporters, i
, ii ne nasn-c uem, sena aireet,
ng dealer's name. Every I -M
Dalr o-uar&nteed. 1
r.w.wy aircn aifipanosr VJJ i
First Writer I want n newer ex
pression for "between the devil and
the deep sea." ,
Second Ditto Oh, Just say: "Be
tween an empty furnace and an unpuld
coal bill." Boston Transcript.
'Bayer" Introduced Aspirin to
Physicians Over 21
Years Ago.
To get quick relief follow carefully
the safe and proper directions in each
unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin." This package Is plainly
stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross."
Tho "Bayer Cross" means the gen
uine, world-fnmous Aspirin prescribed
by physicians for over twenty-one
years. Advertisement.
Safety First.
Smith Do you believe that people
should be forever thrusting themselves
Jones Oh, no! The man on the
golf links was hit by. a golf ball
through getting too much In the fore
ground. Answers.
Cutlcura for Sore Hands.
Soak hands en retiring in the hot suds
of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub In Cu
tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus
Ointment with tlssuo paper. This is
only one of the tilings Cutlcura will do
If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used
for all toilet purposes. Advertisement.
The halo a man sees on a girl's head
during courtship develops Into a bon
net after mnrriage. .
The" universe
views of It.
is wider than our
Why She
"I have always used
the cheaper baking
powders, supposing
them just as good as
Royal but I invested
in a can of Royal
Baking Powder and
now find all my bak
ing so much improv
ed that I will use no
other kind."
Misa CLB.
Baking Powder
Absolutely Pure
Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
Send for Nu Royal Cook Book
It' FREE. Royal BJunB Pow
dorCol 26 WilliamS t,Ne w York
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 20-1922.