The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1922, Image 3

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Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and son
Jimmio, Harry Dixon and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Dixon and Miss Alma
Waltematli of North Platto vero
Gothenburg visitors Sunijay. Goth
enburg Times.
From the way young coyotes aro
being cleaned up it looks as though
tho posts would soon bo a thing of
tho past. One man on tho south side
has dug out fourteen, Bert Ilostetter
has gotten seven on the Island and
over thirty havo been taken off tho
Pawneo Springs ranch. Ono den was
fuond within a nicho of tho ranch
buildings and only a short distance
from the railroad. Maxwell Tele-post
Mrs. Marie Weeks, editor of the
Norfolk Press, made tho following
comment in a late Issue of her paper
concerning J. S. Kroh, candidato for
state senator of the 31st district,
which is appreciated at Its full value
because Mrs. Weeks is not only u
good newspaper woman, but very ac
tivo in the politics of the state as
well. "Jack Kroh, vice president of
tho Nebraska Press association, is
another of tho newspaper boys who
wants to go lo Lincoln to help nako
law. Mr. A.1011 Uvea at Orfiilnlln.
where he cui(3 ft ery good neWHiiii
per. He -vlli i-aVe u vil legislator,
is brilllaii' handsomu c. ri nltogctlu r
a hustler." Kellh County News.
has hla homo all furnished to take
his bride to after June 1. Horshoy
Soreral local business men havo
been victimltlzcd by bad check artists
in tho past few weeks and as Is usual
i such cases the victim is satis
fied if ho gets his money back nnd
lets tho guilty ono oscapo tho law.
This proceeding Is entirely wrong, tho
right thing to do would be to send
tho guilty ono to tho penitentiary,
then thoro would bo fewer checks
coming back marked "No Funds."
This office printed warning cards for
ono firm this week, and if they live
up to the wording of the cards, the
next bad chock tendored them will
mean a free trip to Lincoln for the
guilty party.
Tho Parent Teachers' Association
gave half tho amount an hand and tho
Sutherland Woman's Club gave a $50
Liberty Bond. Thcso funds will bo
i usee to purchase new books. Somo
donations of books aro being mndo.
They aro very welcomo nt all times.
Wm. Boylo, our meat market man,
has just finished a now slaughter
house. It complies with all tho
appliances required by law and makes
his work nioro easy and handler than
Elnia Eugenia Lofdahl, Margaret L.
Crosby, Eathor Mao Purdy, Mildred
Griffin, Oda Irono Wilson, Jack Myers,
Harold Benton Jolllffe, Leo J. Kelso,
Emerald II. Dringman. Southorland
Miss Leona Blanch Hawley and Mr.
Ray Harold Surber was united In
tho holy bonds of matrimony at the
Methodist parsonage Monday morning
at 11:30, May 15. Tho blrde Is ilio
oungest daughter of Mr. and M.
Eugem Hawla .v are filghlv re
spected north side farmers. Leona
will bo missed amon her host of
friends who all wish her much hnp
piness In her now home. Tho groom
is next to tho youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. W; R. Surber. Ho is a most
prominent young man and has taken
up a position ns an honorablo post
master, at Davenport, Nob., where ho
It BEATS.,, as it Sweeps as it deans
Live Upon Ever
Clean Rugs
As recently as last fall, your rugs were taken up and
cleaned. Yet they are packed, once more, with dirt. Tap
your shoe on any rug and see the dust arise.
Daily that gritty dirt, laden with germs, is tracked in
from the streets. Tramped under foot, it settles deeply
into rugs, out of reach of hand sweeping, to grind off nap
and menace health.
The bother and expense of frequent outdoor cleanings
once excused its accumulation in rugs. Present standards
of cleanlness do not.
For it is now easy, with The Hoover,' to beat out all
such nap-wearing, disease-bearing grit from rug depths.
At the same time, this efficient cleaner also sweeps up
stubbornest litter, erects crushed nap, revives dimmed
colors, and powerfully cleans by air suction.
The Hoover does all this in one rapid, dustless oper
ation, guaranteed to prolong rug life and to clean
thoroughly. Its ait-cleaning attachments also permit
dustless "dusting" of upholstery, portieres, etc.
Why not live amid cleanliness the year around, enjoy
better health and preserve your rugs from wear? Repeat
edly a Hoover thus saves its cost.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
A weekly report will bo made Ir
Jtheso pages and an accurate nco -:. '
or battles, casualties and etc. will be
reported. Needless to say wo have
a special correspondent and mllltnry
advisor on tho ground at eacli camp
to give us tho latest nows.
Tho day of tho chicken thlof is
not past John Roberts camo very
near to losing a number of chickens
early last Friday morning.
Tho family wero awakened by the
squaking of tho chickens, and think
ing sqmo of thorn might bo caught In
n trap, Mr. Roberts had set for rats,
ho and his wifo rushed out to find a
man in tho chicken house with a sack
ful of chickens, and several under
his coat.
Mrs. Roberts hurried Jnto the
house to call for the marshal from
Farnnm, nnd while she was gono Uio
thief knocked Mr. Roberts down, es
No trace of the thief has boon
found. Suspicion has been thrown on
a man seen driving two covered wagi
ons the same day of tho attempted
robbery, camping near tho stockyards
who disappeared evidently Immedi
ately after the attack on the Roberts
chickens. Tho two wagons and three
horses wore left at tho stock yards,
It would seem tho party left town a
horse back. Tho wagons wero turned
ovor to the city offlcinls, and found
to contain a numbor of chicken
coops nnd numerous secret compart
ments for chickens. Mr. Roberts is
keeping tho horses until further dis
position is made of them by tho city
officials. Farnam Echo.
--F? rCD " ; "
Tickets on Sato on Show Day at Tho Rexall Store at same prices charged
on the (rounds.
R. D. Wilson and wife, accompan
ied by their son, F. M. Wilson and
wife, camo over from Kimball last
Saturday to visit their other .son, R.
C. Wilson, and family, of this city
This whole family aro nowspaper peo
ple and know the gamo almost from
A to Z but more recently R. D. has
been ondulging in politics to tho ox
tent of sorving Banner county as an
efficient clerk for the past four years.
But Mr. Wilson and son will about the
first of Juno commenso tho publica
tion of a strictly farm weekly nt Klin
ball, which will be known as the Trl-
State Farmer and servo tho special In
terests of tho agricultural people of
Wyoming, Colorado and especially the
western portion of Nebraska. The
paper will havo plenty of subject mat
ter to Interest every other farming
community however and wo Imaglno
it Is going to be well worth tho price
of tho subscription, which wo under
stand is to bo $1.00 per year. Unlike
many farm papers, mis ono will be
printed entirely In Its own office, a
full line of machinery Including the
latest improved Unotypo and Frank
has but recently roturned from Chi
cago where he completed a full course
of training in tho operation and up
keep of these machines. Wo wish
thoso good peoplo every success in
their undertaking. Garden Co. News.
Tho Midwest Veteran, tho woekly
newspaper for world war veterans
of Nebraska, published at Lincoln,
With colors Hying and a battalion
of husky Legionnaires working day
and night, North Platto Is holding
third place among tho posts of- No.
braska. Grand 'Island, defender for
theso honors and third largest post
during 1920 and 1921 made a desper
ate chargo on Selby'a cntronchments
this week, but was repulsed.
Hardly a day has gono after tho an
nouncement that North Platto held
third placo than Commander Treat
rallied his goneral and a great drivo
was mado. This offensive brought
in fifty-six new members and the nec
essary report of samo was mado to G.
II. Q. However, tho North Platters
retaliated and storming tho ground
of tholr opponents returned with for
ty ono now prisoners. This" .left tho
final count as follows: North Platto
301; Grand Island 227.
Both gonorals and their armies are
now pausing for breath and aro busy
replenishing tholr supplies and got.
ting replacements. A mossago from
Grand Island adviBcs us that "they
havo a surprise in storo for North
Platto," whilo tho North Platto de
fenders staqp that "they nra going to
hold their ground at any cost."
Thte promises to bo tho blggost
battlo of tho year a,ml wo advlso nil
out readers to watch for tho results.
, Tho bird counting work of tho Bio-'
logical survey of tho United States
department of Agriculture, which was
seriously decreased during tho period1
of tho war, is now being taken up'
more energetically, with tho aid of
many voluntary observers. Any In-
f.nristiv1 nnramia wlin nrn fntnint"l
' ' w . v ........
with birds of their rcspectivo locali
ties can contributo data in connection
with this survey, which will extend
ovor a number of years. Tho infor
mation which this study will furnish
concerns not only tho total bird pop
ulation of the United Stntos but also
Its fluctuations from year to year,
and tho effect of tho present state
and federal laws on tho increase of
game and insectivorous birds.
Instructions for properly making n
bird count will bo sont, with report
blanks, to anyone, upon application to
tho Bureau of Biological Survey. Of
ficials hopo that counts will bo con-J
tlnued ' on all lands whero they havo
bcon previously made. It Is especial
ly desired to obtain series of counts
Indicating bird life on tho Plains, the
dosorts and In tho southern and west
ern states.
Tho "height of tho breeding sensd'n
should bo choson for this woek. In
tho latitude of Washington, D. C, this
comos about May 30. Near Boston It
Is about a week lator, nnd south oi
Washington It Is earlier. In any lo
cality tho count should be mado ns
soon ns tho birds -aro well sottlcd on
their nesting grounds, but not until
after tho end of tho migration Bon-'
son. What Is Wanted is to learn how !
many pairs of birds actually neBtj
within tho selected areas. Birds that
visit tho area only for feeding pur-'
poses must not bo counted. Tho best
tlmo to mnko tho count Is early In'
tho morning when malo birds are
usually In full song, and each mny.
safoly bo taken to roprcsont a breed-1
lng pair. A 40 to 80 aero tract should!
bo selected, representing averngt .
farm conditions without an undue'
amount of woodlnnd or orchard. In
formation is desired In detail as to
the character of tho land survoyed, I
Tho bureau hopes that mauy persons
interested In bird llfo will make ono
or moro counts this season.
Do you want a now $C0 blclc frcoi
for particular's as to how to earn a
$C0 bicycle without a cont of cost to
Dr. L. J. Kli A USE, Dentist, X-Kaj
Diagnosis, McDoimld Rnnk Building.
Phono 07.
JJ3 a mild, vegetable laxative to
111 relieve Constipation and Dili
outneaa nna keep trie aiaoitwo ana
i ellralnaUve funcUona normal.
. Mi ?2 Used for oit'r
Offico rooms for rent ovor NowtonB
Book Storo. Apply at C. M. NowtonB
Chips off & Block
Little fRo
. Ono-thlrd the regit
liar dots. Mad of
'umt Ingredient!,
then candy coated.
Por children and adulti.
You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car.
PHONE 30OJ 107 West 6th Street
What We Mean
By Balanced Gasoline
y'OLATILITY that insures vapo
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temperatures certain fractions in : ;
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tionalmileagepergallon-iiZame Wrlteornskfora
speed that develops maximum red crown
cylinder pressure complete, clean Road Mnp
r combustion that keeps down carbon
y deposits these are tho properties of
. properly balanced gasoline.
Red Crown Gasoline excels in these '
. important respects. It is properly bal-
anced gasoline that is certified to meet
all U. S. Government specifications.
Measured by a dynamometer or by
the performance of any automobile,
Red Crown Gasoline stands first.
For dependable power, big mileage
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troubles, get the habit of using Red
Crown Gasoline.
Buy at Red Crown Service Stations
where high quality, full measure and
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Red Crown Gasoline the preferred
motor fuel. ,
... in
H tiutiii on ctufm if musu 1