The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 26, 1922, Image 3
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IT msi Pill ITirll A K R I'L'ML'HITl.1 l llt.l I II.UI. u i r nr v VU1 A 1V11U iJLllllUUll ULI1 11J11 1 II SHERIFF I hereby nnnounco myself n cnndl- uato lor tho uenuhllcan nomination Sheriff of Lincoln county, subject tho decision of the voters at tho 'primaries on July 18. : GEORGE W. RHODUS $ :o: SPECIALLY WRITTEN L READERS TURAL SUBJECTS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES ' Crisp young radishes and lettuce aro best eaten fresh from the garden; whereas tho succulent string bean, tho prolific tomato, tho iron-rich spin ach, to say nothing of carrpta, Swiss chard, beets, peas, corn or asparagus will delight tho palate and enrich tho diet many months after they mat uro in the garden, if properly put up in cans or jars and stored in tho pantry, says the University of Nebr aska Agricultural College. It is not enough to enjoy these vegetables when they aro fresh. From October to June the storago collar and tho grocery are likely to yield only potatoes, turnips, old carrots, cabbage and onions, and the use of these vege tables is likely to prove monotonous without occasional reminders of tho summer garden. It may tako a little more time to plant and culti vate two rows of beans or two dozen tomato plants instead of one, but if it furnishes these vegetables for win ter as well as summer use it is worth tho while. The amount of each kind o vegetable to bo canned depends on tho preference of tho household and the garden must bo planted accordingly. Various steps are being taken in tho regions hoavlly infested by grasshop pers last year to prepare for their ade quate control during the coming sea son should tho same situation arise. All says tho United States department of agriculture At a rccont conferenco attended by entomologists from Canada, as woll as stato and federal entomologists, plans were co-ordinated for conduct ing a series of oxporlmonts this year to determine the most offoctivo pois oned baits for various species of grass hoppers -which infest different re gions. Tho work is to bo done on a uniform basis, so that tho results ob tained may bo easily compared. It is also planned to construct an in ternational map, showing in a large, regional way tho grasshopper condi tions in both Canada and this coun try. This map will bo available both in making an annual rocord and for futuro referenco in control work. A special agent of tho bureau of ento mology, with headquarters at Billings, Mont., has been assigned to mako in vestigations bearing on the grasshop por situation this year in Wyoming, North Dakota, Minnesota, and other affected areas. OLD TIMERS CLUB Probably tho majority of farmers in Nebraska think that the vegetable garden is a necessary nuslanco that must be tolerated. The most they can soo in regard to it is that it interferes with tho work in tho busy season of tho year, or else it does not Interfero with them at all and Is left entirely to the women of tho family. Several experiment stations havo operated farm gardens on an experi mental basis. All theso demonstato very large gains from tho farm vege table garden. Tho Missouri Agricul tural college has recently published a bulletin showing that the net income from a vegetable garden of one-fourth aero through a three-year period was $134.00 per year. This would be at tho rate of ?53G.00 per acre. The total cost of this garden averaged $46.50 per year through the three-year per iod. Moro careful and thoughtful at tention to the garden on tho farm is one very excellent means of increas ing the Incomo from the farm by re ducing the expenses for food, and in cidentally the general health of the family can probably bo Improved. The University of Ncbrai.ka Agricultural College has a number of bulletins on special garden crops and general gardening which will be mailed to residents of tho state free 'upon re quest to County Agricultural Exten sion agents or to tho college Itself. This Is a continuation of tho list wo havo been publishing from time to tlmo giving tho names of those who wcro residents in North IMatto thirty years ago or beforo January i i, 1892. Wo will bo glad to hear from anyone who is ellglblo to this list. 82. THEODORE LOWE, Sr. North Platte, 1887. 83. MRS. THEO. LOWE, North Platte, 1887. 84. C. J. PERKINS, North Platto. 1891. 85. JAMES SNYDER, North Platte, 1872. 8G. MRS. JAMES SNYDER, North Platto, 1872. 87. MRS. EMMA LANNIN, North Platto1, 1879. 88. MR9. HILDA McORAW, North Platte, 1891. 89. DENJ. ESIILEMAN, North Platto 1884. 90. MRS. DENJ. ESHLEMAN, North Platte, 1884. . ;o! LOCAL AND PERSONAL Rev. Alfred Gilmnu left Tuesday morning for Scottsbluffs. Early cabbage plants, 15 cento n "dozen. N. P. Floral Co. Albert Muldoon of Ogallala tran sacted business in tho city Monday. Thos. Watts left Tuesday morning for Casper, Wyoming. Ho will accompany Mrs. Watts homo. Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! at Dixon's for tho boyB and girls only. Have your children try for them. Miss Viola Murray returned Tues day morning from Grand Island where she has been attending school. Wo carry in Btock in North Platto a full stock of Dodge motor car re pairs, for your quick sorvico. There Is no other such sorvico available In North Platto. J. V. Romigh, Dealer. Mr. Fairman returned Monday evening from points in CaJIfornin. Mr. Fairman was formerly a sur veyor for tho Union Pacific Graduation suggestions: Watches, rings, sterling silver bolt bucklos, stick pins, cuff links, mosh bags, van ity cases, pearl beads, Waldomar chains and knives. C. S. Clnton & Son Gifts that Last. Day Foot Comfort Can you put your shoes on in the morning and then forget about them until you tako them off at night' Or aro they sending messages to your brain all day messages of crampted toes, unbalanced weight, tired arches? But you don't have to endure it! You can learn tho real meaning of foot comfort by changing to the Canti lever Shoe. Because of its flexible shank, the Cajitllover Shoe harmonizes with the motion of your foot. Your arch mus cles, Instead of being bound down as in ordinary shoes, havo full freedom to oxerclso and grow strong. The Nebraska Growers Association has just issued the rules governing, for tho coming season, the inspection and certification of improved, var ieties of crops. Kanrcd wheat, barley, Rosen rye and Aksnrben soy beans aro listed as being eligible for certi fication. All of these crops have been found to bo especially adapted to Nebraska and to yield more than tho common varieties grown over the stato. Fields of theso grains that can pass the requirments are certified for seed purposes. Tho rules for certi fication are more strict than in pro tons years. This will restrict tho cer tification to careful growers who will produco pure, high quality seed. A nominal fee Is charged to pay, in part the ' costs of inspection. Tlioso whose fields pass inspection will be listed in tho seed list of tho Asso ciation, furnished witli a certificate showing tho purity of tho crop, fur nished with Association tags and as sisted in getting tests to comply with the Stato scad law. Anyone interest ed in growing certified seed should write the Secretary of tho Nebraska Crop Growers Association, Agricul tural College, Lincoln, Nobr. When in North Platte COME AND SEC US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe Palace Bazaar Everything first class ond prices reasonable. Opposite- Union Pacific Station. mm NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRACTORS Thoro aro other features you'll en joy in Cantilevers. Their natural in ner solo lino, tho correctly placed hoolfl. And tho wonderful feeling of comfort which leaves you aa smiling nnd happy at tho ond of a day as at tho beginning. Try a pair and sco how trim your feet look in thorn. DR. S. E.HUPFER CHIROPODIST, 317 East Fourth .Street. During tho working season ' when horses aro performing heavy work, It Is very Important that they receive a liberal ration of grain and rough age, says tho University Nebraska Agricultural College. Opinions differ greatly rcgardng pie amount and kind o.f feed a horse should receive when performing hard work Corn and oats, mixed, make a very accept able grain feed. A good combination of theso two feeds is 2 bushels of oats to 1 bushel of corn. A general rule that will give good results Is to feed about 14 pounds grain to every ono hundred pounds of horse at hard work. Ono gnllon of tho above men tioned grain mixture three times a day Is about tho proper amount for a 1200 pound horse. Approximately ono pound of good quality hay per day per ono hundred pounds of Hvo weight 1b sufficient. The amount of hay to bo fed will nooDssarily vary somowhnt with tho kind and quality avallahle. Where horses aro turned on night pasture they should have access to hay at least during tho noon hour. Tho hays most generally Sod In Nobraska, rank ed in order of their value as work piorao feed, aro alfalfa, good wild hay, cano hay, and sudan grass. Plenty of water Is very essential to good Buccess with work horses, They should havo ncciess to clean water In tho morning, at noon and during tho night. so: Monoy fo loan on Improved farms. J. E. Clabaugh, C18 Dewey. be roturnod whon planB and speci fications aro returned to City l. .-k. Tho Mayor and tho Council roservo tho right to roject any or all bids. By ordor of tho City Council of North Platto, Nobr., May 22, 1922. E. H. EVANS O. E ELDER Mayor City Clork (Seal) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids vjlll be received at the offico of tho Stato Dopartmont of Pub- lio Works, fourth floor Brownoll Block at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Juno 12, 1022, for gravol, sur facing, culvorts aud Incldontal work on tho North Plntto-Vroman Crossing Project No. 170, Federal Aid Road. Bids will bo opened and contracts lot in tho Senate Ohambor, Capital Building as fast aa practicable after tlmo for filing bids is closed. County Boards aro heroby rcquestod to bo present or represented. Biddors aro Invited to bo present. The proposed work consists of con structing 2G.326 miles of Gravol road. Tho approximate quantities nro: 18,500 Cublo yards earth excava tion. 1,191.04 Sta. Blado grader construc tion. 17,500 Cu. Yds. Clay excavation for Binder. 100 Cu. Yds. Special excavation Clnss A Grading. 100 Cu. Yds. Special excavation Class B Culvert 6,000 Cu. Yds. Sta. overhaul. 14,500 Cu. Yds. Ml. Hauling clay for binder. 27.25 Cu. Yds. Concreto for Head walls. 552 Lin. ft. Wood Guard rail. 78 Lin. ft. 18 In. Corrugated pipe. 40 Lin. ft, 24 In. Corrugated plpo. 26 Lin. ft. 36 In. Corrugated plpo. 280,711 Sq. Yds. 4x20 Gravol surfac ing. 21,627 Sq. Yds. 3x20 Gravel sur facing. 6,333 Sq. Yds. 2x20 Gravel sur facing. Certified check for 5 per cent of tho Class B, Grading. 200 Cu. Yds. Special excavation amount of tho bid will bo required with each and ovory bid received. Plans and specifications for the work mny bo seen and information and proposal forms secured at tho of fice of tho County Clerk at North Platto, Nobraska or at tho offico of tho Stato Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho Stato and County roservo the right to waive all technicalities and roject any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork, Lincoln County. 1 GEO. E. JOHNSON, Secretary. SPECIAL FEATURES WKITTEX IN COMBINATION WITH STANDAK1) LIFE POLICIES Non-Cancollnblo Accident and Health Insurance. Doublo Indemnity Provisions. Spcclfio Dismemberment Provisions. Disability Incomo Clause. Monthly Llfo Incomo Provisions. Puro and Installment Incomo Endowment Provisions. Premium Waiver Clause. Post Mortem Dividends. Full Participation in all Surplus. Automatlo Non-forfolturo Clause. Insurance that Insures Protection Hint Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Homo Offico Fourth and Locust Streets, ' North Platto, Neb. CIRCUS SATURDAY JUNE 3. OLLMAR UM"""lfc II11" 'fc JT 1 Jjgto KB Him Tickets on'Sale on Show Day at The Roxall Store at some prices charged on the (rounds. You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car. EXPERT AUTO TOP MAKERS AND TRIMMERS PLATTE AUTO TRIM CO. PHONE 30OJ 107 West 6th Street Notice Is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Nobr, will receive bids for paving, curbing and other street improvements in Paving Districts Noa. 9 and 10 in said City according to plans and specifications adopted and now on file In tho offico of tho City Clerk of said City. Said bids to cover tho following types of pavement, Vertical Fibre Brick, Asphaltic Concrete, Sheet As phalt, Uoinforced concroto and War- renite Bithulithic Tho Engineer's estimate on tho cost of paving said two diBtrlcUj com prising approximately 54,000 squaro yards Is as follows: Combination curb and gutter SO Straight curb, per foot GO Concreto drain box, per foot 1.05 Concreto tiling, por foot 55 Grading and Finishing, por cubic yard .50 Vertical Fibro Brick on 5 Inch concreto bnso, per squaro yard 3.90 Asphaltic Concreto on 5 inch concroto baso, por squaro yard 2.40 Sheet Asphalt on 5 inch concreto baso, per squaro yard 2.45 Reinforced Concrete, por squaro yard y.sO Warrenlto Bitulithic on 5 inch concroto baso, per squaro yard .3.35 Fir headers and posts complete, por foot j,o Bids must bo on file with tho City Clork on or beforo eight o'clock p. m. of Juno 2nd, 1922 at which tlmo they will bo opened beforo tho Coun cil. They must bo mado on the propos als in tho specifications. Tho proposals must not bo detached from tho specifications and must bo accompanied by a certified chock pay able to tho City Treasurer for an a mount equal to threo por cent of tho bid made. Said specifications shall bo . furni shed to Paving Contractors, only, up on application to tho City Clork for a foo of Five Dollars; said amount to M INTE For the Mack we recommend tins fol lowing grades: Summer HEAVY Winter MEDIUM HEAVY Transmission TRANSMISSION OIL Differential TRANSMISSION OIL The Polarine Chart Is Friction Insurance For Truck Owners A TRUCK owner will insure his property against fire, accidental damage of all kinds, or theft. But how much real thought does he give to that most destructive of all agencies friction generated in faulty operation ? Automotive engineers say that more than 80 of all bills for motor overhauling, repairs and replacements are caused by using low-grado oils or oils of unsuitable body. Friction wears a truck's life out And yet to overcome it is so easy. The complete Polarine Chart is in the hands of all Pplarine dealers and it contains a list of tested lubrication specifica tions for all trucks. This chart tells you what grade of oil your truck needs in each season and under all operating conditions. It is accurate to the last degree. It is 100?" friction insurance. Polarine Oil is the product of the world's largest oil refiners. It retains its body and lubricating quality under all operating conditions. Polarine prevents friction. Its fuel-tight and gas-tight seal in the cylinders assures maximum pressure development, power a-plenty and big mileage per gallon of gasoline. Polarine Oil is made in four grades medium light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but in ono quality. Get the proper grade for your truck or car at the same place you buy clean-burning, balanced Red Crown Gasoline. Immediately you will begin to avoid motor troubles. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA For tho Inter' national we recom mend the following grades: Summer MEDIUM HEAVY Winter MEDIUM' LIGHT Transmission TRANSMISSION OIL Differential TRANSMISSION OIL