The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 26, 1922, Image 2

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Eleanor H. Porter
Illustrations by
H. Livingstone
0rrltlt7 Efcur 11. tnur
CHAPTER V Continued.
'"'Mary 1" Just llko that she Inter
rupted Aunt Jnno did. (Funny how
old folks can do what they won't let
you do. Now If I'd Interrupted any
body llko that!) "You may as well
understand ut once," went on Aunt
Jane, "that we are not Interested In
your grandfather's auto, or his house,
or anything that Is his." (I felt as If
I was hearing the catechism In
church !) "And that the less reference
you make to your life In Boston the
better wo shall bo pleased. As I said
beforo, wo are not Interested. Besides,
while under your father's roof, It
would seem to mc very poor taste, In
ilecd, for you to make constant refer
ence to things you may have been do
ing while not under his roof. The
Bltuutlon Is deplorable enough, how
over you take It, without making It
positively unbearable. You will re
member, Mary?"
Mary said, "Yes, Aunt June," very
polite and proper; but I can tell yon
that Inside of Mary, Mario was Just
Unbearable, Indeed 1
Wo didn't say anything mora all the
way home. Naturally, I wns no( going
to, after that speech; and Aunt Jano
Bald nothing. So silence reigned su
preme. Then wo got homo. Tilings looked
quite natural, only there was a new
maid In the kitchen, and Nurse Sarah
wasn't there. Father wasn't there,
cither. And, Ju3t as I suspected, 'twas
a star that was to blame, only this
time tho star was the moon nn
eclipse; and he'd gone somewhere out
"west so ho could seo It better.
He Isn't coming back till next week ;
and when I think how he mado mo
come oh the first day, bo as to get In
tho whole six months, when all the
time he did not enre enough about It
to bo hero himself, I'm Just mad I
mean, the righteously indignant kind
of mad for I can't help thinking how
poor Mother would have loved those
extra days with her.
t Aunt Jano snld I was to have my
old room, and so, as soon as I got hero,
I went right up and took off my hat
nnd coat," and pretty quick they
brought up my trunk, and I unpacked
It; and I didn't hurry ubout It, cither.
I wasn't n bit anxious to get down
stairs again to Aunt Jane. Besides,
I may as well own up, I was crylti"
a little. Mother's room was right
across the hall, and It looked ho lone
some, and I couldn't help remember
ing how different this homecoming
wns from the one In Boston, six
months ago.
Well, at last I had to go down to
dinner I mean supper and, by tho
way, I mado another break on that. I
called It dinner right out loud, and
never thought till I saw Aunt Jane's
"Supper will bo ready directly," sho
said, with cold and ley cmphnsls. "And
may I ask you to remember, Mnry,
please, that Andersonvlllo has dinner
at noon, not nt six o'clock."
"Yes, Aunt Jano," said Mnry, po
lite iinil proper again. (I shan't say
what Marie snld Inside.)
Wo didn't do anything In tho eve
ning but read and go to bed nt nine
o'clock, I wanted to run over to Cur
rlo Iley wood's; but Aunt Jnno snld
no, not till morning. (T wonder why
young folks never can do things when
they want to do them, but must al
ways wnlt till morning or night or
noon, or somo other time I)
In tho morning 1 went up to tho
scboolhousc. I planned It ho as to get
thcro ut recess, and I saw nil tho girls
except one that was sick, and one that
was away. Wo had a perfectly lovely
time, only everybody was talking all
at once so that I don't know now what
was snld. But they seemed glad to seo
me. I know that Mnybo I'll go to
school next week. Aunt Jnno says
sho thinks I ought to, when It's only
tho first of May. She's going to speak
to Father when he comes next week.
She was going to speak to him
about my clotlies ; tlivn sho decided to
attend to thoso herself, nnd not bother
him. Sho doesn't llko my dresses. Sho
camo Into my room and usked to bco
my things. My I But didn't I hate to
show them to her? Mario said sho
wouldn't; but Mary obediently trotted
to the closet and brought them out
one by one.
Aunt Jano turned them Ground with
tho tips of her fingors, all tha time
sighing and shaking her head. When
I'd brought thera all out, sho shook
. her head nguln and said they would
not do at nil not In AndCrsonvllle;
thnt they wcro extravagant, nnd much
too elaborate for a young girl; Uiat
she would seo tho dressmaker and ar
range that I had somo serviceable
blue and brown serges at once.
Blue and brown sorgo, lndocdl But,
there, what's the uso? I'm Mary now.
I keep forgetting that; though I don't
geo how I can forget It with Aunt
Jane around.
But. listen. A funny thing happened
this morning. Something came up
about Boston, nnd Aunt Jnne asked
me a question. Then she asked an
other and another, nnd she kept mo
talking till I guess I tnlked 'most n
whole half-hour about Grandpa Des
mond, Aunt Hattle, Mother, and Uio
house, and what we did, and, oh, a
wholo lot of things. And here, Just
two days ago, Bho wns telling mo that
sho wasn't Interested In Grandpa Des
mbnd, his home, or his daughter, or
nnythlng that was his I
There's something funny about
Aunt Jnne.
Father's come, lie enmo yesterday.
But I didn't know It, and I came run
ning downstnlrs, ending with n llttlo
bounce for the lust step. And there,
right in front of me in the hall was
I guess he was 03 much surprised
as I was. Anyhow, ho acted so. lie
Just stood stock-still and stared, his
face turning all kinds of colors.
"You?" ho gasped, Just abovo his
breath. Then suddenly he seemed to
remember. "Why, yes, yes, to bo sure.
You aro here, aren't you? How do
you do, Mary?"
Ho camo up then and held out his
hand, nnd I thought that was all ho
was going to do. But, after a funny
little hesitation, ho stooped and kissed
my forehead. Then ho turned and
went into the library with very quick
steps, and I didn't see him again till
at the supper-table.
At tho Bupper-tablo ho said again,
"How do you do, Mary?" Then ho
seemed to forget nil about mc. At
least he didn't say anything more to
mo; for thrco or four times, when I
glanced up, I found him looking ut me.
But Just ns soon as I looked back at
him he turned his eyes away and
cleared his throat, and began to sat
or to talk to Aunt Jano.
After dinner 1 mean supper he
went out to tho observatory, Just as
ho always used to. Aunt Juno said
her head ached and sue was going to
bed. I said I guessed I would step
over to Carrie Heywood's; but Aunt
Jane snld, certainly not; thnt I was
much too young to be running nround
nights In tho dark. Nights I And It was
only seven o'clock, nnd not dark at
all t But of course I couldn't go.
Aunt Jnne went upstairs, and I was
left nlone. I didn't feel a bit like
reading; besides, thoro wasn't a book
or u magazine unywhere asking you
to read. They Just shrieked, "Touch
me not 1" behind the glass doors In tho
library. I hate sowing. I mean Mario
hates It. Aunt Jano says Mary's got
to leant.
For a time I Just walked around tho
different rooms downstairs, looking at
tho chairs and tables and rugs all Just
eo, ns If they'd been measured with a
yardstick. Mario Jerked up a shade
and pushed u chair crooked and kicked
a rug vp nt one corner; but Mary put
them nil back properly so thero
wasn't any fun In that for long.
After a while I opened 'the parlor
door and peeked In. They used to
keep, It open when Mother wns hero;
but Aunt Jnno doesn't uso It. I knew
where tho electric push button wns,
though, nnd I turned on tho light.
Beforo I got tho light on, the chalra
and sofas loomed up like ghosts In
their linen covers. And when tho
light did come on, I saw that nil the
old shiver places were there. Not one
was missing. Great Grandfather An
derson's collln plate on black velvet,
tho wax cross and llowers that had
been used nt three Anderson funerals,
tho hair wreath mado of nil the hair
of seventeen dead Andersons nnd five
llvo ones no, no, I don't menn nil tho
hair, but hulr from all seventeen nnd
five. Nurso Snroh used to tell me
about It.
Well, as I said, all tho shiver places
were there, and I shivered again as I
looked nt them; then I crossed over to
Mother's old piano, opened It, nnd
touched tho keys. I lovo to piny.
Thero wasn't nny music there, but I
don't need music for lots of my pieces.
I know them by heart only thcy'ro all
gay and lively, nnd, twlnkly-too dnncy.
Marie music. I don't know a ono that
would bo proper for Mary to play, '
But I was Just tingling to play some
thing, and I remembered thnt Father
was In tho observatory, and Aunt Jnne
upstairs in tho other pnrt of the houso
where sho couldn't possibly hear. So
I began to piny. I played tho very
slowest piece I had, and I played
softly at first; but I know I forgot,
and I know I hadn't played two nieces
beforo I was hnvlng tho best time
over, and making all tho nolso I want-
ed to.
Then all of n sudden I hud a funny
feeling as If Bomobody somewhere wns
watching me; but I Just couldn't turn
around. I stopped playing, though, at
tho end of that piece, and then I
looked; but thero wasn't anybody In
Bight. But tho wax cross was there,
nnd tho collln pinto, and that nwful
hnlr wreath ; and suddenly I felt as if
tho room was Just full of folks with
great staring eyes. I fairly Bhook with
shivers, but I mannged to abut the
piano nnd get over to tho door where
the light wns. Then, n minute later,
out In tho big silent hall, I cropt on
tlptoo toward the stairs. I know then,
all of a sudden, why I'd felt somebody
wns listening. Thero was. Across tho
hall In tho library In tho big chair bo
foro tho fire sat Father I And for
'most n whole half-hour I had been
uuugmg away at mat piano on
marches and danco music I My I But
t new my breath and stopped short.
can tell you. But ho didn't move nor
turn, and a raluuto later I wus Bafcly
by tho door and halfway up tho
I stayed In my room tho rest of that
evening; and for the jjecond. tjnjo. slnco
I've been hero I cried myself to sleep.
Well, I've got them those brown
nnd blue serge dresses nnd the calf
skin boots. My, but I hope they're
stiff and homely enough nil of them I
And hot, too. Aunt Jnne did sny to
day that she didn't know but what
she'd made a mlstukc not to get gtng
ham dresses. But, then, she'd have to
get the gingham later, anyway, sho
said; then I'd have both.
. Well, they can't be worse than tin
I Was Having the Best Time Ever,
and Making All the Noise I Wanted
serge. That's sure. I hnte the serge.
They're awfully homely. Still, I don't
know but It's Just as well. Certainly
It's lots easier to be Mary In a brown
serge and clumpy boots than It Is In
the soft, llutTy things Marie used to
wear. You couldn't be Mnrle In these
things. Honestly, I'm feeling real
Marylsh these days.
I wonder If that's why the girls
seem so queer at school. They are
queer. Three times lately I've come
up to n crowd of girls and heard them
stop talking right off short. They col
ored up, too ; and pretty quick they be
gan to slip away, one by one, till there
wasn't anybody left but Just me, just
us they used to do in Boston. But of
course it can't be for the same reason
here, for they've known nil nlong
ubout the divorce and haven't minded
it at all.
I heard this morning that Stella
Mayhew had a party last night. But I
didn't get Invited. Of course, you
eun't ulwnys ask everybody to your
parties, but this wus n real big party,
and I haven't found a girl In school,
yet, that wasn't Invited but me. But
I guess It wasn't anything, uftcr all.
Stellu Is u new girl thut hns como
here to live since 1 went away. Her
folks aro rich, and she's very puyular,
and of course she bus loads of friends
she had to Invite; nnd she doesn't
know me very well. Probably that was
It. And maybe I Just Imagine It about
tho other girls, too. Perhaps It's the
brown serge dress. Still, It can't be
thut, for this is the first day I've worn
it. But, ns I said, 1 feel Marylsh al
ready. I uuven't dnred to touch the piano
since that night a week ago, only once
when Aunt June wus nt u missionary
meeting, and I knew Father was over
to tho college. But didn't I have a
good time then? 1 Just guess I did I
Aunt Juno doesn't care for music.
Besides, It's noisy, she says, and would
be likely to disturb Father. So I'm not
to keep on with my music lessons here.
.She's going to teach mo to sew In
stead. Sho soys sewing Is much more
sensible and useful.
Sensible nnd useful 1 I wonder how
many times I've hoard those words
since I've been hero. And durable,
too. And nourishing. That's another
word. Honestly, Marie Is getting aw
fully tired of Mary's sensible sewing
uud dusting, and her durable clumpy
shoes and stuffy dresses, and her nour
ishing oatmeal and whole-wheat
bread. But there, what can you do?
I'm trying to remember that It's differ
ent, anyway, and thnt I said I liked
something different.
I don't seo much of Father. Still,
there's something kind of queer about
It, nfter all. He only speaks to mo
about twlco a day just "Good-morning,
Mary," and' "Good-night." And
so fur ns most of his actions nre con
cerned you wouldn't think by them
thut he knew I was In tho house. Yet,
over nnd over again at the table, and
at times when I didn't even know he
wus 'round, I've found him watching
me, nnd with such n queer, funny look
In his eyes. Then, very quickly al
ways, ho looks right away.
But last night he didn't. And Hint's
especially what I wunted to write
about today. And this Is the way It
happened :
Anyone desiring to bo transferred
from eno school district to another
for school purposes should make
application to this office beforo tho
annual mooting. Persona who have
been transferred but do not need the
transfer privilege any moro shoula
notify this office to that effect.
Count Superintendent
lAllAin Itfl flmonQ 1
i I M.S.S. S lB.RiZ.lE.Vi
Hotel Conant
Hotel Sanford
Hotel Henshaw
Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing
ia back of these hotels. Guests may
.ti1? ?f them with tho as-
Burance of receiving honest value and
courteous treatment.
Como In and boo me when in need
of Farm Loans. At tho present time
I can mawko a few Farm Loans.
Practice Limited to Dlaeasse of
Womon and Surgery
t, ,i t o
Over Rexall Drug Storo
Phonos; Offico 127 Resldonce 656
Offico 340
Houbo 723 J
Is, for each ono hundred dollars of
DR. VV. I. SHAFFER actual value of such share three dol
Osteopnth Physician liars shall bo returned as Intangible
Ovor tho OaalB
North Platte
Ilomcpntliic Physician &
General Practice and
Construction Surgery
Hospital Accommodation
Tlatte Valley Hospital
Former Name Twlnom Hospital
The law requires that a" voters in
cities of 7,000. or more register at tho
offlce of tho City Clork. ,At the last
city election an opportunity was given
to register at the polling places and
most of thoso voting registered. There
was, however, less than half of the le-
tral votora of the cltv who voted at
tho city election, all of whom will
want to vote at tho primaries In July. nnd tho southorn boundary of said
In order to accomodate them the city ( City or near tho north lino of tho
will bo prepared to register voters right of way of tho Suburban Irrlga
during all of the month of May at the "n District Canal, Including street
IntftrRnptinTiH nnn nnnnoa nnnnaun nl.
office of tho City Clerk. It only re-
quires two or three minutes and we Unless objections aro filed as re
ask all voters to register who did quired by statuto within twenty days
not at tho last election. lfml llTflrst pub,UUd?, of tI1,l3,n
rm. , ttw ., a w ci.iiiiw itlce' the Mayor and City Council shall
1"UUUU1 x ' "
Commissioners of Registration.
O. E. Elder, City Clerlr.
Notlco is hereby given that the
Board of County Commissioners ot
L'ncd'ii County, Nebraska, will on the
5th day of Juno 1922 receive sealed
bids for tho caro of tho County Poor
for tho balance of tho year 1922, as
por specified bidding forms on fllo In
tho County Clerk's office.
All bids must bo filed with the
County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock
noon of tho 5th day of Juno 1922, and
will be publicly opened In tho offico
f tho (Vuntj Coromi'i-lo.ierj nt 2 P.
M. of tho samo day.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 10th day of May, 1922.
(Seal) A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
Taken up by tho undorslgnod at
2100 East Sixth streot, County of Lin
coln, Stato ot Nebraska; on tho 9th
day of May 1922: Ono wblto-facod
3-yoar old bolter; brand on loft side.
II. V. Pastucd, on F. J. Breomer's
Dnted thla 16th day of May 1922.
Slgnod: W. D. CRAIG.
All paronts living In rural districts,
who desiro tree high school prlvllogcs
for their children for tho noxt BChool
yoar, Bhould mako application to this
offico for froo high school tuition be
foro tho annual meeting.
County Superintendent.
Taken up by tho undorslgnod on
tho old Edls placo, 2 mllos south ot
Ntown, County of Lincoln, State ot
Nebraska? on tho 10th day of May,
1922: Ono black mulo, about 3 years
old, weighing $1100 pounds,
Datod this 15th day ot May, 1922.
Signed: W. H. Leonard.
-yvo navo a high-grade piano In our
l'OSG83lon at North Platte. For quick
disposal wo will greatly sacrifice the
! price. Terms If responsible. Wrlto at
once if interested to tho Denver Music
Co., Denver Colo.
To the Shareholders
1 of Said Associattlon :
At a mooting of tho state taxing
authorities held In Lincoln April 26,
lt was dooldod, that in arriving nt the
valuation to be placed on shares of
stock In domestic Building & Loan
Associations for tho purpose of taxa
tion, tho same rulo of arriving at the
taxable valuation of such shares, with
the same deductions, as is applied to
the shares of stock of all other domes
tic corporations.
Tho law provides: "The value of
tho nhtirofl of nt mrnnratlnna nr.
undcr thQ ,aws of gtatc
slll11 bo, determined for, tho purpose
of this section by deducting from tho
actual valuo of the paid up capital
stock surPlus and undivided profits,
tho actual valuo of tho property of the
'corporation both tangible and intan-
glblo listed and taxed in this state,
and the actual value of the property
of the corporation outside of the
I .Following up this ruling and apply-
,nS tl10 samo to tho taxable valuo of
. . . . . . ... ...
tho shares of this Association, it has
boon aeclded that only throo per cont
of tho actual valuo of said shares
shall bo roturnod for taxation; that
and only one-fourth of- that amount
l shall bo assessed against the share
I Shareholders can ascertain tho ac
tual value of their shares by applying
to the secretary.
T. C PATTERSON, President
To tho owners of the record title of
all property adjacent to or abutting
upon the streets hereinafter des
cribed and all persons Interested
therein :
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that the Mayor and City Coun
jcll of the City of North Platto did
.under date of May 2, 1922, pass and
tno city of North piatto, Lincoln Coun-
ty, Nebraska. And that the following
streotss including tho intersection
rlct to wit:
Commencing on tho south side of
Third street thence embracing all ot
I1 anl Souftu Locust Street
proceed to construct sach paving.
Dated this 8th day of May, 1922.
(Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
Wm. E. Shuman, Attorney.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska. In tho Matter of tho
Estate of Frederick Werneko, De
Notlco Is hereby given to any and
all porsons having claims and de
mands against the estate of tho said
Frederick Werneko, deceased, that
tho 2lBt day of August, 1922, has been
set and appointed as the day for the
reception, examination, adjustment
and allowance of lawful claims and
demands of all porsons, against said
estate and that tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will at
said time receive, examine, adjust
and allow all such claims against
said estate, as provided by law, at tho
County Court Room In tho Court
House in tho City of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all
porsons so interested In said estate,
will appear at said time and place
and duly present tholr said claims
and demands in tho manner required
by law, or show cause for not so do
ing, and in case any of said claims
or domandB shall not bo presented on
or prior to tho said 21st day ot Au
gust 1922, tho same shall bo forever
signed this notlco and affixed tho
soal of said Court this 24th day of
April 1922.
(Seal) Acting County Judge.
John Grant, Attorney.
Estato No. 1825, of Goorgo Lannln, do
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska,
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estato tako no
tlco that tho Administratrix has filed
a final account and report of hor ad
ministration nnd a potltion for final
sottloment and dlschargo as such, Ad
mlnlstratrlx which havo been Bet for
hearing beforo said court on May 30th,
1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., -when you
may apear and contest the same.
Datod May 5th, 1922.
(Soal) Acting County Judge.
L. & S. Groceteria.
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day
Phonos. Offico 642 Residonco 676
Over Hlrschfeld's
Offico Phono 333 Ros. Phono 1020
Rooms 6. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg.
Offico Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242
Offico Phone 241 Res. Phone 217
Osteopathic Physician
North Platto, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Teacher of Voice Culture
and the
Art of Singing
Res. Studio 108 W. Third Phono 114J
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnoss and Treamont
Over Union State Bank .
Offico Phone 296W Houso Phono 296R
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130 Residence 115
X-Itny Diagnosis Oxygen and
Gas Anesthesia for Extractions.
Over Union State Bank
Phone 296.
Licensed Embnlmors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 538
Eyes examined, Glasses fitted. Sat
isfaction, sure. Clinton & Son
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Governmont Veterinarian and ex
asslstant deputy State Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vine Street
Phones. Hospital 633 Residonco 633
For dates and terms call at
First National Bank
North Platte, Neb.
Makes or Repairs anything mado of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
510 Locust Under General Hospital
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phono 83 Residence 38
Choice lot of young Red Poll bulla
at farmors prices at
South Dowoy Street
Is your wife lonesome while you are
away? Send hor Tho Tribune,
Halllgan, Bcatty, & Halllgan, Attys.
Estato No, 1884 of Louis Rayomo, do
ceased In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, as: Credit
ors of Bald estato will tako notlco that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estato
Is Sopt 13, 1922, and for settlement
of said Estate is May 9, 1923; that
I will sit at tho county court room
in said County on Juno 13th, 1922,
at 10 o'clock a., m. and on Sopt 13,
1922 nt 10 o'clock a, in., to rocoive',
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
Dated May 9, 1922.
T. 9. Blankonburg,
Acting County Judgo