THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. Entorod at tlio North Plntto, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Clasu Matter. SUBSCRIPTION PI110E: Onb Vonr, in advanco $1.50 TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1922. EDITORIAL Wo ovcrliord ono of tlio high school teachers commenting on an incident which happened at tlio Junior-Senior banquet. It scorn that some of the boys whoso nanios wo did not learn, lighted cigarettes at the tablo and Superintendent Llttol promptly call ed thom to account. Thoy very cort eously unllghtcd them. We agree Uint the Superintendent did right In put ting a stop to such an offensive prac tice at a school function and wo can not bellevo that the boys started the practice in any but u spirit of fun. But the cigarette trust is having its day, having played most of us for suckers during the war, both boys and morals will havo to bo sacri ficed beforo wo wako up to tho fact that clgarottcB for boys aro just as bad as thoy were boforo tlio war. Our deslro to bo broadmlndod has caused us to ovorlook tho harmful results of cigarctto smoking among tho boys. Wo havo no quarrel with tho maturo man who wishes to Bmoko cigarettes for he has judgoment and can toll It ho Is harmed thoroby but tho boys aro harmed, evory ono of thom moro or leas by tho uso of cigarettes and thoy do not know It. tho rich to attend if thoy want to, and thoy must bo kopt closo to the noodu and wants of the common peo ple or they will fall in tholr mission. COJiTKHT ARTIST PLAYS ON VIO LIN WORTH THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS 0 Axel Skovgaard, tho Danish violin ist of international famo will give a concort at tho First Christian church in this city Tuosday, May 30. Ho re ceived his first violin instruction at tho ago of five. Wlion fourteen years old, Joseph Joachim, tho "king of violinists" took him ns a pupil and during the noxt threo years young Skovgaard was a favorlto pupil of tho ominont mastor at the Royal High School of Music in Berlin. Since tlio ago of twelve Skovgaard has been concerting In tho Scan dinavian countries, Belgium, Germany Holland and England and ho mado his first appoaranco In Amorlca in 1903 whon ho appeared as a soloist with tho Now York Symphony Orches tra undor Walter Damroach. Ho later mado an oxtonded tour through tho United States and Canada with this orchestra including a number of ap pearances in Carneglo Hall, Now York; in Boston Symphony Society Hall; in Chicago, Montreal and Tor onto, as well as onumorablo ongago monts in other cities throughout this country. JUNIOR CLASS BANQUETS SENIORS AND HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY Tho girls of tho Juulor High do servo special montion for tho gor.d sonso which thoy havo roccntly Bhown. Thero Is a lurgo class to be promoted Into tho Sonior High school. In recent years tho promotion ex orcises have beon getting moro ambi tious with each succeeding class and thoro has boon a demand to award diplomas and hold yrogular gradua tion exorcises. Slnoo tho Junior High school 13 but a stop in tho pub lic school system, this has rightly been rofused and only promotion cards aro to be given. Then the girls of tho promotion class mot and decided to wear white skirts and whlto middles at tho promotion exorcises." This Is to bo commended. Many n father has been in dispatr at the de mands of his daughter for some sim ilar occasion. Tho fine dress which somo girls wear at graduation Is of ten really a badge of shamo and means that sho has demanded that tho fam ily sacrifice oven nocossltios In order that sho may bo decorated to match ostentation of tho girl whoso parents happen to bo ablo to decorate tholr daughter lavishly. Wo hoard only yesterday of a railroad man who mado payments on ills daughter's high Bchool graduation outfit for threo years after tho graduation was ovor. And yet thero aro pooplo who mako encoring remarks about tho mid dy and gown as graduation apparel. And tho' more honbr should como to tho group of girls who voluntarily Friday night tho Union Pacific din ning room was tho scene of tho an nual Junlor-Sonior Banquet when al most 150 members of tho Junior class and their guests woro seated. The tables woro beautifully decorated with class and school colors and tho placo cards woro purplo and gold. Following tho banquet, Donald Rub bo!, tho toastmastor, Introduced tho speakers who responded to tho thome of tho ovonlng, "An Old Fashioned Garden." Tho" list was as follows: "Violets", Miss Dyo, "Panslos", Ellon Erlckson, VBacholor Buttons', Wil bur Swanson, "Forget-Me-Nots," Fom Brotornltz, "Tho Fonco" George Dent, "Tho Gardner" Superintendent C. L. Llttlol. Following this was tho Grand Rovouo which consisted of a series of tabloaux by the Junior Girls, In which tho costumes of tho dlfforont types were represented. At eleven a dan co was startod whon thoso who enrod for this dlvorsion stayed for another hour. Tho affair was brll llant and adds anothor to tho long lino of successful Junlor-Sonior ban quets which havo featured tho closo of tho school year in North Platto during tho past years. TAX REDUCTION MEETING AD JOURNS TO MEET IN TWO WEEKS Tlio first mooting of tho Lincoln County Tax Reduction Assoclnpton was hold In Flromans' hall last Sat urday afternoon, The mooting was called for tho court house but on no count of tho district court bolng in session thero It was transferred to tho FIronions Hall. Wm. Lyman of vote to wear llio simpler dress. Tho North Platto was chairman and J public schools are ' for tho common people, with tho privilege given to M. Schopp of Maxwoll was socretary, Among thoso who Bpoko wero Ira. L. AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Men's Shirt Special We are going to make the men that always patronize a clothing store for Shirts sit up and take notice. The shirts we are offering are made by one of the larges makers in this coun try, a concern which has forty special shirt stores in the largest cities. They have style, fit and snap to them- We will sell you: $7.50 lo $8.50 Silk Shirts lor - - $4 95 $5.00 to $6 Pongee and Fibre Silk Shirts for .$3.45 . $4.00 Silk Mixed Shirts for - - $2.45 ' $3.50 to $3.75 silk striped madras and crepe shirts lor $1.95 $2.00 and $2.50 fine madras shirts for - $1.45 $1.50 and 1.75 madras shirts lor - $1.15 SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR FRONT WINDOW Wilcox Department Store. Baro, II. C. Hartman, Thos. Orton and Wm Beatty. A commlttco consisting of Wm Boatty and II. C. Hartman was appointed to investigate wnys and means of reducing taxes in Lincoln 'county. Tills commlttco was asked to roport at tho next meeting which will bo hold on Saturday, Juno 3 at 2:30 at tho court house. Various spoakors took a shot at Jhg pcKobltf, the roads, tho bridges, tho officials and picked out places in our tax oxponditures which woro wasteful and extravagant. The statement was made that nt tho noxt meeting an or ganizer from Lincoln will bo hero to, complete the formation of the Lin coin County Tax Reduction Club and to ghow whoro ono half of tho taxablo property of this stato is exempt from taxation by law. All taxpayers aro In vited and It Is expected that It will bo. an Interesting meeting. :o: iPARENT-TEACIIEIt ASSOCIATION CLOSES YEAR WITH PICNIC 3 WW?! Tho pupils, parents and teachers of tho Jefferson school hold a picnic at tho City Park last Friday afternoon. All report n good tlmo. Games and sports took tho tlmo of tho children while a short business meeting of the Paront-Teacher association was hold by tho older folks. The following offi cers wero ploctod fdr tho coming yoar: Mrs Keith Novlllo, president; Mrs. D. Powor, vlco president; Miss Hammond, socrotary; Mrs. Jessie Itector, treasurer,. ITlio association has boon particularly successful dur ing the past year under tho presidency of Mrs. A. II. UlvanB, and It Is loolo lug forward to nnothor good with Mrs. Novlllo In chargo. :o: Mr. N. G. Brown loft for Minnea polis and other oastorn points where ho will visit for threo months. Miss Jossto Baker roturncd Satur day from a two weeks vacation spent In Houston and Galveston, Texas. Mrs. Frank Wlnkloman left yestor day for her homo In Fremont after visiting hor daughtor Mrs. Jack Car roil. Julius Plz'er roturncd yesterday morning from Chicago whoro ho has beon buying morchandlco for his now Btore. :o: NOTICE Want Ads FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Mod ern. 209 Locust St. FOR RENT 1 rooms and Downstairs. Phono 1072 W. bath. FOR SALEStcamor trunk. Reason able price Phono 120S. FOR RENT Furnished room In mod ern homo; lady preferred. Mrs. H. L. Kelso. FOR SALE Alfalfa cultivator with socdor attachment. Sco Otto Mes mer, 504 Dewey street FOR RENT Modern nino room house and large barn at 100 E. Ninth street. Call McKaln's Moat Market. LOOK WHAT'S COMING PHILOS GUNA club will meet Thursday with Mrs. Lester Walker. EASTERN STAR will hold Its regular mooting Thurs day May 25 at tho Masonic hall at 8 p. m. Thero will bo Inltatlon. CAMPFIRE will meet this evening at 8 o'clock with Miss Adda Turple 220 W. Sixth street. SWEDISH LUTHERAN Aid will- moot at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Llngwall Friday May 2C at 2:30. A largo attendance is desired. FOR RENT Old Rembrant StudlQ ( oyer Red Man's Clothes shop. In quiro Waltemath Lumber Co. FOR SALE Tomato and cabbago plants. 15c a doz. L. I. Tucker 221 S. Chestnut. Phono G98J. FOR RENT Strictly modern five room house, with garden spot. Phono 1105W.. STRAYED From the Wyman farm, ' west of town, ono mouse-colored i Jenny mule, branded "7Y" on right i shoulder. Phone 1152W. FOR RENT Deslrablo furnished room, for ono or two buslnoss gen tlotnon, light, attractive, central, reas- ycar onablo. 405 W. Fourth St. FOR RENT Improved Irrigated ten acre track, adjoining Sutherland. F. C. Loach, care American State Bank, Sutherland. WANTED Placo by roliablo woman to care for children or take chargo of a rooming house. References. 714 AV. Fourth. At tho anual mooting of tho logal votors of school district No. 107 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school house an Mon day, Juno 12, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho pro position will bo submitted to tlio vot ors of raising tho budgot of ono thou sand ($1,000.00) dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming yoar. This will roqulro a lovy of not loss than Bovon mills nor moro than twonty mills on tho total nssosed valuation of said district. Mrs. Lilllo M. Briggs Director FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls, One two yoars old; ono threo years old. Just right for turning Into a herd. Experiment Station, W. P. Suy dcr, Superintendent. FOR SALE Ten or twelve bred Du roo Jersey gilts to farrow tho last of Juno. Inqulro of J. IL Ballard, one- half mile north of Nichols school house. SKOVGAARD T3fo&SH Tuesday, May 30th. Prices 50c and $1.00 -:o:- NOTICE At tho annual mooting of tho legal ors of school district No. 47 of 1 l 'coin County, Nobraskn, which will lo hold at tho school Iioubo on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of rnlslng tho budgot of olovon lmndrod ($1,100.00) to conduct tho school for tho coming yoar. This will roqulro a lovy of not loss than sovon mills nor moro than twonty mills on tho total nssosed valuation of said district. Slgnod: C. C. Bowman Director CANDIES How to mako gum drops, marshmallows, fudgo, dollclous hash, peanut crunch, cream taffy, bon bon comers, plain kisses, caramols and peanut clustor. All thoso roclpes for $1. P O. Box 25. North Platto. LUTHERAN Women's Missionary Society will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. E. B. Payne, 220 W. Front Street. L. & S. Groceteria. NOTICE Tho next Lincoln county teachers' examination will bo hold ' In North Platto, only, on Saturday, May 27th. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Ladles Aid Boclety will meet on Thursday aftornoon at 3 p. m. at tlio church, parlors. Tho entertainment committee consists of Mesdames Da vidson, White, Smith and Duncan. WAR MOTHERS ' ' will meet Friday May 2G with Mrs. Frank- Martin, 304 East 10th. The hostesses aro Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Cornwall. A good attendance Is desired. :o: Quito a bunch of boys entered the ten mile handicap road raco last Sat urdday morning. The routo was north from John Null's blcyclo store, across tho North Rlvo and east following the road around to tho Lincoln highway bridge, returning along the highway to the city and following front street back to tho placo of boglnnlng. John Lamb was tho first lad In and won tho race and some good prizes. Willis Hlghley took first tlmo and won a gold watch. Vorls Smith won first and Bud Cohagen second In tho limit class. 21 South Maple Street NEW SURBDRBAN STORE With an up-to-dato line of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Fresh Fruils and Vegetables in season. Milk and Cream mid Ideal Bread Quality nnd Service -Our Trado Mark. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Phono SIS CLAYTON CASH GROCERY 3SESIS When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe Palace Bazaar Everything reasonable. Station. first class and prices Opposite Union Pacific FOR SALE Cabbage, tomato, caull- flowor, strawberries (Sonator Dun- lap) ?l por 100. Egg plant, poppers, nstors, 40c por doz. Blooming pansles, 5c each. Swoot potatoes 75c per 100. All sont post paid. Central Plant House, Loxington, Nob. :o: Tho annual sermon to tho graduatos was given by Rev. N. P. Patterson at tho First Prcsbytorlan church last Sunday morning. Tho usual but wol- como rain Bet in during tho morning and about tlmo for tho services it was tho heavlost Howovor tho class appeared in tholr gray gowns and mado a flno Bhowlng. Tho docorations ot flowors and palms with tho special music by tho organ and tho choir woro much onjoyod. Tho church was crowded. Tho Bonn on was appropriate and won tlio highest pralno from all who attended. TC North Platte If T1WTC 2 SATURDAY JUWH S P Ii2525i rT3Ti eg K J ; Tlckota'on Sale on Show Day at The Roxall Store at lami prices charged en the (rounds. cliAJSBBH Hi