SMARY MARIE Zty Eleanor H. Porter Illustrations by H. Livingstone Otrrtfktbr U. F.rtt CHAPTER J V -Continued. " I shouldn't like Mr. Harlow for a father. I know I shouldn't.. Hut then, there's no danger, of course, even If ho nnd Mother were lovers once. He's got a wife now, nnd even If he got n divorce, I don't believe Mother would choose him. But of course there's no' telling which one sho will take. As I said before, I don't know,. It's too soon, anyway, to tell. I suspect It isn't any more proper to hurry up about getting married ngnin when you've been un married by a divorce Uiau It Is when you've been unmnrricd by your hus band's dying. I nsked Peter one dny how soon folks did get married after n divorce, but he didn't seem to know. Anyway, nil he said was to stammer: "Er yes, miss no, miss, 1 mean, I don't know, miss." Peter Is awfully funny. But he's nice. I llko him, only I enn't And out much by him. IIo's very good-looking, though he'B quite old. IIo's almost thirty. Ho tojd me. I asked him. Ho takes me buck and forth to school ev ery dny, so I sco quite a lot of him. And, really, he's ubout the only ono I enn ask questions of here, anyway. There Isn't nnybody like Nurso Sarah used to be. Olga, the cook, talks so funny I can't understand n word sho saya, hardly. Besides, the only two times I've been down to the kitchen Aunt Ilattle sent for me, and she told me tho last time not to go any more. Sho didn't say why. Aunt lint tie never sayB why not to do things. Sho Just says, "Don't." Sometimes it BeeniB to me as if my whole life had been made up of "don'ts." If they'd only tell us part of the time things to "do," maybe wo wouldn't have so much time to do tho "don'ts." (That sounds funny, but I guess follcs'll know what I mean.) Well, what was I saying? Oh. knowabout asking questions. As I Bald, thero Isn't anybody like Nurse Sarah hero. I can't understand uiga, and Theresa, the other ninld, is Just nbout as bnd. Aunt llutlio's lovely, but I can't nsk Questions of her. She isn't tho kind. Besides, Lester's al ways there, too; nnd you can't discuss family affairs boforo children. Of course there's Mother and Grandpa Desmond. But questions like when It's proper for Mother to have lovers I cun't nsk of them, of course. So there's no ono but Poter left to nsk Peter's all right and very nice, but he doesn't seem to know anything that I want to know. So ho doesn't amount to bo very much, after all. I'm not sure, anyway, that Mothcr'll want to get married again. From lit tle things she suya I rnther guess sho . doesn't think much of marriage, any way. One day I heard her say to Aunt Hattlo that It was n very pretty theory that marriages wore made in heaven, but that tliu real facts of the case were that they woro mndo on earth. And another day I heard iter say that one trouble with marriage was that tho husband and wife didn't know how to play together and to rest together. And lots of times I've heard her say little things to Aunt Ilattle that showed how unhappy her mar riage had boon. But Just night a funny thing hap pened. Wo wore all In the library reading after dinner, and Grandpa looked up from his paper and said something about a woman that was sentenced to bo bunged and how a whole lot of men wero writing letters protesting against having n woman hanged; but there wero only one or two letters from women. And Grand pa said that only went to prove how much more lacking In a sense of fit ness of things women were than men. And ho was Just going to say moro .when Aunt Ilattle bristled up nnd tossed her chin, and snld, real lnd!g nnntly: "A senso of fitness of things, In deed! Oh, yes, thut's all very "well .to suy. There are plenty of men, no doubt, who aro shocked beyond any thing at tho idea of hanging a woman; but those same mon will think noth ing of going, strulght homo and mak ing life for some other-woman so ab solutely miserable that she'd think hanging would bo a lucky escapo from something worse." "Hnrrletl" exclaimed Grandpa In a shocked voice. "Well, I meun Itl" doclared Aunt Ilattle emphatically. "Look at poor Madge here, nnd that wretch of u hus band of hers!" And Just here Is where tho funny thing happened. Mother bristled np Mother I nnd oven moro thnn Aunt Ilattle had. Sho turned red and then white, and hor eyes biased: "That will do, ilattle, please, In my presence," sho Bald, very cold, IV. p Ice. "Dr. Anderson Is not a wrotch at all. He Jb nn honorable scholarly gtntlo man. Without donlit he mount to bo kind an! 1i,jUp. H simply did nol unrteralnnTl The. "Wo wVi'tnTl JTiilteH to each other. ' That's all." And who got til and swept out of the room. Now, wasn't that funny? Hut I JiiHt lovctl It, all the same. I ulwnys lov Mother when who's suporh and haughty and disdainful. Well, after she hail gone Aunt lint tic looked nt Grandpa and Grandpa looked at Aunt Ilattle. Gramlpn "That Will Do, Hattle, Please, In My Presence," 8he 8a1d, Very Cold, Llko Ice. flbrliggefl Ids 'shoulders, and gavo Tils hands a funny little flourish ; nnd Aunt Unttlc lifted her eyebrows and Bnld: "Well, what Tio you know about that?" (Aunt Ilattle forgot I was In tho room, I know, or sho'd never In the world have used slang like that I) "And after nil tho things she's Bald about how unhappy she was 1" finished Aunt Hnttle. Grandpa didn't say anything, but Just gavo his funny little shrug again. And It was kind of queer, when you come to think of It about Mother, I mean, wasn't It? ONE MONTH LATER Well, I've been hero another whole month, and It's growing nicer- all the time, I Just love it here. I love the sunshine everywhere, and the curtains up to let It In, And the flowers In the rooms, and the little fern-dish on the dining-room table, tho books and mag azines Just lying uround ready to bo picked up; Baby Lester laughing and singing all over the house, und love ly ladles and gentlemen In tho drawing-room huvlng mush: and tea and little cakes when I come home from school In the afternoon. And I love it not to have to look up and watch nnd listen for fenr Father's coming In and I'll be making a noise. And best of all I love Mother with her dancing eyes and her laugh, und her Just be ing happy, with no going in and (bid ing her crying or looking long and fix edly at nothing, and then turning to me with a great big sigh, and u "Well, dear?" that Just makes you want to go and cry because It's so hurt and heart-broken. Oh, T do Just love It all! And Mother Is huppy, I'm sure sho Is. Somebody Is doing something for hor every moment seems so. They are so glad to get her back' again. I know they arc. I heard two ladles talking ono dny, and they said they were. They called her "Poor Madge," and "Dcnr Madge," and they said It was a shame that she should havo had such n wretched experience, and that they for one should try to do ev erything they could to make her for got. nd that's what they nil seem to be trying to do-to mnke her forget Thero Isn't n duy goes by but that somebodv sends flowers or books or . . v. . ...... n " "rf candy, or invites hor somewhere, or takes her to ride or to tho theater, or comes to seo her, so thnt Mother Is In Just one whirl of good times from morning till night. Why, sho'd Just hnvo to forget. Sho doesn't have any time to remember. I think she Is for getting, too. Oh, of courso sho gets tired, nnd sometimes rainy days or twilights I find her on the sofa In her room not rending or anything, nnd her fuco looks 'most ns It used to some times after they'd been having ono of their Incompatibility times. But I don't find her that w&y very often, nnd U doesn't last long. So I really think she Is forgetting. About the prospective suitors 1 found that "prospective suitor" In a story a week ngo, nnd I Just love it. come hero (tho unmarried ones). 1 forgoinnd used It out loud one dny to Aunt Hnttle; but I shan't again. She said, "Mercy 1" nnd threw up her hands and looked over to fnnilnn tin (. ulu. .limn It.... 1.1 ' she thinks Is perfectly awful. Hut 1 was linn and dignified hut very polite and pleasant-and I said Hint I didn't see why she should act like that, for of courso they wero pro spective suitors, tho uiunnrrloil ones, anyway, and uvea some of the married onc, maybe, like Mr. Harlow, for of course thoy could got divorces, and "Mario!" Interrupted Aunt Hnttle thou, before I could say another word, or go on to uxplaln that of course Mother couldn't bo oxpeetil to stay iiiiiiihitUmI always, though l was very Kiire elii wo'AldQ't married n&uln means you probably will want to quick . tie glance for some one else .t 23rd. IBM nt 10 o'clock A. m7. marry her, you know. I use It all tho ta tllIk to. tQ rcCQlY0 oxnn,jno noar anow, or time now In my mind when I'm ""t still thero wasn't nnybody there. n(jjust nll 'cinlmB nni objections duly thinking nbout thoso gentlemen thnt ni' were nil over to the other sldo medt . ; uii II c was perfectly proper and gen- teel for her to take unto herself an- ! other husbntid. ' Ttn I Aunt I Initio wouldn't nvpn llfttpn. And she threw up her hands and snUl, ! the last part of tlu name the Wny I simply loathe. And she told me never, never to let her hrnr tuc make such a speech as that again. And I said I would be very careful not to. And fa"rX?,TrLS,lS She told Mother ubout It, thongb, I think. Anyhow, they were talking very busily together when they came Into the library nfter dinner that night, und Mother looked sort of (lushed nnd plagued, and I heard her say, "Per haps .the child does read too many novels, Ilattle." And Aunt Ilattle answered, "Of course she docs!" Then she said some thing else which I didn't cntch, only the wordii "silly" nnd "romantic" nnd "pre-coshus." (I don't know wlint that Inst means, but I put it down tho way it sounded, and I'm going to look it up.) Then they turned and saw me, nnd they didn't soy unytlilng more. But the next morning the perfectly lovely story I was rending, that Theresa let mc take, called "The Hidden Secret," I couldn't find anywhere. And when T nctl.fifl fnffini. it afin'.l CAnn If alia said she'd given It back to Theresa, ' back of these hotels. Guests may corporation both tangible nnd Intan und that I mustn't nsk for It ngnln. i BtP at nny ono ' them with the as- giblo listed and taxed in this state, That I wasn't old enough yet to read such stories. Thero it is again I I'm not old enough. When will I bo allowed to take my proper place in life? Echo answers when. Well, to resume and go on. What was I talking about? Oh, I know the prospective suitors. (Aunt Ilattle can't hear me when I Just write It, anyway.) Well, they all come Just as they used to, only there aro moro of them now two fat men, one slim que, nnd a' man with a halo of hair round a bald spot. Oh, I don't mean that any of them are really suitors yet. They Just come to call and to tea, and send her flowers nnd candy. And Mother Isn't n mite nicer to ono thnn she Is to any of tho others. Any body can seo that. And she Bhows very plainly she's no notion of pick ing anybody out yet. But of courso I enn't help being interested and watching. It won't bo Mr. Harlow, anyway. I'm pretty sure of that, even if he hns started In to get his divorce. (And lie hns. I heard Aunt Hnttle tell Mother so last week.) But Mother doesn't like him. I'm sure sho doesn't. He makes her nwfully nervous. Oh, sho laughs and talks with him seems as If sho laughs even moro with him tliun she docs with nnybody else. But she's always looking nround for some body elso to talk to; and I've seen her get up and move oft Just as he wns coming across the room toward her, and I'm Just sure sho saw him. There's another renson, too, why I think Moth er Isn't going to choose him for her lover. I heard something she said to him one day. She was sitting before tho lire In the library, and he came In. There were other people there, quite a lot of them; but Mother wns all alone by the fireplace, her eyes looking fixed and dreamy Into the fire. I was In tho window-seat around tho corner of the chimney reading; nnd I could see Mother in tho mirror Just ns plain as could be. Sho could have seen me, too. of course, if she'd looked up. But she didn't. 1 never even thought of bearing anything I hadn't ought, nnd I was Just going to get down and speak to aioiucr myseu. wuun air. rmriuw r 1 ,. . . . . 1 1 I crossed the room and sat down on tho sofa beside her. "Dreaming. Madge?" he said, low and soft, Ills soulful eyes Just devour- lng her lovely face. (I read that, too, In a hook last week. I Just loved It 1) Mother- started and misned up. "Oh, Mr. Harlow 1" sue cried. V. .i tt u7nL "That's another thing Ho a ways calls hor "Mndcc." vou know.) "How ..1 nn11 1,1... Mr" I ---- w do you do?" Then sho gave her quick little look around to see if thero wasn't somebody elso near for her to talk to. But there wasn't. But you do dream of the old days, sometimes, Madge, don't you?" he be- gnn again, soft nnd low, leaning a lit tle nearer. "Of when I wns a child and played dolls before this very fireplace? Well, yes, perhaps I do," laughed Motlier. And I could see sho drew away n lit tle. "Thero was one dell with a brok en head that " "I was speaking of broken hearts," interrupted Mr. Harlow, very mean ingfully. "Broucn hearts i wonscnsei as u there were such things In the world 1" cried Mother, with a llttlo toss to hor head, looklntr aronnd ncnln with . ot the room talking, nnd paying no at tention to Mother nnd Mr. Harlow, only the violinist. Ho looked and looked, und ncted nervous with his watch-chain. But be didn't come over. I felt, some way, that I ought to go uwuy and not hoar any more; but I couldn't without showing thum thnt I had been there. So I thought It wns better to stay Just where I was. They could see me, nnywny, If they'd Just look in the mirror. So I didn't feel thnt I wns sneaking. And I stayed. Then Mr. nnrlow spoke ngnln. nis eyes urow even more soulful und do- vourlng. I could see-them In tho nilr- rofj. TO BE CONTINUED. :o:- A good Watch for the Boy's Grad uation, Clluton & Son, Jowolera. I " " 1009 of 10 nMnnlr A XT nnl nn Dr. L. J. KIIAUBE, Dentist, X-Kuj .. i.i n, iiniMin " Kn09- McDonald Dank Unlldlng. r,lonc 7' 10! NOTICE Anyone- doslrfhg to bo transferred from ono school district to another for school purposes should mako application to this offlco boforo tho .,, ot Pnronnn hn linvn b - IranTorred but do not ,. th. transfer prlvllogo any moro ahoula notify this offlco to that effect. AILEEN 0. COCHRAN. County Superlntondoni When in Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw fill 1- "ntl r ton rfcf 9 ft Vrtfira f 1 1 r fri1lnrv OUIU"tc ui iviug uuuesi vsuuc uuu CONANT HOTEL COMPANY FARM LOANS Como in and see me when In need of Farm Loans. At the present time I can mawko a few Farm Loans. T 0 SWENSON UNION STATE BANK DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseasse of Women and Surgory Over Rexall Drug Store Phones: Offico 127 Rosidenco 656 I Offico 340 House 723J DR..W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis North Platto J. S. TWINEM. H. D. Homcpathlc Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Plntto Yalloy Hospital Former Name Twlnom Hospital NORTH PLATTE NEBR. REGISTRATION NOTICE TO VOTERS . , i no law rouiura uiul uu vuiuia in cities ot 7,000 or moro register at tho office ot tho City Clerk. At the last ,tv w, nn rfif Wn Hvnn " to register at tho polling places and most of thoso voting registered. There ' was- howover, less than halt of the lo- , sal voters of tho city who voted at tho city election, all ot whom will want to vote at tho primaries in July, in order to accomodate them tho city will no prepared to register votors during all of tho month of May at tho Ulul-a ol l" wv er- it oiuy ru . . - quires iwo or uirco minuics ana we ask all votors to register who did not at tho last election. Thomas V. Hoalov and A. W. Shllline. Commlsslonors of Roclstratlon uimmissionora or uogistration. O. E. Elder, City Clork. J. C. I Tollman, Attornoy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estnto No. 1879 of Bridget Jones, de ceased, in tho County Court ot Lin coln County, Nebraska, Tho Stato ot Nebraska, ss.: Credit ors of said estnto will tako notice that tho timo limited for presentation nnd flllncr of claims ntrninst said I2p- tato is Aucust 23. 1922. nnd for set moment of said Estnto is April ISth, 1923; that I will Bit at tho County Court room In Bald County on May 2., Dated April 18th, 1922. WM. It. C WOODIIURST, (Seal) County Judge. John Grant, Attornoy. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estnto No. 1825, of Goorgo Lannln, de ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska, Tho Stato ot Nebraska, to all por sons interested in Bald Estate tako no tice that tho Administratrix has filed a final nccount nnd report of her ad ministration and a petition for final aottlomont nnd discharge as such, Ad mlnlBtrntrix which havo ueon sot ior hearing boforo nald court on May 30th, 192, at 10 o'clock A. M., wnon you may npwir und ooutost tho same. Datod May Cth. 1922. - T. S. BLANKENBURG, (Soal) Acting County Judge. RARE DAItGAIN IN PIANO Wo havo n hlgh-grado plnno in our pososslon at North Platto. For quick disposal wo will greatly sacrlflco the price. Torms If responsible. Write at onco If Interested to tho Denver Music Co., Denver Colo. OFFICE OF MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION tho aiST of Said Association: At a mooting of tho stato taxing authorities hold In Lincoln April 2G, It was doeddod, that in arriving at the valuation to bo placed on shares df Btock In domestic Building & Loan Associations for tho purpose of taxa tion, tho same rulo of arriving at tho taxablo valuation of such shares, with tho same doductlons, as Is applied to tho shares of stock of all other domes tic corporations. Tho law provides: "Tho valuo of tho shares of stock of corporations or ganized undor tho laws of Oils state shall bo determined for tho purposo of tills section by deducting from tho actual value of tho paid up capital took surplus and undivided profits, tho actual valuo of tho ptoporty of the and tne actuai valuo of the property of the corporation outside of tho state." Following up this ruling and apply lug tho samo to the tnxablo valuo of tho shares of this Association, it has been decided that only throe per cent of tho actual valuo of said shares sha11 bo roturnod for taxation; that is, for each ono hundred dollars of actual valuo of such share three dol- , lars shall bo returned as intangible and only one-fourth of that amount shall be assessed against the share- holdor- tual valuo of their shares by applying to tho secretary. ! T. C. PATTERSON, President NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 14 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho owners of tho record tltlo of all property adjacent to or abutting upon the streets hereinafter des cribed and all persons Interested , therein: You and each of you are hereby no tified that tho Mayor and City Coun cil of tho City of North Platto did under date of May 2, 1922, pass and approve a certain ordinance forming and creating paving district No. 14 of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. And that tho following streotss Including tho Intersection thereof within tho limits of the city aro composed within said paving dis trict to wit Commoncing on tho south side of Third street thonco embracing all ot Locust Street and South Locust Street between said place of commencement and tho southern boundary of said City or near tho north lino of the right of way of tho Suburban Irriga tion District Canal, Including street Intersections and spaces opposite al loys. Unless objections aro filed as re quired by statute within twenty days from to hfirst publication of this no- tico, tho Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such paving, Dated tills 8th day of May, 1922 (Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk Wm. B. Shuman, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of tho Estate of Frederick Werneke, De ceased. Notice Is horebv irlven to anv and nu per3ons having claims and de- mands against tho cstato of tho said' Frederick Werneko, deceased, that ... in ,.' , i L11U ijlHL UUV Ifl JVUUUHL. iJAtj HUD UL'L'll I . ,.,, n thn (1nv foP tho reception, examination, adjustment ' and allowanco of lawful claims and ' demands of all persons, against Bald stato and mat tne uouniy uouri oi Llncoln county, Nebraska, will at said time recolvo, examine, adjust and allow all such claims against said estate, as provided by law, at the County Court Room in tho Court Houso in. tho City of North" Platto, 'Lincoln County, Nobraska, and all porsons so interested in said estate, will appear at said timo and place and duly present thoir said claims and domands In tho manner required by law, or Bhow cause for not bo do ing, and in caso any of said claims or domands shall not bo presented on or prior to tho said Slat day of Au gust 1922, tho samo shall bo forever barred. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I havo signed this notlco and nfftxe I tho soal of said Court this 24th day of April 1922. . T. S. BLANKENBURG, (Soal) Acting County Judge. J. C. Hollman, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estnto No. 1880 of Sarah A. Morton, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss.; Credit ors ot said estato will tako notice thnt tho timo limited for prcsontntlon and filing of clnims ngainst said Estato I? August 23rd, 1922, and for settlement of Bald Estato Is April 18th, 1923; that I will Bit at tho County Court In said County On May 23, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., and on August 23, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M., to recolvo, ex amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated April 18th, 1922. WM. II. C. WQODHURST, (Seal) County Judge " L. & S. Groceteria. DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-ltny CuUb promptly answered Night or Day Phones. Offlco 642 Residence 676 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopnth Over Hirschfold'B Office Phono 332 Res. Phono 1020 DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor Rooma 5. G, 7 Building & Loan Bldg. Offlco Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242 Offlco Phone 241 Res. Phone 217 L. C. DROST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Yoke Culture and the Art of Singing Ros. Studio 108 "W. Third Phono 114J OTIS R. PLATT, M. D. Physician und Surgeon X-Eay DIagnoss and Treamenl Over Union State Bank Offico Phone 296W Houso Phono 296R GEO. B. DENT Physician nnd Surgeon Spocial Attention Given to Surgery and Obstetrics Offico: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offico 130 Residence 115 DR. L. A. SNAYELY Dentist X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen and Gas Anesthesia for Extractions. Over Union State Bank Phone 296. DERRYBERRY & FORBES Licensed Embnlmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 5i8 Eyes examined, Glasses fitted. Sat isfaction, sure. Clinton & Son YT. T. PRIT CHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Street Phones. Hospital 633 Residence 633 ED KIERIG Auctioneer For dates and terms call at First National Bank North Platto, Nob. WM. WALDORF Tinner or RepalrB anything made of Tin or Sheet Metal. ' Makes 510 Locust Undor Genoral Hospital JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Offlco Phono 83 Residence 38 FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Street Is your wifo lonesome while you are away? Send her The Tribune. Halllgan, Bcatty, & Halllgan, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1884 ot Louis Rayome, de ceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nobraska, as: Credit ors of said estato will tako notlco that tho timo limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said estato is Sept 13, 1922, and for settlement of Bald Estato Is- May 9, 1923; that I will Bit at tho county court room in said County on Juno 13th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on Sept. 13, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. in., to rocolve, oxamino, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Datod May 9, 1922. T. 3. Blankonburg, Acting County Judge