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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher, Entored at the North Platte( Nobraaka Postoffico 8a Second Clasa Matter. syiiBOnirxioN wtioEi Ono Var, la advance $1.60 r TUKSOAY, MAY 16, 1022. .EDITOJtlAL The blue Jays arrived thin week. Same old flnah of bright color same old pry of alarm, the same old call of "Thief, Thiof" when lie Ih up to mla chtof and tlio samo old chuckling over his satisfaction, with himself and the rest of the world. Could wo do aa well without him? Whon wo ontorcd tho grounds of tho Unlvorslty of Nobraska at Lin coln, ono morning last week tho most conspicuous sign on tho grounds was ono with letters more than a foot high, which said "All Collogo Dance, Fri day Night". It is such incidents as that which glvo tho taxpayer tho Impres sion that tho Unlvorslty Is not moot ing tho purpose for which it is supported. Tho editor was in Lincoln last Sat urday morning and attended tho do bato between tho hoy from North iPlatto and Holdrcgo high schools. It "was an inspiring contest. Without de tracting from tho good work dono by tho Holdrogo fellows It Is fair to say that in our opinion tho North Platto lads woro far better in ovory way. At least two of tho Judges woro thorough by compotont nnd tho third may hvac boon compotont but ho got off Homo whoro. Wo do not hold it against him. It would havo boon an Inspira tion to anyono. Wo do not use this in any but tho trur smso. Dobato up poals to everyone It is nothing moro than an nrgumcnt and wo all llko to show tho othor fellow. A lot of us think wo can arguo and dobato when wo are only making fools of ourselves but thoso boys would mako monkoys of almost any of us ll wo undertook to take sides against thorn In argu mentation. They havo rocoived a train ing from tho public schools which most of tho othor studonts in tho schools havo failed to rocoivo and It was becauBo they took advantage of tho opportunity. Tho dobating team of 1922 has Bet a standard which is tho highest posslblo in this stato and othor teams In coming yoars must strlko high or fall short of meeting this standard. -:o:- MIss Ollvo Mars of dothonburg spont week end in North Platto transacting business and visiting frldnds. . i Want Ads FOR SALE Reed baby carriage, in first class com! lt!6rii QUI 416 S. Vino. FOR IlENTStorago space' in fire proof ware houso. "Simon Bros. WANTBD Clean rags. .Tribune- of fice WANTED A good housokoupor. In ciulre at Marti's Market. FOR SALE Used Ford (coupo, oxcol . lent Bhapo, wire wh'ools. llondy- Ogior. FOR SALE Very good sot pnoumatic roar whcols, with caBlng, for Ford ton truck. Ilondy-Oglcr. FOR SALE Canary, birds; yoar-old alngors. Mr3. Otto. Monsmor, G04 Dowoy Btreot. FOR SALE Alfalfa cultivator with seodor attaohmont. Soo Otto Mos mor, 504 Dowoy street FOR R&NT Old Rembrant Studio ovor Rod Man's Clothes shop. In (lulro Wnltomnth Lumbor Co. FOR RENT Improved Irrigated ton aero track, adjoining Sutherland F. C. Loaoh, caro American Stato Rank, Suthorland. FOIt SALE Hatching eggs, Barred Rocko, S. 0. Rods and Whlto Log horns, $1 por sotting. Luther I. Tuck er. Phono 098J. FOR SALEr-Two Shorthorn bullB, Ono two years old; ono throo ycarB old. Just right for turning Into i hord. Experiment Station, W. P. Suy dor, Suporlntondonti FOR SALE Ton or' twolvo brod Du roo Jersey gilts to farrow tho last of Juno. Incjulro of J, II Ballard, ono half mllo north of Nichols mhool house, CANDIES How to mako gum drops, marshraallows, fudgo, dollclous hash, peanut crunoli, oroam taffy, bon bon contcrs, plain IcIbsob, canunols and peanut oluntor. All thoco roolpoe COMBINATION RANGES AND PORCELAIN COAL RANGES PASTRY OVEN FOR GAS AUTOMATIC FUME DAMPER I HO ODOR IN KITCHEN I PORCELAIN SPLASHER WASHABLE SANITARY FUME DAMPER FOR CAS CHECK 0AM PER FORCOALf DRAFT CONTROLLER OAMPER FOUR COVERS FOR COAL AND WOOD RAISED KY PLATE rot BRWUHG ANDTOASIIKG SELF STARTER FOR COAL NO KINDLING DRAFT SLIDE UNDER GRATES ALL CAST IRON BODY A LIFE TIME RANGE L ' Tswmmmmmmrnfmmimm ' mvmmmmmimmmmmmm o5. broiling and toasting MSSSS' iKSSSWii automatic 1 r il M h 1 FUME DAMPER NO ODOR IN KITCHEN WHITE PORCELAIN 1 Uil rfffsK 1 J FOUR DURNERS AND 1 I -" SIMHERER FOR OAS j Vr S'Sv C I SELF STARTER FOR lJ J V y GAS NO MATCHES g WHITE PORCELAIN k i lrl Iter f0S55aa: rtSfcAST IRON BURNER BOX V4si4 fl'l ' '39l !'!' 1 W ALIFE TIMERANOE Kfesa , I universal i : mtmmsm l llFl 'ljj ' iPT ' MO PARTSTO REMOVE I J' J Jyi " ovzh loxio mcHts for WXl2i&2ll M-TTt'l !, ,: I! hi, jSiSfM 1 COAL WOOD OR OAS. f BAKING AND ROASTING OVEN WM I i FOR COAL WOOD OR GAS. W ? PASTRY OVEN FOR GAS ONLY NSJ SETS IN 40INCH SPACC fTTTIRPQAT porcelain:! U1M1 V IjJLlurLC0AL range THESE SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WILL BE WITHDRAWN SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 Women for miles around are talking about this great event. But the experts from the Cribbcn & Sexton Company, Chicago, the makers, will be here only this week. When they leave, the fac tory will withdraw these special inducements. So be sure to conte earlyr tomorrow if possible. UNIVERSAL r anS Sanitary, Washable, Indestructible Universal Porcelain Coal Ranges are made of grey cast iron throughout finished in Pearl Grey or Peacock Blue ''UNIVIT" Porcelain which is as hard as flint and will retain its beauty and lustre to the end. It will not crack, chip or discolor from intense heat. It will not absorb grease. Just wipe it off! It is as fclean and sanitary a3 a china dish. Why endure a bothersome, old style dirty stove when the factory has made it so easy to enjoy a bright, handsome, Universal Porcelain Range? In addition to the regu lar all porcelain range, we also offer many others in this exhibit semi-porcelain, nickel trimmed and plain ranges. There is a price for every pocketbook. FREE Set Rogers Silverware During This Demon stration Only With every Universal Range we will include without charge this beautitul 26 piece set of Rogers Hamp den design guaranteed sil verware. This set ol silverware carries an unlimited guar, antce from the maker, Wm. Rogers & Sons. Don't miss this opportunity. Burns Coal, Gas, Wood The UNIVERSAL Combination Range is the last word in beau tiful, practical, sanitary and efficient kitchen stoves. Come and see how this range may be converted to a gas, coal or wood stove in an instant by a ''simple twist of the wrist.1' See the self-starter for coal and wood, the beautiful ''UNIVIT" porce lain in blue or grey, the compactness, the broiler, the pastry oven. See how this range gives a warm kitchen In cold weath era cool kitchen ih warm weather. You owe it to yourself to investigate. This will not obligato you in the slightest. A DROP DOOR WARMING CLOSET LIFT KEY PLATE OVER FIRE BOX VENTILATED SECTIONAL CAST LININGS ADJUSTABLE SLIDING , OVEN DAMPER POKtRANDSLICEP DOOR DUPLEX GRATES DIRECT DRAFT DAMPER SLIDE 1- SANITARY LEG BASE (WiSKii-amiiiii-'i:!! anw ROOMY WARMING CLOSET COMPARTMENT OOMffiMO CHECK'HWFT CONTROUER DAMPER KEY PLATE TOP n m. fes-N . M i .v.-:', a 1 liiiiiiiiiiiii p ISjlj ! lj i ' UNLVEnSAl. Vi 1 Mi':1 ' ITgSS XV . lit Peacock Blue or Pearl Grav M ,. ' fiv mi INSIDE OVEN DOOR LIN ING PORCELAIN-SANrrARY AIL CAST IRON BODY A LIFETIME RANGE SPRING BALANCED OVEN DOOR FULL PORCELAIN BODY Finished in Beautiful Peacock Blue or Pear UNIVIT" PORCELAIN llieSIIlMiEIlill During this exhibit wc will take in your wasteful, old broken down kitchen range, and make you a special liberal allow ance on your new purchase. Make your own terms on balance Make lebur Own Terms $522 BE $5 will hold any Universal Combination Range or Porcelain Coal Range you may select for future delivery and entitles you to all special inducements of this exhibit. Maloney & NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. for ?! P O. Bos 25. Noryi rjatto.