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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1922)
TUB NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CHATS- WITH YOUR GAS MANV Tho upper oven In your gas rango is for baking and roast ing; tho lower oven is for broil lug. Tho same burners heat ' both ovens you can bako and ; broil at tho same time with tho same consumption of gas. After use, the oven doors should bo left partly open to permit free circulation of air whllo tho oven is cooling. This will prevent your oven from rusting. A littlo oil (or grease in which thero is no salt) ap plied with a bruBh or piece of soft cloth, will1 also prevent rust. You can greatly prolong the usefulness of your gas rango by keeping all parts clean of dust and grease nud by going ovet them with a cloth and stove oil. You need not remove the oven burners to clean them. You can go over them occasion ally with a stiff brush. And if tho holes to the air mixer or oven burners become clogged with dust or grease, clean them with a piece of wire. North Platte Light & Power Co. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Briggs of Suther land spent yesterday in the city trans acting business. Come in and see our special bar gains in headwear, McVlcker Millin ery Shop. Miss Vera Meyers left today for Denver where she will visit friends for severalv weeks. Mrs. Joe. Condil left Saturday for Lincoln wentyfthejwill spend a week visiting friends? Mrs. Chas. Breternitz returned Sun day from Lincoln where she attend ed the North Platte debates. Mrs. R. Brosious and daughter Clara of Stapleton visited friends in the city Saturday and Sunday. All hats put on sale at greatly re duced prices, beginning May 16. Mc Vlcker Millinery Shop. C. L. Basljins returned Friday from Hyannis, Nebr. whore he spent a week transacting business. M. B. Crosby left this morning for Oshkosh where he will transact legal business. Special prices on childrens dressos In organdie and lawn. Also rompnrs and aprons. V. Warrington Art Storo. Miss Muflol Cox "of KoUfncy spent tho week ond In North Platto visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy returned Sunday from Illinois Whore thoy spont several weeks. Earl Stamp returned Sunday from Grand Rapids, Mich., whore he attend-1 ed the musicians convention. Mrs. Leslie Plymcll resigned her position .as cashier at tho Union Pa cific dining room. v- Charles McNamara left Sunday for Omaha whero ho will spend a few days transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kobart are on routo from Los Angeles,' Calif., to their homo at Stewart, Neb. Andy Scharman left yesterday for Seattle, Wash., to visit his family. Mr. Scharman will be gone several months. Miss Ruth Davidson loft to-day for Donvor where sho will spend two weeks visiting friends. Mrs. Ira LeMasters resigned her position with tho Loader Mercantile Co. Geo. Gleaoon of Kearney spent the week end in North Platto at tho Pat Gleason home. A. S. Coates of Sutherland speiit tho week end in North Plntto visit ing friends. To reduco my stock of art needle work, am putting on sale everything beginning May 1G. V. Warrington Art Store. The Juniors and Seniors of the Max well high school will hold a banquot at one of the local cafes Friday even ing. Mrs. Steve Baldwin and grandson Harold returned Saturday from Cal loway where they spent several weeks visiting relatives. Good bargains in lunch cloths, buf fet sets and scarfs. Stamped for apr pllque embroidery'. V. Warrington Art Store. Lawrence Payne left Sunday for Lincoln whore ho accepted a position as salesman for an insurance com pany. Mrs." Ben Mnnif&ld arrived Friday from Gcrieva, Iowa to spent several weeks with her sister Mrs. M. K. Duke. ' ' Miss Gertrude Baker' left last even ing for her homo' in Denver ;after . spending a week' visiting''Mlss Laura Murray. t I Mrs. M. K. Duke returned Saturday from Los Angeles, Call, where she was , called by the death of her Bister a month ago. Darroll Healey returned Sunday evening from Lincoln. He attended tho track meet held there Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sloboldt left vesterday for Denver, Salt Lake City, Portland and other western points. I Thoy expect to be gone a month. R. 15. Marshall left Monday morn 'ng lor California, whero he wi(ll ;v:rd a month visiting and sight-see-'i'f . lie was tho first purchaser of !. summer exoursir.n ticket wl 'ch went into effect yesterday. LOOK WHAT'S COMING TONIGHT Thero will bo an ic cream soctol and program at tho Baker achou .., -i Friday evening, May 10. Tho boc.uI Is being glvon by tho Ladles Aid So- Entered apprentice aegreo will bo(cicty. Evereyone ia invited. conferred by Masonio Blue Lodge CATHOLIC Girls Club will meet tonight at tho K. C. Hall. 'PRESBYTERIAN ' Missionary Society has been post poned for ono weok. -io:-- CHRISTIAN Ladles Aid Society will meet Thurs day nftcraoon. A good nttendntico is'.no, ,., desired. W .,lnst"cckA JACK atOHUOW FLATS XBWS , Gus Brnuting shipped a carload of I flno looking cattle to Omaha last ! wook. Mrs. Hazel Qually Is planning an I all day picnic and program' for the last day of school. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Lloyd of North Platto visited nt tho J. T. Lloyd homo ! TVTa . Tln"rt Inffr f ry lint Itnmn In LUTHERAN ' the oast yesterday after visiting at South Sldo Sowing Circlo will meet ' tho Bud Nowtson homo for two weeks. Thursday afternoon In tho church par-! Mrs. Orvillo Roborts and Mrs. Oeo. lr8, j Frcezo will entertain tho ladies sow- ing club Wednesday at tho commun- rnntna Mrs. Crane's Bible class will meet nt Mrs. Reynolds homo Thursday af ternoon at 1021 East 4th. ALTAR SOCIETY will meet Thursday with Mrs. Chas. Hormansen. Thoso on tho ontortnin lng committee arc Mrs. Fred Walker, Mrrs. Harry Gutherlcss, Mrs. Dennis Breem, Mrs, M. Sheedy and Mrs. James Roddy. Thoro was nn attendance of forty Blta BAPTIST Ladies Auxiliary will meet Thurs- day afternoon at 3 o'clock in tho par-! lors of tho church. Tho leader, Mrs.' Foster is preparing a good program on the "Childrens Happy Circlo". The, hostesses aro Mrs. 0. L. Johnson. Mrs. Frank Darnell, Mrs. Ralph Winter, Mrs. Earnest Bailey and Mrs. J. O. Anderson. EPISCOPAL j Missionary society vjlll entertain tho missionary society of the differ-, ent churches in honor of Miss Elonor Ridgoway, Friday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00 In the Episcopal church par lors. Miss Rldgeway will give an ad dress on her missionary work in Al aska. Every Missionary member in tho city is invited to bo present. From out of the mlro of failures long laid, The flowers of hopeful endeavor aro iniide. They teach ua that each day Is a new bo ginning that tho lovo of nnturo-world con stantly beckons ub to an understanding of our oneness with tho Omni potent. 1 THE NORTH P1AITE ?L0m CO. FLOWERS AND PLANTS ! WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU ' I AS YOUR DUflNP' PHONE 1023 The Man from the Moon Says ft Don't you wish your boy or your girl or any member of your household could tell you what he says "by radio"? Every hour of overy day, sometimes the "Man from tho Moon," sometimes other equally im portant men cend messages through the air which only those possessing a "radio receiving" ' can enjoy. Stock reports, weather forecasts, commodity prices, instrumental and vocal music as sent can also be enjoyed with a "radio receiving." Will you lack such continuous enjoyment when sets for "receiving" can bo purchased at our store for as little as $25.00? We malo tho complete installation, if you wish. North Platte Light & Power Co. i.t a it J.t :.: st j.: i.t i.t J.t it i.t i.t i.t J.t J.t i.t it i.t i.t it i.t j.t j.t it i.t it j.t :.: j.t it i.t j.t j.t :.: j.t :.; i.t at Sunday School last Sunday. Chang ing the hour inudo qulto a difference, Mrs. Lnwroneo Hlte was made Sup erintendent and Mrs. Qua Ilanso, as sistant to serve Until October. Vornon Sodermnn has been taken homo from the' hospital but doosn't Boom to' gain ills strongth vory fast. Vernon took tho scarlet fever Inst Xovembor and has been under the doctor's enro ever sinco. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Oioncr uro tho proud parents of a 7 pound girl born to them Tunsdny. Johnny wears a smilo from ear to car and tho mother thinks It is tho only baby girl. Uoth mother nnd baby ac doing nicely. Thtre was a rood attomlnnce at tho mooting of th (jommuniiy Club jast Friday ovenlng. Tho mombors woro choson by captain nnd will tako their turns In giving tho program. Wo expect to put on some good entertain ments in tho future, i A committee appointed by tho Par ent Toucher Association of tho Wash ington school met Tuesday ovening nud decided to hold a picnic in tho City Park on Wednesday, May 17 bo glnnlng nt 3 p. m. A jiomploto pro gram will bo announced lator. Ev eryono In tho Washington Bchool area or dfstrlct is Invited, whethor boys or girls, men or women. IT Your Dollar Does Double Duty on Dollar Day i.l i.t i.t i.t t. i t.i it it i.t it tt it i.t g it i.t i.t J,t i.t i.t :.: i.t j.t j.t i.t J.t i.t i.t i.t .t i.t i.t i.t it 11 U :.: INTERESTING IN STYLE AND IN PRICE ARE THESE Youthful Footwear Styles FOR GRADUATES Realizing that price is quite as great a consider ation to Mothers, as style is t Daughters, in the selection of foolwear for graduation and parties,, we have striven to please both. When you see the smart styles, so moderately priced, we are sure you'll agree that we have been very successful. i.t t.t i.t i.t i.t J.t j: j.: j.t j.t j.t :t j.: j.t j.t j.t J.t Jt j.t j.t j.t s: J J.t . i.t i.t i.t J.t j.t j.: J.t J.t J.t j.t j.t J.t j.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t j.t j.t j.t jt J.t jt j.t J.t j.t Hirschf eld's Three Great Dollar Days Wednesday Thursday Friday May 17th Mayil8th May 19th Ladies Pure Silk hosi ery, with ribbed top, every pair guaranteed, brown, nude, grey, $ 4 ' A PAIR I Mens Lisle Holeproof Hosiery, the hose for real service $ 4 4 PAIRS for I 9 Pairs Mens Fast Col or Hose, $ 4 ' 92PAIRS for 1 10 Poirs U. S. Army Hose, a dandy work $ 4 hore 10 PAIRS for Mens Ribbed Union Suits, summer weight, short sleeves, ankle length, $ 4 PER SUIT 1 Mens Athletic Union Suits, fine quality nain sook, sizes 34 to 46 $ 4 2 SUITS I Mens Porus Union Suits short sleeve, ankle length sizcS 34 to '16 $ 4 PER SUIT 1 Mens Dress Shirts Neckband and collar at tached styles, all sizes $ EACH Mens U. S. Aimy Khaki Shirts, made of fine twill, 2 button peckcts, all a$ EACH 1 7 Laundered Arrow Collars, all the new shrfpes and styles, all sizes $ 4 7 FOR J Hens Silk Neckwear A beautiful assortment of Four-in-Hands $ 4 4 FOR j Mens Silk Knitted Ties All the new solid colors, stripes awd figures $ 4 2 FOR 1 Mens White Handker chiefs, soft finish, ready for use, $ 4 ONE DOZEN for Childrens Kayneo Wash Suits, guaranteed fast col ors, broken sizes $ 4 PER SUIT I Boys Knee Pants. fancy all Vool cloths, also corduroys, broken $ sizes PER SUIT sizes Mens Dross Caps New styles, all sizes, $ values up to $2.50,-Each Mens Horsehide Gaunt let Gloves, all over horse hide, well made, per- feet fitting A PAIR Mens Leather Palm Gloves, gauntlet 3 style 4 PAIRS Mens Canvas Gloves Heavy weight $ 4 ONE DOZEN 1 Mens Ralston Shoes Just 18 pairs, English toes, size 9 to 11 $ only EACH THIS GREAT SUIT SALE DURING THESE 3 DAYS ONLY A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FINE MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS In fancy sport styles and all the other t i. u : i P and Hard Finish Woratedo - - - . 99-50 SmlboS During these three days on ly we placeon sale one big lot Mens DRESS SHOES and OXFORDS all styles, at $.65 one price PAIR During these three days on ly one big lot MEN'S WORK SHOES made of solid leather, sizes 6 to 12 2 PAIR COME EARLY WHILE THE PICKIN' IS GOOD WITHOUT A DOUHT NORTH PLATTE'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS FOR MEN AND BOYS lIliWll''"'m',J'W'IT''l"-l!!Pi::g