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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ffiffiffiLfift-S&Kf in 0 Wide May Sale or Closes Saturday, Nay 20 Only 4 Days left MM JkL H arains Galore, HURRY aid Get Your Share wonderfully Low Prices on Everything. Men's Union Suits 65c INCORPORATED Men's Work Shirts 69c DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. EI NELSON. MANAGER S t!Ji!fi!E!fi!dFil!iyilHyiHil3i!iiffi LOCAL AND PERSONAL Remember to go to tho coat, Suit and dreas biiIo at tho Wilcox Depart ment Storo. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Richards re turned tills morrfirtjr from Omaha whoro thoy spent a few days visiting friends and transacting1 business. Miss E. Ruth Pyrtlo of Lincoln will speak at tho meeting of tho Literature Bo Biiro to attend tho annual sale of Dove undermusllns at tho Wilcox Department store. Tho polls aro open today until 8 o'clock this ovenlng. Every citizen is entitled to vote, both men and women, whether thoy own property or not Cabbage and tomato plants for sale at tho Experimental station. Bornndlue Clark, brought a complaint for desertion, Judge Woodhurst bound Clark over to tho district court and romanded him to jail until bond was furnished. At the annual election of officers for Platto Valloy Lodge No. 32, A. F. and A. M. Abner J. Wesberg was elected master; Edward E. Carr, sen- Thn .TofforHon school will liolil Its nlcnic Friday Mav 19. Those havlntr lor warden; Carl S. Bonner, junior and Art department of tho Woman's 1 cars aro requested to bo at tho Bchool 1 wardon ; Frank u Mooney' treasurer; club noxt Tuesday, afternoon. h,0uso at 3 o'clock Bharn to holn take 1U Orelson. secretary; uavui j; tho children to tho city park. I Fredrick, trustee. Tho anniversary mooting and the bokaliB and friends aro invited. L. C. Sturgls rdcelvod word, thals morning that his (bld' ifor tho 17 year od ice houses has been accepted and is on tho way. Mrs. M. E. Crosby htl children loft Saturday for Davenport, Nob., whoro thoy will spend a wcok with Mrs. Crosby'8 parents. $3.45 buys a pair of high grado Queen" Quality pllmps or oxfords in tho special lot on iklo at WIloox De partment Store. It. M. Lauib, a j former resident of North Platto r.nd who now lives In Santa Cruz, Cullf, will return hero next month. Ho wll spend several days hero looking after .cuslncss matters, I About 8lxty.flin8 Iiro ftt work Tho Homo Economics department hauling sand nt present for tho pav of tho Woman's club will entertain !ing. .Tho bulk of tho Band will bo tho forolgn women of tho city ' this ! liaulod this wcok and If tho lntersec- Tho concert given nt tho Presby- Platte as our own and they again gavo proof that they aro worthy of .our appreciation and high (reghrd ns artists. :o: NOTICE TO CREDITORS" . NOTICE presenting of tho 25 year Jowels to tcrlan church last night by Miss Mc mombors will bo hold In tho I. O. 0,F,Kay Mr- Harrington was one of Hall Tuesday ovonlntr. May 1G. All tho Breat musical events of this sea- Odd FoIIowb end families and all Ito-I8011- Mlss McKay, gavo both piano and,! . - 1 i. i. pipo prgan selections w.iuuu weiw i i ncaruiy roceiveu oy uie cnucui kuui- Tho avorago cost of Dodgo motor, erlng of musically Inclined.; people, car repair parts Is rtbout half that which filed tho house. Both of1 Uioso charged by others. Dodge now car young people aro claimed by .North prices aro fair, and thoy do not ovor chargo you whon in need of replace ments. Thoy bolievo in fair dealing with you during tho whole Ufa of your car J. V. RomTgh, Dealer Estate No. 1884 of Louis Ilayome, do- ceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss; Credit ors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Sopt 13, 1922, and for settlement of said Estate is May 9, 1923; that I will sit at tho county court room In said County on June 13th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on Sept. 13, 1922 nt 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Ejated May 9, 1922. i T. S. Blankeuburg,. , Acting County Judge afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. A. L. Luno. j Axol Skovgaard, tho Danish Violin ist will appear horo 6n tho ovenlng of May 30 at tho Christian church under tho uiiBplces of the Christian Endeavor society. Wo carry in stock In North Platto a full stock of Dodgo motor car re pairs, for your quick sorvlco. Thoro Is no other such sorvlco avallablo In North Platto. J. V. "Romlgh, Dealer. An invitation has boon extended to tho ProBbyterlnn mlsslonnry socloty by tho Episcopal Guild on Friday May 19. Thoy wUU havo with them Miss Rldgoway, a returned missionary who will talk on her work In Alaska. tlon bonds aro defeated these men and teams will bo thrown out of that xu Tho Nlcatlgeo Cnmpflro girls are selling tickets for tho plcturo show tho "Conquorng Powor" to bo given nt tho Kolth Thursday nnd Friday of this wcok. Rodolph Valentino, popular movlo Btnr acts In this plcturo. A short program consisting of tho following will bo given: Dnnco by Florence Frlost nnd , Winifred Miller; song, Caryl Derryborry; reading Ida Pnynoi song, John Potorson. Admission will bo 40 conts, children 10. In tho caso of tho Stato of Nebras ka vs. Edward Chirk wherein his wife, VAUDEVILLE nam AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Only. Lillian Dovero is a handsomoly drossed, attractive titan haired boauty who derives her ancestry from a family who hno for gon oratlons entertained tho nmusomont Booking public of Uio entlro theatrical profession has tho samoworld. Tho niuno Dovoro In tho Blguiflconco as loaders in their lino that obtain from promlnont leaders In any othor business or profession. Sho is ono that will Just walk into tho hearts of tho audtenco from tho moment sho appears boforo tho foot lights. Whlto nnd Button In thb-Folllos of 1922 aro a llvoly couplo that la hard to classify owlug to tho fact thoy offer nn act that Is far from anyhing that has been soon horo yet But you can rost assured that tho act starts and finishes with n laugh and Iuib not ono ldlo moment. Dawn and Francos Two attractive girls In character dancing, featuring classical waltz, Chlneso danco, French Jazz and Glpslo dance. This is a select vaudovillo net in every way and also a woll dressed ono. Sykes and Sykcs In a laugh, n song, and n thrill. Both aro ex pert cycllists and consisting of a sing a smart song whllo doing stuntsi on tho oyclo finishing with a high kicking, waltzing and burlesquo dancing. ALSO A STRONG FIVK KEEL FEATURE PICTURE ; Report of Condition of the First National Bank, nt North PbitU i tho Slt of Nebraska, nt the Close of Business on 3Juy olli, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts, accept- . anccs of other banks, and forolgn bills of exchange , ., j or drafts sold with Indorsement of this bank ! 744,141128 Overdrafts, secured " 551.72 U. S. Government securities onned: x Doposltcd to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value $100,000.00 All othor United States Goverumont securities 9,401.19 Total - '- 109,401.19 Other bonds, slocks, securities, etc.: S5.309.23 Banking House, $55,782.04; Furniture and Fixtures, $5,411.07 Gl.194.31 Real Estate owned other than banking house 900-00 Lawful reserve with Federal Resorvo Bank $ 51,270.81 Cash In vault and amount duo from national banks . 200,231.08 Amount duo from Stato banks, bankers, and trust com panics In tho United States (other than Included In J .' Items 8, 9, and 10) , 3,335.32 ' Chocks on other banks In tho same city or town as re porting bank (other than Item 13) U.3CS.22 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. TrouHuror r - 5,000.00 2UG.145.43 s, ' . Total T--4-- '-$1,267,043.16 .. Liabilities v , paid In Capital stock Surnlus fund Undivided profits r j $ 28,146.30 Loss current oxponscs, Interest, and taxes paid 19,975.49 Circulating notes outstanding ,, Amount duo to Stato banks, bankers, nnd trust companies in tho Unltotl States and forolgn countries (othor than in- , eluded in Items U or 22 $ 79.S80.42 Cashier's checks outstanding 13,584.10 Demand deposits (other thnn bank deposits) subject to Reserve (doposlts payable within 30 days): Individual doposlts subject to check 400,810.06 Certificates of, deposit duo In less than 30 days (othor than for monoy borrowed) Gl.431.11 Stato, county, or othor municipal doposlts secured by plodgo of assets of tills bank or othorwlso 10,1SS.20 Time deposits subject to Reserve (pay able after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or moro notlco, and pos tal savings): ( Certificates of doposlts (other than for monoy bor rowed) 270,000.00 Othor time doposlts 85,256.59 Postal savings doposlts 938.42 United States deposits (othor Uian postal savings), in cluding War Loan deposit nccount nnd doposlts of United States distributing officers' 1,833.39 Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for cash and outstanding 500.00 100,000.00 75,000.00 S.170.87 100,000.00 Tho noxt Lincoln county teachers' examination will bo hold in North Platto, only, on Saturday, May 27th. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent. :o: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drummey leave today for Omaha where they will visit frlonda for several weeks. J. J. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE McCABE HOTEL, OVEIi STAMP'S BAKERY. PIIONE 71. 21 South Maple Street NEW SURBURBAN STORE With an up-to-dato lino of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Fresh Fruits nnd Vegetables in season. Milk nnd Cream nnd Ideal Bread Quallty-and Service Our Trade Mark. . 1VE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Phono 318 CLAYTON CASH GROCERY 984,472.29 Total Jug-. $1,267,643.10 Stato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, bs: I, F. L. Moonoy, Cashlor of tho abdvo named bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement Is truo to tho best of my knowlcdgo and bollof. F. L. MOONEY, Cashlor. Correct Attost: E. F. SEEBERGER, RAY O. LANGFORD, JOHN J. HALLIGAN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 11th day of May, 1922, (Seal) A. M. Hayes, Notary Public, JUNE wick ecords runs ON SALE TODAY OPERATIC rncllarcl Unllatolla "Cho volo d'nugclll" (To nirds 'With out Number) Act I (Leoncavallo) Soprano, In Italian Florence Enston Cornirn Jo dls que rjen ne m'epouvante (Micaelu's Air) Act III (Bizet) Soprano, In French Florence Easton CONCERT My Drenms (Weatherly-Tostl) Tenor Mario Chamlce Parted (Weatherly-Tostl) Tenor.... Mario Chamleo Itosos In June (Blngham-Gcrman) Tenor Theo Karle It I Only a Tiny Garden (Glanvllle-Wood) Tenor. Theo Karle llot,CN llloom (In tho Time of RoHes) (Itelohnrdt) Aiarie iiuany Song (Hochar-Zellor) Bird Voices by Margaret Soprano Marie Tiffany 15023 ( l.SO (1127 J 1.00 1 f When tho llo 5128 J woprano . . , 1.00 1 .MHimnrMe McKoe. Sop G12D 1.00 1502 1.80 f Irish Love Sons (Lang) Contralto Elizabeth Lennox I'm A-LonKln" 1-V You (Fuhrmann-IIathaway) Contralto I 1 i-ii r LUIzabeth Lennox INSTRUMENTAL si 20003 1, SUindclicn xon ShnUe-pearo (Schubcrt-Llszt) Pianoforte Solo iiy iey Soiree do VIenne (Schubert-Liszt) Pianoforte Solo,.ElIy Ney rdener) Violin Solo... Ellas Breesliln Aveu) (Thome) Violin Solo Ellus Breeskln a Cloclt Store (Descriptive Fantasle) (Orth) Miniature Concert Orchestra nrbler's Serenade (Perry) Mlnlatura Concert Orchestra Song to Hawaii (Hawaiian AValtz) Hawaiian Players Frank Ferera and Anthony Franchlnl Hawaiian Echoes (Hawaiian One Step) Hawaiian Players Frank Ferera and Anthony Franchlnl U J 8 50 is 120 S t'rn "lo Cancbrenk (Gart 1.00 ( Simple Confession (Simple 2S7 J 76o "j POPULAR C132 J "twHnR Soprano Dorothy .Tardon 1.00 I Itemembcr tho Iloi.e Soprano Dorothy Jardon f Oosle-OoKle AVa Wa Comedienne with Orchestra 2205 J Murearet Young i L O-oo ISriiest Comedienne with Orchestra. .. .Margaret ioung I'vc Clot the Wonder Where He AVent nnd When IIo'h Coming lli.lf Il!nrrnnr . A 1 Ttarnnnl with flirt Pnntnn'M Orchestra 2261 J .viw. tli fun mi (In. (Hit Ilnir'ii Tnll TVnnr Al Bernard with Carl irenton's urcnestra f I'v 2261 J ' 75o " 1 FOR DANCING 22 14 I Snmson nnd Delllali 75c 1 l'i 2200 75o Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra ilgrlms Illucia Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra Do It Again Fox Trot From "Tho French Doll" Hi-nnie Krueger's Orchestra Tealn' Fox Trot Bennle Kruegor's Orchestra 2J01 Kitten on the Keys Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra 75o 1 Nola Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra Ilofiy-rosy Fox Trot From "Tho Blushing Bride" ery Pay Fox Trot Introducing "Oh Gee! Oh Oosh!" from For uooaness HUKe ooivin a urcueairu 2203 I Bygones Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra 75o l uerjbody Knows Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra I I Ilo 2203 J 75o E 7So 45 1 ll tho Sapphire Sea Fox Trot. ..... .Isham Jones' Orchestra 3o 1 ou tho Alamo Fox Trot .....Isham Jones' Orchestra f l'lrk Mo Up and Lay Mc Down In Dear Old Dixieland Fox 2258 J Trot Bennle Krueger's Orchestra 750 I Utile Tin Soldier Fox Trot From "Pins and Needles" l Bennle Krueger's Orchestra 2250 I Georgia Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra 75o ( Black I5yeI Blues Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra Holley Music House