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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 4 HflMF I q ' Qr MTi -n YOU AGREE , V .DADDY- ? ? V. KIDDIE CAR. AMD S Wt i : - - X,) RECOMMENDS SPRAY FOR ELM STATE ENTOMOLOGIST SAYS TREES SHOULD HE TREATED Tlie following letter from M. II Swonlc, stato entomologist at tho Unl vorslty ol Isebraska will bo of interert to all "who have fino olm trees in their yards and who find them infet ed with Insect pests: April 2G, 1922. Mr. W. P. Snyder, Superintendent,. Experiment Substation, North Platte, Nebraska. Dear Sir: I have your letter of April 24, enclosing a bit of elm bark that evidently has been infested with two pests of that tree, namely the white olm scale (Chlonaspls Ameri cana) and tho wollyaphls of tho elm (Schlzonoura Americana). You ask what is tho proper treatment for this pest, which is giving a good deal of trouble in North Platte. Under tho living adult feiflalo scales of tho white olm scale, during the winter occur eggs, which hatch about middlo of May into very tiny-like young scales which crawl about and scatter over tho trees, oventually set tling down and losing their legs and eyes and becoming covered with a scale. In somo localities thoro is a Bacsond brood during July which ma tures in September. Tho control of this white olm scale, is that of dormant or winter spraying with limo-sulphur wash. When the leaves are off Uio trees this wash can bo used at a strength to kill the scales by its caustic action. They spray loosening tho scales and causing them to drop off. Ordinary commercial ' llmo-sulphur of any brand used exact ly as described on the abel of tho con- J tamor ror controlling me jose scum by winter spraying will be effective. Tho nowly hatched scales can be klll od by summer spraying with Blacp Leaf 40, using threo-fourths of a pint in 100 gallons of water, and adding The pupils in tho eighth grado took tho second examination Thursday and Friday whilo tho other pupils had a two-days vacation. Miss Ethel McCrackcn, teaching in Dlgnoll, loft Friday evening for St. Paul to attend tho wedding of her sister. - threo pounds of soap to each 50 gal lons of spray. For tho control of tho wooly aphis of tho elm I would BUggest spraying with keroseno emulsion or a strong tobaccft spray. Tho keroseno emulsion may bo prepared by dissolving one- half pound of hard soap In ono gallon of boiling water, adding two gallons' of kerosene, and churning with a pump for 5-10 minutes, and then dllut-. lng with ten parts of water. Thoi spray should be used so as to com-j plely drench tho aphlds on tho trunk and branches. An equally effective and j rather safer spray to use, from the standpoint of injury to tho foliage, Is nicotine sulphate, such as "Black Leaf 40," diluted 1 part to 800 of water and with soap added at tho rato of a pound to each 25 gallons of diluted spray. This spray, too, must bo ap plied with force to penetrate the wolly-covorlng of tho, aphldB. Yours very truly, MYRON H. SWENK, Stato Entomologist. Tho wedding bolls will soon ring in Dlgnoll. A miscellaneous shower was given Mrs. Emma Overheiser, Wednes day evening. R. R. Morris, I. M. Abercromble, A. R. Lcavltt and Chris Rosenberg at tended a meeting of tho United Pro tective Association in North Platte Saturday evening. -:o:- RIGNELL NOTES Mrs. Frank Bockus is, receiving a visit from her mother Mrs. Rose. Tho girl's sowing club met with Mrs. C. E. Snyder Saturday afternoon. Miss Violet Fletcher, who has been ill with scarlet fever is reported as improving. Tho community club voted to hold a celebration at BIgnell on July 4th and will begin at once to make plans for tho occasion. The Executive Board of tho Com munity Club, met with Mrs. R. R. Morris Thursday afternoon and out lined plnns for the club for tho com ing year. A number of Blgnoll people attend ed the chicken supper at tho South Bluff school, Thursday evening and report a wonderful supper and splen did program. Tho Golden Rod Hampshire) pig dug mot Saturday afternoon with Scott Shanor, and held its drawing of pigs. This club consists of seven mem bers, tho president being a girl. County Agent Geo. II. Kollogg was in BIgnell, Friday morning and vac cinated tho pigs in tho Poland-China club that will bo used In Its project. Tho eleven boys who make up tho club met Saturday afternoon with Monday evening after school. gestlons for tho betterment of various departments of our club work. Friday, May 12 will bo achievement day of tho hot lunch clubs, when two other schools, Box Eldor and west Os good hot lunch clubs will moot with tho Blgnoll school. Thoro will bo a program with memborB from each school, and Bports including running, jumping, vaulting, etc. will follow. The community club has signed a contract with the Omaha Dally" News whoroby tho club, by obtaining a cer tain number of subscriptions will re ceive n radiophone Tho membors aro very anxious to get theso subscrip tions and to have the radiophone by July 4 when they plan to glvo a pub lic demonstration of tho same. Miss Murphy, a trained nurso with Uio University Extension Service will meet with tho Community club, May 19 and glvo a health talk. Sho la ad vnnco agent for Dr. Hotlger, noted lndy doctor of Chicago, whom tho Lin coln county Farm Bureau Is trying to book for two dnya in Lincoln coun ty in behalf of tho undor-nourlsed and undersized children.. -o;. . PATRIOTIC SOCIETY SAYS NO FLAGS ON CONFECTIONS The following rules for tho uso ot tho American flag aro thoso which toll how not to uso tho flag. Thoy aro Issued by Uio responsible officers of tho Nebraska Daughters of tho Amorlcan Revolution. Thoy aro: Dis continue Uio uso of mutilated flags whon used as decoratlvo head cover ings, aprons, pillow covors, blankets, table covors, cushions, luncheon Bets, paper napkins, rlbbonB, handkorchlcfa, otc, decorated with lag doslns. Novor uso ices frozen In the fonn of flags, cakes Iced with flag designs nor flng confections. No not plant flowors and follago grouped In bods on lawns to represent Uio colors of the flag. -:o:- Tho Alpha Dolphian Socloty will cloao tho yor.r's work with a social Tuosday, May 1C at tho rcslJouco of Mrs. W. R. Moloney. Every momber Is urged to attend. " l yir"""" Bn ""iiinTri riii iiiMi i in Tho community club mot Friday ovenlng and adopted Uio plan pro posed by the Executive Board for the work of tho coming year. George H. Kollogg, county agent, was present and assisted greatly In helpful Bug- DOWN Goes our charge for Want-Ads. This is to meet the gen eral cry for reduced expenses. We have a guaranteed circulation of over 2,200 copies of each issue of the North Platte Tribune and most ' of these papers are circulated in North Platte and Lincoln . county. Our charge for TRIBUNE WANT-ADS from April 25 will be according to the following schedule! My 10c a line for the first insertion , 9c a line for the second insertion 8c a line for the third insertion 7c a line for the fourth insertion Gc a line for the f iftli insertion 5c a line for each subsequent insertion. The North Platte Tribune IT f : !? r a k; L pra h CROWN J 3 (SASOIINE J 3 iiutiii on nam 11 uiuui Why You Will Prefer Balanced Gasoline QUICK starts, plenty of power, big mileage and a minimum of carbon are results you wanrfrom your motor fuel. You can only get them all when you use balanced gasoline. Volatility at all temperatures is not enough. Besides the fractions that vaporize at low temperatures, gasoline should have a proper proportion of other petroleum fractions in order to provide maximum power and mile age. These heavier fractions should not lower the flame speed enough to reduce pressure development or prevent clean, complete combustion. Such a balanced motor fuel is Red Crown Gasoline. It is carefully refined certified to meet all U. S. Government specifications. Its use is your best guarantee of dependable, economical power. Fill up your fuel tank at Red Crown Service Stations, where you 'are sure of properly balanced gasoline, full measure and prompt, obliging service. Lookforthe Red Crown sign. STANDARD OIL COMF.ANY OF NEBRASKA 1 7. '.Ue or ask for a I L:D CROWN I j t;'oad Map 1 Jl . 1j.,j,j.. 9 I lUyrflTvrTf." ' nnnwirrnajg ROWN 6ASOUNB1 You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car. EXPERT AUTO TOP MAKERS AND TRIMMERS PLATTE AUTO TRIM C PHONE 30OJ 107 West 6th Street