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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1922)
., : cmitiHechli) (Tribune. TUESDAY and FIIIDAY. THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 1G, 1922. NO. 37. $50,000 Intersection Bond Election To-day. Polls Open Until 8 p.m. f 9 SPEEDY DRIVERS SIGN FOURTH EIGHT ENTRIES IX AUTOMOBILE HACKS FOIl LEGION FOURTH J. J. Crawford, local manager of the nuto races for the Fourth of July announced yesterday that the timo for entries for the Fourth of July races lint! expired, and that thoro were eight drivers who had signed up or had wired that their contracts were in the mails. They aro Ira Vail, Brook lyn, N. Y. driving a Dusenberg spe cial, John A. Mais, Indianapolis, In diana, who has a Dodgo special. Per cy Green, Denver, Colorado with a Marmon special, Tom Mooro from Australia who also has a Marmon special, Parker Abbott, Denver, in a Packard special, King Rhiley, Oshkosh with his Rhiley special; G. M. Rich Mounds, Oklahoma, driving his Rich ards, Duncan, Okla., In a special; J. Boiling, Mounds, Okla., driving his Richards special and G. F. KIrchuber, Mr. Crawford states that theso aro all half-milo dirt track drivers and will show some speed here. :o: TWO FILE FOR REPUBLICAN NOM INATION FOR SHERIFF Saturday A. J. Salisbury, at present shorlff of Lincoln county, filed for tho Republican nomination to bo upon at tho primaries In July. Yesterday Gcorgo W. Rhodus of Osgood pre cinct, filed for the same office on tho eamo ticket. Mr. Salisbury has boon a resident of Lincoln county for a good many years and during tho past several years has been the sheriff. Mr. Rhodus lives south of tho river and has been in Osgood precinct for about threo years. Ho is remembered as tho man who piloted tho ferry ncross tho South Platte during tho high water hero last spring. George A. Boomer has been selected as tho Farm Bureau speaker for tho big farmer's plcnio to bo hold at the Stato Farm on Juno 1. Mr. Boomer visited Lincoln county a short timo ago and ho. will bo well received horo upon his return by tho many who heard him speak then. :o:- AUTO TRAVEL IN COMFORT An announcement comes from tho office of Georgo H. Kelogg, county agent, that those who wish to sell thoir wool through the wool pool should notify tho Farm Bureau at once. Yesterday, County Agent Kellogg accompanied the agriculture class from tho North Platto high school to tho Experimental substation where they spent tho day studying tho work heing done there. Tho Johnson Construction Co., of Fargo, S. D., secured tho contract for tho construction of tho addition to tho post office building. Its bid was ?9,000. Mr. Jensen, in charge of the work for tho Johnson Co., is in the city and says the work will begin as soon as tho material can be shipped here It will provide much needed room for tho handling of tho malls. "Bunk Iiyi", baby house on auto chassis, passed cast last week. Tho house was divided Into two rooms, in which wore a Davenport bed, gasoline range, electric lights from storage battery, victrola, bath tub and other modern convlenccs. Tho house doml died C. E. Buck and family of Gen ova, N. Y. who were enrouto homo from a trip on which they started last October and Included visits in California, Old Mexico, Oregon and Washington. MAYOR OUTLINES WOMAN SHOOTS REASON FOR BONOS SELF ACCIDENTALLY MUSIC PUPILS TO RECEIVE CER TIFICATES OF PROMOTION POLICY OF THE CUT IS TO GIVE WORK TO IDLE MEN Tho following letter from E. II. Evans, gives tho attitudo of tho city government on tho question of issuing Road it and then act: To tho Public: Tho proposition submitted at tho special election Tuosnay is upon tho proposition of voting $50,000 twenty year Intersection paving bonds, tho PLAYFUL HANDLING OF LOADED REVOLVER ENDS FATALLY Mrs. John McComus died nt a local hospital Sunday noon from injuries rocolved Saturday evening when sho bonds, which is being voted today. I accidentally shot herself while toying with a rovolvor. According to tho story told by thoso present, sho and hor husband with their fifteen-months old baby, woro enjoying a fow minutes play right after supper and thoy all wont Into tho bor room where a rovol- monoy to bo used for tho purpose of Vor lay on tho dresser. No ono thought paving street intersections and tho it was loaded. Mrs. McComus, joking spaces opposite alleys. Tho interest , ly placed the gun against her body upon tho bonds is to bo raised by gen- j and said omothing about it's being oral tax levy and amounts to tho sum easy for ono to kill herself. Sho snap of ?3,000. Upon tho present valuation j nod tho trigger soveral'timcs but ono of tho city this will amount to about , chamber was loaded and it was dls- CANDIDATES GALORE Twenty-four candidates have filed for offices In Choyenno county. There aro eight candidates for, the nomin ation for sherriff, fiyo for treasurer, five for clerk, threo forcommIssioncr two for superintendent and ono for county attorney. Two of tho candi dates for the county clerk nomin ation aro ladles. -:o: Miss Fayo Eldor left Sunday fot Mitchell, Neb., where sho will resume her former position as stenographer with tho United States reclamation service WATCH for the PARTY Have youbeen invited? 42 cents per $1,000 of valuation porson owning property of tho assess ed valuation of $3,000 would pay ap proximately $1.25 pei annum. It has been tho policy of the city during tho past year to furnish as much employment as possible, through tho construction of needed public im provements, to offset tho lull in pri vate building and enterprise. Whether this policy will bo continued through out the present season, will bo deter mined by tho result of this election, as apparently tho paving work under construction will bo completed some time during July. As tho officals of tho city merely wish to carrry out tho will of tho voters, It is hoped that a full expres sion Avlll bo given at this election. If, further paving is contemplated in near future, there aro several consid erations that arguo for it at this time. Thoro Is still a need for work to open up. The organization for tlie work Is perfected and working smoothly. Before the present contract was let, tho contractor agreed to sub mlt bids, for any other paving this year at prices not greater than tho present contract. Our present work Is being done at practically pro-war prices and is lower than any placo in tho state, being at a figure about 35 cents per yard loss than Kearney, for tho same construction. From the figures above quoted, it does not appear that any Individual tax payor will bo either hurt or help ed to any important extent, and tho general wellfaro of tho city should be tho main consideration in mind, In voting for or against theso bonds, rather than any personal advantage or disadvantage, as tho outcomo will probably bo of considerable Importance in determining tho lmmcdiato future of tho city. Respectfully, E. II. EVANS, Mayor. A 'charged. Sho was taken to tho hos pital ai once, wncro siio regained con sciousness and told tho story horsolf. Mr. and Mrs. McComus woro almost strangers hero having nrrlvcd only a fow days before. Mr. McComus was employed on tho paving. Tho funeral arrangements havo not been made. :o: P. H. YODNG. Tho pupils or Mrs. J. L. Moran will gtvo a roclal at the First Motliodist church on Thursday, May 18 at 8; 15 p. m. At this timo Rov. II. E. Hess will present tho pupils with certifi cates of promotion and awards. Tho class consists of tho following pupils: Marguorlto Kinsman, Mildred Tyler, Bornlco Williams, Gwendolyn Mc- Roynolds, Marian Huxoll, Gladys Bar nol and Mary Loulso Moran. Thoy will bo assistod in tho recital by Ro becca Tout and Anita Johnston. Tho public Is cordially invited to nttoiul. SPECIALIST lNilEALTH WORK TO VISIT LINCOLN COUNTY Miss Loulso Murphy, University ex tension lecturor on health habits and child care, will spend today and tho threo succeeding days in Lincoln county. Tho program is about as fol lows: Tuesday afternoon nt Wallaco; Wednesday ovoning at Platto Valley school; Thursday ovoning at Dlonor school; Friday aftornoon at McPhcr son school and Friday ovenlng nt Btg-noll. -:o:- P. H. Young was born in Roano county, West Virginia, December 1, 18G2. At tho ngo of 22 ho was united in marrlago to Miss Samanthla Sam ples, to which union wero born flvo Mrs. Theodoro Lowo nnd son, Don ald, lort yestorday for Now York City whoro thoy will sail Friday for Nor way. Mrs. Lowo will spond four months wltli her parents who Hvo in Norway, and will visit a sister In Eng land. Mr. Lowo accompanied them to Chicago. North Platto njtlilotos djid protty well In tho stato track meet at Lin coln Saturday. Tho team Jvns not largo and tho boys could not enter NORTH PLATTE IS DEBATE CHAMP ON WINS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP IN hTgH SCHOOL DEBATING LEAGUE PU..D, UUU,, XiUUtUl, .U.U. HUH U. m Rg nmuy 0VQnls as thcy wnnte,j t0- K., all of North Platto, and Lafo of won flrat ,n Ul0 220 yftr(1 dnfm Charleston, W. Va,; two daughters, and secoml m the 100 ytml (lash ftml who died some years ago, and Mrs. tho 12 ,pouml 8hot put Slmncr too1c Charles Woodruff of Omaha. Other flr8t ln'tho ,)0i0 vnult. Wo uld 110t near relatives who survive him aro ,earn of any other prlzcg North Patto iwo sisicrs, jurs. Acionno samples or mft,iQ a tota, of olghtoon polntai Vinson, ijeo.; mrs. iimznooin utter oi -:o: DIVORCES GRANTED West Virginia, and fivo grand child ren. Mrs. Young died about twenty yoars ago. Mr. Young camo to Nebraska In 1!)05 nnd to North Platto about flvo yoars ago, where ho bus since re sided. . Ho joined tho Methodist church in young manhood and remained a mem ber of that church until about fifteen years ago when ho beenmo a member of tho Christian church. Thoso who know him say that ho was optimistic and of a joyous disposition, that ho was a good friend and esteemed by all who know him. Thoso from out of town present nt tho funeral woro Mrs. Adollno Sam ples, Harvo and Wlllard Samples of Edison, Nob.; Mr. and Mrs. Lafo Young and little daughter of Charles ton, Wr. Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Woodruff and daughter of Omaha.- ;o: Mrs. Lona Salisbury loft Saturday for Aurora, Nebr. whoro sho will visit her .daughter for a month. Miss Bcssio Salisbury accompanied her and will attond tho Building and Loan conven tion hold thoro this week. Frank do Biornfidnd returned tho II. J. Rathman returned Saturday ovoning from a protracted business trip cast. Ho attended tho convention of managers of tho J. C. Penney Co. stores nnd following tho convention wont to Centorvillo, Iowa whoro ho has contracted for a storo room in which ho will open a J. C. Penney Co. storo about tho middlo of August. Mr. Rathman says that tho storo build ing is being built now nnd that is will bo now when ho moves Into it. He Is pleased at tho prospoctB and expects to do good business thoro this coming year. By a 2-1 decision, tho debating team from tho North Platto High school won tho championship of tho stato in tho finals of tho annual tournament which was hold in Lincoln last Friday morning. Tho team is composed ot Albort Shonk, Louis Brctcrnitz and Gcorgo Dent Robert Hoagland was nltornato. Tho dobato was hold in Momorlnl hall at tho University ot Ne braska and was prcsldod over by Pro fessor M. M. Fogg of tho Department of Publlo Speaking. Chancellor Av ory announced' tho doclslon. Tho finals botweon Holdrodgo and North Platto followed n Borles ot elimination con tests among tho cloven schools which had won in tho district contests. Tho dobato was hold In tho morning at tho same hour as tho Nebraska-Amos track moot and was attended by many ot tho Lincoln peoplo who woro inter ested In that subject, In addition to a numbor of thoso from tho different high schools who woro In Lincoln for tho dobatos and tho track and flold moot. In winning tho dobato witli Holdredgo, tho local boys won tho un disputed stato championship in debat ing for 1922. :o: Tho Homo Economics Department of tho Womans Club will moot Tues day May 10 with Mrd. A. L. Lano. Mothers day program will bo glvon. Mrrs. D. A. Russoll Is tho lcador. As this Is the last mooting of tho year a largo attendance Is desired. Tho Senior Class play was glvon at the Kolth Friday night and was glvon a groat deal of commendation by thoso who attended. Tho odltor heard about tho play in Grand Island whllo on his return homo. His Inform ant said ho had attended ovory play for yoars and that tho ono given by tho class ot 1922 was to his mind tho best of thorn all. Upon reaching homo wo woro told again that wo missed a flno ontortalnmont whon wo woro away from town Friday night. Tho Tribuno congratulates tho young folks Avho took part in this play and Miss GIbBon and Miss Dye bocauso thoy did so woll. FORMAL OPENING OF Stensvad's Cream Station May 8 Owen Olingor from Eliza beth Ollnger, charge oktremo cruolty decree divorce. May 11 Mablo Arnold, against middle of last week from St. Paul, Lloyd II. Arnold, chargo nonsupport, Minn, whoro ho attended tho convon- docrco divorce. tlon of managers of J. C. Penney Co. May 12 Amos A. Ross against Lou- stores. Mr. do Blornflond will take lso A. Ross, charge extreme cruolty; charge of tho North Platto storo of docreo absolute divorce. tho system about August 1. May 15 Myrtio Wllklns against . " ' " Georgo II. Wllklns. charge extreme , OBn! mollv: ,Wrnn nlmnlnfn Mvnrnn nil-1 LgaK-OL4aitur.aiH-r mrnr ni.n.r .m.n., ...... V 1 mony and custody of tho ono child. Can you read this policy? You don't die to win , It doesn't increase in price. ' It means cash in old age. Insurance that Insures from: ages 15 to 65. Any form you desire on terms to suit you call or see ESTABLISHED IN I9IO THERE IS NONE BITTER TO BUY' 312 EAST FRONT STREET Will be open for business May 20. Will give you best of service and the most money for your pro duce. We want your patronage'and willj'.be glad to meet you at the old stand. Thanking you in advance, we are, Stensvad's Cream Station AGENTS FOR HARDING CREAM CO. :o: MARRIAGE LICENSES May 12 Maurinas E. Hanson, 21, Maxwoll, and Miss Hazel E. Wood, 20, Maxwell. Married by Acting Judge Blnnkenburg. May 13 Ray H. Surbor, 25, Daven port, Neb., and Miss Leona H. Hawley, 21, Horshoy. May IE Logan G. Kolly, 20, Wal laco, and Miss Dora A. Bosk, 20, Wal lace Special Close Out Price ON :o:- NOTICE All parents living In rural districts, who doslro froo hjgh school privileges for thoir children for tho noxt school yoar, should mako application to this offico for free high school tuition be fore the annual moating. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent. Piano tuning, Holt ay Muitc House. adies French Heel Pomps 3 4 5 and Oxfords u9 These ore broken lots of Queen Quality high grade Pumps and Oxfords. Values run from S7.50 to $10.00 a poir. There is a variety of leathers and styles in the lot. If you want a high grade dressy shoe at a price come in and see this lot. Wilcox Department