NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. t - 9 CHEAP EED FOR WINTERING COWS .Experts Favor Corn Silage and Wheat Straw With Hay or Cottonseed Meal. EXPENSE OF RAISING CALVE Experiment Conducted. In Blue-Grass Regions of Appalachian Mountains In West Virginia Rations Used for Cattle. (Prepared by the U. a Department of Agriculture.) Corn sllago and wheat straw with cither mixed hay, soy-beau hay or cot tonseed meal Is a much cheaper ra tion for wintering beef-breeding cows than shock corn, mixed hay and wheat straw as tried out In feeding experiments recently carried on by 13. W. Sheets and It. II. Tuckwiller of the bureau of animal Industry, and de , scribed in Department Bulletin 1024, "Feeding Experiments With Grade Roof Cows liaising Calves," which has Just been issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. The work described in the bulletin has to do with the advantages of certain prac tices, the economy of a number of ra tions and the cost of raising calves to .weaning age. It applies to the bine-grass, region of the Appalachian mountains, a region that furnishes most of the grass-finished beef for the Eastern markets. Conditions Similar In Other States. The farm on which the feeding was done Is in the southeastern part of West Virginia, but the conditions there are similar to those In parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and Ten nessee. The conclusions ulso apply In " part to other nearby regions. The rations used for the four lots of cows were: Corn silage, mixed hay and wheat straw; corn silage, soy bean hay and wheat straw; corn silage, cottonseed meal and wheat straw ; and shock corn, mixed hay and wheat straw. As mentioned In the first paragraph, corn silage and wheat straw, with either mixed hay, soy-bean bay or cottonseed meal, Is n cheaper ration than shock corn, mixed hay and wheat straw for win tering beef cows. As tin? cows fed on the mixed hny and soy-bean rations produced a larger calf crop than thoso fed the cottonseed meal, the average cost per head of raising their calves was practically 0 per cent less. As sources of protein, mixed hay and soy bean hay, where they are. grown suc cessfully, liuve additional advantages In that Uiey can he raised on the farm, while cottonseed meal must be pur chased. Cost of Raising Calves. I J Actual costs of raising calves vary with the time and locality, but by a Catue on vct Virginia Pasture. ' study of the tables In this bulletin any farmer in this blue-grass region may determine with considerable accuracy wlin t it will cost him to grow feeder ca'.vcs to the weaning age. The bul letin should be studied in connection with Department Bulletin 1012, "Ef fect of Winter Rations on Pasture Gains of Calves." These bulletins may be obtained by addressing the De partment of Agriculture at Washington. CLOVER BEST FOR ROTATION Good Plan to Keep Soil Supplied With Necessary Humus Also Fur ' nlshes Cash Crop. A two-year rotation of wheat, clover pnsture niftl back to wheat keeps the soil supplied with humus and nitro gen. A three-year rotation may be of wheat, clover, pasture, corn. Clover pasture also keeps the land In good condition and returns a cash crop two yenrs out of three. If a seed crop of clover is hnrvested, then eacli crop in this rotation becomes a cash money crop. In addition to the regular crop profits, we have the pasture, and the soil Improvement as extras. nn r-o-r- IIPOPTH Dl f WADirTV Should Be of Highest Quality, Adapt ed to Soli and Region and Disease Resistant. The gnrdener should choose the vegctnblo variety of highest quality that will mature within his season, bo productive, adapted to his soil, re sistant to dlsenso, and have an at tractive appearance when ready for the table. The list to choose from Is long nnd the gardener should, If pos sible, be governed by his own or his neighbors' experiences. SOLVING PROBLEM OF PROFITABLE ALFALFA Of Advantage o Market Rough age Through Stock. Suggested to Farmer That He Dis card Practice of Marketing HIp Hay and Feed It to Good Grade of Dairy Cattle. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Farmers on some of tho reclamn tlon projects where alfalfa hay is a cash crop will llnd It to their advan tage to change their practice and mar ket this roughage tlirough live stock, says the office of western Irrigation agriculture of tho United States De partment of Agriculture. On the Newlands project In Nevada the re cent prices for nlfalfa hay have been $0 to $0.50 a ton f. o. b. cars, which nets the farmers nbout ?5 or $0 a ton nt tho stack. Although these prices :are considered fairly good at present. ilgures collected recently on the cost 'of production go to show that when the farmer is unable to got more than Cutting Al alf. $0 a ton nt tho stack there is a net loss. Indications are that $7 a ton is nearer the cost of production, nnd this does not Include any labor In come for the farmer. In order that the farner may make a fair income on these alfalfa lands, It is suggested that ho discard the practice of shipping off ills hny and start feeding it to a good grnde of dairy cows or to some other kind of live stock, particularly cattle and sheep. Many farmers In this section have nhvndy demonstrated thnt live stock will solve the problem of making al falfa profitable. The use of live stock keeps up tho fertility of tho soil and provides concentrated prod ucts that do not have to bear such heavy freight costs. : BENEFITS IN GROWING SEEDS One Must Be Plant Expert to Be Sue cessful and Vast Amount of Labor Is Required. Prof. Paul Work of Cornell, speak ing on better seeds and how to obtain them, said there were many advan tages In growing seed. One knows the percentage of his own seed, nnd If lie grows his own seed and does It well he can turn a profit from the sale of the surplus; but you have got to bo a plant expert nnd it requires a vast amount of labor and care to grow good seeds. It was his opinion thnt the bulk of the seeds would come from seedsmen; that men In the seed busi ness are spending thousands of dol lars to get good seed, while others were giving the matter of quality lit tle attention, preferring to sell the cheaper seed regardless of quality. FIRST CULTIVATION OF CORN As Soon as Plants Are Above Surface Land Should Be Stirred Deeper Tillage Permitted. Much will depand upon early culti vation of corn. Ilero is where "a (stitch In time saves nine." As soon ias tho plants are above the surface the land should be stirred, usually. Un less no rain has fallen do not fall to start tho cultivators as soon as you can tell the rows by the young plants. If no heavy rains have 'come since planting It might be well to wait a while for a rain. The first cultivation of corn will permit deeper tillage than later when the brace roots develop. Hut caro must bo taken not to "throw much dirt" ns tho plants are easily covered and Injured by the freshly plowed soil. FIRM SEEDBED IS NECESSARY To Hasten Germination of Grass Seed Field Should Be Rolled After Harrowing. A firm seedbed is necessary to hasten germlnntlon of grnss seed. Tho field should be dragged or rolled after disking nnd harrowing in order that tho subsurface bo firm and compact. The surface should bo left In a mel low condition but not smooth as It may bake and become crusted before the seed germinates. PREPARE SOIL FOR ALFALFA Land Must Be Well Drained and Sweet Limestone Will Help In Getting Stand. Alfalfa, like persons, Is particular about Its living quarters and In order to thrive must have a dry home or J well-drained land. Tho land must bo Bweet nnd limestone will help In pre paring tho field. Inoculation of tho soil gives the roots the right start to prepare nitrogen, and fertility mukes the plant strong and vigorous. COW-TESTING ASSOCIATIONS Small Group of Michigan Farmers First Entered Upon Experiment Considered Doubtful. (Prepared by th United States Department of Agriculture.) Fifteen years ago n small group of farmers lh Michigan entered upon what many of them probably consid ered a very doubtful experiment. Id was the organization of an association for testing their cows, in respect to how much feed they ate and how much milk they gave; an association such as tho farmers of Denmark had orlglnnt- Cow-Testing Associations Have Proved Big Success. ed about ten years before, and which various other European countries had copied. The experiment, as studied by the United States Department of Agricul ture, proved a success, however, and now the number of such associations has grown from 1 to -152. It is notnblp that some states which took up the Idea at an enrly date have stuck to the movement and organized more and more associations, while others con tinue with only a few. Most states Increase the number of their cow-testing associations as time goes on nnd the Department of Agriculture Is fos tering the work. The lack of testers during the war caused a setback to the movement, but recovery from this has taken place, and the number of associations In tho country Is now 'much lnrger than it was before the war. AMOUNTS OF FEED FOR COWS Upon Capacity of Animal Depends Quantity of Daily Portion of Grain and Roughage. The quantity of silage to feed n cow depends upon the capacity of the animal. She should have us much as she will clean up without waste when consumed with the grain and hay, Is the ndvice given farmers by the United States Department of Agriculture. A good cow should bo fed just short of the limit of her np petlte. The smaller cows usually cat from 20 to 30 pounds of silage a day, and the lnrger animals 40 pounds or more. The hay needed ordinarily ranges between fi and 12 pounds per cow a day, or 0.8 pound per 100 pounds of llvo weight when fed In connection with sllnge. Silage should be fed In the proportion of about 2.5 to 3 pounds per 100 pounds of live weight. Con centrates should be fed according to size of animals and richness of milk. One pound Is required for each 2 to 4 pounds of milk produced. Although corn silage is one of the best feeds, particularly for dairy cows, there are some milk producers who us( It too freely. It Is not a complete feed; neither is it a food that will give best results with only leguminous hays as alfalfa or cowpcas. Since cows cannot consume enough of these rough feeds to produce tho best results under ordinary conditions, it Is necessary to feed concentrates In addition, particularly when tho price Is not high, as Is tho case this year. Farmers' Bulletin 078, "Tho Mak ing nnd Feeding of Sllnge," contains much helpful information on feeding when silage Is the basis of the ra tion. WARM WATER FOR MILK COWS Animals Will Not Drink Necessary Amount From Icy Tank Heaters Can Be Provided. Cold drinking water given to dairy cows will result In reduced quantity of milk. A cow which yields a largo quantity of milk must -drink Iota of water; she won't drink much from un icy tank. Water tanks can be provided with heaters, or hot water can be poured Into the tank. Winter Dairying Held Back. Winter dairying has been held back for many years, largely through the fullure of cow-keepers to provide com fortuble barns properly equipped. Give Much More Butterfat. Cows sired by purebred hulls give much more butterfat than those sired by scrubs. Ice Water Is Expensive, Feed can never get cheap enough to mnko It profitable to give the cows Ico wuter to drink. "WALES HAS A NEW TITLE HAH FUKGUTTEN HIS "LINES" And Bridegroom's Explanation Only Added to the Ludlcrousness of the Situation. A widower In n Pennsylvania town, no longer a young man, gave tho clergyman a good deal of trouble by bis stupidity on tho occasion of his second marriage, lie seemed to be possessed by some spirit of con trariety. When tohyto' give his right hand ho gave hlslcft When tho minister said: "Say this after me,"ho Im mediately replied: "Say this after me." Then, when tho words ho was was to repeat wcro given, ho was stolidly silent. At Inst he seemed to be aware that the minister was somewhat dis turbed, and in tho middle of the service he upset tho reverend gen tleman's gravity by volunteering this apology: "You see, sir, It's so long sluce I was married beforo that you must excuse my getting these things mixed." Postponed Repentance. There wns a man out In Wisconsin who went to a revival meeting nnd wns pressed to repent. Ho wavered for n time and finally arose and said, "Friends, I want to repent nnd tell how bad I have been, but I dasn't do It when the grand Jury Is In session." "The Lord will forgive," the revival ist shouted. "Probably he will," nnswered the sinner, "but he nln't on thnt grand Jury." Boston Transcript. Ignorant llnsbnnd Did you ever notice, my denr, that a loud talker is generally nn Ignornnt person? Wife Well, you needn't shout so. I'm not denf. Or Wno's Who. The man whose unswer to the Edi son questionnaire wns graded AA must certainly know watts watt Life. "Science Is nothing but trained nnd organized common sense." Thomas Huxley. Mr, Jenkins Took a Cracked Club To Tame Lions Some foods are too heavy, some are too starchy, many lack neces sary elements and so starve the body and many load the system down with fermentation and auto intoxication'. Grape-Nuts helps build health and strength. It contains the full richness of wheat and malted bar ley, including the vital mineral elements, without which the body cannot be fully sustained. Grape- House Cut in Half for Moving " j This half of a three-story house was photographed while being moved nlongi Commonwealth avenue, Newton, Mass. Tho section, weighing approximately, 40 tons, was being moved from the residential section of Newton to a situ one-' quarter of a milu from Its original spot. There's a man in this town who sella KEY OVERALLS. Ask htm to show you n suit Extra quality. Better workmanship. Costs less per day don t givo got your Si HAD TO GO WITHOUT GAP I Mr. Johnson Really Had Good Excuso for Not Joining Posse on Hunt for Robbers. "Pnw," excitedly exclaimed young Runt, "Zeke Yuwkey and a passel of fellers are out In front They suy the bank at Tumllnvlllo has been robbed', and they want you to grab your gun and go with 'em to hunt tho robbers 1" "Tell 'em I'm much obleeged and powerful sorry," replied Gup Johnson of ItumpiiB Ridge,, "but I ain't in no sliapo to J'lne 'em. Gnbe Oosnell dropped In a spell ago nnd 'lowed thnt ns ho was going to be married this af ternoon to tho Wlddcr McCorkendnlo he'd like to borry my best britches to wear during tho anecdote, and as I felt I'd Just about us soon sleep today ns not I let him have 'em. And your maw Is Just sewing up tho gnblo end of my old ones whur tho roan cow hooked me by mistake for her calf or some thing. So you tell tho gents, Runt, Unit If 'twas ary other time I'd be tickled to go with 'em, but Just at present I'll havo to lay out" Kunsas City Star. Poor Henry, neck "Do you play any Instru ment?" Peck (sadly) "Second tlddie at homo." Boston Transcript A Word for Himself. Hetty "Jnck won't take no for nn answer. What shall I do?" Tom "Say yes' to somo other fellow." Too many people do not even think they aro thinking. FT tnMi iWf im lIMnr 1 vZl mimamifmtm'V iniWi The exhibition ended rather badly. It very nearly was a big day for the lion3 and a sad day for Mr. Jenkins all for want of proper care in getting- ready. ' Many a man who has business to do and a living to make and a job to fill is as care less how he feeds his body as Mr. Jenkins was in picking out a club. Nuts digests quickly and whole somely. Served with cream or good milk, it is a complete food crisp and delicious. Grape-Nuts is just the food for those who care to meet life's situa tions well prepared in health. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today. Try it with cream or milk for breakfast or lunch, or made into a delightful pudding for dinner. Grape-Nuts the Body. Builder "There's a Reason' Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. to wear them. Buy them. If they lull satisfaction! tako them back and money back or a new pair lreel MeXET MFG. CO MiUri.Kaniti City. Mo. UNION MADE GUARANTEED EWBnMHMWBBMOHMMai STIRRED UP THE COMMUNITY Gap Johnson's Good Reasons for Thinking Confessions Can Be a Little Too Public. "They've been carrying on n revivnl over tuther side of Mount Pizgy for quite a spell," related Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge, "and a pleasant timo was had till tho converts took to con fessing in meeting. A sister rlz tip ttnd let It be known that she and a cer tain brother had been flggerlng on eloping, and two or three brothers fol lcred with reuiurks about the sins of themselves and other gents. Next day the lady's husband hunted, up the feller she Kuld she'd been going to clopo with, and although he swora he'd never even heerd of the plan, whipped him to a custard. And qulto a passel of gents left In the next few days, claiming that If everybody wns going to tell everything they knowed they didn't feel like waiting till tho grand jury set. Religion is all right, but I sorter 'low It ort to bo a prl vuto matter every feller that feels like he'd got to confess go ahead and do so, but leave other folks out of It" Kansas City Star. Well Informed. "Grace is very versatile." "Yes. She knows the business of all hpr friends," Judge. . j It Is better to take pains in pre venting accident than to suiter pains ns a result of them. The nnnds soon tiro when tho heart Is weak.