The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 12, 1922, Image 6

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Timely News Culled Prom All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for tho Busy.
Fire nrolmbly originating In defec
tive wiring, nnil nlded by n high wind,
pnnsod daninxc estimated nt from
$5,000 to .$7,000 In llio I'rosbyforlnn
liospltnl nurses' borne nt Omuliii.
A K'is rate expert hns been engaged
by the city council to irn ovnr fln
books of the Fremont Gns Co., beforo
Hint body considers the coinpnny's np
jillcntlon for a rate nwlslon.
Citizens of Gerlng nnd Stottsblnrfs
Jinve planted n number of Jack pines
on the national monument In honor of
the soldiers of tho county who wero
killed during the war.
The forty-third annual session of the
Jlepubllean Vnlloy Association of Con
gregational Churches and Ministers
twill be held In McCook May 2, 3 nnd 4.
William Kverett, an Omnlin carpen
iter, celcbrntcd bis l)!Hh blrtbdny one
dny last week by doing a full day's
(work In his shop following his trade.
In order to curtnll expenses the
Kearney board of education has an
jounced the dropping of special In
structors the coming year.
Tho Table Itock village board Is
Ibard at work on the tourist camping
Jpilrk near the city well. Trees and
pgrnss have been planted.
.lames Jluwllngs has planted 2,000
trees, chiefly cedar and walnut, In the
grounds of an umiiKciiiont park ho Is
(Planning near Wymote.
Oak Glen, dormitory nt Hie state
teachers college, at Peru, pnrtlally
destroyed by Ilro recently, burned to
tho ground In a Inter lire.
The Lincoln board of education vot
ed to maintnln the presont scale of
jpay for the ($00 tcachors In the city
school for next year. .
Bnnk robbers, pushing their wny
ithrough the brick wall of a vault nt
Ktaplehurst, covered up $10,000 of tho
loot they were nfter.
Six youths who confessed that they
Jiad been responsible for robberies In
land around Fremont were sentenced
to the penHentlnry.
Nemaha County hns begun tho con
struction of a .$7,000 auditorium for
tthe fair nnd live stock association of
that neighborhood.
The proposition of organizing a stock
company to Instnll an electric power
Kind light plant Is under consideration
by Gibbon citizens.
Thieves raided the farm of William
lUrlnkmeyer, near I'ickrcll, Btole 00
lions valued at about $100, and escaped
In n motor car.
Tho runners' store nt Wyerts, an In
land point, near Lodgepole, has closed
Its doors as the business has proved
Ry the terms of the contract actual
T'onstructlon work on tho new stnto
capltol will start within tho next two
The Nebraska chnmbor of commerce
will hold Its nnnnal meet'ng nt Colriin
bus Thursday nnd Friday, Mny 21 and
A special "olectlon will bo hold nt
Render to vote on .$100,000 bonds for
tho erection of a now school building.
Tho Grand Lodgo of tho Knights of
Pythias and Pythian Sisters will hold
Its session at Lincoln, May 0 and 10.
Ilurwoll high won n debate from St.
Paul on the state question nnd went
into second place In that district.
Hurglars nindo a lmul valued at nenr
.$5,000, when they broke Into tho gen
oral store of Saf Howell at Snlem.
Tho Hentrlco Rotary club Is on rec
ord as opposing cnrnlvnls In tho
Ucntrlce vicinity tho coming yenr.
Hnrry Welach at Superior, was
smothered to death In the shnlo tanks
of tho Nebraska Cement plant.
Tho prospects for n bumper crop of
fruit was never better In Pawneo
county, according to fruit men.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J, McVlcker of
iNorth Hen dcelcbrnted their fiftieth
wedding anniversary last week.
The Grand Chapter, Eastern Star,
with nn uttendanco estimated at 800,
meets In Omaha, Mny 0.
Stratton Is taking steps toward es
tablishing a big summer resort nt that
.T. P, Carter of Tablo Hock tin n
sotting hen which hovers flvo kittens.
aiiio uuoves nro busy In tho neigh
borhood of Falrbury.
Fiilrbury Is expecting n big building
boom this spring.
Peter White, more thnn 00 years
old, a pioneer of .Missouri Valley ter
ritory, the nnmo by which the now
stutes of North nnd South Dakota,
Nebraska, Wyoming and a part of
Montann were designated In tim iinvu
beforo tho civil war. Is dead at his
homo nt North Loup.
The fifteenth nnnunl contest of the
Nebraska IPgh School Debating
lenguo for district championship hon
ors hns given the first honors In tho
Houthorn district to Superior, whoso
team will take part In the throo-itay
state debate lournnjnont at tho stato
university In Mny.
Mrs. C. A. Peterson, wife of tho son
of Newman Grove, former county sur
veyor, Plntte county, gnvo u pint of
blood for a Wood transfusion opera
tion on her husband, Surgeons said
the operation wns a success.
Tho state capltol commission has
awarded n contract for excavations
nnd building the first foundntlon for
tho now .$5,000,000 stato houso to W,
J. Assenmncher company of Lincoln.
Eight of tho rural schools of .TbfTor
pon county have contracted teachers
for the coming yenr. Tho .nvorngo
W8ge paid for next year In theso dis
tricts Is $100 nor month.
Several months ago a number of per
sons Interested In tho euro nnd culture
of the state's tree, started n society
known ns the Nebraska Forestry Assoc
iation, the object of which was to get
Into clone touch with those of Its peo
ple vho are Interested In forestry; tho
encouraging of the planting nnd cul
ture of trees; caring for existing
groves, orchards or plantations; fore
station of waste lands of the state;
nnd tho stimulation of popular Interest
In the, science of forestry. Member
ship In tho society Is open to all. T.
W. McCulloutrh of Omnha Is nrosldont:
Mrs. John II. Corrlck of Palisade Is
secretary, and Woodruff Hall of Val
entine is vice president. Either of
these will bo glad to answer inquiries.
While piling bridge planks, Peter
Emelgh of Friend fell from the top of
the pile, striking his bead. lie suf
fered Injuries that rendered him un
conscious for several hourB, but will
Anton Odvnrkn, publisher of tho
Colfax County Press at Clarkson
clnfms bis Mock of thirty Ithodo Island
red single comb hens have established
a world's record, inasmuch as they
produced 017 eggs during February
and 017 during Jnnunry, and twenty
llvo of this Hock produced 725 egirs la
Activities of tho Nebraska Forestry
association to encourage the replanting
of "loggod olT" nrens and the foresta
tlon of waste tracts of Nebraska nro
being endorsed In resolutions of vur
lous stnto chambers of conunerco.
A .$10,000 barn on the farm of A. O.
Shallenlierger, former govornor nenr
Almn, wns destroyed by llro of un
known origin. A largo number of nuro
bred Shorthorn cattle housed In tho
barn were saved.
John E. Steele, 31. cnntaln In tho
Minneapolis, Minn., flro dennrtment
and vlco president of the'Internatlonal
Association of Flro Engineers, lias
been elected chief of the Lincoln flro
department. '
The Golden Hod orchestra, which
recently gave concerts ty radio for tho
Post Intelligencer at Seattle. Is u Neb
raska organization composed of young
men from the vicinity of Mndlson.
An unsuccessful nttemnt was mado
to wreck a passenger train on tho
Northwestern railway, by placing a
piece or steel rail thrco feet long on
tho track near the viaduct at York.
Wayne firemen have ordered u mil-
motor for use In ense of near suffoca
tion from smoke and gns as well as
from drowning. Tho nulmotor will bo
for the uso of tho public.
With n total of $350.7-10. a 350 ner
cent Increase over February sales, Ne
braska led the seven states In tho
Tenth district In treasury savings cer-
tlllcato sales In March.
For tho fourth year In succession
Wayne High school won the district
debnting championship nnd will rep
resent tins district In tho stato meet at
Lincoln next month.
A throo-dny race meet will be held
nt the district fair grounds In Mnywood
.July .J, 4 and 5. Horse faces, auto
races and a camlvnl will be th o at
traction. A sizable lncrenso In notnto produc
tion lu the stato In looked for by tho
bureau of ninrkets nnd crop estimates,
according to, n bulletin just relensed.
Arnold hns been for somo tlmo with
out electric lights, nigh wnter, as n
result of the storm, carried nway u
part of tho dam nt tho power plant.
Tho county tnx levy In Pnwneo coun
ty Is $1.41, n cent less thnn the stnto
nvernge. Tho levy In surrounding
countries in general Is much higher.
Thomns A. Shattuck, a farmer re
siding nenr Hastings, bus boon selected
to Judge Polnnd China swlno nt tho
1022 National swlno show In Peorln.
An uttendanco contest started n few
weokH ngo by tho Christian Sunday
School at Fnlrbury, has more thnu
doubled Its former uverago of 400.
A largo blue heron wns picked up n
few days ngo near Harblne. The bird
measured Ilvo feet from tho end of tho
bill to the tip of Us toes.
George Iloguewood, street commis
sioner of Wayne, bit nn ugly gash in
his tongue when a ploco,of timber flew
up and struck him under tho chin.
The annual convention of tho Cen
tral Commercial Teachers association
of Nebraska and Iown will be held
nt Omnha May 25 to 27.
A women's club, alllllated with tho
state federation, has been organized
at Crawford, with a membership of
over twenty.
Port Ritchie of Scottsbluffs, 35 years
old, wns electrocuted In Goring as ho
attompted to remove n live wire from
n house.
Investigation In Nebraska towns of n
rumor that Spanish Interests wero In
the horse market and buying for an
other country, lenda to the Informa
tion that only a few cnrloads have been
bought In recent weeks for Europe.
Former soldiers and sailors of tho
late world war who nro receiving vo
cational training or compensation from
the government nro exompt from poll
tax in Ncbrnskn. nccordlng to word
from Stnto Tnx Commissioner II. Os-
! borne.
Tho $00,000 bond Issue for n now
high school at Hlgsprlng cnrrled by nn
almost, unnnlmous vote.
Nebraska has tied with California
nnd South Dakota for special place In
tho United States In per capita, nuto
mobile ownorshlp, ndvanclng from
third place hold last year.
Union collogo, of College View, will
lose four of Its fnculty during the com
lug school torm, tho Wash'ngton MIc
slonnry collogo of Tokomn Park hav
ing added to their force.
Fruit trees that have blossomed,
such as apricots nnd plums, wero bad
ly damaged by tho last frost, accord
ing to reports from fralt growors re
ceived by tho govommont wonther
bureau- .
'It. COON was feeling pretty cross
' with Mr. Fox, though Mr. Fox
did not know this, nnd Mr. Coon
WiiMi't going to tell him, hut his mind
wiuj made up the very next time be
inn n chance Mr. Fox should be pnld
for treating him In such an unfriendly
It happened tbnt Mr. Fox had been
v'sltlng the poultry up at the farm,
and the farmer did not think he wns
the "right sort of n culler to huvo
uround, so ho set Mr. Dog to wntch,
and he nlso set n trap, hoping to cntch
Mr. Fox tho next tlmo he called.
Hut Mr. Fox wus too clever to be
rnught In u trap. Ho wasn't certain,
Sir. Dop WatcJzirtg Ac Poor
1 ut he thought there wns a trap under
lha liny by the poultry house window.
Lie wanted to make sure for ho had
his mind set upon having n turkey
dinner somo night.
Mr. Fox did not think It wise to
risk his feet In finding out about the
trap so he trotted over to Mr. Coon's
to tell him nbout t some lino 'young
(hlckcns which ho was sure his dear
friend, Mr. Coon, would like.
"I mn waiting for the turkeys to be
tho right size," he explained to Mr.
Ooon, "and as I am tired of chicken
dinners I thought I would give you n
Mr. Coon thnnked Mr. Fox for being
bo thoughtful, nnd thnt very night ho
trotted up to tho fnrm and caught his
hMis in the trap, but he mannged to
got nwny nnd ran homo to nurse his
sore foot for a week or more without
having any food to snenk of.
Of course, Mr. Fox was watching
By John Kendrlck Bang.3.
IF BY a bit of worry I could euro
A portion of tho caro man muut
I'd Kindly stand tho Bart of It,
And worfy night and day, asleep,
And oven do my lovol best to make
My dully staff of It.,
Ilut nlnco 'tis but an added woe
with not
Of remedy a tittle or a Jot.
Lot's mako tho merest chart of It,
And ineot our care with drafts of
constant cheer,
And when a cloud of worry cometh
neur. I '
Just make a laugh of It.
he Right Thing
af Ihe
"tXTIlEN you are tho visitor, you
might think nil your responsi
bilities would end, so far aa tho
tltiUida! end of things Is concerned.
lo It Is wltlmut doubt the duty or
privilege of the host nnd hostess It
di?mls on them which they onslder
It to pay your expenses while you arc
tl. or guest. That Is to say, besides pro
valtag you with bourd and lodging plan and pay for your tmtertaln
nvent. However, there is nobody so often
sU ns a stingy or a selilsh guest. Tho
uttltudu of taking nil and giving noth
lnx Is one that everybody, and perhaps
gitusts more than anybody else, should
aiold. Though, of course, you accept
thh j;lft of hospitality from your host
ami ostess in accepting their Invltic
Hon, don't bo greedy about It.
jffir one thing, If you make u long
vUlL hy nil means suggest some sort
of "treat" of your own. You may In
vlt your hostess, If you ure n woman,
or your host and hostess, If you are
a man, to the theater. Don't be of.
tlolous about It. Don't upset their
plMis. And he careful not to do It In
Biich u way that you will seem to bo
planning diversion becnuso you aro
bored with their plnns. Hut In u tact
ful way Invite them to be your guests
no uftornoon or uvunlng.
i Jnr oir, and learned Just what he
Mid suspected, and how ho would bo
! careful of straw when he wns uguln
i ready to visit that farm.
While Mr. Coon wns home sick ho
had plenty of time to think, nnd ns
ho thought ho enmo to the conclusion
that Mr. Fox was to blame for all his
trouble and suffering, so that was the
reason ho was so cross at Mr. Fox,
and no one could blame him, for one
tender toe Is bad enough and more
than one must be very bad Indeed.
One dny after Mr. Coon wus well he
happened to notice Mr. Dog wntchlng
the doorway of the home .of Johnny
W'oodchuck nnd un Idea came to him
right nwny.
Mr. Coon wnltcd for Mr. Dog to give
up watching nnd go home for his din
ner; then off ho rnn to tell Mr. Fox
that Johnny Woodchuck had a very
wide doorway to his home because lie
was so fat.
Mr. Fox bounded right off for
Johnny's home, for he hnd no Idea that
Mr. Coon knew tho pnrt he ployed In
his being caught In the trap, so he
was not nt all suspicious.
Mr. Coon knew that Johnny hnd
several openings to his home, thnt he
would be out of the way by the time
Mr. Fox got Inside, but thnt was not
what he Intended for tho Joke on Mr.
The doorwny wns wide Just ns Mr.
Coon had said, for Mr. Dog had helped
to mnke It so. nnd half of Mr J.r'
body was Inside Johnny's house when
Mr. Coon, who wns wntchlng from a
tree, saw Mr. Dog coming on tho rnn,
but he was not bnrking, so Mr. Fox
did not hear him.
Mr. Coon smiled. Ho knew It would
not matter at all to Mr. Dog whether
It wns Mr. Fox he cnught or Johnny
Woodchuck, nnd ho would give Mr.
Whats in
'"piIE origin of Josephine lies In
Scriptural history. When, after
long waiting nnd hoping, n son was
born to Rnchel, she named him Jo
seph, tho name coming from a word
meaning nn uddltlon, becnuso she
hoped thnt thero would ho still an
other child added to her family.
Tho beautiful character of Joseph
assured him namesakes beyond num
ber nnd In 1021 n festival day was
fixed by the pope In honor of St. Jo
seph, the husband of the Hlessed Vir
gin. This sprend.the use of his name
ufnr. Spain adopted It, calling him
Jose Maria, or Pepito for the coucen
tritction. In this way Peplta, or Jo
scfa, the feminine form, arose.
The daughter of Marin Theresa
was called Marin Josepha, nnd these
names were seldom separated In
France, Italy nnd Germnny. Tho
famous Empress Josepldne really bore
the nnmo of Marie Josepha Hose. Her
unfortunate career as the wife of Na
poleon made her such u drnmntlc tig
uro In French history thnt Josephine
beenme the favorite name of French
damsels, who sometimes contracted it
to Flllne or Flnette. In Switzerland
tho name became, through some curl
Joso Maria, or Pcplto for the con
used as such among the pensants.
Josephine wns Introduced into Eng.
1 Then there Is the matter of candy, it
Is always a thoughful thing of the
guest to keep tho family supplied In
enndy that Is to say, tri keep them
supplied In a limited wny. If there
aro children who are allowed to ent
candy, ns there are even In this en
lightened day, give them n box of
enndy. Get n box of your hostess'
favorite chocolates. And If there are
young girls In the family remember
thnt they, too. will be delighted to re
ceive some sweetmeats from you.
Genius finds Its own road.
" "n
Dainty Madge Bellamy, the diminu
tive "movie" star, had no worries con
cerning Easter togs, for on that day
she donned her mother's finery of an
other day. Miss Bellamy Is well
known among the many other screen
Fox the worst shaking he ever hod In
his life, If nothing more.
Mr. Dog came up to Johnny's home.
He recognized Mr. Fox nt once nnd
grabbed him by n hind leg, which
brought iilm out of the doorwny so
quickly thnt Mr. Coon could never bo
sure how Mr. Fox looked when ho
saw who had him.
They got so mixed up thnt Mr. Coon
couldn't tell them npnrt, but Mr. Fox
managed to "free himself and off ho
ran with Mr. Dog chasing him.
Mr. Coon cnlled out from his snfo
place in the tree, "Look out you do
not stop on n trap, Mr. Fox. Sorry Mr.
Woodchuck was not at home."
a Name?"
FACTS about ;your name; it's history;
meaning; whence it vJns derived; signifi
cance; your lucky day and lucle? jewel
land straight from France, and no
effort was made to change It or place
the stamp of tho Anglo-Saxon upon It.
America, taking It over, straightway
contracted It to Josie, but Josephine
Is always given In baptism. Josephinn
Is popular In all Latin countries, ex
cept Spain, which retains Josefa.
Sweden has a musical Joseflna.
Jet, signifying sorrow, Is Josephine's
tnllsmnnlc stone. If worn by her It
will drive away the causes of sorrows,
disease and suffering. Thursday Is
her lucky day and 2 her lucky num
ber. Her llower Is the snowdrop of
TVTY FltlEN'S leetlo keed, Tony,
AVJ- gotta hard time stay een da
school. Every day seema like he and
da teach gotta da light. He been een
da school Ilva, seexa mont now nnd he
mnkn more trouble dan de senate for
da League of Nation.
You know when he go een da school
ho gotta trouble ilrst ting muka too
moocha talk. Every time Tony mnka
da conversnsh he say da teach makn
boom stick round for da lesson.
Rut Tony ees so smnrta keed as
bees fadda longa time ago. Da olda
man learn speakn da Engleesh so
(pieeck ho rencha deesa country. Een
tree, four mont he can, talk Ilka devil
and swear worse ns dnt.
Da oldu man llnda Job worka on da
railroad. And when da railroad llndn
out Tony's papu cau speaka da En
gleesh he gottu job be da foreman
rlghta queeck. He sny eef he no can
speakn dat way he no be da foreman.
So Tony's papa tolla heem tulka so
moocha ho can alia time and learn
speaka plcnta Engleesh. And when
Tony talk een da school he gotta stay
een nnd mnka da lesson. Da teach
say she gonna keepa heem late every
night so she can R-arnn heem keepa
da mouth shut.
Hetween bees fadda and da teach
Tony sure no gotta moocha educash.
Mebbo da teach makn Tony keepa da
mouth shut bc'causo she no wnnta
heem be da foreman somaday, I dun
no. Hut Tony usa da head een dn school
other day alia right. Da teach uskn
heem for da lesson wot's deefrenco
between da congress nnd da sennto
en Unltedn State. Tony he dinuio, but
he no lettn da teach know dat. He
say he Jusa keepa da mouth shut und
eef ho keepa da mouth shut ho no
gottu jstny een da school after da,
wheestlo blow. I tlnk Tony ees suiarta
guy so moochu us da teach.
Wot you tlnk?
All Played Out at
Quitting Time?
You Need
The Vorld' Greatest Tonic
"Grandma's Favorite" Ointment
Tho one universal lioiuohold tanl by. tnval
nalilo for rfllef of Itching, acnly eczema, ugly
pimples, cuts, burns, sores, nnd all skin tils
eases, Coats but a trifle. Send no money,
we deliver at your door, parcels post. Ton
ay postman 00c and small charges. A1ENT8.
I( you want to mako bl money soil this, the
best ointment made. In house to house can
vass. Writ" for particulars, big Inducements.
C n, SINQEIt. 2463 Ho. 18th St., Omaha. Neb.
NOTKt Cut this out, It may not appear again.
WntiTon B. Oolemao
l'atent Lawyer, Washington
J). C. AdTlen and book rre
Bates reasonable. Ulgbest references, nostaorrlce
Interpreter of Nature.
The Inhabitants of a frog pond close
nt hand, says the Youngstown Tele
gram, awakened two little girls who
wero spending their first night In tho
country. First enme the high, piping
voice of a little "peeper."
"What's that?" asked Winnie.
"I think It's . a bird," Susan ven
tured to reply.
Just then n bnsso-profundo frog
sang one of his lowest notes.
"What's that?" Wlnnlo nsked In a
stnrtled whisper.
"I'm not sure," replied Susan, "but
I think it Is either u cow or un auto
mobile." Nebraska Directory
TMrd Floor I'arton lllock
1 Gth and Fantam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Ilest equipped dental omco In Omaha,
all people living outsldo of Omaha.
Hotel Castle
632 S. 10th Slreet
Omaha, Neb.
New, absolutely fireproof
With private toUet $1.50;
with prlvnte batlj
J2.00 to $2.50
FRED A. CASTLE, Proprietor
LwtHt litlittra Bw and Ca Bton aniJOfflta Flitnn noma
. Cn Auerlea. ITe Occupy Om (2,000 Bqtian FmL
S. W.Cor. 11th and Douglas Sta., Omaha, Neb.
Phono Jackson 2721. Ml we ask Is a chance to bid.
Smiths, tl.50; Oliver $16; Under
woods, IloyatB, etc. Lowest
prices. Send for list. All Mikea
Typewriter Co., 205 S. 18th St., Omaha
and Masque Costumes
for plays and parties at
1516 Howard St Omaha, Neb.
New Location: Southwest Cor.,
24th and Fnrnam
Paxton Hotel iiSSSKfi
Streetcars pass the door from all depots.
Corner 14th and Far nam Streeta, Omaha, Neb.
on. TODD
4th Fl. Barker BUc, 15lh and
Farnam Sta., Omaha, Neb-
Electric Service
on Automobiles
" r Atwater-Kent
Gray & Dims
.United ijaroKS SEKviCyV; Westinghouse
"fitffoe'- BOSCH
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go,
15th and Howard. Omaha, U. S. A.
lfi Hrasetor Massapo. Ilatr Roods made to
iTv-3 order. Hair trntlns: nnd dfelnir. Hi pert
oporatnra In all lines, Students taught.
J Marlnello Llrnnsoil Bhop
BOO Itrnnclels Theatre lld(r.
f ( Marlnello Hjemin. Irene CI ray. Mgr. Gray
Beauty Rhop, Athletlo Glnb Jlldg. Ilentcrg Ueantr
Shop, 1613 Douglas. Full line preparations. Mall
orders recelro prompt attention.
In Omaha Stop at
Hotel Fontenelle
Homey and Hospitable Absolutely
Fireproof-Evcry Room With Bath
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Egg
Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1 309 Jones St. 11 W. Third St.
Keep Nebraska Money in Nebraska
Patronize Home Industries