The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 05, 1922, Image 8

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WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflce as Second Class Matter.
One Year, In advance 51.50
FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1922.
Wolls C. Jones, popular young law
yor of this city has (Hod for nomin
ation on the Republican ticket ns the
county attorney. Mr- Jonoa formerly
lived nt Farnuni. After graduation
from tho Uulvoralty ot Nebraska ho
located In North Platte whoro ho lias
made ninny frlonds because of his
character and high ldealB. .
A number of people have started
roadlng Mary-Mario and are looking
forward to tho Biicoodlng installments.
Wo aro promising about Uireo columns
In each issue from now on. Tho story
Is not a real now ono as It has boon
out In book form and some have road
It boforc. It is a story that will bo
always road. Don't stop with tho first
few chapters. It not hotter as ono
roads furthor.
On May 2 wo took an auto trip
from North Platto to tho cast lino of
Lincoln county on tho south sldo of
tlio rlvor. Wo saw tho following birds:
Coot or mudhon, lwb-whlto, crow,
mngplo, bronzed gracklo, yellow-hood-cd
blackbird, red-winged blackbird,
cow bird, robin, meadowlark, horned
lark, northorn flicker, red-shafted
flicker, mourning dove, shrlko spar
row hawk, bluo bird, burrowing owl,
goldfinch nnd bittern.
Ono of tho. local assessors says ha
la going to tirgo tho hardwaro deal
ers to get a good Bupply of Btovo ro
palro ready for thoro will bo a big
rush for grates and other parts with
tho coming of cold wcUthor. At
least that Is tho way It looks to him.
At ovory house ho visits ho must
nsk tho quostlonHow many stoves
havo you and what aro thoy worth?
no says that according to tho roports
of tho owners, (tho stoves' aro In
torrlblo poor condition.
coupons, each worth ono dollar to havo cancelled an account of Just
tho first ten peoplo to entor tho store about $50 which had beoh charged
after It is opened in tho morning and against tho Red Cross for upkeep ot
again nftor dlnnor. He is also offer- tho car. This was showing a fine
Ing flvo gallons of gaa to anyono who spirit and these gentlemen have polnt
purOhasofl $25 or more worth of goods. ' ed tho way for tho rest of us when
In addition to theso special offors Mr. J wo aro dealing with tho Red Cross.
Nolson says he has marked down tho Tho nurso will probably remain nt
prices from one-fifth to ono-half.
It used to be tho boast of North
Platte peoplo that no onglnc over ran
through North Platto. In both tho
passongor and freight sorvico tho en
gines wore changed on ovory train up
to a short tltno. ago Rut In tho In
terests ot oconomy an exporlmont Is
being tried which possibly will tako
all passonger onglnes through this di
vision point. If it proves successful
it is estimated that it will tako about
26 por cent ot tho work formorly done
here .and place It In oltliar Choyouno
or Omaha.
worjk until about Juno 1, when nor
work will havo. been finished for this
Someone has ankod us who A. J.
Tracy is. Wo have found out that ho
wo born and raisod on a farm in
onstorn Nebraska. Ho workod his way
through collogo,, studied law and
taught school but decided to tako up
farming and so took a homestead In
MoPborson county. During tho nine
years ho lived there he was ongaged
In farming nnd stookralslng. Ho is
known to any fartnors la Lincoln nnd
McPhorson counties from whom ho
bought cattle. During tho last five
yofirs ho has boon on a farm north
west of this city. Ho is a candidato
at tho coming primaries for stato rop
rosontltlvo from tho 90th district on
tho Republican ticket.
The 'editor has Frank Strollberg to
(thank for a very fine trip to Farnnm,
lust Wednesday. Wo took Mr. Kellogg
and Mr. Roam along and enjoyed their
company very much. The roads were
fair on tho south sldo with evidence
of big rains in some places south of
Maxwoll. In one place it looked as
though there had been a waterspout.
Thoro wus considerable road work be
ing done and several men were? out
dragging tho roads. Wo saw some
flno wheat fiolds as wo neared Fur
uani. Alfalfa looked good all along
tho bottom and thoro was enough
grass In tho canyons to keep tho cat
tle busy. Evorywhoro, men wore In
tho fiolds nt work., Coming homo we
oncountercd Bomo wind which started
tho dust but our big high poworcd
car was so comfortable that nothing
olso mattered.
The law says that ovoryono must
havo u hunting nnd fishing license
who goes hunting or fishing. It Bays
furthor that ono. must havo tho llconso
on his porson at tho tlmo ho Is hunt
ing or fishing, Gamo wardens aro
prowling nbout tho country and It is
their duty to soo that tho law Is obeyed
or bring tho offenders to court and
lot tho Judge decide. Tho game war
don did not mako tho law and ho does
not mako tho flno. Ho- only sees that
thoao who break tho law aro allowed
to oxplaln It to tho Jildgo. Tho llconsos
only cost ono dollar for a whole year
and' cau bo secured In North Platto
at tho offlco of tho county ciork or nt
John Don's store.
I3TJ ... Liv-
tfi M ff ' Adolpn Ziikor presents tfi
m b s sh 4 r w-
mji i r m
Ifi V.
John Nelson is nlways restless whon Wlillo at Farmtm Wednesday wo
business slackens and at once starts found wo woro In tho W. S. Crossgrovo
to thinking up-omo plan for getting domains. Evoryono spoko ot Mr.
things to move. Ho is putting on a Crossgrovo with respect and npprccla
Btoro wide sale1 and starting yestor- Hon. Tho auctioneer called him thp
day tho Leader Is giving away ton Dodn of tho Shorthorn business on
tho high lino.
On Sale One Day Only
Saturday, May 6th
His enthusiasm for
Unit brood was contagious and wo
found ourselves wanting to bid on
some ot tno nno mm cnivcB wnicn
woro offored but wo checked this
longing whon wo consldorod tho diffi
culty of explaining whon wo came
homo with a bull calf. Ono such man
We saw u bit of sentiment nt the
cattle salo Wednesday which set us
thinking. A voteran Lincoln county
catteman sat at tho ringside with his
son by Ills sldo. Tho boy was In his
later toons. Threo beautiful young
holforn woro brought Into tho sale
ring and bids woro called for the
choice. Tho young man began to bid.
Ho wont along easily up to $115 when
someone entered the list against him
and oxcltomenl rose. The prlco went
up to $135. Tho father stolldy looked
straight ahead of him. The boy calm
ly nodded to $140; tho rival called out
$115 and all eyes turned on the loy.
Still the father looked straight ahead.
Tho boy looked at the heifers, calmly
survoyed tho field man and nooded
$150. Tho other bidder was through.
Then tho boy conform! with his dad
and between them they decided to
tako two of the threo bolters at that
prlco. Everyone turned to tho ring
to watch tho third animal of the bunch
bo sold but Wo watched that fathor
and saw htm wipe away a tear. He
realized tbat tho hnv wiw tnkfntr IiIk
place and that ho would soon loso his SALE Reel baby carriage, in
nnauinn f m, .,..!, a.i u,J first class condition, Call 416 S. Vino.
FUqiblUIJ llf VllU J IS U 111 bilU UKtJ I
had that far-away look of tho young poR SALE Everbearing strawber-
man who is living in tlio future. One
was retiring; tho other Just entering.
Adolph Ztlkor presents
A Romance of Love Behind a Thron
At the Keith, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Want Ads
rles,' $1.00 por 100. C. H. Splcer.
In tolling us of the Senior class
play yesterday, ono of tho students
explained it about llko tuts:
"Nothing But tho Truth" Is built
upon the simple Idea of Its horo
speaking nothing but tho absolute
FOR RENT Storage space in fire
proof ware house. Simon Bros.
FOR SALE Team wagon and har
ness. Call 1001 E. Sixth.
rags. Tribune of-
i truth for a stated porlod. Ho bets a
. .... . frlond hn can do It nnd bolillv trioleins FOR SALE Canary birds:; year-old
as Mr. uroasgrovo m a community is ' " ., : ' . "
, , , , ..! ii ,i. inuu iu wm uio inuiiuy. ror u very diiisuid, mio. uu wraouiui, "7
U IJIUu-lUK nun -niuai. vuuuiiuiiii.iua, r
nnf ronrf. thnt Htandanl. Mav ho 8,lorl umo ul 138,1 18 Pwuy easy, uowuy BUWk
reign many more years over his do-, ,)Ut J rote f " Rouble -
nt vnvii Minima ifvfiik 4ibf ruiii
Troublo doesn't seem very largo -and
nggroBsivo wbon ho first pokes his
main whore tho people seom so sat
isfied and prosperous!
for and delivered. Phone
Clias. Cornoll, tho gonial news man nose into the noblo rosolvo of our STOLEN Tho party that took boy's
at tho depot has just roturnofl from .horo, but ho grows rapidly and soon trlcyolo from St Patrick's school re
a trip to Now York and Chicago. Ho, We seo our doalor In truth disrupting turn samo or call 1009W
did not go to buy his now lino ot mor- tho domestic relations ot his partnor.
If you aro looking tor moderate
prlcod Shoes you will find them at
Wilcox Department Store.
Offlco 340 House 125
Osteopath Physician
Over tho Oasis North 'Platte
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day
PhonoB. Office G42 Residence 67G
Attorney L. O, Peiffer of Chappoll
Is transacting' legal business In tho
Rooms 5. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg.
Office Phono 70 Res. Phone 1242
Practice Limited to Dlseasse of
Women and Surgery
Over Rexall Drug Store
Phones: Office 127 Residence 65G
chandlso as fio many woatorn mor-, In fnct, Troublo works ovortlmo, nnd 1,ult &AL.Aiinna ciuuvaior wiui
ohnntB do each year, but ho wont to roputatlons that havo beon unblom- seeder attachment. Seo Otto Mes
soo his folks. Howovor ho oamo back'lshod are smlrchod. Situations that por, 504 Dowoy street.
bettor Bntisf led with North Platto than ( aro absurd and complication ahnostUVANrfEDAcety,ono woiaing ot all
The Nationally Advertised
Spring and Summer weight
over boforc. A lot ot peoplo horo arc knotted, pllo up all credited to Truth,
kinds, ( prices reasonable. North
... .... Kinaa, , prices rca
trying to glvo North Platto a black and tho result ot tho wager to foster qi,in Tiinnkamlth ?hnn
oyo ror ono reason or otnor uut wnon ami ciierisn uiai, greai viruio irom mo
thoy go oast and stay long enough Hps of tho inan who has espoused the
to got tho idea aa to tho conditions cause of truth to win n wagor.
thoro they usually coino back boosters i
for North PIntto. Mr. Cornoll says wo
havo tho cllmato and tho oast Is walt-
Madc of fine quality combed for ua lo ovo. Conditions nra Im-
Egyptian cotton, a dandy 2.00 movlnK u,oro but alowl ,uul lll0'
value, sale price per suit havo, a lonB wy to go before u.ey
' l ronoh normal.
2 Suits $2.50
Many pooplo in Lincoln county havo
known and recognized tlio llttlo Rod
Crosn oar that lino trjivolod ovor the
hills und through, tho valleys ot Lln-
Ihesc come in three styles, long col'i county for tho past year. Tho
sleeves ankle lencth, short 110(1 Cr08 uur80 llU8 vl8lttKl l'mcticni
sleovcs ankle length, no sleeves 'lZ?1 th nnd h,r
-. D ' . Work has boon niinrnvml w inrnvnr ulin
knee length. Not more than 2 hng Bon0t Tho car wn8 bouBht from
r 1 1 r I An Alt m(lvfttnM I 11 -r w .
duuo iv uuwiuiiaiuunii, uio iionuy-ugior Auto Co., and wo
havo Just loarned that thoy havo
The well known Men's Ulkuu 11 lmck nt n KooA flguro. and
Norwich Union Suits
For Summer wear, a good $1.00
value, sale price
3 Suits $2.25
Short sleeves, knee length. Not
more than 6 suits to each cus
Ovor HIrschfold's
Offlco Phono 333 Ro3. Phono 1020 f WANTED Horses
FOR RANT Old Rombrnnt Studlc
ovor Red Man's Clothes Bhop. In
qulro Waltemath Lumber Co.
WANTED Fifty-gallon barrelB lth
good heads for shipping gaa tar.
North Platto Light & Power Co. y
lloinopathlc Physician &
(Sencrnl Prnctico nnd
Construction Surgery
Hospital Accommodation
Platto Vnlloy Hospital
Former Kniiio Twlueiu Hospital
to posturo, four
mlloa oust of North Platto. Glen Mc
LOST Mink fur chockor, between
Christian church and 204 Wost 4th
St. Roward. Return to Mrs. C. S
FOR RENT Improved Irrigated ton
acre track, adjoining Sutherland.
F. C. Loach, caro American State
Dank, Sutherland.
' We can close loans promptly if
security is ample.
Goodman-Buckley Trust Co.
114 East Front Street,
North Platte, Nebr.
f jm r m t.t
. . ... ft
it i no greai. removal saio is now on. Don't iuIbb tills opportunity. Wo it
aro Belling high grado Suits, Furnishings and Shoes at sacrifice P.
I prices In order to mako room for our Dry Goods stock on tho North
Sldo. You havo Just sovon dayB to got In oiv theso prices. On tlio 15th of $
ii M
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Barred
Rocks, S. 0. Rods and White Leg
horns, $1 por sotting. Luther I. Tuck
er, Phono C98J.
M'ay wo movo to tho PUor storo on tho North Sldo and opon with a
comploto lino of
70(1 Locust Street
FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls.
Ono two years old; ono threo years
old. Just right for turning into n
herd. Experiment Stntlon, W. P. Suy-
dor, Superintendent.
CANDIES How to mako gum drops,
marshmallows, fudgo, dollclous
hash, peanut crunch, cream taffy, bon
bon centors, plain kisses, caramels
and peanut cliiBtor. All thoso roglpoa
for ?1. P O. Vox 25. North Platto.
North Platte's Busy Store 8m
Havo you aeon tho now Sport Skirt
ings made from fiber silk and cotton.
Thoy aro handsome patterns and at
tractive colors, you will find a largo
assortment at Wtjcox. Department
Columbia Dry Bat
tcries work better
end last longer
for btlU and buucri
for llicrmoitats
for g engine
for ignition on the
Tor J while starting
for dry battery light,
ing in closet, cellar,
(arret, barn, etc.
'Thf voiU'i moil famous
dry batttry. UieJ whit
group of InJhUual ctlU
ii ntedtJ. Fahntltock
Spring Clip Binding
Posti at no extra chars
Fix that bell today!
Get one Columbia "Bell Ringer" Bat
tery, or two Columbia "No. 6" Batteries,
and make the old bell happy.
Columbia Dry Batteries ate better for
cv;ry purpose. More power and longer
lile at little cost. Used everywhere for
doorbells, buzzers, heat regulators,
alarms, etc., for gas engine and tractor
ignition, and for quick starting ignition
on non-self-starting Fords.
Columbias are for sale all around you
electricians, hardware stores, general
stores, auto supply shops, garages, im
plement dealer. Insist upon Columbia.
Dry Batteries
they last longer