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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nobraska. State Fire Marshal Hartford reports In the lowlands of Douglas, Washing that 110 fires of H70 between January ton and Hurt counties are being saved 1 und March 20, were caused hy sparks from destruction by reclamation, falling on shingle roofs. He warns : Another post eradication district lias n.nnnxt . Mtt.wtxa I j"y I. .win nltttk1ft.tf0 ' llO'lfl flU t (I I it I I llwl I II limit t til ll II IT fifllintV clean nnd thus avoid burning out of Boot winch causes many nres. jig is or i no Known as mo "iscousniuir. emu he opinion, after investigating tlio ieation district" created for the extoriu- causos of fires, that 75 per cent of them could hnvo been avoided by proper precautions. Superior's Juvenile band, composed mostly of now beginners, nnd which has been organized loss than six months, gnve a concert Inst week that was pronounced by the nndience as of .on exceptionally good character, nnd n irepetltlon lias been requested. A load of hogs bought near Spear llsh, S. D., last November and brought to Nebraska for feeding, was mnrketed ,iit the South Omaha stockyards by W. F. Krnmmc of Malcolm. They aver aged 207 pounds and wore sold at $10.15 a hundred. The nmount of wnr finnnco loans to .agricultural and live stock interests In Nebraska has exceeded the $14,000, 000. murk, according to" the report of ,F. W. Thomas, regional chairman of the War Finance committee In No lrasku. Mrs. Flton Pnlmor nnd Mrs. Joseph IMcOuIro had a narrow escape from death when their car, which Mrs. Mc flulre was driving, backed down a steep grade and turned turtle over a twelve foot embankment nenr Broken How. At tho school election at Benkelmnn, ,a proposal to Increase the school tax" levy 8 mills passed by a large major ity. A proposal to permit Sunday baseball won by four ballotts, l,r2 be ing cast against It nnd l.r0 for It. Nebraska, it Is said, has more kinds of birds than any other state In tho union. There are many beautifully colored birds, such as the cardinal, Iscarlet tanlger, oriole, bluejay atid, most common of all, the robin. The Valparaiso home talent play, "The Old New Hampshire Homo" wns (presented to two well filled houses and .more Ihnn one hundred dollnrs clenred ito ndd to tho Methodist Kplscopal aid 'society fund. Hie acuto shortage of houses In York I lias prompted thirty-live business men to nrgnnlzo n home builders associa tion. Approximate $200,000 will bo available for, the construction of new .homes. Corn and alfalfa, two of Nebraska's principal crops, proved to be the most economical ration for cr.ttlo feeding on a 100-i)ound basis of gain, It was de termined nt tho close of the University of Nebraska agricultural collect-. Asslstnnt County Attorney Charles Kubat of Douglas county gesticulated so vigorously In his prosecution In dls ,trlct court of Sebastian Onrclco for a Illquor law violation that his right arm was dislocated. More than .'100 school tenchers nru expected nt Pawnee City during tho spring trl-county teachers' Instltuto (which Includes tho schools of John Inon, Nemaha and Pawneo counties. A fourth of July celebration will bo Iheld at Bloomtlcld under tho auspices jof Ray Lamb post of tho American Legion, tho first celebration of this ltlnd In thnt plnco In eight years. Heavy taxes hnvo led tnxpnyors of IKnor coilnty to discuss tho organiza tion of n lenguo to fight for a reduction (on the levy. A meeting will ho called jfioon to discuss the matter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Anrirow Curtis of Shti bert celebrated their golden wedding .last week. A family dinner was serv-, V'd, at which all tho children of the ifamlly were present. The 7-yenr.old son of It. 15. Rrltt of lllgsprlng, was seriously hurt when he iattcmpted to "hook on" a passing auto Tie suffered Internal Injuries und his recovery Is doubtful. nigh expenses hnvo necessitated the consolidation of several departments In the Itaynrri high school and the iihnlltlon of others. The teaching force has been cut down. Tho small son of Theodore DoOront of Contrnl City suffered serious Injuries when ho wns struck by a car whllo retrlevlng u bnseball which had gone into tho street. Mrs. Androw Oreharz was burned to death by nn explosion while wash - lng lnco curtains In gasoline, at her homo In Omaha. T. H. Fulton, city editor of the Beatrice Dally Express and n news paper correspondent of that city, has filed as u republican candidate for state senator faun tho Sixteenth sen atorial district, comprising the counties of flngo and Pawneo. Tho Chamber of Commerce at Om aim has decided to add n large number of tholbiislnuss and professional wo men's league to Its membership. Charles Trimble, secretary, an nounced that nt least 400 horses will ho entered In the Ak-Snr-Bon races to bo run In Omuhn June .1-17. A report by Socretnry Phil V, Bross of the department of finance shows the nmount of each levy In each county In Nebraska for 1021 Otoe county Is lowest with a total levy of 2.20 mills on tho dollar valuation. Arthur coun ty, In tho grazing region, is highest, with u total lovy of 7.05 mills. An ordinance prohibiting the display of firearms thnt may bo concealed about the person and providing ftut retail dealers who dispose of them must register each sale 1ms been drawn by City Attorney Van Dusen for Police Commissioner Dunn of Omuhn. Tlic Fnrwell Live Stock Shipping os Roclntlon line n loud of hogs nvernging 222 pound which sold for $10.55, the highest priro paid for hogs ut tljo South Omuhn nmrket tids season with the exception of early In March when cliolco light hogs made n top of $10.00. Hundreds of acre of farm land that woro inado valueless hy the rav ages of the Missouri river years ago by the state department of agriculture Inntlon of pocket gophers. Two clothing clubs have been or ganized nt Union. Mrs. L. It. Upton Is to have chnrge of tho advanced girls, who will complete course 2 In cloth ing. The grammar and Intermediate girls also organized a club. At a mooting of tho Friend hoard of education It wns voted to reduce tho faculty of the city schools for next year from nineteen to sixteen teachers. Teachers were elected at a reduction of 0 per cent. Otto Zlomke of Grand Island set flro to his car when he struck a match to light a clgaret while standing near tho open gas tank which was being tilled. Otto wasn't hurt but tho car was dam aged. The board of education elected W. O. Books of Nelirnska City as superin tendent of the York schools for a term of three years, at a salary of $:i,500 tho first year, Carl Iiriindmnn, Nebraska City dairy man, has returned from Wisconsin with in head of Holsteln cows, said to bo tlio llnost ever brought Into that vicinity. Mrs. I). It. Fletcher, teacher In the Lndgcpulo. schools, has tiled for county superintendent to opposo Miss Anna McFaddon, Incumbent for tho past eight years. A petition stoned by about fifty Iteatrlce business men asking the city comnrissloners to renppolnt Chief of l'ollco H. M. Dillon has been filed with the city clerk. Crows have become n peRt In Holt county. The county farm bureau Is planning upon uniting In a poisoning campaign to rid them of the nuisance. The llnance committee of tlio Wood Lake Community club hns raised a road fund of nearly a thousand dollnrs to be used on tho roads this summer. An Importnnt Itlble conference will be held In Omaha Sunday, April 23, under auspices of the Christian and Missionary alliance. An election has been called hy tho commissioners of Deuel county to voto $100,000 In bonds for a now county high school building. All Falrbury teachers have been re elected. Fight, however, will not re turn. Five men on tho staff have been there more, than threo years and. will return, The I'awneo City high school cvm- murium lias been converted Into a skut- Inp rink since the closing of the basket Dun season. Miss Lucille flcorgc, of Ilrokcn Row, won first place in the drnmntlc class In this district declamatory contest nt Kearney. Tho Prague school district has voted $00,000 bonds for n new modern school building to replace the rtho that burned Hist winter. ' Tho Row D. S. Ilonnker or the Pres byterlnn church nt Fullerton .has re signed to nccept n pnstorate at Fair mont. Tho date for the state convention of tho American Loglon hns been set !for S ptembcr 18, 11) nnd 20, to be held nt York. The contract for water works and electric light plnnt nt Wood l.nko 1ms been let. Work will start at once. Two to six Inches of snow covered, western Nebraska following one of tho worst spring storms In years. Falrbury Is again discussing paving ! nnd It Is likely that some work will ; be dono this summer. Flvo hundred students of tho rurnl Innd city schools took the eighth grade .examinations nt York. j Several ranch men In tho Arnold vicinity are placing ring-nocked pheas- ants on their places. j Farmers living southwest of Ply- , mouth, hnvo organized a stock shipping . association. I Kllsworth is already making pro- i paratlons for n gorgeous celebration of itho Fourth. Aurora bus voted against holding .any more street carnivals In that place, A local chapter of the Order of Do Moloy has boon Instituted In Sidney, Seven silver loving cups are anions tho fnriy-five golf prizes to be given by Beatrice business houses this season, They nro doslgnntcd ns the president's champion, pioneer, tenderfoot, conso' lntlnn, ladles' championship and lad les' consolation. When n person contrncts a debt, oven If It Involves illicit booze. Iho debtor must pay, according to tho dis trict court at Norfolk. Adam Marshall,, widely known ex hibit Ion wild west rider, was killed ut Valentine, when ho fell under a Northwestern train. Farm work Is reported threo weeks ahead of the usunl season In Cheyenne nnd Duel counties. Tlio soil is In good condition In splto of the fact that tho winter has been extremely dry. Choyonno county will hold n harvest festival In Sidney during October, Tho plans nro to hold it for threo days, with baseball In the morning and af ternoon of ench day. Meeting to protest against school tnxos, mothers of Cage county school boards, voted In favor of a motion sug gcstlng a cut of 20 per cent In tho sal nrles of school teachers. GROWING RAD EASY MATTER Garden Docs Not Seem Complete Without Short Row or Patch of Vegetables. j(Jf 0IL MOST IMPORTANT Almost. Any Variety la Good, Main Difference Being in -Type of Root It Is Cool Weather Plant And Grows Quickly. The rndlsh Is practically a uni versal vegetable. It Is now In the mnrkot the year around and rnrely Is there a garden planted without at least a short row or small patch broadcast to these pungent appetiz ers of the garden. There Isn't a grcut difference In the vnrlous kinds of rad ish offered for sale by the seedsman and almost any of them will be suc cessful. The main difference Is In the type of root. Stick n pencil blindly on nlmost any of them nnd order the one spiked and you will have good radishes If the gar den conditions are sultnble for grow ing good radishes at all. In the South the rndlsh can be grown outdoors almost all winter ex cept In the colder sections, plnntlngs being made every ten days or two weeks for succession, in the North It Is the first vegetnble to go Into the ground In the spring; In fact, It should he planted as Soon as the soli can be worked, ns It Is quite hardy and won't be hurt by n little frost. It Is Cool Weather Plant. It is a cool weather plant und must he grown steadily nnd quickly. Hot weather or a dry spell, either giving a check In growth, result In hollow, pithy roots, which nre quite worthless. Cool and fairly moist conditions make the crisp, Milld, toothsome radishes that everyone relishes In the enrly days of spring. Of the white radishes, Icicle has at tained great popularity and Is n tine radish. It Is excellent In the summer when other types nre not nt their best. In case of doubt, French Breakfast In the olive shade, Scarlet Globe In the round, nnd some of the 20-day specialties can be recommended. Any of the long scnrlet types give much the same result, tho Improvement In the newer varieties being In regular ity and uniformity of growth. Radish soil must be rich and tine nnd (deeply worked. It In best to have the manure dug In during tho fall or if this hns not been done It should be well rotted nnd well Incorporated with the soli In the spring. Radishes will If These Radishes Had Not Been Thinned They Would Not Have Been So Perfect In Shape. grow almost anywhere If the soil Is rich and In almost any sort of soil ex cept clay. Clay soil needs to be light ened with ushes or sand nnd copious dressings of niauuro spaded into It if radishes are to do their best in It. Radishes may be sown broadcast pro vided the seed Is not scattered too thickly or In rows as close together ns six inches. Clean Up Rubbish. Clean up last year's garden If this was not attended to In the fall. All remnants of vegetables and (lowers must be gathered together and burned. This will destroy tho eggs of Innumerable Insects. Weeds should likewise be destroyed, but do not yet destroy mulches which have been placed over hardy plants and around shrubs. If you have not alrondy sprinkled limestone over your garden urea, this Is a good time to do it so thnt the spring freezing and thnwlng and tho early rains may help to dis Integrate and carry tho lhno water Into the soli to sweeten It. Llnio Is especially boncflclnl to grapes. Later Garden Planting. Lnter gurden vegetables require less work and less anxloty, as u rule, than early vegetables. The soil should be neither too hard to prepare nor should It lie so slow to germinate and start growing the plnnts as curly plantings. Advantage of Clover. When the ground In cultlvutcd fields becomes hard and dry In tho growing season wo should know thnt tho soil Is calling for humus. The beat humus Lb maUo by growing clover. - ' b'- , ENGLISH SPARROW IS ENEMY OF NEMATODES Benefactor to Humanity at Least in One Respect. Bird Seems to Have Special Liking for Galls Formed by Parasitic Worm Other Means for Control ling Disease. (Prepared by th Un'tedtSUtei Department of Agriculture.) Itecent Investigations conducted by the United States Department of Agri culture have shown that tho Kngllsh sparrow Is a benefactor to humanity nt least In one respect. It Is able to kill nematodes parasitic on wheat. In this nematode disease of wheat the parasitic worm, forms galls which take the place of the normal kernels. During the early development of these gnlls the sparrows seem to have a special liking for them. At first It was suspected that the sparrow might spread the Infection In this way, but it was found that the sparrow's diges tive apparatus sufficed to kill the nemntode. The nematode disease of wheat oc curs In Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. It also attacks rye. English Sparrow Is Useful in Control ling Disease of Wheat. enimer, and spelt. Tlie disease In comes serious if precautions are not taken for its control. Fortunately practicable control measures are known. They necessitate (1) the use of seed free from nemntode galls, (2) sowing such clean seed on nematode- freo land, (3) keeping wheat or other susceptible crops off Infested fields for nt lenst one year, nnd (4) keeping nemntode-Infested straw nnd manure off land to be used for wheat within a year. The nematode Is not able to move laterally In the soli by Its own efforts except for very short distances. Re- cause of this fact the disease can bo eilectlveiy controlled by tin- farmer on whose land It inn;' occur. No wheat variety adapted for cul ture In the Infested sections bus been found resistant to this disease. TEACH CALF TO LEAD EARLY Young Animals Are Easier to Handle and They Should Be Fitted With Halters. Calves, especially those to be used In the show-ring or purebred bulls or heifers should he taught to lend when very young. They are easier to handlo and much time und trouble will 1)8 snved later on. When cnlves nre a few months old they should he carefully fitted with halters and tied up n short time each day. This will cause them to lead very readily. Lead the calves to suckle or to water for a few days. In lending them for the first few times pull diagonally first to one side and then to the other. SELF-FEEDER PLEASES HOGS Better Gains Made by Use of Device and Are Built in Many Dif ferent Ways. It Is h fact well recognized by feed ers thnt hogs having nccess to a self- feeder mnko better gains than thosa that do not. These feeders for hogs ure made In various types. Double- side feeders with a single door on top, double-side feeders with a double door on top nnd single-side feeders with n single door on top, nil have proved practical. FEED HORSES SWEET CLOVER Better for Them Than Any Other Class of Animals Because Fiber Is Easily Digested. Sweet clover, If nllowed to become fnirly mnture, Is very coarse and stem- my. Hay of that character Is more .favorable for horses than any other class of anlmnls becnuse horses can consume and digest a larger percent age of crude fiber In plnnts. This Is bpenuse the horse has nn Intestine of largo cnpnclty ond tho crude fiber fa digested In the Intestine rather than the stomach. CURE DIGESTIVE DISORDERS Value of Charcoal as Preventive of Ailments Cannot Be Over-Emphasized. The vnluo of charcoal can scarcely bo over-emphasized and It should be fed to fowls of all ages as a preventive of bowel disorders and disease. It In best to keep it before the fowis at all tjmcH, ns there is no danger of them eating too much. Charcoal has a grent purifying effect In absorbing noxious gases and will correct many digestive I disorders. DAIRY POINTS HOUSE FOR SMALL DAIRYMAN Convenient, Sanitary and Inexpensive It Should Be Well Built and Located. (Prepnred by the United State Department of Agriculture.) The dniry house that will fulfill sanitary requirements, and at tiie samo time be practical and Inexpensive, has been planned by the United States De partment of Agriculture. Many re quests nre received for Information concerning tho construction nnd ar rangement of such buildings. To meet this demand the department has drawn up pinna for dairy houses of various sizes which cun he constructed economically. Copies of the plans will be sent free to thoso upplylng for them. For n person who Is striving to Im prove the quality of his products a practical, Inexpensive typo of dairy house, such as that, planned by the department, Is nn absolute necessity. Milk that Is poured or strained in the barn, or allowed to stand there, Is liable to he contaminated by bacteria and to absorb stable odors. As soon as the cow's milk Is drawn It should he carried to the dairy house, to bo cooled Immediately to 50 degrees F. or lower. An up-to-date sanltnry dairy house Is provided with all the facilities for cooling milk in the most economi cal manner. For convenience the dairy house should be near the bnrn, yet so fnr from it thnt no barn odors can be detected in tlio house, and should be on well-drained lnnd that slopes from the house. The principal purpose in building n dairy house is to provide a place where dairy products may be handled apart from anything else. To carry out this Idea It Is necessnry to divide the Interior of the building so that tho utensils do not have to be washed in Interior of Model Dairy in Which Electricity is Used. the same room where the milk is hnndled. The idea of absolute clean liness must always be kept In mind; nnd for this reason there should be no unnecessary ledges or rough sur faces on which dirt may lodge. Venti lators are necessary to keep the stir In the milk room fresh and free from all odors, nnd to carry steam away from the wash room. Windows nre of great Importance, as they admit sun- Blt n(l fresh nlrt nnd facimtlte w6rl In summer the doors and windows should he screened to exclude files and other insects. It Is necessary that there be n plenti ful supply of cold, running water at the dairy house. If It Is not possible to have a regular water system, water may he piped from nn elevated tank by nn engine, wind mill, hand pump, or hydraulic rnm. The dairyman can 111 afford to spend his time carrying water In a pall to cool milk and wash utensils. For tho proper sterilization of uten sils nn abundance of steam or hot water Is needed. A pall or can may appear to bo clean nnd still may con tain numerous bacteria which will hasten the souring of milk, cause bud llavor in butter nnd cheese, or sprend contnglon. After the utensils nro thoroughly clean they should be either scalded with boiling water or steamed Too dairy house should .be so built as to economize lnbor to the greatest OX' tent. To do this the building must bo arranged to nvold unnecessary steps. The equipment of the dniry house consists of a 1V6 to 2 horsepower vertical boiler which supplies steam to tho sink nnd to the steam jet In tho drain board, a galvnnlzed-Iron wash sink, n can rack, a Babcock tester, n concrete cooling tnnk, a milk cooler, nnd milk scnles. A separator may nlso bo located In the milk room. Do-' tails of the construction nnd arrange ment of this and other dairy houses may be had by writing to the bureau of animal Industry, United States De partment of Agriculture, Washington D. C Most Profitable Cow. A dairy cow which produces JMX) pounds of butter fat In one year makes three times us much profit as ouo which produces 150 pounds. Adds to Value of Stock. Testing nnd ' grading up tho dairy herd not only Increases production but adds materially to tho valuo at dairy stocjt. ' Cows Freshen In Fall. Cows bred In January or February freshen In the fall. Stubborn Caees of Stomach Trouble Yield Promptly to TANLAC 25,000,000 Bottles Sold Rats mi the Cellar. Mice in the Pantry. Cockroaches in the Kitchen What can be more disagreeable than ft home infested with pests? Destroy them with Stearns' Electric Paste, the standard exterminator for more than 43 years. Kill rats, mice, cockroaches, waterbugs or ants In a single night. Docs not blow away like powders; ready for use: better than traps. Directions in 15 languages In every box. Money back if it fails. 2 oz. size 35c 15 oz. she $150. "Grandma's Favorite" Ointment The one untverial household stand-by. Inval uable (or relief of Itcnlng, scaly eczema, uslr pimple, cute, burne, sores, and all skin dls ease. Costs but a trifle. Send no money, we deliver 'at your door, parcel post. You f ay postman EOo and small charges. AOKNTrJ, t you want to make bit; money, sell this, the beat ointment made, In house to house can vass. Write for particulars, big Inducements. C. D. SINOEIt, 24(3 Bo. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. NOTE! Cut this out, It may not appear again. The Eternal Feminine. Roslyn Is only 5. but she has proved more tlinn once that she is a true daughter' of Eve. Sunday morning she and dnddy wero taking their usual stroll along Drexcl boulevurd when dnddy sud denly became aware of a peculiar noise that accompanied his daughter's steps. "Itoslyn," he inquired, "what 1b that funny 'clicking' noise?" He looked at her feet nnd snw they were encased in high arctics, of which the two topmost buckles were undone. 'I'll do them up for you," he said. "Why, daddy," she exclaimed, as tounded at his Ignorance. "It's my goolnshes ; they're 'collegle. " Chi cago Journal. .IN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" Look for the Name "Bayer" on Tab. lets, Then You Need Never Worry. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can bo taken safely for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum bago, Rheumntlsm, Joint Pnlns, Neuri tis, and Pain generally. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This package is plainly stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the gen uine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one years, Advertisement. Easy. Bobby wnn ted n donkey and he had seen the donkey In a nearby field. "What would happen if I stole thnt donkey?" he asked his father. "1'ou would get six months In pris on," replied His father. Bobby thought a while nnd then said : "You wouldn't forget to feed It while I wus away, would you, father?" Average Size of Farm. Statistics on this subject vary from year to year. The average size of a farm in 1020 was 148.2 acres, as com pared with 138.1 acres in 1910. The average acreage of Improved land per farm In 1020 was 78.0 acres, while in 1010 it was 75.2 acres. The war has made table linen very valuable. The use of Red Cross Ball Blue will add to Its wearing qualities. Use It and Bee. All grocers. Adver tisement. Worth. "What Is Flubdub worth?" "As a banking asset or a citizen?" Louisville Courier-Journal. Before you Rive a man ndvlce be sure you know the kind he wants. Better an ass that carries than a horse which throws. Is Backache Crippling Yon? Is that dull, nagging backache mak ing it hard for you to get around? Are you lame, sore and tortured with sharp, rheumatic pains? It's time, then, you gave some attention to your kidneys! A pcruiHtent backache is often Nature's first signal of kidney weakness. You may have headaches, dizziness and an noying bladder irregularities, too. Kid ney troubles, if treated early, nre us ually easily corrected. Benin now with Doan's Kidney Vills. Doan's have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor A Nebraska Case C. P. Burke, re tired farmer, Gree ley. Nebr., says; ''I liad such pains and lameness In my back I could hardly bend. I felt tired In my back nnd I didn't have tho ambition a well man n h o u 1 d. A neighbor told mo to cei uoan-a juuney Pills for ho was suro they would heln me. I lined Doan's and from tho first I could seo a chaneo. They drovo tho troublo from mo and I haven't been bothered Binco Get Doin'i at Any Store, 60c Bos DOAN'S "pTAV FOSTER. MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Girls! Girls!! Save Your Hair With Guticura Soap 25c, Oifitneat 25 tad 56c, Ttlcaat 25c