The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 05, 1922, Image 3

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,Tho following moasago from Post
master General Work wob soot from
tho Air Mall wireless Btatlon horo at
North Platte last Saturday. It was
sent from the Arllnton station by
radiophone and was picked up all over
tho United States. It is an interest
ins and inspiring mcssago and Is
doubly interesting in that Postmaster
Genoral Work was really talking to
tho American people:
My message tonight is addressed to
every man, woman and child in tho
United States, bocnuse in varying de
grco thoy ar6 all affected by tho op
erations of tho postal service. This
word "service," by tho way, which is
so nptly linked with postal is some
thing moro than a mero designation
of ono of the governmental establish
ments. It fittingly describes what
may bo considered tho "good right
arm" of tho American people, and ex
presses unmistakably tho purposo for
which It was founded almost as soon
us the early colonists had set their
houso in order.
This purposo is nothing moro than
to servo tho people in an' lntlmat.3
way In their daily contact with their
follow, men. It Is such a personal,
essential sort of service that tho pos
tal establishment has been well callud
tho peoplo's agency. And for this root
son, perhaps, it is one of tho great
undertakings of tho business world
which has not been developed by pri
vate enterprise. Tho instinct of our
people from tho beginning was to re
tain control of this elemental function
"which so vitally concerns our dally
life by associating it with tho powera
of government
Originally, tho colonies maintained
a. system of postal communication,
which later was placed under federal
control by tho Constitutional Conven
tion of 1787, and finally in 1794 the
Post Offico department was estab
lished as ono of the executive branch
es of tho government. Thus today
wo have over a hundred million share
holders in this our greatest business
enterprise; we have considerably over
a quarter of a million employee?,
who, It must be remembered, are also
stockholders; and we utilize all thu
products of man's Inventive geniui
to carry on tho business. You will
say with me, I am sure, "that a mag
nlflcent instrumentality for service!"
Just what is this service? Primar
ily, it is the transmission pt intelli
gence, the carrying of your written
word from your own hand directly
and expeditiously into the hands of
someone miles away. But the sequel
is far reaching, because the postal
service is the foundation upon which
our government rest; It Is the leaven
which unites the tepers tho diversi
fied aspirations of our people; it is
the origin and oftentimes the end of
our joys and sorrows; it is the gen
esis of commerce and business as it
is carried on today; it is the medium
which most effectively promotes our
intellectual growth, it Is tho moons
which releases us from our own nar
row environment and and mokes us
world citizens, it is in fact, the great
est single force of civilization.
To me one of tho most striking
tilings about the postal service is tho
manner in which it has kept paco
with the development of our great
country. Indeed, it has often been a
step ahead of tho'ordiuary resources
and mechanical mowers at tho dis
posal of tho individual, because It
has been endowed by tho whole pci
plo and has available all of the Intel
lectual capital of tho country. It Is
a far cry from tho galloping pout
rider of pioneer dnyB to the soaring
airplane, and except for Its historical
Interest' tho lone horse-man appear
ing on the official boxI of tho Post
Offico department has no present day
significance. Tho steps in between
are represented by tho stago coach,
tho steam boat, tho express train, and
tho automobile Each constitutes an
epoch in American history. Aud
now tho postal Bervlce, fulfilling 1H
design as a means of communication,
has undertaken to adopt tho radio to
tho noeds of tho peopled I This meat
rocent achievement makes It posslblo
for mo to talk tonight to thousands
of people scattered ovor a wide area,
just as It carries Into thousands cf
homos In tho city and country dally
messages from tho scat of our govern
ment in tho form of weather and
market reports. Thus at tho outset
tho postal Borvlco is participating in
tho development of this latest means
of communication and adapting it to
practical, every-day use of tho indi
vidual. I wonder if thero aro not many
persons, who, liko mysolf beforo 1
joined tho army of postal workers, uc
copt tho manifold sorvico rendorcd by
tills groat organization without think
ing of tho multltudo of parts which
makes up tho whole. I am reminded
of the maohlnory of a powerful, oasy
runnlng automobile, encased in n
beautiful body, which effectively con
ceals tho engine, cogs and shaft-)
which enablo us to glido along so
smoothly and rapidly. When tho ma
chlnory is well oiled and In good
running order, wo aro not interested
In tho component parts; but lot a cog
slip, and Immediately wo awakon to
tho fact that thero is after all some
thing inBldo which now domands at
tention. Wo may denounco It em
phatically, but don't wo do something
moro? Don't wo either remedy the
fault oursolves, or have someone elao
do It
Now I wish you -would llkon this
situation to tho operation of tho post
al service. Tho railroad, tho autoiuo-
bllo, and the airplane roprcsont parts
of tho machlnory, as do tho quart or
of a million omploypos scattered
throughout tho United States. Tho
control is centered horo In Washing
ton, and wo will say that tho postal
officials horo and olsowhero take the
placo of tho chauffeur driving tho av
tomoblle. Tho body of tho car may
bo likened to tho post offico lobby
whoro you transact pour business.
Now if you were riding in this car
and something wont wrong with say
tho transmission as will often bo the
caso dispito tho Bklll of your chatfe.;r
wouldn't you call his attention to the
situation if ho had not already learned
of it and gavo him a clianco to fix
tho car beforo declaring it to be ready
for tho scrapheap?
You may bo sure that with men, as
well as with machinery, a cog will
slip now and then; but of tills you
may be equally certain tho postal
aorvlco is working twenty-four hours
dally striving to glvo you the same
efficient, easy-running service which
you might expect from the high
priced automobile I havo mentioned
It Is not run for profit, but for tho
benefit of mankind. You may expect
to get more than your monoy's worth.
It serves without distinction of per
sons, for It carries tho poor man's
letter and parcel just as cheaply aril
promptly as the millionaire's.
In our constant striving for perfec
tion, wo bespeak your cooperation. To
this end we havo announced a Postal
Improvement Week to begin on May
1st when we confidently hope to reach
a high degree of perfection In render
ing you service. The friendly atti
tude of tho patrons has been an In
spiration to wo who aro charged with
the administration of the postal ser
vice, and wo hope next week to ex
press pur appreciation by giving you
oven better service than heretofore..
Your continued assistance is essential
to our success, however, and I am
going to ask you to do your share
by plainly and correctly addressing
your mall matter. Y'our postmaster
and tho nowspapors will bring to your
attention various other ways In which
you may help us. Then, If you do not
get the particular kind of service you
may think you aro entitled to receive,
tell your postmaster about It, or wlto
to tho department hero In Washing
ton. Holp us to keep the cogs from
Tho chorus of approval from press
and publlo is confirmation enough in
barring Fatty Arbucklo from tho films
Will. II. HayB acted wisely and In ac
cord with popular opinion. It Is indi
cation also that tho movlo Interests
have definitely abandoned tho moth
ods of formor days, which would havo
oxploited Arbucklo's notoriety for tho
bonltlt of tho box office- What Judgo
Landls was required to do for organ
ized boso ball, Mr. Hays is doing for
tho films. Here, therefore tho country
finds Itself compolled to applaud a
roturn to rulo by dictators. Tho bnBO
ball clubs found a czar necessary to
their salvation and bo did tho motion
picture interests. Keith County News
Tho Sutherland high school baso
ball team camo down last Friday and
played tho local high school team
Tho results showed plainly that either
the visiting team was sadly outclassed
or there was something wrong. Tho
Bcoro was 32 to 0 In favor of Horshey
Rumor was that several of tho
players on the visiting team had been
drinking something stronger than
ginger nlo and plainly showed tho
effects In their actions. While wo
rogret to mention this yet tho open
disgust expressed by so many attend
ing tho game, compels a statement
of somo kind. That young men bow
their "wild oats" Is only to bo ex
pected but to mako a public exhi
bition in this condition under the
fostorlng hand of "high school ath
lotlcs," Is to be deplored, and on
sorveB to lower tho estimate of school
patrons of atholetlcs In our schools,
and justly so. Had the athletic di
rector withdrawn tho Horshey team
from tho field, it would have been
much better for all concerned.
Later: Wo learn from authority
that because of tho condition of the
Sutherland players In tills game,
athletics havo boon withdrawn in the
Sutherland school for tho balnnco ot
thl3 school term. Hersliey Times.
Gamblo & Springer store No. 2
at 116 East B was sold to me. The
store will bo known as tho Koontz
cash grocery.
County Court Room in tho Court
Houso in tho City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, and ua
persons bo interested in Bald ostato,
will appear at said tlnio and place
and duly present thoir Bald claims
and demands in tho manner roquirod
by law, or show causo for not bo do
ing, and in caso any of said claims
or domands shall not bo presonted on
or prior to tho Bald 21st day of Au
gust 1922, tho samo shall bo forover
signed this notloo and afflxod the
seal of said Court this 24 th day of
April 1922.
(Seal) Acting County Judgo.
SearB, Hornn & Shoppard, Attorneys.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of R. L.
Holdrldgo, Deceased. Estate No.
All porsons lntorcstod in Bald es
tate, both creditors and hotrs, are
hereby notified thnt a petition ha)
boon filed In tho County Court of Lin
coin County, Nobraska, alleging that
said deceased dlod on or about the
3rd day of August, 1908, a rosldont
of tho County of Knnkakoo, in tho
tSato ot Illinois; that tho said R. L.
Holdrldgo at tho tlmo of his death
had an apparant Interest in tho Ba,t
Half (E) of Section Ono (1',
Township Thirtoen (13), Rango Thir
ty-four (34), nnd tho West Half (W1
of Section Twonty-throo (23), Town
ship Thirtoen (13), Rango Thirty-
I will Bell at public autlon on May 8,
1922 tho material in tho old North
Platte Stock Yards, consisting of board
fences, G to 7 feet high, some barbed
wire, some woven wire, n lot of loose
lumber, somo largo gate posts, house
logs, water tanks, feeding bunks, wind
mill towers, stock scales and many
other articles too numerous to men
tion. Remember the posts are all
nattvo cedar. Sale to begin at 1 p.
m. sharp.
An Elgin Bracelet Watch for
Graduation, Clinton & Son, Jowelers.
Did your wife toll you to subscribe
for Tho Tribune?
cocvmcHr iaez ma autocamcw SCftv co
Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.
Estate No. 1875 of William Graves.
deceased, In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss.: Credit
ors of said estato will tako notico
that tho time limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said Es
tato is August 19, 1922, and for settle
ment of said Estato Is April 14, 1923;
mat i win sit at tho county court
room lu said County on May 19, 1922,
at 10 o'clock a. in., and on Auirust
iy, ivzz at xu o'ciock a. m., to re
cede, examine, hear, allow, or adjust
all claims and objections dulr filed.
Dated April 14, 1922.
Seal) County Judge.
Ssalod bids will be received up un
til 8 P. M. of Tuesday, May 2nd, 1922,
at tho offico of O. E. Elder, City Clerk
of tho City of North Platte, Nob., for
the furnishing F. O. B. Factory of the
following items:
Not loss than 44,000 nor more than
100,000 feet extra strong load pipe,
sizes l inch and 3-4 Inch, exact auan
titles ot each to bo determined later.
Shipment of pipe to commence
within 10 days from award of con
tract and nil pipe to bo shipped with
ing 30 days after said award.
All bids to bo made upon blanks
to bo obtained of tho City Clerk or
Water Commissioner and bids to be
soalod and marked "Bid on lead pipe'
and addressed to O. E. Elder, City
ClorK, North. Platte, Nebraska.
Payment will bo made within 30
days after arrival of plpo at North
Platto, in registered City Warrants
drawing 7 per cont interest and run
ning approximately four months be
fore bolng paid.
The City reserves tha right to re
Ject any or all bids, to cbango the
amount or slzo of tho work and to
call for new bids on Bald changed
(Seal) 15. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER. City Clerk.
Wm. E. Shuman, Attorney.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of the
Estato of Frederick Worneko, Do-
Notico is horoby given to any and
ull porsons having claims and do
mands against tho estato of tho Bald
Frederick Wernoko, decoasod, thnt
tho 21st day of August, 1922, haB boon
Bet and nppolntcd as tho day for tho
reception, examination, adjustment
and allowance of lawful claims nnd
demands of all persons, agalnBt said
estato nnd that tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will at
Bald tlmo recoiYO, examine, adjust
and allow all such claims against
said estato, as provided by law, at tho
our (34), situated in Lincoln County,
Nebraska; that tho Intorest consisted
ot an agreement by one J. E. Rodgorfc
to convoy said land to tho Sold R.
L. Holdrldgo, doccBascd.
You aro horoby further notified
that the potitlon prayB tho Court for
an Order fixing a tlmo and placo at
which a determination of tho douth
of tho said R. L, Holdrldgo may bo hnd
and a dotormlnation of tho heirs of
said deceased, and dogroo of kinship
and their right ot descent to tho rent
proporty belonging to Bald docoascd,
and you aro horoby notlflod that the
Court has fixed tho hearing on said
potitlon at tho offico ot tho County
Court ot Lincoln County, Nobraska, at
10:00 o'clock A. M. on tho 16th day ot
May, 1922.
(Seal) County Judgo.
J. C. Hollman, Attorney.
Estato No. 1879 of Bridget Jonos, de
ceased, in tho County Court ot Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nobraska, ss.: Credit
ors of said ostato will tako notice
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said Es
tato is August 23, 1922, and for set
tlement of Bald Estnto is April 18th,
1923; that I will Bit at the County
Court room in said County on May 23,
1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., and on
August 23rd, 1922 at '0 o'clock A. M.,
to recelvo, examlno, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections duly
Dated April 18th, 1922.
(Seal) County Judgo.
Halligan, Bcattj & Halllgau,
Estnto No. 1884 of Louis Rayomo, do
coascd, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, NobraBka.
Tho Stato ot NobraBka. To all por
BonB lntorofltcd in said Estato tako
notico that a petition has boon fllod
for tho Probato of tho will ot Louis
Rayomo, deceased, and for tho ap
pointment of Richnrd W. Kern bb ad
ministrator with tho will annoxod of
said Estate, which has boon sot for
hearing on May 9th, 1922, at 9 o'clock
a. m.
Dated April 14, 1922.
(Seal) County Judgo.
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
Palace Bazaar
first elans and prices
Opposite Union Pacific
You Don't Buy Inexperf.ance er Take Chances When We Work en Your Car.
107 West 6th Street
What We Mean
By Balanced Gasoline
y'OLATILITY that insures vapo
rization and quick starts at all
temperatures certain fractions in
proper proportion that provide addi
tional mileage per gallon Ai&A flame ,, '
r . - , , , . Wrltooraskfora
speed that develops maximum red crown
cylinder pressure complete, clean Rood M"p
combustion that keeps down carbon
" deposits these are the properties of
J properly balanced gasoline.
Red Crown Gasoline excels in these
important respects. It is properly bal
anced gasoline that is certified to meet
all U. S. Government specifications.
Measured by a dynamometer or by
the performance of any automobile,
Red Crown Gasoline stands first.
For dependable power, big mileage
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troubles, get the habit of using Red
Crown Gasoline.
Buy at Red Crown Service Stations
where high quality, full measure and
prompt, obliging service join with
moderate prices to make balanced
Red Crown Gasoline the preferred
motor fuel.
itunu en tetfm v itjuai B