The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 05, 1922, Image 2

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Hy Eleanor H. Porter
Illustrations by
H. Livingstone
Cortottbr tumt H. Pww
PHEPACB. 'Mary Marie" explains her
apparent "double personality" and Jut
why bIio Ih a "cross-curront and a contra
diction;" she also tells her reasons for
writing the diary lator to bo a novel. The
diary la commenced at Andorsonvllle.
Chapter I Continued.
And If one wanted to go to walk,
or to n party, or to play some game,
the other didn't always look tired and
bored, and say, "Oh, very well, If you
like." And then both not do It, what
ever It was That Ih, 1 never saw the
other girls' fathers and mothers do that
way ; and I've seen quite u lot of them,
too, for I've been at the other girls'
houses a lot for a long time. You see I
don't stay at homo much, only when I
hovo to. Wo don't have a round table
with a red cloth and a lamp on It, and
children 'round It playing games and
doing things, and fathers and mothers
reading and mending. And It's lots
Jollier where they do have them.
Nurse says my father and mother
ought never to huvc been married
That's what I Heard her tell our
Bridget one day. So the first chance I
got I asked her why, and what she
meant, .,
"Oh, lal Did you hear that?" sho
domanded, with the quick look over
her shoulder that she always gives
when she's talking about Father and
Mother. "Well, little pitchers do have
big ears, sure enough I"
"Little pitchers," Indeed I As If I
dldnt know what that meant! I'm no
child to be kept In the dark concern
ing things I ought to know. And I
told her so, sweetly and pleasantly,
but with llrmncss and dignity. I made
her tell me what she meant, and I
made her tell me a lot of other things
about them, too. You see, I'd Just de
cided to wrlto the book, so 1 wanted
to know everything she could tell me.
I didn't tell her about the book, of
courxe. I know too much to tell se
crets to Nurso Sarah I Hut 1 showed
ny excitement and Interest plainly;
and when sho saw how glad I was to
hear everything she could tell, sho
talked a lot, and really seemed to en
Joy It, too.
You see, sho was here when Mother
first camo as a bride, so she knows
everything. She was Fathor's nurse
when bo was n little boy; then she
Btayed to take earn of Father's mother,
Grandma Anderson, who was an In
valid for a great many years and who
didn't die till lust nfter I was born.
Then sho took caro of me. So she's
always been In the family over slnco
oho was a young girl. She's awfully
old now 'most sixty.
First I found out how thoy happened
to marry Father und Mother, I'm
talking about now only Nurso says
she can't see yet how they did happen
to marry, Just the samo, they're so teo-1
totally different.
Dut this Is the story.
Father went to Boston to attend a
big meeting of astronomers from all
over the world, and they had banquota
and receptions where beautiful ladles
went In their pretty evening dresses,
und my mother was one of thorn. (Her
father was one of tho astronomers,
Nurso said.) The meetings lasted four
days, and Nurse said she guessed my
father saw a lot of my mother during
that time. Anyhow, ho was Invited to
their home, and ho stayed another four
days after the meetings wcro over,
Tho next thing they know hero ut tho
house, Grandma Anderson had n tele
gram that he was going to bo inarrlcd
to Miss Madge Desmond, and would
they please send him some things he
wunted, and ho was going on a wed
ding trip and would bring his brtdo
homo In about a month.
It was Just ns sudden as that And
surprising I Nurse suys a thunderclap
out of a clear blue sky couldn't havo
astonished thorn more Father was al
most thirty years old at that time, and
he'd never cared a thing for girls nor
paid them tho least little bit of atten
tion. So they supposed, of course, that
he was a hopeless old bachelor and
wouldn't ever marry, llo wns bound
up in his stars, even then, and was
already beginning to bo famous, bo
cause of u comet he'd discovered. Ho
was a profossor in our collego here,
where his father had been president.
His father bud Just died u few months
before, and Nurse said maybe that was
one reason why Father got caught in
the matrimonial net like that. (Thoso
aro her words, not mine. The idea
(of calling my mother a net I But
nurse never did appreciate Mother).
But Father Just worshiped his father,
and they wero always together
Grandma being sick so much;
,and so when he died my father
was nearly beside himself, an 4 thafr
use reason they were so anxious ha
should gd t hiX taetlng la Boston.
They thought It fefghj; take Wa plnd
a himself, mm ml m m
sever thought' of It tutting fcU mind
en a wife!
So fur as lit? (loins It right up quick
ilko thnt was concerned, Nurse Bald
that wasn't ho surprising. For nil the
iv up. If Father wanted anything he
Insisted on having It, and having it
A Little 811m Elnhtaen-Year-Old Qlrl
With Yellow, Curly Hair.
right away then. He nover want
ed to wait a mlnuto he found a girl ho
wanted, ho wanted her right away
then, without waiting n minute.
He'd never happened to notice n girl
ho wanted before, you Bee. But
he'd found one now all right;
and Nurso said there was nothing to
do but to mnke the best of It and get
ready for her.
There wasn't anybody to go to tho
wedding. Grandma Andorson was
sick, so of course she crmldn't go, and
Grandpa was dead, so of course he
couldn't go, and there weren't any
brothers or sisters, only Aunt Jane in
St. Paul, and she was so mad sho
wouldn't come on. So there wns no
chance of seeing tho bride till Father
brought her home.
Nurso said they wondered nnd won
dered what kind of a woman it could
be that had captured him. (I told
her I wished she wouldn't speak of
my mother as If she was some kind of
a hunter out after game; but she only
chuckled and said that's about what
it amounted to In some cases.) The
very Ideal
Tho whole town wns excited over
the affair, and Nurse Sarah heard a
lot of their talk. Home thought she
was an astronomer like him. Some
thought she was very rich, and may-
bo famous. Everybody declared she
must know a lot, anyway, and bo
wonderfully wise and Intellectual; and
they snld she was probably tall and
wore glasses, and would be thirty
yenrs old, at lenst. But nobody guessed
anywhero near what she really was.
Nursit Sarah said she should never
forget the night she came, and how
sho looked, and how utterly llnbber
gasted ov cry body whs to seo her1
little slim eighteen-year-old girl with
yellow, curly hair and tho merriest
laughing eyes they had ever seen.
(Don't I know? Don't I Just love
Mother's eyes when they sparkle and
twinkle when we'ro oft together some
times In tho woods?) And Nurso said
Mother was so excited tho day alio
camo, nnd went laughing and danc
ing nil over tho house, exclaiming over
everything. (I can't Imagine thnt so
well. Mother moves so quietly now,
everywhere, nnd is so tired, 'most all
tho time.) But sho wnsu't tired then,
Nurse says not a mite.
"But how did Father act?" I de
manded. "Wasn't ho displeased nnd
scandalized and shocked, and every
thing?" Nurso shrugged her shoulders nnd
raised her eyebrows tho way sho does
when sh'o feels particularly superior.
Then sho said: ,
"Do? What does any old fool
bcggln' your pnrdon an' no offenso
meant, Miss Mary Mario but what
does any man do .what's got bejugglcd
with a pretty face, an' his senses com
pletely took away from him by n chit
of n girl? Well, that's what ho did.
He nctcd as if ho was bewitched. Ho
followed her around tho houso like
h dog when he wasn't locdln' her to
something now; an' be never took his
eyes off her face except to look at us,
as much ns to say : 'Now ain't she tho
adomhlo creature.?' "
"My father did thnt?" I gasped.
And, really, you know, I Just couldn't
bollevo my ears. And you wouldn't,
either, if you know Father. "Why,
I nover saw him act llko thnt 1"
"No, I guess you didn't," laughed
Nurse Snrnh with a shrug. "And
neither did anybody else for long,
"But how long did It last?" I naked.
"Oh, a month, .or maybe six weoks,"
shrugged Nurso Sarah. "Then It came
September and college begnn, and your
father had to go back to his teach-
lng. Things began to change then."
"Right then, bo you could seo themt"
I wanted to know.
Nurso Sarah shrugged her shoulders
"Oh, lal child, what a little question-box
you aro, an' no mistake," she
sighed. But she didn't look mad not
like the way she docs when I ask why
she can tak her teeth out and most
ef her hair off and J. can't; and things
like thnt (As If I didn't know I What
does she take me for a child?) She
didn't erea lxk dlsplead Nurse
Sarah lorn to talk. (As If I dldnt
know that, tool) She Just threw that
qnlck look, ol hers. cr h shoulder
and settled back contentedly in her
chair. I know then I should get the
whole story. And I did. And I'm go
ing to tell It here In her own words,
Just ns well as I can remember it
bad grammar and nil. So pleaso re
member that I am not making nil those
mistakes. It's Nurse Sarah.
"I guess, though, that I'd better put
it Into n new chapter. This one Is
ynrds long ulready. How do they toll
when to begin and end chapters? I'm
thinking It's going to be some Job,
writing this book diary, 1 mean. But
I shall lovo It, I know. And this is
a renl story not like thoso mado-up
things I'vo always written for tho girls
at school.
Nurse Sarah's Story.
And this Is Nurse Sarah's story.
As I suld, I'm going to tell It
straight through as nenr as I can In
her own words. And I can remember
most of It, I think, for I paid very close
"Well, yes, Miss Mary Marie, things
did begin to change right tliero an'
then, an' so you could notice It. Wo
saw it, though maybe your pn an' ma
didn't nt the first.
"You sec, the first month after she
enme, It was vacation time, nn he
could give her all tho time sho wanted
An' sho wnnted It nil. An' she took
It. An he wns Just as glad to give
it as she was to take it. An' so from
mornln' till night they wns together,
trnlpsln' nil over the houso an' garden,
an'' off through the woods and'
Up on this mountain every other day
with their lunch.
"You see she was city-bred, an' not
used to woods an' flowers growln'
wild: an' sho went crazy over them.
Ho' showed her tho stars, too, through
his tolcscopo ; but sho hadn't n mite of
ubo for them, nn let him see It good
nn' plain. Sho told him I heard her
with my owu oars thnt his eyes, when
thoy laughed, was all the stars she
wanted; nn' that sho'd had stars all
hor Hfo for breakfast an' luncneon an
dinner, anyway, nn' all tho tlmo be
tween; nn' she'd rather have somo-
thln' else, now somethln' alive, that
she could love on' live with an' touch
an''play with, like she could the flow
ers an' rocks and' grnss nn' trees.
"Angry? Your pa? Not much ho
was I He Just Inughed an' caught her
'round the waist an' kissed her, an
snld sho herself was the brightest star
of all. Then they run off hand In hand,
like two kids, too. All through thoso
first fow weeks your pn was Just a
great big baby with a new plaything.
Then when college began he turned all
at once Into n full-grown man. An
Just nntqrally your ma didn't know
what to make of It.
"Ho couldn't explore the attic an'
ng up in tho old clothes there any
more, nor romp through tho garden
nor go lunchln' In the woods, nor none
of the thlugs she wunted him to do. He
didn't hnjve time. An' what made
things worse, ono of them comet-tails
was comln' up In the sky, an' your pa
didn't take no rest for watchln for
It, an' then studyln' of It when It got
"An your nm poor little thing1!
couldn't think qf anything but a doll
that ras thrown In the corner because
Bomcbody'd got tired of her. She wns
lonesome nn' no mistake. Anybody'd
be sorry for her, to see hor mopln'
round the house, nothln' to do. Oh,
sho rend, an' sewed with them bright
colored silks an' worsteds; but 'course
there wasn't no real work for her to
do. There was good help In the kitchen,
an' I took what caro of your grand
ma was needed ; an' she always gave
her .orders through me, so I practical
ly nm tho house, nn' thero wasn't
anything there for her to do.
"An so your ma Just hail to mope It
out alone. Oh, I don't mean your pa
was unkind. He wus always nice an'
polite, when ho wns In the house,
nn' I'm sure he mennt to treat her
all right. He said yes, yes, to bo sure,
of courso she was lonesome, an' ho
was sorry. 'Twas too bad ho was
so busy. An ho kissed hor an' patted
her. But ho always began right away
to talk of tho comet ; an' ten to one
ho didn't disappear Into tho observa
tory within tho next five mlnutos, Then
yonr ma would look so grloved an sor
ry an' go off an' cry, an' mnybo not
come down to dinner, at nil.
"Well then, ono day things got so
bnd your grandma took a hand. Sho
wns up an' around tho houBe, though
sho kept mostly to her own rooms.
But of courso site saw how things wns
goln'. Besides, I told her some.
'Twns no more than my duty, as I
looked at It. Sho Just worshiped your
pa, an' naturally sho'd want things
right for him. So ono day she told mo
to tell her son's wlfo to come to her
In her roonu,
"An' I did, nn' she camo. Poor lit
tle thing I I couldn't help beln' sor
ry for her. Sho didn't know a thing
of what was wanted of her, an sho
was so glnd an' happy to come. You
i scOj sho wag lonesomeuI suppose.
I J. V. Romlgh sous Dodgo urotnors
fars and trucks exclusively, and sup-
I hIIaa fMAy1 Bitr1tn tit Hint nurnApa
Choice lot 10-month-old pure bord
Duroc Jersoy boars, slrod by Orion
Critic, by The King by Orion Cherry
King. J. E. qUUTH SWT
820 EAst Third 6t
Offioo Phone 241 Res. Phone 217
OsteejMiUik irhystekn
North Platte, Nebmafca.
Knights ot Columbus BulMlng.
Paint at tho York Food Store. Stop
n and got our prices beforo buying.
Hoagland & tiarr, Attorneys.
Estate No. 1848 of Charlos J. II.
Brand, doccasod, in the County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, b. all por-(of
sons intorestoa n sam Jauw
notice that tho Administrator has filed
final account and roport of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and dlschargo as such, Ad
ministrator, which have been sot for
hearing boforo sold court on May 12th,
1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., whon you
may appoar and contest tho same.
Dated Aphll 11, 1922.
(Seal) , County Judge.
J. C. Hollman, Attorney.
Estato No. 1880 of Sarah A. Morton,
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nebraska, ss.: Credit
ors of said estato will tako notlco that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against Bald Estate H
August 23rd, 1922, and for settlement
of snld Estato is April 18th, 1923;
that I will sit at tho County Court
In said County on May 23, 1922, at 10
o'clock A. M and on August 23, 1922
nt 10 o'clock A. M., to receive, ex
amine, . hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
Dated April 18th, 1922.
(Seal) County Judge
To the owners of tho record title of
all property adjacent to or abutting
upon tho streets hereinafter des
cribed and all porsons intorosted
'therein :
You and each of you aro hereby
notified that the Mayor and City
Council of tho City of North Platto
did under dato of April 7th, 1922,
pass and approve a certain ordinanco
forming and creating Paving District
No. 9 of the City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nobraska. And that
tho following stroots including tho
Intersections thereof within tho limits
ot tho city aro comprlsod within said
paving district, to-wlt:
All that portion of Fourth street in
said city commencing at tho east lino
of Oak Streot at tho Intersection of
Oak Streot with Fourth street ot said
city, thonco west to and along Bald
Fourth street to tho west lino of tho
Intersection of Washington Streot
with said Fourth Streot in said City,
thonco north along said Washington
Streot to tho south lino of tho inter
section of Fifth Street with said
Washington Stroet In said city, also
Manle Street from north lino ot
Fourth Streot to South lino of Fifth
Stroot, there to termlnato.
Unloss objections aro filed aB re
quired by statute within twenty days
from tho first public tion of this no-
Mce, the Mayor and City Council shall
nroceod to construct such paving.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1922.
(Seal) E. H. FVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
To tho owners of tho record title of
all property adjacent to or abutting
upon tho streets hereinafter des
cribed and all poraons Intorosted
You and each of you aro hereby
notiflod that the Mayor and City
Council of tho City ot North Platto
did under dato of April 7th, 1922,
paBS and approve a certain ordinance
forming and creating Paving District
No. 10 of tho City of North Platto,
Lincoln County. Nebraska. And that
lullowl'ng strcota including tho
intersections thereof within the limits
of tho city aro comprised within said
paving district, to-wit:
All tnat portion ot Tauor Avenue
In Bald city commencing at tho south
lino of Fifth Street at tho intersection
of said Fifth Stroot with Tabor A e-
nuo In said city, then south to and
along said Tabor Avenue to tho south'
lino of Third Stroet at tho intersec
tion ot said Third Stroot with Tabor
Avonuo in said city, thonco west to
nnd nlong said Third Stroot to tho
East lino of Washington Stroot nt tho
Intersection of Washington streot
with said West Third Streot in said
city thoro to terminate.
Also all that portion of Eastman
Avonuo in said City commencing at
tho south lino ot Fifth Streot at the
Intersection of said Fifth Streot with
Eastman Avonuo in said city thence
south to and nlong said Eastman
Avonuo to Uio north lino ot Third
stroot at tho intersection of said
Third Streot with Eastman Avenue.
Also all that portion of Chestnut
Stroot In said city commencing at
tho south lino ot tho intorsoction of
Fifth Stroot with Chostnut Stroot
thonco Bouth to and along Bald Chost
nut Street to tho North line ot Fourth
Stroot at tho Intersection of said
Fourth Streot with Chestnut Streot
thoro to tormlnnto.
Unloss objections nro fllod as re
quired by statuto within twenty days
from tho first publication or mis no
tice, tho Mayor and City Council shall
nroceod to construct such paving.
Dated this 10th day ot April, 1922.
(Soal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attost: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk
To tho owners of tho record title ot
all nronorty adjacent to or abutting
upon the streets hereinafter des
cribed and all persons interfile
You and each of you are hereby
notified that th Mayor and City
CouncU of the City of North PlatU
I did under dato of April 7th, 1922,
dobs and annrovo a certain ordinanco
forming and creating Paring District
NO. 11 01 ino Uliy oi norui riauu,
Lincoln County, Nobraska. And that
tho following streets including the
Intersections thereof within tho limits
of tho city aro comprised within said
nnvlnir rllstrlnt. to-wit:
All thnt nortlnn of Ninth Street of
snId clty commencing at tho East lino
of LoCUBt Stroot at tho itnorBoction
LocuBt Street with Ninth Streot in
sald city, then west to and along said
. , y. ,, , nntr
Streot at tho intersection of Oak
Stroot with tho west Ninth Street of
said city, there to terminate
Unloss objections nro filed as re
quired by statuto within twenty days
from tho first publication of this no
tice the Mayor and City Council shall
proceed to construct Buch paving.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1922.
(Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
To the ownorB of tho record title of
all proporty adjacent to or abutting
upon tho Btreets hereinafter des
cribed and all persons intorosted
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the Mayor and City
Council of tho City of North Platto
did under date of April 7th, 1922,
puss and approve a certain ordinance
forming and creating Paving District
No. 12 of the City ot North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nobraska, And that
tho following streets Including the
Intersections thereof within the limits
pf tho city aro comprised within said
paving district, to-wit:
All that portion of Sixth Streot of
said city commencing on tho east
lino ot tho intersection of Vino and
West Sixth Streot of said city thenpe
west to and along said Sixth Stroot
of said city to tho East line of Elm
Street at tho intersection with said
Sixth Street of said City, there to ter
Unless objections are filed as re
quired by statuto within twenty days
from tho first publication of this no
tlco, tho Mayor and City Council shall
proceed to construct such paving.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1922.
(Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
To tho owners of the record title of
all proporty adjacont to or abutting
upon tho streets hereinafter des
cribed and all persons Interested
You and each of you are -horoby
notified that tho Mayor and City
Council of the City of North Platto
did under date of April 7th, 1922,
pass and approve a certain ordinance
forming and creating Paving District
No. 13 of tho City of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that
the following streets Including the
intersections thereof within the limits
of tho city aro comprised within said
paving district, to-wit:
All that portion of Sixth Stroet of
said city commencing at the East side
ot Elm Streot at the Intersection of
Elm Streot with said Sixth Street of
said city, thence west to and along
said Sixth Street of said city to the
east lino ot Jefferson Street nt rhe
Intorsoction with said Sixth Street of
said city, thoro to terminate.
Unless objections are filed as re
quired by statute within twenty days
from tho flrBt publication of thla no
tlco, tho Mayor and City Council shall
proceed to construct such paving.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1922.
(Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
Notlco is horeby given that sealed
ftllu will Ha vftnfvnfl nt tVin fflj tf
I tho County Clerk ot Lincoln County,
! Nebraska, tho city of North Platto,
Nebraska, up to tho h ur ot Twelve
o'clock noon of 29th day of May 1922,
for tho construction and erection of
. tho Superstructure, tho substructure
and approaches of all the bridges, and
for furnishing tho materials in con
nection with samo, to be built In Lin
coln County for tho period of ono
year, at a special sum per lineal foot
for tho superstructure of all such
bridges; and at a specified sum per
lineal foot for tho suporstructuro of
all Buch approaches and at a specified
sura por lineal foot for all piling used
in tho substructure of all bridges
and approaches; and at a specified
sum per foot (Board measure) for all
caps, Bway braces and othor wood
materials used In tho substructure ot
such bridges or approaches is built
In tho event tho substructure of
such bridges or pproachos Is built
wholly or In part ot stono, brick ce
ment or concrete, tho contract for
the portion of said substructure to so
built ot Bald material shall be let at
a specified Bum por cubic foot in
In tho event tho substructure of
such bridges or approaches is wholly
or In part of iron, Btcol or other
metal, tho contract for tho portion ot
said substructure to be built of iron
steel or othor metal shall bo lot at
a specified sum por lineal foot for
tubing, and at a specified sum per
pound or all othor metal In placo.
All bids must bo accompanlod by
a cortiflod check in the amount of
$600 mado payablo to tho County
Clork of Lincoln, to bo forfeited to
tho County in caso the biddor refuses
to enter into contract with tho Coun
ty, if samo is awarded to him.
In general character tho work con
sists ot any kind covered by tho Ne
braska Standard Brldgo Plans, copies
ot which aro on f Ho in tho office of
tho County Clerk.
Tho number and kind of bridges
required to be built in the county aud
their proposed location as near as can
bo estimates and determined is as fol
On section line betwoen Sections 8
and 17, Townihlp 12, Range 27 Lin-
coin County Nebraska and nny other
bridges at any othor location in tho
county that tho county board my boo
fit to ordor built during hto Hfo of
the contract
All bidders nro rofuired to bid on
tho plans and specifications and bid
ding blanks prepared by tho Secretary
of the State Board of Irrigation and
all bids shall bo mado strictly In ac
cordance with all bridge laws of tho
Stato of Nobraska, pertaining to such
Bids will bo publlcy opened and read
at tho hour of Two O'clock P. M. on
tho 29th day of May, 1922, at tho reg
ular meeting place of tho County
Board of Lincoln County In the Court
Houso at North Platte, Nebraska.
Any bidder before entering on tho
work, pursuant to contract awarded
him, Bhall glvo bond to Wo county in
tho sum of $2,000.00 coniimonea ror
tho faithful execution of tho contract.
Tho County Board of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, reserve unto themselves
the right to reject any or all bids.
A. S. ALibKN,
(Seal) County Clork.
Notice Is hereby givon to tho Elec
tors of tho City of North Platto, No
brasku that tho M.yor oid City Cwi
til of tho City of Nott.'i liatte, Nebras
ka, hav.' provided by ord'n'.nce for
tho submission to a direct voto of tho
votors of tho City ot North Platte, Ne
braska, tho following proposition: An
ordinanco providing for tho submit
ting to tho voters of the City of North
Platto, In tho County of Lincoln and
Stato of Nebraska, the following ques
tion: "Shall tho City of North Platto,
in tho County of Lincoln, State of Ne
braska issuo its 'Paving Bonds of tho
City of North Platto, Nebraska In
the sum of Fifty Thousand ($j0,
000.00) dollars, for tho purpose ot
raising money for paying tho cost of
paving, ropaving or macadamizing tho
intersections of streets or avenues
and spaces opposite alloys in the City
of North Platto, Nobraska. And to pro
vide for levying and collecting by the
propor officers of said City a tax an
nually to pay the interest and prin
cipal of said bonds as they mature."
And by virtue of tho power in mo
vested, I hereby call an election on
said ordinanco so submitted to bo hold
in City of North Platte, Nebraska, on
the ICth day of May, 1922. The voting
places of said election shall bo as fol
lows: Tho First Ward at tho A. N.
Purbln Garage at the intorsoction of
Fifth and Dewey Streets; the Second
Ward in tho District Court Room at
the County Court Houso; tho Third
Ward at the Fire Station at tho inter
section of Front and Vino Streets;
tho Fourth Ward at tho North Platto
Buick Garage at the Intersection of
Eighth and Locust Streets. The polls
to be opened at eight o'clock in the
morning and to remain open until
eight o'clock in the evoning of said
day of election.
Thoso voting in favor of said or
dinance shall mark their ballot with
an "X" boforo tho paragraph begin-
lng with the word 'FOR Issuing
Fifty Thonsnnd ($50,000.00) of the
Paving Bonds of the City of North
Platte, Nebraska' in denomination of
Ono Thousand and No 100" ($1,0,00.00)
Dollars, each bearing interest at the
rate of Six (6) per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually, interest and
principal at tho office of tho County
Treasurer of Lincoln County, State
of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear dato
of Juno 1st. 1922, and tho interest on
said bonds to be payable on the 1st
day of December 1922 and the 1st
day of June 1923 and or the 1st.
day of Juno of each and every year
thereafter until all Interest on said
Bonds shall have been paid. Said
Bonds to bo numbered consecutively
from one to fifty, inclusive and tho
interest thoreon to bo evidenced by
coupons thereto attached. Said- bonds
to bo drawn payable to bearer twenty
(20) years after dato but redeemable
at tho option of tho City at any time
aftor five (5) years from the date
thereof, and shall the City of Nprth
Platto, Lincoln County Nebraska, levy
a tax in tho year 1922 and each and
ovory year thereafter sufficient to pay
tho Interest on said Bonds and in tho
year 1922 and each and every year
thereafter, sufficient to create a sink
ing fund to pay tho principal of said
Bonds ub thoy become duo, until suf
ficient tax has been levied to pay all
0f tho Interest and principal ot Bald
, Bonds and such tax to bo both for
principal and Interest and to be levied
upon all of the taxable property in
said City of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Thoso voting against said ordinance
shall mark their ballot with an "X"
before the paragraph begining with
the word AGAINST issuing Fltty
Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars ot tho
Paving Bonds of tne City of Nortn
Platto, Nebraska', in denominations
of Ono Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars
each bearing interost at the rate ot
Six (6) por cent por annum payable
semi-annually, Interest and principal
payable at the office of tho County
Treasurer of Lincoln County, State
of Nebraska. Said Bonds to bear date
of! Juno 1st 1922 and the interest on
said Bonds to bo payablo on the 1st
day of December 1922 and the 1st
day of Juno 1923 and on thelst day
of December and on tho 1st day of
Juno of each and every year JLhcre
aftor, until all Interost on said bonds
shall have beon paid. Said Bonds to be
numbered consecutively from one to
fifty IncluBivo nnd the interest there
on to bo evidenced by coupons thereto
attached. Said Bonds to bo drawn
payablo to bearer twenty (20) years
after dato but redeemable at tho op
tion of tho City at any tlmo after flv
(5) years from tho date thereof, and
shall the City of North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nobraska, levy a tax In
tho year 1922 and each and every year
thereafter sufficient to pay tho Inter
est of said Bonds and in tho year 1922
and each and every year thereafter
sufficient to create a sinking fund t
pay tho principal of said Bonds as
thoy become due, until sufficient tax
has been levied to pay all of the in
terest and principal ot said Eon and
such tax to be both principal and In
terest and to bo levied upon nil of the
taxable property in the City of .North
Platte, Liacoln County, Nebraaha.
Datod this 10th day of April, 5.922.
O. E. ELDER, City Clork.