THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE JSC ELEANOR H. PORTER ILLUSTRATIONS BY" R.H.LMNGSTONE. i (Copyright by ELEANOR H. PORTER)' PREFACE Which Explains Things. Father calls me Mnry. Mother calls rue Marie. Everybody else calls mo Mary Mario. The rest of my name Is Anderson. I'm thirteen years old, and I'm a cross-current and a contradiction. That is, Sarah says I'm that. (Sarah Is my old nurse.) She says she read It once that the children of unllkos were nl. ways n cross-current and a contradic tion. And my father and mother are unllkos, and I'm the children. That la, I'm the child. I'm nil there Is. And now I'm going to bo a bigger cross current and contradiction than ever, for I'm going to live half the time with Mother and the other half with Father. Mother will go to Huston to live, and Father will stay here a dlvorco, you know. I'm terribly excited over It. Nono of the other girls have got a dlvorco In their families, and I always did llko to bo different. Besides, It ought to bo awfully Interesting, more so than Just living nlong, common, with your father and mother In the snmo house all the time especially If It's been anything like my house with my father and mother In It I That's why I've decided to make a book of It that Is, It really will bo a book, only I shall have to call It a diary, on account of Father, you know. Won't It be funny when I don't have to do things on nccount of Father? And I won't, of course, tho six months I'm living with Mother In Boston. But, oh, my I tho six months I'm living hero with him whew! But, then, I can stand It. I may even like It some. Anyhow, It'll bo different. And that's something. Well, about making this Into a book. As I started to Bay, he wouldn't let me. I know ho wouldn't. He says novels aro a silly waste of time, If not absolutely- wicked. HJlut, n diary oh, he loves diaries. Ho keeps ono him self, nnd ho told ma It would bo nn ex cellent and Instructive dlsclpllno for mo to'do It, too set down tho weather and what I, did every day. Tho weather and what 1 did every day, Indeed I Lovely reading that would make, wouldn't It? Llko this: i "The sun shines this morning. I got up, nto my breakfast, went to school, came home, ate my dinner, played ono hour over to Carrlo Hoy wood's, practiced on tho plnno ono hour, studied another hour. Talk-od with Mother upstairs In her room about the sunset and the snow on the trees. Ato my supper. Was talked to by Father down In tho library about Im proving myself and taking care not to be light-minded and frivolous. (Ho meant like Mother, only ho didn't say It right out loud. You don't hnvo to fiay some things right out In plnln words, you know.) Then I went to bed." Just ns If I wan going to write my novel llko that I Not much I am, IUit I shall call It a diary. Oh, yes, I shall call It n diary till 1 tako It to bo printed. Then I shall glvo it Its truo name a novel. And I'm going to tell tho printer that I've loft It to him to make tho spelling right, and put In all those tlrnsomo little commas and periods and question marks that ovcry body seems to make such a fuss about. If I wrlto'the story part, 1 can't bo ex pected toibo bothered with looking up how woKIb are spelt, ovory llvo min utes, nor fussing over putting In a whole lot of foolish llttlo dots and dashes. As If anybody who was reading tho. story cared for that parti Tho story's the thing. I love stories, l'vo written lots of them for tho girls, too lltllo short ones, I mean ; not a long ono llko this 1b, going to bo, of course. And It'll bo bo exciting to bo living a story In stend of reading It only when you're living a story you can't peek over to tho back to sco how It's nil comlng'out. I shnn't llko that part. Still, It may bo nil tho more exciting, after all, not to know what's coming. I llko lovo stories tho best. Father's got oh,' lots of books In tho library, and I've rend stacks of them, even eeme of tho stupid old histories and biographies. I had to read them when there wasn't anything else to read. But there weren't many love stories. Mother's got a few, though lovely ones nnd some books of poetry, on the llttlo shelf In her room, But I read all those ages ago. That's why I'm bo thrilled over this new ono tho one I'm living, I mean. For of course this will be a lovo story. There'll bo my love story In two or three years, when I grow up, and while I'm waiting there's Father's and Mother's. Nurse Sarah says that when you're divorced you'ro free Just llko you wero beforo you wero married, and that Bometlmes they marry again. That made mo think right away: what If Father or Mother, or both of them, married again? And 1 should be there to see It, and the courting, and all I Wouldn't that bo somo love story? Well, I Just guess I And only think how all the girls would envy me and they Just living along their humdrum, everyday exist ence with fathers and mothers already married and living together, and noth ing exciting to look forward to. For really, you know, when you come right down to It, there aren't many girls that hnve got the chance I've got. And so that's why l'vo decided to write It Into u book. Oh, yes, I know And So That's Why I've Decided to Write It Into a Book. I'm young only thirteen. But I feel rcnlly awfully old; and you know n woman Is ns old ns she feels. Besides, Nurse Sarah says I am old fur my age, and that It's no wonder, the kind of n life I've lived. ' Ami maybe that Is so. For of course it has been different, living with n father and mother that are getting rendy to be divorced, from wlmt It would have been living with the loving, happy-cver-after kind. Nurse Sarah says It's a shumo and a pity, and that It's the children that nlwuy suffer. But I'm not suffering not a mlte. I'm Just enjoying It. It's so exciting. Of course If 1 was going to loso cither ono, It would be different. But I'm not, for I am to live with Mother six months, then with Father. So I still have them both. And, really, when you come right down to it. I'd rather take them separate that way. Why, separate they're Just per fectly all right, like that that what do-you-calMt powder? sedlltzcr, or something llko that. Anyhow, It's that white powder that you mix In two glasses, and that looks Just llko water till you put them together. And then, oh, my I such a fuss and fizz and splut terl Well, It's that way with Father and Mother. It'll bo lots easier to tako them separate, I know. For now I can bo Mary six months, then Mario six months, nnd not try to bo them both all nt once, with maybo only llvo minutes between them. And I think I shull lovo both Father and Mother better separate, too. Of course I lovo Mother, and I know I'd Just ndoro Father If ho'd let mi no's bo tnll and flno nnd splendid, when he's out among folks. All tho girls are simply crazy over him. And I am, too, Only, nt homo well, It's hard to bo Mary always. And you sco, ho named mo Mary But I mustn't tell that here. That' part of tho story, and this Is only tho Preface. I'm going to begin it to-mor row tho real story Chapter Ono. But, there I mustn't call it "chapter" out, loud. Diaries don' havo chapters, and this is a diary. I mustn't forget that U'b a dlnry. But I can wrlto It down as a chapter, for It's going to bo a novel, after It's got dono being n diary. CHAPTER I I Am Born The sun was slowly setting In the west, casting golden beams of light in to tho somber old room. That's tho way It ought to begin, I know, and I'd llko to do It, but I can't jl'ni beginning with my being born, of course, and Nurso Sarah says the sun wasn't shining nt all. It was night and the stars wero out. Sho remembers particularly about the stars, for Fattier was In the observatory, and couldn't bo disturbed. (We never disturb Father when he's there, you know.) And So ho dldnt even know ho had n daughter until the next morning when ho came out to breakfast And ho was late to that, for ho stopped to write down something he had found out, about one of tho consternations In tho night. He's always finding out something about thoso old stars Just when we want him to pay attention to some thing else. And, oh, I forgot to say that I know It Is "constellation," and not "consternation." But I used to call them that when I was a llttlo girl, nnd Mother said It was a good namo for them, anyway, for they were a con sternation to her all right. Oh, she said right off afterward that she didn't mean that, and that I must forget she said it. Mother's always saying that about things she says. Well, ns.I was saying, Father didn't know until nfter breakfast that ho had a little daughter. (Wo never tell him disturbing, exciting things Just before meals.) And then Nurse told him. I asked what he said, and Nurse laughed and gave her funny little shrug to her shoulders. "Yes, what did ho say, Indeed?" sho retorted. "He frowned, looked kind of dazed, then muttered : 'Well, well, up on my soul I Yes, to be surer " Then he camo In to see me. I don't know, of course, what he thought of me, but I guess he didn't think much of me, from what Nurse said. Of course I was very, very small, and I never yet saw a little bit of n bnby that was pretty, or looked as if It was much account. So maybe you couldn't really blame him. Nurso said he looked at me, mut tered. "Well, well, upon my soul!" again, and seemed really qulto Interest rd till they started to put mo In his arms. Then he threw up both hands. backed off, nnd cried, "Oh, no, no, no!" He turned to Mother nnd hoped she was feeling pretty woll, then he got out of tho room Just ns quick as he could. And Nurse said that was the end of It, so far as paying any mo attention to mo. wns concerned tit qulto a while. He was much more interested In hls- now star than ho wns in his new daughter. We were both born tho same night, you see, and that star was lots more consequence than I was. But, then, that's Father all over. And that's one of tho things, I think, that bothers Mother. I heard her say once to Father that she, didn't seo why, when there were so many, many stars, a paltry ono or two more need to bo mndc such n fuss about. And I don't, either. But Father Just groaned, and shook his head, and threw up his hands, nnd looked so tire,. And that's all ho said Thut's all he says lots of times. But It's enough. It's enough to mnke you fcol so- small and monn nnd insignifi cant as- If you were Just n little green worm crawling on the ground. Did you over feel IFke a green worm crawl ing on the ground? It's not n pleasant feeling nt alL Well, now, about the name. Of course they had to begin to talk about naming mo pretty soon ; and Nurse snld they did talk a lot. But they couldn't Battle It. Nurse said' that that was about the- first thing that showed how teetotally utterly they wave going to dlsagifce about things. Mother wanted to call me- Viols. after her mother, and Father wanted to call me AlStatH Jane after his mother: and' they wouldn't either one glvo In to the- othetr. Mother wiu sick nnd nervous, nod cried a lot thotse days, and she uat to sob outhat If they thought they were going to- name her darling: little" txiby that awful Abi gail Jane, they were very much, mis taken; that she- would never give her consent to It never. Then Father would say In his cold, stern way: "Very wolU. then, you needn't. But neither shull I give my consent to ray daughtor's- betng named that absurd Viola. The' child Is a human, being not n fiddle- tn an orchestra 1" And that's- the way It went. Nurso said, until everybody was Just about crazy. Then somebody suggested "Mary.!' And Father said, very well, they might cull me Mary;, and Mother said certainly, sho would consent to Mnry, ooly she should pronounce it Marie-.. And so It was settled. Father called' me Mary, and Mother called me Marie. And right away every body else began to call me Mary Marie. And that's the way it's been ever since. Of course, when you stop to think of it, it's sort of queer and funny, though naturally I didn't think- of It growing up with It as I did, and always. having It, until suddenly ono dny It occurred to mo that none of the other girls bad two names, ono for their father and, one for their mother to call them by. I began to notice other tilings then, too. Their fathers and mothers didn't live In rooms nt op posite ends of the house, Their fathers and mothers seemed to like each other, and to talk together, and to havo llttlo Jokes and lauglus together, and twlnklo with their eyes. That Is, most of them did. TO BE CONTINUED. J, V. Romlgh sells Dodge Brothers cars and tracks, exclusively, And sup plies good service to tholr owners. FOR SALE Choice lot 10-month-old puro herd Duroc Jersey boars, sired by Oriom Critic, by The King by Orion Cherry King. J, E. QUTNN & SON 220 East Third 6t Offlco Phono 241 Res. Phone 217 li. C. DItOST Osteopathic Physician North Platto, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus DuUdtoc. FOR SALE Paint at tho York Feed Store. Stop In and got our prices boforo buying. IJoagland & Carr, Attornoys. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1848 of Charles J. II. Brand, doccasod, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons intorestod in Bald Estato tako notlco that tho Administrator has filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement nnd dlschargo ns such, Ad ministrator, which havo boon sot for hearing boforo said court on May 12th, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., when you may appear and contest tho same. Datod Aphll 11, 1922. WM; H. C. W00DHUR3T, (Seal) Connty Judgo. J. C. Hoi 1 man, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1880 of Sarah A. Morton, docoased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss.: Credit ors of said estato will tako notlco that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate n August 23rd, 1922, and for settlement of said Estato is April 18th, 1923; that I will sit at tho County Court In said County on May 23, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M and on August 23, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M., to rocelvo, ex nmlno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Datod April 18th, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (Soal) County Judge. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 9 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho ownors of tho record title of nil proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hereinafter des cribed and all persons interested thoroln: You and each of you aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platto did under dato of April 7th, 1922, pass and approvo a certain ordinance forming and creating Paving District No. 9 of tlio City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska. And that tho following streets Including the Intersections thereof within tho limits of tho city are comprised within said paving district, to-wlt: All that portion of Fourth street in Bald oity commencing nt tho east lino of Oak Street nt tho intorsoctlon of Oak Street with Fourth street of said city, thonco west to and along said Fourth street to tho west line of tho Intorsoctlon of Washington Streot with said Fourth Street in said City, thonco north along said Washington Streot to the south lino of the Inter section of Fifth Street with said Washington' Street In said city, also Manic Street from north lino of Fourth Street to South line of Fifth Streot, there tcr terminate. Unless objections are filed as re quired by statute within twenty days from tho first public tlon of thfg no tice tho Mayor and City Council shall proceed to- construct such paving. Datod this-. 10t& day of April, 1922. (Seal) H. FVAN9, Mayor. Attest: 0) B. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF1 THE FORMATION OF PAVING' DISTRICT NO'. ICr. IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTO, NEBRASKA. To tho owners- of the record; title of nil proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hereinafter des cribed andi all poraons interested therein: You and eaah of you- are- hereby notitiod that too Mayor and City Council of Ulo- City of North Platto did under date of April 7th, 1922, pass and npprorc a certain: ordinance forming nnd! creating Paving District No. 10 of tha- City of North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska. And that luflowlngf streots Including the intersections- thereof within the limits of the city are comprised: within safd paving awcrDct, to-wii: All that portion of Tabor Avenuo In Bald city commencing at the south lino of Fifth Streot -at tho intersection of said Fifth Streot with Tabor Ave- and approaches of all tne bridges, and nuo in saJVl city, thoni south to nnd I for furnishing the materials in cou nlong sniiJ Tabor Avenu to the south 'noct'on with same, to be built In Lln- lino of Third Streot at the intcrsec lion of said Third Street with Tabor Avouuo in said city, thonco west to nnd along said Thlrdl Streot to tho East Hue of Washington Street nt tho lnterouctkn of Washington street with said West Third Street In Bald Also all that portion of Eastman Avonue in said City commencing at the south lino of Fifth Street at the Intersection of said Fifth Street with Eastman Avenuo in said city thonco south to and along said Eastman Avenuo to tho north lino of Third street at tho Intorsoctlon of said Third Street with Eastman Avenue. Also nil that portion of Chestnut Street In said city commencing at tho south lino of tho intersection ot Fifth Street with Chestnut Street thonco south to and along said Chest nut Street to tho North lino ot Fourth Street nt tho Intorsoctlon ot said Fourth Streot with Chestnut Streot thoro to tormlnato. Unloss objections aro filed aa ro nuired by stntuto within twonty days from tho first publication of this no tlco, tho Mnyor and City Council shall nrocood to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Soal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attost: O. E. ELDER, City Clork. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 11 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To the owners of tlio record tltlo of all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streetB hereinafter des cribed and all persons interested thoroln: You nnd each of you aro heroby notlflod that tho Mnypr and Qlty Council of the City of North Platte did under dato of April 7th, 1922, pass and approvo a certain ordinance forming and creating Paving District No. 11 of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that tho following strcota including tho intersections thoroof within tho limits of tho city aro comprised within said paving district, to-wlt: All that portion of Ninth Street of said city commencing at the Bast lino of Locust Street nt tho ltnorsoctlon of Locust Street with Ninth Streot in said city, then west to and nlong said Ninth streot to tho East lino of Oak Streot at tho Intersection of Oak Streot with tho west Ninth Streot of said city, thcro to terminate, Unloss objections aro filed as re quired by statuto within twenty days from the first publication of tnis no tlco, tho Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such paving. Dated tnis 10tn day of April, 1922. (Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: 0. E. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 12 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. To tho owners of tho record title of all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho strcots hereinafter des cribed and all persons interested therein: You and each of you aro hereby notified that the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platto did under date of April 7th, 1922, pass and approvo a certain ordinance forming and creating Paving District No. 12 of the City of Nortn Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that the following streets including the Intersections thereof within the limits pf tho city aro comprised within said paying district, to-wlt: All that portion of Sixth Streot of said city commencing on tho east lino of tho intersection of Vino and West Sixth Streot of said city thence west to and along said Sixth Street of said city to tho East lino of Elm Streot at the Intersection with said Sixth Street of said City, there to ter minate. Unless objections aro filed as re quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first publication of this no tice, tho Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 13 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho ownors of the record title of all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hereinafter des cribed and all persons interested therein: You and each of you are hereby notified that tho' Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte did under dato of April 7th, 1922, pass and approve w certain ordinance ,formlng and creating Paving District No. 13 of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that tho following streets Including the intersections thereof within the limits of the city aro comprised within said paving district, to-witr All that portion of Sixth Streot of safd city commencing at the East sldo of Elm Street at the intersection of Elm Street with said Sixth Street of safd city, thence West to- and along said Sixth Street of said city to the east lino of Jefferson Street at the intersection with said Sixth Street of ,sa'd city, there to terminate. quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first publication of this no tlco, te Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will he received at tho office ot ithn Cnutitv filfirk nf T.tnrnln fVmntv. Nebraska, tho city of North Platte, l Nebraska, up to, the h ur of Twelve O'clock noon of 29th day of May 1922, for tho construction and erection of ; the Superstructure, tho substructure coin county ror tne period or one year, at a special sum por lineal foot for tho superstructure of all such bridges; and at a specified sum per lineal foot tor the suporstructuro ot all such approaches and at a specified sum per lineal foot for all piling used in too substructure ot all bridges and approaches; and at a specified Por foot (Board measure) for all caps, sway traces anu otner wooa matorlals used in tho substructure of such bridges or approaches is built In the event tho substructure of such bridges or pproachos Is built wholly or In part of stono, brick ce ment or concrete, tho contract for tho portion of said substructure to so built of said material ohall bo let at a specified sum per cubic foot In place. In tho event tho substructure of such bridges or approaches Is wholly or In part of Iron, steel or other metal, the contract for tho portion ot said substructure to bo built of iron stool or othor motal shall bo let at a specified sum por lineal foot for tubing, and nt a specified sum per pound or all otner metal m place. All bids must bo accompanlod by a certified chock In tho amount at $500 mado payable to tho County Clerk ot Lincoln, to bo forfeited to tho County In case tho bidder refuses to enter Into contract with tho Coun ty, If snmo is awarded to him. In general character tho work con sists of nny kind covered by tho Ne braska Standard Brldgo Plans, copies ot which aro on fllo In tho offlco of tho County Clerk. Tho number and kind of bridges roqulrod to bo built in tho county aud their proposed location as near as can bo estimate and determined is as roi lows: On section lino between Sections 8 npd 17, Township 12, Range 27 lin- coin County Nebraska and any other bridges at any othor location in trie county that tho county board my noe fit to ordor built durlne hto life of tho contract All bjddors aro rofulred to bid on tho plans and specifications and bid ding blanks prepared by tho Secretary of tho Stato Board of Irrigation and all bids shall bo mado strictly in ac cordance with all bridge laws of the Stato of Nebraska, pertaining to suck matters. Bids will bo publlcy opened and read at tho hour of Two O'clock P. M. on tho 29th day of May, 1922, at tho reg ular meeting placo of tho County Board of Lincoln County. In tho Court IIouso at North Platte, Nebraska. Any bidder boforo entering on th work, pursuant to contract awarded him, shall glvo bond to tho county In tho sum of $2,000.00 conditioned for tho faithful execution of tho contract. The County Board of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, resorvo unto themselves tho right to reject any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, (Seal) County Clerk. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is horeby givon to the Elec tors of tho City of North Platto, Ne hrnsku that tho M.yor cud City Com til of tho City of Nott.'i Unite, Nebras ka, hav. vrovided by ordln.'.nco for tho-submission to a direct voto of tho voters of tho City of North Platte, Ne braska, tho following proposition: An ordinance providing for tho submit ting to tho voters of tho City of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln and Stato of Nobraska, tho following ques tion: "Shall tho City of North PJatto, in tho County of Lincoln, Stato of Ne braska issue Its 'Paving Bonds of the City of North Platte, Nebraska In the sum of Fifty Thousand C$50, 000.00) dollars, for tho purpoto of raising money for paying the cost of paving, repaying or macadamizing tho intersections of streets or avenues and spaces opposite alleys in tho City of North Platte, Nebraska. And to pro vtdo for levying and collecting by the proper officers of said City n tax an nually to pay the Interest and prin cipal of said bonds as they mature." And by virtue of the power in me vestod, I hereby call an election on said ordinance so submitted to bo hold In City of North Platto, Nebraska, on the 16th day of May, 1922. Tho voting places of said election shall bo as fol lows: Tho First Ward at tho A. N. Durbln Garage at the intersection of Fifth and Dewey Streets; tho Second Ward in tho District Court Room at tho County Court House; the Third Ward at the Fire Station at the inter section of Front and Vino Streets; tho Fourth Ward at tho North Platto Bulck Garage at the intersection of Eighth and Locust Streets. The polls to bo opened at eight o'clock in the morning and to remain op on until eight o'clock In tho evening of said day of oloctlon. Those voting in favor of said or dinance shall mark their ballot with an 'X" before the paragraph begin ing ' with the word "FOR" issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) of the Paving Bonds of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska' in denomination of Ono Thousand and No 100 ($1,000.00) Dollars, each bearing iuterost at tho rate of Six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, interest and principal at tho office of the County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear date of June 1st. 1922, and the interest on said bonds to bo payable on the 1st. day of December 1922 and the 1st. day of June 1923 and on the 1st. day of Juno of each and overy year thereafter until all interest on said Bonds shall have been paid. Said Bonds to bo numbered consecutively from ono to fifty, inclusive and tho interest thereon to be evidenced by coupons thereto attached. Said bonds to bo drawn payable to bearer twenty (20) years after dato but rodeemablo at tho option of tho City at any time aftor five (5) years from tho dole thereof, and shall tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County Nobraska, levy a tax In the year 1922 and each said eyory year thereafter sufflclont to pay the interest on said Bonds and tn tho year 1922 and each and every year thereafter, sufficient to creato a sink ing fund to pay tho principal of said Bonds as thoy becomo duo, until suf flclont tax has been levied to pay all 1 of tho Interest and principal of said Bonds and such tax to be both for principal und interest and to be levied upon all of tho taxable property In said City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. These voting against said ordlnanco shall mark their ballot with an "X" boforo the paragraph beglnlng with tho word "AGAINST" issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars of tho Paving Bonds of Uio City of Norta Platte, Nebraska', In denominations of Ono Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each bearing interest at tho rato of Six (6) per cent por annum payable semi-annually, interest and principal payable at tho offico of the County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska. Said Bonds to bear date of June 1st. 1922 and tho Interest on said Bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day of December 1922 and tho 1st day of June 1923 and on tholst day of December and en tho 1st day ot Juno ot each and every year there after, until all Interest on said bonds shall havo been paid. Said Bonds to bo numbered consecutively from ono to fifty Inclusive nnd the Interest there on to bo evidenced by coupons thereto attached. Sold Bonds to bo drawn payablo to bearer twonty (20) years aftor dato but redeemable at tho op tion ot tho City at any timo aftor five (5) years from tho dato thereof, and shall tho City of North Platte, Lin coln County Nobraska, levy a tax in tlio year 1922 and each and ovory year thereafter sufficient to pay tho Inter est of said Bonds and In tho year 1922 and each and ovory year thereafter sufflclont to create a sinking fund to pay tho principal of said Bonds as thoy becomo duo, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of tho in terost and principal of oald Bonds and such tax to bo both principal and in terest and to bo levied upon all of the toxablo proporty in tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebriska. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. O. E. ELDER1, City Cterk.