The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 28, 1922, Image 3

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Following Is a copy of tho report
mentioned nhnvft which wna
from the Gothenburg Independent. I
Tho report appeared In all tho Daw-
eon county papora of last last week.
It la worth reading:
Lexington, Nob., April 3, 1922.
To the Officers and Members of tho
Dawson County Tax Payers League:
Honorablo Sirs: Pursuant to in
structions given at tho meeting of tho
league hold in Lexington on Febru
ary 8, 1922, we, tho committco you
appointed to investigate conditions
concerning our present high taxes,
tho resoons thereof, and nlso as to
whether or not the taxes for tho com
ing year could bo lowered or not, beg
to report as followb.
On February 19 we met in the
county court houso and spent tho
day searching and investigating coun
ty records, questioning and Interro
gating tho commissioners and other
county officers. Tho commissioners
were in session this day and received
us very cordially. We found that the
commissioners had. prepared In ad
vance a statement showing tho
amounts levied in 1921 for tho var
ious funds, also showing estimate of
tho amounts being contemplated by
them for this year's levies, these
showing in tho total a contemplated
reduction of 41 per cent in county
taxes for this year. Tho greatest pro
portion of this reduction being in the
special bride, old indebtedness, and
judgment funds. Wo find this state
ment shows they aro contemplating
but a nominal reduction in the gen
eral fund. We find they have consid
erably reduced the fixed labor wages
for the coming year, placing the same
on a basis more in common with tho
general average of labor wages in the
Wo greviously deplore the fact that
tho bridge fund cannot bo greatly
lowered for tho coming year, duo to
tho many blunders made In the con
struction of the state aid bridge at
a repltltion of such careless and in
the spring of 1921 this bridge settled
Six sections in Lincoln County,
Nebraska; nine miles north
west of Sutherland; two wells,
mills and tanks; rolling land;
mixed grass; Immediate posses
sion. I will be In Sutherland about
May 1st. Write for informa
tion and I will advise by let
ter or wire exact date to meet
mo In Sutherland.
Address Liberal, Kansas.
badly and became unsafe for traffic.
Duo to faulty construction and ma
terial and poor supervision and in
spection on tho part ot Btato author
ities in the building of this bridge,
it has proved to bo almost an, entire
failure. This bridge originally cost
tho tax payers of Dawson county and
tho stato $39,000, and now, due to
ncgllgonco and incompetency on the
part of stato authorities in construc
tion of tho original bridgo, repairs
must bo paid by tho tax payers of
Dawson county. Wo recommend you
request of our county officials a
thorough investigation of this matter
with tho end in view of preventing
a repitition ot such earless and in
competent uso of publio funds.
Wo rocommond that you request of
our Commissioners a thorough and
competent investigation and auditing
of all county offices aB far back as
tho law will both permit and protect.
aB it is at present being done in many
counties In our state. Tills auditing
to bo done by parties thoroughly cap
able and reliable for Buch an Investi
gation, For General Information.
Wo find that tho following offices
aro provided for by tho state legis
lature and that it is mandatory on
tho commissioners to furnish funds
for tho same when conditions required
by tho legislature aro met to-wlt:
Tho County Farm Bureau, tho
County Fair fund, the County Truant
officer, tho Recorder of Deeds, tho
Highway Commissioner. If tho tax
payers deslro relief from any of these,
it will bo necessary to secure repeal
or amendment of these laws through
Uio legislature.
Wo find that tho office of county
assessor and tho payment of bounty
on scalps of predatory animals can
bo abolished by petition to tho com
missioners to have this question
placed on tho ballots at any general
Wo recommend a striving on tho
part of our county officers for great
er efficiency and stricter economy in
all county work, especially do wo rec
ommend this bo their endeavor In all
road and bridge work where we feel
great savings may be made the tax
payers, and also wo recommend that
all employes on road and bridge
work being employed on a monthly
salary be compelled to give their en
tire working time to the county.
Wo feel this is no time for ex
perimenting with fads and fancies
but a time for real visible tax re
Wo recommend careful scrutiny on
behalf of our county authorities of
al lthe "matching .dollars" proposi
The stato has made a fair start in
reduction of taxes, tho county Is
contemplating a reduction and work'
ing with this end in view and now
wo recommend that all school dls
tricts, villages, and cities within our
county the levies of which wo find
very largo and by far tho greatest
proportion of our taxes do their share
in this lowering tho levies in their
Their appropriations should be cut
down to meet present day conditions.
Wo recommend that all proceed
ings of our county commissioners bo
published inihe paper receiving the
contract for same, within ten days
after each meeting of tho county
board and that all items bo publish
ed in such a manner that tho general
public may understand Uicm.
Wo recommend thnt our stato rop
rosontativo and sonator bo requested
to endeavor to havo repealed tho law
forbidding tho commissioners to un
dertake bridgo construction to nn
amount greater than $500, bolloving
our commissioners might bo enabled
to save the tax payer considerable
monoy wore they given freer hand in
this matter; also that our representa
tive and Bcnator bo requested to on-
dcavor to havo tho laws regulating
salaries of various stato and county
officials repealed to an extent that
will place said salaries on a basis ot
present day prices and conditions.
Wo recommend that no county
monoy be used to defray any expense
of any county officer attending any
mooting or gathering that Is not
totally and solely business concern
ing Dawson county and tho tax pay
ors thereof, and thnt all such moneys
provlously used In this manner bo
returned to tho county by thoso who
may havo used samc.
Wo find a vast dlfferenco in the
assessed valuations of both real and
porsonal property in Lincoln and
Dawson county. In many coses wo
find tho assessed valuation of person
al property in tho western part of
Dawson county to bo doublo that ot
similar property in tho eastern part
of Lincoln county. Wo recommend
that the authorities of Dawson county
investigate this matter thoroughly
and strive to havo tho assossed val
uation of Dawson county properly
placed on a par with that of Lincoln
We recommend tho attention of tho
county board and tho highway com
mission be called to tho following
Btato laws: Sec. 30G3, 1917 S. L. P.
172; Sec. 3007, 1913 R. S.; Sec. 3068,
1913 R. S.; Sec. 30G9, 1913 R. S.; Soc
307f, 1913 R. S,; Sec. 3072, 1913 R, &
Sec. 3073, 1913 R. S., and Sec. 3075,
1913 R. S., with tho view of facilitat
ing their knowledge of tho duties ot
tho highway commissioner and creat
ing greater efficiency and economy In
tho construction and malntainenco ot
all roads and bridges within tho county.
We further recommend that all
bridgo work, both repairing and now
work that has been paid for but not
checked over as to cost of construc
tion and repair be checked and ex
amined by tho highway commissioner
at earliest possible moment and re
ported to the county board with Iho
view of ascertaining if said work
has been performed and charged for
according to contract.
Nfr w naw and Exhibition
Our Store on the dates given below, to give
Valuable Sutrcrestions for finishing old or new.
hard or soft wood floors, furniture, woodwork, doors,
walk, ceilings, radiators, stove pipes, porch furniture,
screens, autos, etc. witli Chi-Namel High Quality
Enamels, Pairus and Varnishes.
The Ready-to-use, Practical and Inexpensive
Simplifies and Beautifies
by giving old and dingy softwood furniture and woodwork
that New, Lustrous, Hardwood Effect.
Costs only 3c per sq. ft. and OUTWEARS most Hardwood Finishes.
one 30 cent
Namel FREE at
our Store upon purchase of a 25c Varnish Brush to insure a fair trial or
.... . i ii i. ; iT i n 1 .
will be accepted as isuc upon purcnascaoi iaigcr uaiu ui v-hi-iiiii.i:i 1 1 uuul,
The board of county commissioners
met s in the Court House Monday,
April 24, with present Commissioners
Springer, Cohagen and Coker.
The following bills were approved
and allowed:
Dr. S. J. Richardson, services $ 42.50
Mrs. F. J. Cook, care of poor 1G.00
L. B. Ludwlg, Com. 1 72.OO
Cy Cochran, bridgo work 5.00
N. C. Bowen, bridge work 42.00
Davo Murry, bridgo work 15.00
Cy Clark, bridge work 28.00
Nick Camblln, bridgo work 20.50
Win! Earhart, bridgo work 10.00
E. II. Dow, bridgo work 13.00
Dick Earhart, bridgo work 12.50
Lon Perkins, bridgo work 24.00
Geo. Brown, bridgo work 15.00
P. Phillips, bridge work 12.00
N. S. Cover, merchandise 10.37
Leo Toillion, dragging COO
Ollie 55 Toillion, dragging 3.75
Clarence Mathers, road 10.00
E. E. Feaogn, road 70.00
Henry Hansen, road 10.00
Dan Carlisle, road 15.00
Wm. Scroeder, road dlst 43 G.00
Prankel Carbon Co. 7.00
J. N. Keeney, Com. 3 10.G0
Ralph Clough, road dlst. 44 15.00
Win. Horner, road dlst. 44 7.50
Robert Horner, road dlst. 44 33.00
Clarence Clough, road dlst. 44 25.00
Milton Itaney, road dlst 44 29.00
Ray Ranoy, road dlst. 44 16.00
Deo Raney road dlst. 44 30.00
Worth Kenney, road dlst. 44 20.00
Walter Singlo, Com. 7.00
N. O. Dean, county poor 446.81
J. W. Roso, county poor v.bO
Adjourned to April 25.
Dixon Optical Co., oyo service.
The above map shows the territory swept by the sleet storm on April I Oth
$950,000 of Telephone Property
Lost in a Night
The chilly afternoon of April I Oth a light rain began to
fall over a strip nearly a hundred miles wide, fromsouth
western Minnesota to southwestern Nebraska.
As evening came on the rain began to freeze as it fell
on the telephone wires. Before midnight the wires in many
places were coated with ice nearly an inch thick. Under
the weight of the ice, and whipped by a rising wind, mile
after mile of telephone poles and wires swayed back and
forth, and then crashed to the ground.
A survey of this company's damage from the storm
shows the following result:
26,944 miles of wire out of service
21,200 poles broken down or destroyed
71 exchanges in the storm area
$950,000 property loss
Nearly all of the long distance lines damaged by the
storm have been restored by more than 1 ,200 telephone repair
men who have been on the job constantly since the storm. And
in those cases where the local lines were damaged, the repair
work is going forward as rapidly as it is possible to do so.
It is a man's size job to reset more than 20,000 poles,
to re-attach the crossarms and wires to them, and to re-establish
communication over telephone wires that if extended
in a single line would reach more than around the world.
We take this opportunity to thank our customers
for the splendid spirit of co-operation with which you
have accepted the unavoidable interruption of tele
phone service, and we want to assure you that we have
been doing everything possible to hurry the reopening,
of communication.
Northwestern Bell
(3 JSBL V)
Telephone Company
You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car.
107 West 6th Street
An accident that narrowly missed
being serious occurod Tuesday after
noon east of this city when an oxtru
west bound freight with 71 cars and
double-header pulled tho front truck
out from under tho olovonth car Jn
tho train. Luckily the truck remain
ed on tho track and tho damaged car
with tho train following did not turn
over. Tho train was going about 35
miles an hour and it seems strango
that a sorlous wreck did not occur.
As it was practically no damago or
delay occured. Lexington Clipper.
We will purchase a limited amount of Liberty
Bonds at par (full face value) and accrued in
terest in exchange for investmeuts bearing a
higher rate of interest, or will pay cash less a
very small handling charge.
114 East Front Street.
Teacher of "Volco Culture
and tho
Art of Singing
Res. Studio 108 W. Third Phono 114J
The Farmer's Auctioneer
H. M. Johansen,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Phone 783F3
For thOBO who do not havo enough
stock or machinery for a general
farm salo, I am located bo I can hold'
a comblnaUon sale at North Platte
or at tho Falrvlow dairy 1 miles
west of town, I havo always got
enough stock or machinery listed with
mo so wo can hold a combination sale
any tlmo.
Cholco lot of young Hod Poll bulls
nt farmors prices nt
South Dowoy Stroot
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phono 83 Rosldenco 33
X-Rny Diagnosis Oxygen and
Gns Anesthesia for Extractions.
Over Union State Bank
Phono 29G.
Taken up by tho undorslgnod, 4
horses, near tho stock yards, Coun
ty of Lincoln, Stato of Nobraska; on
tho 2Cth day of March' 1922: two bay
goldlngs, wolght about 130O pounds;
ono black goldlng. wolght about 1305
pounds; ono bay mare, weight about
1200 pounds. '
Dated this 28th day ot March 1022.
(Signed) J. B. STEVENS.
Licensed Emfonlmors
Undertakers and Funeral Director
Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 548
Physician and Surgoou
Special Attontion Given to Surgory
and Obstetrics
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130 Rosldenco 115