THE NORTH PLATTE 8BMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SPECIALLY WRITTEN L INFORMATION ABOUT AGRICUL TURAL SUBJECTS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES Codling moth worms and aprlo scab frequently destroy from GO to 80 per cent of tlio crops In unsprayed orchards Other peats such as blotch curcullo and qankor worms arc occas sional serious. Tho Agricultural college folks say that spraying con trols these posts and Increases tho yield and Improves tho quality of t-H fruit. To bo effectlvo tho spray ma terial mtiBt bo applied Just before the pests begin their work. For this ren son a fairly definite schedule must bo followed If good results are e pocted and the work must bo done thoroughly. Insects that eat tho leaves and fruit aro controlled by lead arsenate. Applo scab Is controlled by Hmo sulphur. Spraying directions schedules for apples, cherries and plums may bo secured from county extension agents or the Agricultural col lego at Lincoln Corn matured co woll lust fall that there scorns Httlo reason to suspect poor germination this spring. Tho University of Nebraska Agricultural collogo considers It u safo practice, howovor, to mako a gonoral gormlna tion tcBt to bo sure that It will grow In addition to gormlnatlon thoro aro other Important considerations In ac looting seed corn. It Is a common practlco to select, for seed, oars which rcsomblo In typo those produced undor moro favorablo climatic conditions nnd which roqulro a rolatlvoly long growing season. Corn Investigation Indlcato that rolatlvoly long Bmooth and shallow ears outylold tho deeper rough corn about 8 por cent. The smoother corn Is soniowhat earlier and npparontly Is host adapted to No hraskn conditions. Tho deeper kor nolod oars havo been favored by many bocauso of tholr having a high or selling por conL It has been shown, howovor, that high soiling pur cent of tho seed oar does not noeos Harlly moan high ylold por aero. Rela tlvely long smooth oars, bosldes out yielding largo rough oars, usually havo better gormlnatlon. A stockman can buy a scrub bull for $25.00 Ho can uso him on twenty cows for thrco yoars. Tho avorago of tho calves prlduced will vary likely bo poorer Indlvldauals than avorago cow herd, Tho calvos producod will soil an baby beovos for at least $3.00 loss por head than calves slrod by a good puro bred bull. Any fair mind ed man would consider this a consor vatlvo estimate. Tho scrub bull nt 3 or 4 years of ago, will soil to no one but tho butchor and will bring about 2 to 3 cents por pound for. bologna. Tho avorago maturo scrub bull w'll sell undor $35.00. If forty-flvo baby hooves aro producod during tho throo Soars tho scrub bull cost the ownor -225.00. In other words tho stockman who uses tho scrub hull will '.my $225.00 or moro for tho prlvllogo of having his herd roducod In quality. Almost any good young bull iMWght now can bo sold In from ono to throo yoars for nt least what ho costs. Tho hotter tho bull, tho bottor ho soils. If this stockman will buy a good puro brod bull for $80 or $100, throo years honcc, figuring on tho nbovo basis, ho will bo $225.00 to tho good. Thoroforo, the man who buys tho good bull for twonty cows will bo at loast $450.00 bottor off In 1925 than will the man that toloratcs tho scrub bull. Think It over.. Every family should plan carofully for plenty of vogotnblos and fruit In tho bill of faro tho year round sny tho food nnd nutrition specialists at University of NobraBka Agrlcul-turnl collogo. Such provision will not only promoto healthier growth In chlldron but will also koop ovory mombor of the family in bottor health and ollmin nto much of tho nood for medicines nnd medical nttontlon. Each porson should havo somo vogotablo (other than potatoos and dry beans) twlco dally or fourtoon t linos a weak nnd somo kind of fruit Just as often. One raw vogotablo or fruit oach day Is also advised. At least twlco a week tho fruit should bo oranges or tomu toos, and tho vogotablo should be somo kind of groons. In order to pro vide this balanco tho year round, fam lllos that grow at homo all or any part of tholr vogutabloa and fruits should plan tholr planting for atorngo nnd canning accordingly. Although the proportion will vary In different local. lies nnd with dlfforent f untiles, tho avorago Nehiaska fmlly will got one-half Its vogetabloB and fruits from tho rannod aupply'and ono-halt from tho fresh stored or drloJ Tho utored vogetablcn will natural) bo uj 1 moro ler noDibB, thru tho canned vege tables will fill too gap until froth vcgetaT-.'ta aro again available FOR SALE Paint at tho York Food Store. Stop in and got our prices boforo buying. J. S. TWINER! M.D. Homeopathic Physician k Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Platto Yalley Hospital Former Name Twlnem Hospital. NORTH PLATTE, NEBB. FOR SALE Choico lot 10-month-old puro bord Duroc Jorsoy boars, sired by Orion Critic, by Tho King by Orion Chorry King. J. E. QUINN & SON 220 Enst Third St. Offlco Phono 241 Res. Phono 21? L. C. DROST Osteopathic Physician North Platto, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. TV. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornmont Vetorlnarlan and ex- assistant doputy Stato Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Street Phones. Hospital G33 Rcsldenco G33 EI) KIERIG Auctioneer For dates and terms call at First National Bank North Platto, Nob. DR.. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Ovor Hlrschfold's Offlco Phono 333 Rob. Phone 1020 1VM. WALDORF Tinner Makes or Repairs anything mado of Tin or Sheot Metal. 510 Locust Undor Gonoral Hospital urrico 340 Houso 125 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician over tho Oasis North Platto DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-Ray Galls promptly answered Night or Day Phonos. Offlco G42 Rcsldenco G7G DR. M. R. STATES Chiropractor Rooms 5. 0. 7 Building & Loan Bldg Offlco Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Llmltod to DlscasBo of Womon and Surgery Ovor Roxall-Drug Storo Phonos: Offlco 127 Roaldonco G5(J OTIS R. PLATT, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon X-Huy Dlagnosa and Troamont Ovor Union State Bank Offlco Phono 29GW Houso Phono 29GR NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1884 of Louis Rayomo, do- cuiiauu, in mo county Court of Lin coin County. Nobraslta. Tho Stato of Nobraska. To all nor boiib IntoroBtod In said Estato tako notlco that a potltlon lias boon filed for tho Probata of tho will ot Louis linyomo, deceased, nnd for tho ap polntmont of Richard W. Kern ns ml mlnlBtrator with tho will annoxod of Bald Estato, which has boon sot for noarmg on May 9th, 1922, at 0 o'clock a. in. Dated April 14, 1922. mi. H. C. WOODHURST, (Soal) County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1875 of William Graves doccased, in tho County Court ot Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska. bs.: Credit ors of said estate will tako notice mat tno tlmo limited for presentation nnu ruing or claims against said Es tate is AugUBt 19, 1922, and for settle moot of said Estate is April 14. 1923 that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on May 19. 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m., and on August i, 1U22 at 10 o'clock a. m., to re coivo, oxumino, near, allow, or adju all claims and objections duly filed Dated April 14, 1922. WM. H. O. WOODHURST, t'Seal) County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1848 ot Charles J. II. Brand, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por sons Intorestod In said Estate tako notlco that tho Administrator has fllod a final account and report ot his ad ministration and a petition for final sottloment and dlschnrgo as bucIi, Ad ministrator, which havo boon sot for hoarlng boforo Bald court on May 12th, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., whon you may appear and contest tho samo. Dated Aphll 11, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (Seal) Cowity Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1880 of Sarah A. Morton, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, bs.; Credit ors of said estato will tike notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estato li August 23rd, 1022, and for sottloment of said Estato is April 18th, 1923; that I will sit at tho County Court In said County on May 23, 1022, at 10 'clock A. M., and on 23, 1022 at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive, ex amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated April 18th, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1868 of Juno James, do ccasod, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, bs: Creditors of said estato will take notico that tho time limited for pro sontatlon nnd filing of claims against said Estato is August 5th, 1922. and for sottloment of said Estato is March 30, 1923; that I will sit at tho County Court room in said county, on May 5th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on August 5th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. in., to receive, examino, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judgo. NOTICE TO CREDITOR s . Estato No. 1879 of Bridget Jones, do ceased, in tho County Court ot Lin coin County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, bs.: Credit ors or said estate will tako notice that tho time limited for presentation and flung of claims against said at- tato Is August 23, 1022, and for set tlement of said Estato is April 18th, 1923; that I will sit at tho County Court room in said County on May 23, iuzz, at 10 o'clock A. M., and on August 23rd, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly mod. Dated April 18th, 1922. WM. H, WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Stato of Nobraska, Plaintiff, vs. Ono Ford Automobllo, Engine No. 732099. Dofendant. Notico is bsroby given to all per sons Interested and to the public at largo, that by vlrtuo of an Ordor is- Buod by tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, and to mo directed I will on tho 1st day of May, 1922 nt tho hour of Two O'clock In tho after noon of said day at tho East front door of County Court Houso In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, Boll uop(A 'GGOZEi 'on oujang 'onqotnoj ny P-ioji ouq ';i3H3 aoi Jonnm isoq pun isoqHm oqj oj uorpmj onqnd U snld Automobile was by said County lourt declared to bo u common nusl nnco nnd was found to bo lngagcd in uniawrui transportation of Intoxicat ing liquor to wit: Whiskey, nnd was slezod, hokl nnd ordered sold bv vlr tuo of Chaptor 109 of session laws of Nobraska for tho year 1919, same bo- in sonato File No. 19G and entitled Intoxicating Liquor; said sale to re main opon ono hour. Dated at North Platto. Nobraska. this 15th day of April 1922. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. In tho Matter of the Estato of Fredorlck Wernoko, De ceased. Notlco is horeby given to any and all persons having claims and de mands against tho estato of tho said Fredorlck Wernoko, deceased, that tho 21st day ot August, 1922, has been sot nnd appointed aa tho day for the rocoptlon, examination, adjustment and allowance of lawful claims and demands of all persons, against said estato and Unit tho County Court ot Lincoln County, Nobraska, will at said tlmo rocolvo, examine, adjust and allow all such claims against said estato, as provided by law, at tho County Court Room In tho Court Houso In tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska, and all persons so Intorestod In said ostato, will appear at said tlmo and placo and duly present tholr said claims and domands In tho manner required by law, or show cause for not bo do ing, and in caso any ot said claims or demands shall not bo presented on or prior to tho Bald 21st day of Au gust 1922, tho same shall bo forever barred. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havo signed, this notlco and affixed tho seal of Bald Court tills 24th day ot April 1922. T. S. BLANKENBURG, (Soal) Acting County Judgo. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Soalod bids will bo rocelvod up un til 8 P. M. of Tuesday, May 2nd, 1922, at tho offlco of O. E. Elder, City Cleric ot tho City of North Platto, Nob., for tho furnishing F. O. B. Factory of the following Items: Not less than 44,000 nor moro than 100,000 feet extra strong lead plpo, slzos 1 Inch and 3-4 Inch, exact quan tities ot each to bo determined Inter. Shipment of plpo to commonco within 10 days from award ot con tract and all plpo to bo shipped with' lug 30 dnyB aftor said award. All bids to bo mado upon blanks to bo obtained ot the City Clerk or Water Commissioner and bids to be sealed and marked "Bid on lead plpo' nnd addressed to O. E. Elder, City Clork. North, Platto. Nobraska. Payment will bo mado within 30 days aftor arrival of plpo at North .Platto, In registered City Warrants drawing 7 nor cont lnterost and run nlng approximately four months bo- ioro bolng paid. Tho City reserves tho right to re Joct any or all bids, to chongo tho amount or sizo ot tho work and to call for now bids on said changed plana. (Seal) E. II. EVANS, Mayor. Attost: O. E. ELDER, City Clork. NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In tho Matter of the Estato ot R. L. Holdi'ldgc, Deceased. Estato No. 1886. All persons Interested in said es tate, both creditors and heirs, are hereby notified thnt a petition nai been fllod in tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nobraska, alleging that said deceased died on or about the 3rd day of August, 1906, a resident of the County of Kankakee, In We tSnto of Illinois; that the suld R. L. Holdridgo at tho time of his deatu had an apparant intorcst in the East Half (Ei of Section Ono (!'. Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir ty-four (34). and tno West Half (W) of Section Twenty-three (23), Town ship Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty- four (34), situated In Lincoln County, Nebraska; that tno interest consisted of an agreement by ono J. E. Rodgert tO convey Bald land to tho Said R'.ratn of Sir ttft nor ennt nnr nnmim L. Holdrldge, decesasod. I You aro hereby further notmed that the petition prays tho Court for . an Order fixing a tlmo and place atof wnicu a ueterminai on oi me uwun of the said R. L. Holdridgo may be had and a determination of the heirs of said deceased, nnd degree of kinship and their right of descent to tho real property belonging to said deceased, and you aro hereby notified that the .Court has fixed tho hearing on 3Uld petition m mo omce oi mo uuuij Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, at xuiuu uuui-ii i. in. uu uid lum u; "i.counons tnercto nttacneu. saia bonds May, 1922. WM. II. C WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judgd. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notlco is horeby given that sealed bids will be received at the offlco ot tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, tho city of North Platte, thereafter, sufficient to create a sink Nobraska, up to tho h ur of Twelve lng fund to pay tho principal of said O'clock noon of 29th day of May 1922,'Bonda aB thov hBoome dim. until mir ror tho construction and erection of tho Superstructure, tho substructure and approaches of all the bridges, and ror lurnisiung mo matonais in con- noct'on with Bamo, to bo built in Liu- coin County for tho period ot ono yoar, at a special sum per lineal foot for tho superstructure of all such bridges;' and nt a Specified BUm per lineal foot for tho suporBtructuro ot all such approaches and at a specified sum per lineal root ror all piling useu In tho substructure of all bridges and approaches; nnd at a specified sum por foot (Board measure) for all caps, sway Draces anu omer woou each bearing Interest at tho rate of matorlals used In tho substructure of six (6) por cent per annum payablo such bridges or approaches Is built semi-annually, interest and principal In tho event tho substructure of payable at the office of tho County such bridges or pproachos is built Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato wholly or In part of stone, brick cc- 0f Nebraska. Sold Bonds to bear date mont or concrete, the contract for 0f Juno 1st. 1922 and tho Interest on tho portion of said substructure to se said Bonds to bo payablo on the 1st built of said material shall bo let at day of December 1922 and the 1st a spoclflod sum per cubic foot In day of Juno 1923 and on tholst day Placo. of December and on the 1st day of In tho ovont the substructure of juno of each and every year there such bridges or approaches Is wholly after, until all interest on said bonds or In part ot iron, steel or other Bhall have been paid. Said Bonds to be metal, tho contract for the portion of numbered consecutively from ono to said substructure to be built of Iron rifty inclusive and tho interest there steel or othor metal shall bo let at on to bo evidenced by coupons thereto a specified sum por lineal foot for attached. Said Bonds to bo drawn tubing, and at a specified sum por payable to bearer twenty (20) years pound or all other metal in placo. aftor dato but redeemable at tho op All bids must bo accompanied by tlon of the City at any time after five a certified chock In the amount of (5) years from the dato thereof, and $500 mado payablo to tho County shall the City of North Platte, Lin Clork ot Lincoln, to bo forfeited to coin County, Nobraska, levy a tax In tho County In caso tho bidder refuses the year 1922 and each and evorv vear to enter Into contract with tho Conn ty, it same is awarueu to mm. In general charactor the work con- slsts of any kind covored by tho Ne- braska Standard Bridge Plans, copies or wnich are on ruo in tne orrico o: tho County Clerk. Tho number and kind of bridges required to bo built in the county and such tax to bo both principal and in Uieir proposed location as near ns can terest and to bo lovled upon all of the do estimated and determined is as roi- lows: On section lino between Sections S and 17, Township 12, Rango 27 Lin - coin County Nebraska and any othor bridges at any other location In tho county that tho county board my see fit to order built during hto life of tho contract All l.t.l.lno .nr..lnl 1.1,1 nr. the nlans and snoclflcatlons and bid- ding blanks prepared by tho Secretary of tho Stato Board ot Irrigation and all bids shall be made strictly in ac cordance with all bridge laws of tho Stato of Nebraska, pertaining to Buch matters. Bids will bo publlcy oponed and read at the hour of Two O'clock P. M.' on tho 29th day of May, 1922, at the rog ular mooting placo of tho County Board of Lincoln County In the Court Houso at North Platte, Nebraska. Any bidder boforo ontorlng on tho work, pursuant to contract awarded him, shall glvo bond to tho county In tho sum of $2,000.00 conditioned for tho faithful execution of tho contract. Tho County Board of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, resorvo unto themsolves the right to reject any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, (Soal) County Clork. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notlco Is horeby given to tho Elec tors of tho City ot North Platto, No hrasku that tho M;yor cud City Gotta ill of tho City of Noith Finite, Nebras ka, hav. vrovided by ordinance for tho submission to a direct voto of tho voters of tho City ot North Platto, No braska, tho following proposition: An ordlnanco providing for tho submit ting to tho voters ot tho City ot North" Platte, In tho County of Lincoln and Stato of Nobraska, the following ques tion: "Shall tho City ot North Platto, In tho County of Lincoln, Stato of No braska lssuo its 'Paving Bonds ot tho City of North Platto, Nobraska In tho Bum of Fifty Thousand ($50, 000.00) dollars, for tho purpose ot raising money for paying the cost of paving, ropaving or macadamizing tho Intersections of streets or avonuea and spaces opposite alloys In to Glty of North Platto, Nobraska. And to pro vide tor lovylng and collecting by the proper officers ot said City a tax an nually to pay tho interest and prin cipal ot said bonds as they maturo." And by virtue ot the power' In me vested, I hereby call on election on said ordinance so submitted to bo hold In City of North Platto, Nebraska, on the 16th day or May, 1922. Tho voting places of said election shall bo as fol lows: Tho First Ward at tho A. N. Durbin Garago at tho Intersection of Fifth and Dowey Streets; tho Second Ward in tho District Court Room at tho County Court House; the Third Ward at tho Fire Station at tho Intor soctlon of Front and Vine Streota; tho Fourth Ward at tho North Platto Bulck Garago at tho intersection of Eighth and Locust Streets. The polls to bo oponed at eight o'clock in the morning and to remain open until eight o'clock In the evening of said day of oloctlon. Thoso voting In favor of said or dlnanco Bhall mark their ballot with an "X" boforc tho paragraph bogln ing with tho word "FOR" Issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) of tho Paving Bonds of tho City of North Platto, Nebraska' In denomination of Ono Thousand and No 100 ($1,000.00) Dollars, each bearing lnterost at the nayablo Beml-annually. Interest nnd pr,nclpal at tho otfjco or tho County Trnnnnrnr of .i Nebraska. Said bonds to boar dato of Juno lst 1D22, nnd tho interest on Baw bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st. day or Docomber 1922 and the 1st. ,ay of Juno 1923 an(j on tho 1st. day or juno ot ana" every year thereafter until all interest on said unndn nhnii linvn hnnn nntrl HnfH Bonds to bo numbered consecutively .from ono to fifty, Inclusive and the I interest thereon to bo ovldenced by to bo drawn payablo to bearer twenty (20) years after dato but redeemable at tho option of tho City at any time , after five (5) yoars from tho date .thereof, and shall tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County Nebraska, levy a tax in tho year 1922 and each and ovory yoar thereafter sufficient to pay tho lnterost on said Bonds and in tho VMl- 1090 nnA Mrh nn vTO vvr fciont tax has been levied to pay all nt rh intoroct nn, rinninai -ni,i Bonds and such tax to bo both for principal and interest nnd to bo levied unorl all of the taxable nronertv In saj City 0f North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. , These voting against said ordinance ohn.ll mnrlr thnlr hallnt with nn "X" boforo tho naraeranh hofrlnlncr with the word "AGAINST" issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars of the -paving Bonds of the City of North piatto. Nebraska. In denominations (0f One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars thoreaftor sufficient to pay tho inter- ost or said Bonds and In the year 1922 and each and every year thereafter sufficient to create a sinkine fund to pay tho principal of said Bonds as they becomo due, until sufficient tax .has boon levied to pay all of the In- terost and principal of said Bonds and taxablo property In tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska. nnturl thin 1fli Anv nf Anrll 109! 1 O. E. ELDER', City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 9 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho ownora of the record title ot all proporty adjacent to or abutting unrm t.ho fltrnnta horolnnffor rlfia-i crlbed and all persons Interested therein: You and each of you aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platto did under date ot April 7th, 1922, pass and approvo a certain ordinance forming and creating Paving District No. 9 of the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska. And that tho following stroots Including tho Intersections thereof within tho limits of tho city are comprlsod within said paving district, to-wlt: All that portion of Fourth street in said olty commencing at tho east line of Oak Street at tho intersection of Oak Street with Fourth street of said city, thenco west to and along said Fourth street to tho west lino of tho Intersection of Washington Street with said Fourth Street In said City, thonco north along Bald Washington Street to the south lino of tho inter section ot Fifth Street wltli said Washington Street in said city, also Maple Street from north lino ot Fourth Street to South lino ot Fifth Street, thoro to terminate Unless objections aro filed as re quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first public tlon ot this no tlco, tho Mayor and City Council sliall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Seal) E. II. EVANS, Mayor. Attost: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 10. IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho owners of tho record title ot nil proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hereinafter des cribed and aH persons interested therein: You and each ot you aro hereby notltlod that the Mayor and City Council ot the City of North Platto did under dato of April 7th, 1922, pass and approve a certain ordlnanco forming and creating Paving District No. 10 of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that the following streota including tho intersections thereof within tho limits of tho city aro comprised within said paving district, to-wlt: All that portion of Tabor Avenuo In said city commencing at tho south lino of Fifth Street at tho intersection of said Fifth Street with Tabor Ave nue in said city, then south to and nlong said Tabor Avenuo to tho south lino ot Third Street at tho Intersec tion ot said Third Street with Tabor Avenue in said city, thence west to and along said Third Street to tho East lino of Washington Street at tho lnteresection of Washington street with said West Third Street in said city thero to terminate Also all that portion ot Eastman .Avenuo in said City commencing at tho south lino of Fifth Street at tho Intersection of said Fifth Street with Eastman Avenuo In said city thence south to and along said Eastman Avenuo to tho north Him of Third street nt the intersection of said Third Street with Eastman Avenue. Also nil that portion of Chestnut Street In said city commencing at the south lino of tho Intersection of Fifth Street with Chestnut Street thenco south to and along said Chest nut Street to the North line ot Fourth Street at tho Intersection of said Fourth Street with Chestnut Street thero to terminate. Unless objections nro filed aa re quired by statute within twonty days from tho first publication of this no tico, tho Mayor and City Council Bhall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Soal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. FJ. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 11 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho owners ot tho record title of all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hereinafter des cribed and all persons Interested therein: You and each of you are hereby notified that the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platto did under date of April 7th, 1922, pass and approve a certain ordinance forming and creating Paving District No. 11 ot tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that tho following streets including the intersections thereof within tho limits of tho city aro comprised within said paving district, to-wit: All that portion of Ninth Street of said city commencing at the East lino of Locust Street at tho itnersectlon of Locust Street with Ninth Street In said city, then west to and along said Ninth Street to tho East lino ot Oak Street at the Intersection of Oak Street with tho west Ninth Street of said city, thero to terminate. UnlesB objections aro filed as re quired by statute within twonty days from tho first publication of this no tice, the Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 12 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. To the owners of tho record title ot all property adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hereinafter des cribed and all persons Interested thoreln: You and each of you are hereby notified that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platto did under dato of April 7th, 1922, pass and approve a certain ordinance forming and creating Paving District No. 12 of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that tho following streets including the intersections thereof within tho limits pf tho city aro comprised within said paving district, to-wit: All that portion ot Sixth Street ot said city commencing on the east lino of the intersection of Vino and Wost Sixth Street of said city thenca west to nnd along said Sixth Street of Ba,d clty to tho Eilst lm0 01 E1"1 Street at tho intersection with said Sixth Street of said City, there to ter minate. Unless objections aro filed as re quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first publication of this no tico, the Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct Buch pavlag. Dated this 10th day of April, 1922. (Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attost: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 13 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho owners of the record title ot all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon the streets hereinafter des cribed and all persons Interested thoreln: You and each ot you aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and City Council of tho City ot North Platte did undor dato of April 7th, 1922, pass and approve a certain ordlnanco forming and creating Paving District No. 13 ot tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska. And that tho following streota Including tho Intersections thereof within the limits of tho city aro comprised within said paving district, to-wlt: . All that portion of Sixth Street of said city commencing at tho East side of Elm Street at tho Intersection ot Elm Street with said Sixth Street ot said city, thence west to and along said Sixth Street of Bald city to the east lino ot Jefforson Street at the Intersection with said Sixth Street of said city, thero to terminate. Unless objections aro filed as re quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first publication ot this no tice, the Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 10th day of April, X932. (Seal) K. II. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.