Mpl;, ; . THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ' ' PSIS t llhun lUUJUf tVE9 MA. I AAAOG THB m fKUl6HT BEFOtJE AAI AUDIBAICB 51 1J LV1 1A POff TH6Y SAP 1WM pv Wene " 7 I " V HOME V$PEECH OP E EVEMlAVGj' H W TWO HUAJPRED LODGE W&XJ KW tW I MAD uc D oiAut? X Q ? O WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS FBOM EX CHANGES WHICH BEACH OUR DESK. GIVES NOTICE The banks of Sutherland will bo close I Saturday, April 22, Arbor day. A legal holiday. American Stuto bank; Fanners State bank. Suther land Courier. FEWER GOPHERS A gopher eradication dltrict has been established including all Irri gated lands in the county, together with a strip of eighty rods width ad jacent to same. 0. L. Taylor of SxttBblufr la the agent placed ii charge. The action is taken by the stato bureau of agrlculturo under provisions of a pest law enacted at the last session of the legislature, which provided for such districts on petition of twenty-five land owners. Extermination of pocket gophers is mado ogllgatory upon all landowners, under penalty of fine or imprison ment Gering Courier. AUTO CAMP The tourist camp has been cleaned up ready for the spring Influx of travelers. Marshal Willmon and his ltoutenarits did the job. The camp has water, lights and tollots. All it needs is a water proof shelter of some kind, with two walls for wlndbreake. The townB which have put In showers and ovens and other conveniences, In cluding fuel, are beginning to ques tion their wisdom? Tourists start forth prepared to meet their dally needs, and the simplest accommoda tions osnally meet nil their expecta tions. A cordial spirit on tho part of tho citizens and n resonablo mar ket on the part of tho tradesmen is tho best sort of advertising a com munity can have. Sidney Telegraph. RULES OF WAR Mrs. W. O. Zlgler who has kept a file of tho Ogalalla papers for many years brought in a copy of tlio Argus of Fobruary 4, 1904, containing tho following which makes good reading today: That young America is not behind the times Is evidenced by tho follow ing uniquo document containing tho rules of war, and signed by soven mlnaturo men, ranging In ago from 4 to 8 years. Doubtles these samo boys will do efficient service for their country In dayB to come. Rules. enant until her death which occurred at hor homo near Maxwell, Xob., April 13, 1922. Sho leaves her husband and six chlldron, Arthur, Nellie, Ernest, Earl, Olive and Inn a, besides a host of frlonds nnd neighbors to mourn her doparture. Funornl services wero held at the family home,' April. 17. Tho sermon waB given Ly Elder E. E. Long rt Lamonl, In. Maxwell Telcpost. NOTICE IN THE COUNTV COURT IN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. , In tho Matter of tho Estate of R. L. Holdrldgo, Deceased. Estate No. 1S86. All persons Interested In said es tate, both creditors and heirs, nro hereby notified that a petition ha boon filed In tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nebraska, alleging that said deceased died on or about thfc 3rd dav of Autrust. 190G. a resident Do not swaro in the war, wo are t K U getting up. Holdrldgo at tho time of his death Do not shoot with the guns until It, had an apparant lntoresfc In tho East Is ordered. Do not run, but march. Hold your gun over your shoulder when marching. Do not run out of line. Stand straight. Ware overalls and legglns or boot3 or high overshoes. Do not bring anything to eat to the war. PEOPLE Chancy Whyman; Rector Searle, Half (E) of Section One (If, Township Thirteen (13), Range Thirty-four (34), and the West Half (W of Section Twenty-three (23), Town ship Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty four (34), situated In Lincoln County, vNebraska; that tho Interest consisted pf an agreement by one J. E. Rodgors to convey said land to tho Said R. L. Holdrldgo, decesased. You are hereby further notified that the petition prays tho Court for an Order fixing a time and place at which a determination of the death of the said R. L. Holdrldgo may be had Laurnco Aufdengarton, Leo McGlnley, j and a determination of the heirs of Ralko Aufengarten, Walter Hoxle. said deceased and degree or kinship t. i. -n. ! ,r-n and their right of descent to tho real Charlie Duncan, Charllo McD . nroporty belonging to said deceased, Fall when you think you are sho:. ' amj you aro hereby notified that the Keith County News. I.Court has flved tho hearing on s.!'J :o: : , petition at the office of tho County D ...M.iri, i Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at iUUkV iiiir.iv iLimii Dame Fashion Cries: "Comfort" Tminv tho fnshlon imiEazines nav flattering attention to proper shoes; for not only havo thoughtful women discovered tho greater valuo of effi cient shoes and tho comfort that comes from wearing them, but Damo Fashion herself has placed the seal of approval on Cantilever Shoes. Their medium rounded toes "com fortable toes" as ono society writer described them; their well placed hools of proper hlglit; their snng fitting, restful Instep; their floxiblo arch, easing tho foot in action and inducing grace in walking all Cantilever Shoo features tend to lm provo a woman's health and her ap pearanco, her peaco of mind nnd her charm of mannor. 10:00 o'clock A. M. on tho lGth day of If Tl Tl . . .1 1 r. .1 ni till (..... 'May. 1922. mia. lutui uuiuu u.v-u uw w.u xuw mj H c W00DHURST, home on tho evening of April 13. ' (goil) County Judge. Mrs. Burke was in her Usual health all day and prepared tho evening NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS meal, for herself and husband. Afer ; Notice Is horoby given that sealed supper Mr. Burke went out to do the bids will be received at tho office ot milking and on his return from tho tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, , i M.. n.,.i, itti,m nn J Nebraska, the city of North Platte, barn found Mrs. Buike sitting on thd ( NobrnBka up tho h ur 0f Twelve back steps of the house. As sho often o'Clock noon of 29th day of May 1922, rested there ho thought nothing gf t for tho construction and erection of it and spoke to her "she did not 'tho Superstructure, tho substructure answer and on approaching closer he apprcjehc. $t?m was shocked to find that she was j noct)on with samo, to bo built In Lln dead. I coin County for tho period of ono Lizzie Ethel Shurvlngton, daughter year, aC a special sum per lineal foot born at Lowell, 111., July C, 18G1, i(lneai foot for tho superstructure of English decent. When about ,10 years nn such approaches and nt a specified old sho moved with her parents to sum per lineal foot for all piling used near Indlanola, la., later removing to fn tho substructure of 11 bridges v, , , i ti. Tn ,Ai, 'and approaches; and at a specified Nebraska and settling on Fox creek f t (Board moaSuro) for all near the present site of Curtis. Sho oaj)S) sway braces and other wood war united in marriage to Petor materials used In tho substructure of Burko August 15, 1882 To them wero such bridges or approaches Is built , t ... ,,, In tho ovent tho substructure cl born seven children, four boys and bridges or pproaches Is built tnreo girls. Tlie oiuest cnuu, a coy , wholly or in part of stone, brick ce- dled nt birth. She united with tho ment or concroto, tho contract for Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of atter Day Saints February 24, 1897 and remained faithful to her cov- tho portion of said BUbstructuro to so built of said mntorlal nhnll be lot at a specified sum per cubic foot In place. J In tho event tho substructure of, such bridges or approaches la wholly ' or In part of Iron, stool or other metal, the contract for the portion of said substructure to bo built of Iron ' stool or other metal shall bo lot at a specified sum por lineal foot for tubing, and at a specified sum per pound or all othor metal In place. All bids must bo accompanied by n certified chock In tho amount ot $500 mado payablo to tho County Clerk of Lincoln, to bo forfeited to tho County In case tho bidder rofuses to cntor Into contract with tho Conn ty, If samo Is awarded to him. In general character tho work con sists of nny kind covered by tho Ne braska Standard Brldgo Plans, coplos of which aro on fllo In tho office of tho County Clerk. Tbo number and kind ot bridges required to be built In tho county and their proposed location as near as can bo estimated and determined Is as fol lows: On section lino between Sections 8 and 17, Township 12, Rango 27 Lin coln County Nebraska and any other bridges at any othor location in tho county that tho county board my boo fit to order built during hto llfo of tho contract All bidders aro refulred to bid on tho plans and specifications and bid ding blanks prepared by tho Secretary of tho Stato Board of Irrigation and all bids shall bo mado strictly In ac cordance with all brldgo laws of tho Stato of Nebraska, pertaining to. such matters. Bids will bo publlcy opened and read nt tho hour of Two O'Clock P. M. on tho 29th day of Mayp 1922, at tho reg ular mooting placo' of tho County Board of Lincoln County In tho Court IIouso at North Platte, Nebraska. Any bidder before entering on tho FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices' at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dowoy Street work, pursuant to contract awnrded him, shall glvo bond to tho county In tho sum ot $2,000.00 conditioned for tho faithful execution of tho contract. Tho County Board of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, rcsorvo unto themselves tho right to roject any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, (Seal) County Clerk. NOTICE We now havo dog tags and nnyono wanting tlictn enn get them nt tho office. 0. E. Elder City Clerk Don't You Feel The Least Bit Guilty, Mr. Man? When you come home from the office where you have had all the henefits of every labor-saving device that money can buy, don't you feel the least bit guilty to find the women folks still doing the washing in the same wearing, weari some way? Even with a laundress, there are irritations expense, mussy waters, exposure to weather n 'hundred lit tle things that if removed would make homes and women happier. Might it not be economy to give mother, wife, daughter the benefit of .the most modern wash-day methods the methods we offer? Washing in sweet, pure soft water, and cleans ing suds, a complete service, and at a cost easily within ths means of every man. Telephone us today and have us take that next washing. ATTENTION YOEMEN Do you want to tako the Rhadaman- thus Degree? Phono W. J. Tlley about It. This week Is your last chance. Regular Initiation and social April 25th. Rhadamanthus banquet nnd ball, April 2Gth. L. & S. Groceteria. No wonder that Fashion has created a now requirement in woman's cor rect attlro; sensible walking shoea tor daytime. Tho high French heel and sharp too aro confined to danc ing and formal dross. Let us show you these Cantilever Shoes. You will like to wear them. They make you fool so happy. DR. S. E. HUPFER CHIROPODIST, 317 East Fourth Street. The 12th Annual HIGH LINE SHORTHORN SALE Farnam, Nebr. May 3rd, 1922. Mr. Breeder and Farmer this opportunity should not be overlooked. You can get some of tho best Shorthorn breeding blood coming direct from the most outstanding sires, and show winnus You nod the sourthorn breed which is the most approved beef type of cattle with their strong daring tendencies, put them in a class which should appeal to you. Can you afford to keep a cow for milk and another for beef when the true Shorthorn cow will give an ample amount of milk through the year paying her keep; when giving milk she puts beef on her back equal with the best rounds out of a high priced animal. The whole country is short on cattle and with prices at bed rock you need one at least for the boy who lacks in terest on the farm get him a cow or at least a heifer. Bet ter cattle makes better homes, better homes mako better country. For Catalogues or other information, write E. W. Crossgrove, &A Auctioneers: A. W. Thompson, YT. II. IHck, C. A. Hudson, 0. H. Peterson nnd T. C. Jensen. Clerk: 1 S. Parker, Furnnm Bank. Send it to "Your Bosom Friend" Dickeys Sanitary Laundry "THE SOFT WATER LAUNDRY'' 108 West Sixth Street. Phone 77 DOWN Goes our charge for Want-Ads. This is to meet the geii- 'V. eral cry for reduced expenses. We have a guaranteed circulation of over 2,200 copies of each issue of the North Platte Tribune and most of these papers are circulated In North Platte and Lincoln j county. Our charge for TRIBUNE WANT-ADS , from April 25 will be according to the following schedules ; 10c a line for tho first insertion 1 ' 9c a line for tho second insertion . j 8c a line for the third insertion 4 7c a line for tho fourth insertion Gc a lino for tho fifth insertion " Gc a lino for each subsequent insertion, The North Platte Tribune iV