OUB WEAO OP 7WE Moure OF FINKLE 17 and my favorite "3gr Dr M0VWG BOTHER. HEf-SM(? -eSjTvJrft
SemMBeekly Sriluutc.
WILSON TOUT. Editor ami Publisher.
Entered at the North Platto, Nebraska
Postolftco as Second Class Matter.
One Year, In advance ?1X0
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1922.
The advertisement of the "Wilcox
Department Storb, carried In our Inst
issuo should not ho misunderstood.
On Dollar Day tho hargnln Is ono
81s90 seamless sheet for a dollar.
Only two such Bhccts nro sold to any
Easter Sunday dawnod gray and
chilly but tho crowdB at the churches
wan largor than usual. A deep sonse
of tho truo meaning ot the rcBiirrcc
Uon of tho Christ marked tho throngs
whoro formerly thoro was largely tho
stylo parade.
A. H. Dumphey, superintendent of
the nlr mall on tho division wost of
Omaha, was in tho city yesterday. Ho
mado tho statement that tho nlr mail
is now carrying 24,000 lottors n trip
and that tho pianos nro following tho
schedules more rogularly than trains.
In fact ho saya that during sovoral
months tho nlr Bor(vlcq mado 95 of its
expected officloncy. Tho route Is
2,600 mllcB long.
Klnkaid, u hrlor adjournment wnB
mnnouvorcd and ho wan cnllcd by tel
ephone and came up from O'Neill to
Crawford not knowing why he was
called. Upon arriving, ho finally con
Heated to nccopt tho nomination again
on tho condition that no personnl
campaign on his part bo expected. It
took some strenuous argument tb
bring about this result, but upon that
slnglo half hour hinged tho differ
ence between the retirement of Kln
kaid and tho Hplondld servlco ho has
slnco given, for ho was elected easily,
and thoro has novcr slnco been a
question. And today tho prospect Is
that he will remain In congress for
many more terms, Blnco ho is In hot
ter health than in many years.
Ono of tho most Intorosting docu
ments bearing on tho question ot
taxation, which wo hayo rend lately
Is the renort ot tho committb appoint
ed by tho Dawson County Tax Payers Cummlng
for little
New lino of wash hats
folks at Wilcox's
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Pockham of
Brady spent Saturday In North Platto
transacting business and visiting
Mrs. G-. H. Dookwaltor returned
Tuesday from Columbus whoro she
visited her slstor Mrs. Allen for sev
eral weoks.
Mlbs Holon Schwulgor left Saturday
for Hastings to visit Miss Frances
Edwards for a fow days. Frances at
tends tho Prosbytorlan Collogo at
Ono lot of children's gingham
dresses, In values up to $5, for $1 on
Dollar Day only, whio they last. E.
T. & Sons.
Chester Cummlng loft Saturday for
Chicago wherb lio attends school.
Chostor spent tho Easter vacation
with his parontd, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W.
Poem UyI
Uncle Jo
I don't bellovo In gossip which can do a-nolghbor harm. Tho goss'pur
is hnted, in tho town, or on tho farm; I novor seen a gossip that commanded
any love pcddlin out their slanders, Which they know thoy couldn't
prove. ...
For Instance, hero's old Hankins, that don't live fur from me packu
around a budget that 158 learnt from A to Z. Never misses nothin' that
concerns his nearest friends. . . . Talks about his neighbors with a zeal
that novor ends. . . .
Peoplo told thero vfows of him,' ho'd find out wherehe's aL . . . They
toll mo, if ho had means, ho wouldn't feed his cat . . . Thinks he Is the
smoothest stick you ever camo across. . . . Lets on just like ho doesn't
know his grand'dad stole a boss! An thon, he used to gamble like tho devil.
I am told. . . . Neighbors catch him shootin' craps at seven year old.
Folk? could toll a heap of facta from them that ort to know of how he got
his mutton, maybe forty year ago. Of course I know that gossip ain't n
very savory dish. . . But I have heard that Hankins ued to gusczlu
Uko a fish. . . . You mighft think that scandle hum? around that feil- s
life, but someone says he ro'lly swiped .mother feller's wife: I've heard 'ic
winturod'ln tho pen. oi.e time in Tennesson, but, wust o'. ;ili. he gossiat? an'
this don't look good to me.
Neighbors knoved tho truth, I sposo they'd string to a limb, but 1
.'on't let'ale gossip, th'.ugh I've Rot no use fer hinv . .
Loaguo. This roport appears in notii
or tho Lexington papors and a clip
ping, making a comparison bctweon
Dawson and . Lincoln counties Ib
printed elscwhoro in this Issue. Wo
expect to print tho roport In full In
a later issuo as most of tho deduc
tions and recommendations apply in
other countloB than Dawson county.
Editor Wood tolls in this week's
Goring Courier about Congressman
Kjnlcaid'B announcement that h0 will
again run for congress. In comment
ing on tho Judgo nnd his long caroor
in 'cdngross ho says:
""'Tills recalls to us the tlmo some
years ago whou Judgo Klnkaid for
,om ronson or another had mado up
his mind ho would not ask for re-
nomlnatlon. It wan In tho old con
vention dnyf, and tho mooting wno
'called for Crawford. Thoro Is some
Among thoso that left for Ogalalla
yostorday t6 attend district court
wore attorneys M. E. Crosby, Vlctpr
Halllgan, W. V. Hoagtand, B. E. Cnrr
and J. Kocfo.
Mrs. Jos. Itaney and daughter lies
slo returned from Santa Barbara, Call,
whoro thoy spont tno winter. They
spent tho early part of the winter at
Portland, Oro.
John I. Long of ColumbUH Is in tho
city 'looking after business matters.
Ho has boon owner and publisher of
of tho Columus Dally News until a
fow weeks ago. ,
A marrlnge llconso was Issued last
week to Albort W. Forguson ot Broken
Bow and Miss Esther A- Russol of
Stapleton. Thoy wore married by
Juilgo Woodhurst.
Paul Harrington, who has spont
Homo months In oDnvor, returned to
North Platto where ho will look after
business matters until tho first of
imwrlftnii hlntorv connected with It
whloh nwv as well be unfolded now. Jc. when ho wll leave again.
,.iiin,,..i. r nn rnirMmiinr imnnrtnnno. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Boolor leave to
.. Judge dfltnoB, as many know, had an morrow for Shrovoport, La. whoro'they
Jindorlying deslro to go to congroaa w" visit their daughter Mrs. Clarence
uimnMmn in his caroor. and tho altl- I)n'' Mr. Boolor will also go to Quan-
...!,. ,.f K'lnlr,,!,! Hnomn.l ' IHlll, TOXUS WllOro 110 Will trVlllSnCt
lcrivo It onon. The Scotts Bluff coun-1 business.
tv dolocatlon was clvon norsonal an- AIr- "ml Mrs. Sanford Hartmnu left
thorltv to enter Judge GrlmoB Into yte'Iuy for Clnclnatl, Ohio, whoro
tho race if tho situation soom jiropl-' Ul0' will visit tholr son Fred. Both
tlons, but ho did not want to mnko' Mr. and Mrs. Hartman nro enrouto to
any porsonal statomont to that orfoct. tliolr old homo at Olon Falls, Now York
Arriving at Crawford, It was found ,wloro thoy will visit relatives and
there woro other rccoptlvo candidates, "'tonus ror several wookb.
Mrs. L. F. Kauffman and daugher
spont Easter with hor parents In
Mni. F. Wlnkleman of Fremont vis
ited at tho homes of Mrs. Theo. San
dal and Mrs. C. J. Perkins last week.
Allen. Lawhead and Walter COm-
woll spont tho week end at Grand Is
Mrs. Martin Mogonson, living on
North Locust stroet, wont to Kearney
yesterday on a business trip. ' 1 '
miss liisinor uomc or Sutherland
wil bo the guest of Miss Beulnh Mc-
Graw this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richards and
Josopll and Leda Richards of Loxlhg
on woro Eastor visitors at tho Gcdrge
Richards home.
Mrs, F. Glunt ot Stapleton visited
at tho homo of Mrs. B. F. Sunderland
Saturday. Sho attended the sorvlces
at tho Advent church.1
C. Hoatson and family, Itoy Hoat-
son. nnd mother of Suthorlund attend
od mater sorvlces at thoAdvontist
church Saturday.
Mrs. John Oostroich, living on Wost
Eighth street wil ontertain tho Fourth
Ward Lutheran Ladies sowing clrclo
next Friday afternoon.
D. P. Wood of CoIIogo Vlow, presl
dent of tho S. D. A. conforonce hold
Easter servlcos at tho Advcutlst
church lust Saturday morning and
but nono of them outspoken. Whllo
tho ScottB Bluff county men wcro for
Judge Grlmos, It was1 soon npparont
that in case ot contest thoro would
at least bo 111 fooling and a strong
possibility of a well knowli Custer
county citizen being tho successful
one, Scotts Bluff county nnd Custer
county men who consultod together
realized tho uncortnlnties of naming partmonts ot tho
a now candldato In thoso days and Day, Wodnosday,
Tho big dollar special at tho Load
or Mercantile Company Is on aprons.
No woman can afford to pass up this
wonderful ono dollar apron which is
mado of 72x80 fast color porcnle,
neatly trimmed and in a Btylo that
will appeal to ovory woman; dark
and light colors, sizes 30 to -14. Scores
ot .othor spoclnl bnrgalnB In all do-
storo for Dollar
April 19. Tho
WANTED Lady to work on ranch.
Pawnoo Springs Ranch Co., -Maxwell.
LOST Ladies black lace hat on West
Second, eturn to 403 West Sixth
and receive reward.
FOR SALE By owner, at 505 So.
Chestnut, 7 room house;, pantry, bath,
throo closets; modern except heat;
two lots; out buildings. Phone 853 W.
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock
sotting eggs, 75c for 15; $4.50 for
100. F. a Waltemath, 02 S. Locnst
Phono 444W.
WANTED A married couplo or two
ladles to room and board; modern.
private homo; prices reasonable.'
Phono S3GL-J. .
34. Tp 11, Jig 2S Small Improve
ments. GO acres cultivated. Balance
pasturo. Address Box C35, Grand Is
land, Nebraska.
FOR SALE Ono Do Laval soparator.
No. 15, good as now; 1 alfalfa cul-tf
tivator with seed attachment; 100
Blnck Minorca lions. Phono 79HP14.
Otto Mcsmor.
WANTD TO BUY Horse, suitable
for slnglo delivery wagon; must bo
cheap and worth the money. Seo F. A.
Burke. Burkes Cash Grocery, C21 East
Fourth street.
Want Ads
WANTED A competent
gill. Ideal
FOR SALE Seed Corn
Bood. R. E. 'Dillon.
nnd cano
WANTED A girl for goneral houso
work. Phone 243.
FOR SALE Canna and dahlia bulbs
Phono 995W.
conceived tho solution in insisting on 1 Loader Morcnntilo Co.
vWWWWv.v..,vv....vv... . ......
ft ft
Carnations and Tulips $1.00 per dozen
Hard Maple, Hackberry, Elm and Ash, each $1.00 :
Carolina Poplar $1.00 a dozen
I Cherry, Plum and Apple, 2 for $1.00
I Lilacs, Spirea and other shrubs $1.00
I Gooseberry 6 for $1.00 Currants 6 for, .. .$1.00
I Rose Bushes 2 for $1.00 Dahlia Bulbs 31 a doz.
t Gladiola Bulbs $1 per dozen
FOR SOLE Socd corn from
crop. P. L. Wagner, Farm
FOR SALE Evorboaring atrawbor-
rios, $1.00 por 100. C. II. Splcor.
FOR RENT Storago Bpaco in firo
proof ware houso. Simon Bros.
FOR SALE Cultivated ton ncro tract,
closo to town. Price right for quid
lalo. Answor XYZ, caro Tribuno.
WANTED Acotylono woldlng ot nil
kindB, prices reasonable. North
Hdo Blacksmith Shop.
FOR SALE Sixty Brown Leghorn
chlckonB, 1 year old, $1 each. 821
West Eighth.
FOR SALE Library table, rocker,
$200 phonograph and records, 54
inch dining table, G loathor-soatcd
chairs. 54-inch buffet, breakfast tabid
all in quartorsawod oak; Now Home
sewing machine; leather rocker; 9x12
Wilton rug; Gx9 congoloum rug; four
poster gumwood bod nnd Princess
drcssor; Clonn Quick Electric wash
ing mnchlno; refrigerator; 4-burnor
oil rango; porfoction oil hoator, hcatr
ing stovo. All this furniture is prac
tically now and in first class condi
tion. 212 South Dowey.
Estnto No. 1S84 of Louis Rayome, de-
coasou, in tno County Court of Lin
coin County, Nobrnskn.
Tho Stato of Nobraskn. To all por
sons ii'torostod in Bald Estato tako
ntlco that a potltlon has been' filed
fro tho Probato of tho will of Louis
Rayome, deconsod, and for tiro ap
pointment of Richard W. Kern as ad
ministrator with tho will annexed of
snld Estato, which has beon set for
hearing on May 9th, 1922, at 9 o'clock
a. in.
Dated April 14, 1922.
(Seal) County Judgo.
FOR RENT Iiuprovcd irrigated ton
acro track, adjoining Sutherland.
F, C. Loach, caro Amorlcan Stato
Bank, Sutherland.
FOR SALE Hatching oggs. Barred
Rocka, S. O. Rods and Wliito Leg
horns, $1 por sotting. Luthor I. Tuck
or. Phono C98J.
Estato No. 1875 or William Graves,
deceased, In tho County Court ot
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nobraskn, sa.: Credit
ors of snld estato will tako notice
that tho tlmo llmltod for presentation
nnd flllntr of nlnlma ncrnlnnt Rntil Rq-
tato in August 19, 1922, and for Bettlo-
mont ot said Estato is April 14, 1923;
that I will sit nt tho county court
room in said County on May 19, 1922,
at 10 o'clock a. m., nnd on August
19, 1922 nt 10 o'clock n. m to re
ceive, cxumlno, hear, nllow, or ndlust
all claims nnd objections duly filed
Dated April 14, 1922.
vm. ii. c. WJonnuRST. .
.Sonl) ' County Judge.
Dollar Day
Spark Plugs
Full Setvof Four Ford Plugs,
Retail at 60c each, $2.40'
Value lor only
Don't forget the date,
Wednesday, April 19th.
Our Loss Your Gain.
). Davis Auto Co.
2 dozen 100 pound Flour Sacks for $1.00
2 1-gallon cans Pie Fruit, several
varieties, for - - - $1.00
Special Attraction Coming To The
Thursday and Friday.
Miss Margre Wallick in A Dancing Act
Miss "Wallick is beauty and graco personified. Hor act consists ot
too and classic dances. Tho young lady has just comploted an ox
tonsiva tour of tho east and aB sho ia now resting at her homo we
nro lucky to persuade her to entertain us for two nights.
: . ADMISSION PRICE i,, -f ,
' ' ill' ,