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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Women's Emergency Committee, Near East Relief t r Ult. V. 11. UltJSSSJLJSJK GBADUATE DENTIST 1 Office OVAr tha Mnllnnnlil Special Offering ' LADIES NECKWEAR I , State Bank. It f.. i : 4 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. J. S. Twlnentinado a profession al trip to Staplcton,. Sunday. Dixon Optical Co., grinds lenses., John Hankins of Wallaco transacted busihes in the city Saturday. One day servlco for your broken glasses, Clinton & Son. Geo. B: Dont made a profes sional trip' to Sutherland yesterday. VS1, B. Pease of Paxfon spent Satur day In the city transacting business. Used Fordson, $150. Hondy & Ogtcr. L. L. Basklns left Sunday for Lin coln where ho, will attend the supremo court. , !, On sale Wednesday, trimmed hats, $1; $1.95 and $2.95 at Block's Millinery department Z. A. Russell of Stapleton was In North Platte Saturday transacting business. Guy Fear of Wallaco spent the lat ter part of last week In the city trans acting business. Put Tho Tribune away after all the family havo road it as you will want to rofor to it lator. Mrs. M. Henry GUfoyl Is attending ho State Music Teachora" association In Lincoln this week- Mr. and Mrs. John oordos of Wal laco visited friends In North Platto Friday and Saturday. Used Ford Sedan with starter, $350. Hondy & Oglor. y Mrs. J. J. Louden arrived Sunday from Denver to spend a week in North Platte visiting friends. E. It. Goodman returned Sunday from Denver where he transacted business for several days. , Ladles' Athena union suits, $1.50 values for $1 on Dollar Day only. B. T. Tramp & Sons. Mrs. Chas. Crosby left yesterday morning for Kearney whore she will visit friends for several days. Laco and embroidered vests for la dles at $1.39 at Wilcox Department Store. Miss Patrica Schott returned home Saturday from Omaha to spend sev eral months with her parents, vj,-, Miss Mildred Norrls returned to hot home in Cheyenne yesterday. She. visited-at the James Roddy homo. On sale Wednesday, trimmed hats, $1, $1.95 and $2.95 at Block's Millinery department. Harry Cramer arrived home Satur day from Ovid, Colo, whero lie trans acted business for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CQates of Max well spent tho week end In North Platto at the Elmer Coates homo. Miss Helen Smith will return to morrow from Lincoln whore she has boon visiting friends for a week. Ladles, don't forget Wednesday is bargain day In Blocl-'s Millinery de partment. Trimmed hats from $1 to $1C. FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Street 1, Mr. Philip North Moore. 2. Mr. Carrie Chapman Catt, chairman. 3. Mr. Thomas G. Winter. 4. Mr. Frank A. Vandcrlip. 5. Mr. Jotcphui Daniel. 6. Mr. George Maynard Minor. These six women and over fifty others equally well-known nationally aro making nn emergency nppcal to tho women of the land to defent th threat of death that hangs over the children of the Near East. LOOK WHAT'S COMING CHAPTER AK. P. E. O. will meet Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Roy Mohlman. WAR MOTHERS The American Legion Auxiliary of Hershey has invited all members of War Mothers and their friends to a play given by them in the Opera house of Hershey, April 20. A small charge will be made.; ' ' CHRISTIAN Aid Society will meet Thursday af ternoon at 3 p. m in the church base ment. The entertainment committee will bo Mesdames Walter Eshleman, Georgo Kenworthy and E. S. Fro-man. EPISCOPAL sale and supper Thursday evening. Tho supper starts at 5: 30 'and the price Is 35c. The ladies will servo roast fresh ham with dressing, salad, mashed potatoos, hot biscuit, pickles preserves, fruit jello with whipped cream and coffee. BAPTIST Woman's Auxiliary will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in tho church. Mrs. O. L. Thompson will be tho leader and tho subject is "Friendly Visits in Little Italy." The hostesses aro Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Kelso, Mrs. Turpen, Mrs. Bellows and Mrs. R. Arnold. DEPARTMENT The Home Economics Department of tho North Platto Womans' Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at ') o' clock at tho homo of Mrs. Walte.' Hoagland, 1202 West 5th. Tho sub ject of tho program -is "Plants and Homo Grounds. The leader will bo Mrs. E. V. Cooper. A talk will bo given by O. J. Pass on this subject. A good attendance is desired. I PRESBYTERIAN Missionary society will meet with Mrs. Fred Perret on Friday afternoon April 21, at 3 o'clock. All members aro urged to attend. AUXILIARY To tho B. of It. T. meets at the K. P. hall Friday afternoon. A full attendance Is desired and lunch will be served. 'JOB'S DAUGHTERS There will be a special meeting for initiation at 8 o'clock Thursday even ing at tho Masonic hal. All Masons and Eastern Stars are invited. Henry H. Andrew, grand patron of tho state of Nobraska will ho, present, :o: Little Louise and Lucille Swopo enr tortainod twenty-five of their friend's at a- party Saturday dftornoon In honor of their birthdays. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white. Following sales were made by Buick dealers here recently A Buick Spec ial, Six 54, roadster to Harry A Blood; A Buick Special, Six 54, road ster to Albert and Otto Westenfold; A Buick passenger, Six sedan to Hugo Eyman; A Buick Five passenger, Four 35 touring to Henry Westenfold; A Buick five passenger, Six 45 tourlnr spocial equipment, nleklo-platcd disc .wheels and California top, to E. A. Smith; A Billck three-passenger, Six I 14 roadster to Georgo I Meyers ! Adv. I Quito a. number of Knights Temp lar met at the ball and marched in a body Sunday evening to tho Presby 'torian church whero tho annual re ligious services wero held commora tlvo of tho Easter time. Rev. Patter son preached an appropriate sermon. 59c We have just received a large assortment of attractive Collars which we' offer in a special way.,, You will want one or more of these for the coming season. ' Now on display in our show windows. I Wilcox Department Store. DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 Ten Cent Store Specia! Choice of 10 Yards Bleached Hope Muslin for $1.00 10 Yards Daisy Bleached Muslin for $1.00 Limit of 10 yards to each customer 10c a Yd. Also Specials in All Departments for One Day Only Tho secret of our LOW PRICES is our membership to tho CONSOLIDATED MERCHANTS SYNDICATE a great buying organization located at 45S Broadway, Now York City. Wo havo a membership of 800 stores. ALL INDEPENDENT STORES, but operated on a SYNDICATE BASIS. That means LOW PRICES through quantity buying LOW PRICES through direct buying. Meaning that wo buy most of our mer chandise direct from tho factory instead of from tho wholesaler. We Handle Pictorial Review Patterns Chinese Lyncoe Bulbs 10c Each W. J. O'CONNOR S, 10 AND 25 CENT STORE VOWTWWF Oven Heat Regulator Whole Meal Oven Cooking was made possible by "Lorain" One earn turn of tht" Lorain" uven Heat iiegtitator whtel placeaatyour command 44 we a urtd and controlled won cn ptraturce. "Lorain," which gives you absolutely con trbllcd predetermined oven temperatures, has made possible whole meal cooking in the oven. In no other way is it possible to get the low degree of oven temperature, required for whole meal cooking, and'niaintain it. You can not do . it with an ordinary gas oven. f Whole meal cooking is saving thousands of women from the daily drudgery of pot-watching. "Lorain" does even more. It gives you any desired degree of heat for oven cooking or baking and maintains that exact temperature for as long as wanted. You'll find "Lorain" a won derful aid to good cooking. North Plafte Light & Power Co. Gas (JIMIBL Ranges are "Lornin"-eciuippe(J. These arc the handsomest 'gd stoves made and the most satisfac tory for all purposes, Come in nnJJetr.r demon " - the new Clark Jewel with "Lorain." You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Cor. EXPERT AUTO TOP MAKERS AND TRIMMERS . TRIM CO PHONE 30OJ 107 West 6th Street LOCAL AND PERSONAL The Shrine Club will entertain April 2G at a dinner and dance at tho Masonic Hall. Dixon Optical Co., lens grinding. Dorscy Loypoldt left yesterday morning for Ogalalla to spend soveral days transacting business. Shirting silks special at GO cents at Wilcox Department Store. Miss Fnyo Elder left yesterday morn ing for Omaha. She will spend sevornl days there visiting friends. Tho Eye Glnss Men. Clinton & Son. P. L. Tlerney left last Thursday for Fort Dodge, la., where ho will visit relatives and friends for two weeks. Let us mako your umbrella Into a 1922 model, latestNtlps and handles, $3.00 to $5.00, Clinton & Son. Mrs. Joe Condit returned Sunday from tho Osteopathic Hospital where she has been receiving medical treatment. 1 JFasi'99imwfi Me. :o:- FOR' SALE Hero's your chanco to purchase n homo in tho best location in tho city, 315 West Second street; all modorn house with GO foot lot, $5,200; part cash. In tho 200 block, West Second, story and one-half, modorn excopt heat; largo lot. This ono shown by appointment only. These two aro In tho best location in tho city and will bo sold cheap. Tho Georgo Tokulvo proporty will bo for sale In a fow days. This property consists of two wholo blacks, twolvo 44x132 foot lots in each block. This property is In Plnttevlow addition in tho 1200 block East Fourth street, across street from tho city park, blocks 48 and 49, Block 48 facoa East Second street, Block 49 faces East Fourth street, Block 49 has an all modorn homo, full basemont, furnaco and bam. This provdrty will Imj sold cheap. Now Is your chanco to invest your money In somo roal proporty which will be sold by tho block. WOODHURST INSURANCE AGENCY Phono 90 I'ramy Bldg. Mr. Editor of tho Tribune: What will they do about reducing somo of tho taxes that wore scooted sky-high during the post war porlod Bponding fever? In place they Indicato higher taxes. In regard to this bond issuo now bc foro tho voters of North Platto will say that overy voter of tho city pays taxes whether It is direct or Indirect. Ho can't escape. Tho higher tho taxes tho higher tho taxes, tho higher tho tho .higher tho tares, tho hlger tho cost of grocorles, moats, shoes, cloth, ing, dry goods and other .necessities. You pay your proportion of the taxes anywny. Tho real ostato boomer is trying to bo our shophord. Ho points to rosy futuro but ho lives nt our ex-ponso. High taxes is high cost of living. Yours respectively, A Taxpayer JACK M 015 HOW FLATS Most fanners have finished or aro planting oats this wook. Art Elberg papered several rooms for Mrs. II. C Itnhinoyor lest week. M. E. Collins 1b suffering with a bad attack of rheumatism. Waltor Singlo is holplng to swoll our bacholor list by moving onto tho CJrowo placo to farm this year. Arthur Connor and grandson drove out Thursday to his farm and return ed with a load of oats. Alma KroiKiuoet Stokes left Satur day for Omaha and Council Bluffs where she will visit frlendB for a fow days. :o:- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Mrs. Joo Nelson entertained her neighbors. Saturday ovonlng at a birthday party. The evonlng was spent in playing high five and the hostosn served a dainty lunch. I will mako tho season with my Jack, Bluo John at my barn nt J09 H. Ninth St. Ho hns proved hlmsolf to bo first class. I will bo glad to show muloB with any Jack In tho stato so coino and pay Bluo John a visit. You will nil wish that you had somo of his mules to sell In a fow years. Bluo Jack's mules top tho mnrkot. Our terms at $12.D0 to lnsuro a mulo to stand and suck. I also havo my Por choron hurso that has proved hlm solf a brooder, 'forms $8 for a colt, to stand and suck. GEO. McKAlN. :o: Miss Margaret Fltzpatrlck returned to Omaha Sunday ovonlng nftor Bponding tho wook end with hor par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fltzpatrlck, Wall papor at 10c n roll and up. Painting and paper-hanging. II. II Landgraf, Itltner building, phono G70W. Llttlo Mary Marrothn Connor visit ed with her cousins Lawrenco and Ar thur Powors and Jonny Connor, Sat urday and Sunday an dall awaited tho arrival of tho Eastor rabbit.. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Schram, Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Itahmoyor, Mrs. Will Collins and Mrs. John Connor and tholr families attonded Eastor sorvlcos In North Platto. Mrs. John Connor vory pleasantly ontorlalned the J. F. F. club at hor homo Inst Thursday Tho guests hora mod' lunch cloths and dish towols. A dninty Easter lunch was served. Tho next meeting will bo hold at Mrs. Fred Ekborg's. :o;- Dlxon Optical Co., glasses fitted. -:o: FOR SALE 1921 Dodgo touring, llko now. 1919 Oakland sedan, bargain, 1918 Mnxwoll touring, cheap. 1918 Ford touring, good. 191G Ford roadster, cheap, J. V. Romlgh Garngo.