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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SPEGIALLY WRITTEN Si Br The MostlWonderful Dress Values of the Season at Our L til READERS lrj'iwii'wiiUwrilIii il rNFOItMATION ABOUT AGIIICUL. TURAIi SUBJECTS FIIOM KELIAHLE SOUBCES Sleet Being Numbor Two of a Series of Advertise ments on Uninterrupt ed Service. Thoro nro practical methods, prac tices, and appliances for protecting buildings against lightning, but be cause of unscropulous agents who a scoro or moro years ago succeeded Iji sdffitfgj equipment tliat did not pro- Ujct all methods and equipment came lnio tusropuio among winners ami others. In order to put the mark of official and scientific sanction on lightning protection methods, there was rocontly nppointed, through the collabroatlon of tho bureau of stand ards, tho weather bureau, and the American Institute of Eoloctrical En gineers, a committoo to prepare a codo. Progress nlready has been mado In tho solution of this problem and many woll established principles havo been made known to Interested scientists and workers. It is hoped that tho work of UUs committoo will result In developing practical meth practices, and appliances and make farm buildings and other struc tures safer. A raw biting wind whips hull' frozen rain through bare branches ami singing wires. The tent!;nii.u,re has dropped' and a cold, glittering crust covers city and countryside. ' You ,p i out of the window and shiver "My, but it's an aw ful night I'd hate to be out in this weather!" A bird's eye view of 'your community at such a time would give you an outside insight a reason why your electric service is uninterrupted. .You would see little figuresmen they are--toiling 'cross, country from one pole to. another in an apparently aimless search. These "trouble-shooters" are of the com pany. Their duty is to locate and repair wires pulled down by that most destruc tive element sleot. This unceasing vig ilance this disregard for time and weather Is part of pur creed.- For only ly se'rvlngw6irmay we nierlt your hearty co-operation. I r V : fi ll 'M -Mr NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. S. 0. Brogun loft yoscerdny lor Sutborland nftor visiting hor slater Mrs. P. P. Mnddox for eevoral days. Eyes cxamlnod, Glussoe fitted- Sat isfaction, buvo. Clinton & Son Uyron Stogall arrived Sunday from Chicago to. spond a mouth with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Slogan. Mrs. Maude Boghtol wont to Gothen burg Saturday where sho will spoiul a week looking aftor business mattors, CHATS WITH YOUR GAS MAN No matter how good our service is, thcro Is usually ono man on tho block who Is forever finding fault with it. You know tho man wo moan. Ho Is a good follow nt henvt and talks Bnnoly enough' upon other subjects, but wihon he discusses this company's ser vice ho loses his balance com pletely. What wo regret most, bow ' over, is not that this man Is soured against us, but Uint IiIb attacks are permitted to go unchallenged by his friends who are also our friends. In other words, you and hundreds of othor satisfied customers In tho samo neigh borhood tako good Borvlco for granted, nocopt it, and say nothing about it. Your bII enco thus boebmos his goldon opportunity, "With Hps Bealod, you give him an oncouraglnu slap on tho back. r "Wo valuo your good will, ovoryono's good will. This company Is your company, tho pubUo's company. Now let us work togotbor to convert this man from a knocker into n booster. North Platte Light & Power Co. A marrlago license was Issued Sat urday to Miss Elsie N. Albln of this city and Goorgo McCoy of Ulyssos, Nob. - Lorou Hastings roturned to Lin coln Sunday nftor aponding the wook end In North Finite visiting his par onb. Ladioe' Burlington silk house, reg ular $1.50 values for $1 on Dollar. Day only. E. T. Trnmp & Sons. Wllmor Hanson arrived Sunday from Council niuf Js, Iowa to visit his grand mother, Mrs Emma l'ulvor for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Halph Carman return oil today from Grand Island where thoy spent soveral days visiting with frionds. Used Ford touring, $100. Hcndy & Ogler. Miss Gladys Hansen will return to morrow ovonlng from .Council Bluffs Iowa whoro sho visited rolatlvos for i fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Petorson will return to their homo In Omaha to-mor row after visiting frionds hero for tho past wook. John McGInloy roturned Saturday from Omaha to spond a weeks vaca tlon with his paronts- Mr. and Mrs J. McGInloy. Ladlos, don't forgot Wednesday Is bargain day In Block's Millinery do partmont. Trimmed hats from $1 to ?1C mra. luormm roung anil daughtor Doris of Cozad returned to their homo yostordoy. Thoy visited at tho J. W HoEonerantK homo. Misses Eloanor and Angola Roddy loft yesterday morning for Cheyenne whoro thoy will visit Miss Mildrod Norris for sovornl.wooks. J. V. Romlgb sells Dodgo Brothers cars nnd trucks exclusively and sup piles good sorvlco to their ownors Judgo Woodhurst performed tho marrlago coromony last Thursday for Jesso A. Young and Miss Florenco M Avery, both of North Platto. Miss Anna O'Connoll roturned to Orand Island Sunday evening after spending tho wook ond hero visiting hor paronts Mr. and Mrs. W. II. O Connoll. Mr. and Mrs. Win. E. BnnkB and'son Nod will return tomorrow from Los Angeles, Call, whoro thoy spent tw .months nt the bomo of Mr. Bank parents. reat After Easter Sale OF OUR HIGH GRADE SPRING SILK DRESSES Commencing Wednesday a. m., we will place on sale about One Hundredof the very newest Spring Silk Dresses, mostly in Chil ton Taffetas, and other Silk Materials, in all the favored spring shades, and in all the very latest spring models, dresses that formerly sold at $27.5 $35.00 and up to $45.00, your unre stricted choice while they last conn- County and stato butter contests, a feature of South Carolina extension work for women last year, accom plished much in the day of Improv ing Uio dairy Industry there. South Carolina Is not a dairy state. It uses annually about $14,000,000 worth of dairy products shipped In from other states. Somo of this importation is duo to tho fact that while thero Is largo i amount of farm butter pro duced within tho stato, no steady de mand for It has boon developed. For tho purposo of creating an Interest in this farm mado butter, and to teach tho women to mako a better product, contests,, which were open to home demonstration club members wore started during 1921 in eleven ties. 1 Butter demonstrations Were given In all tho women's clubs, nnd all in- trested persons woro invited to a demonstration by th.o. stato specialist at tho county seat. Three hundred sixty women and girls enrolled for Itho.contest8, and of' tlieso 120 s,ent buttor for overy judging. Without ex ception there wns a great improve ment in the packages brought to mar ket and tho quality of tho buttor sold, as the women learned to what extont tho buttor Is affected by the tcm- poraturo UBod for rlponlng and churn ing fetul the foods for tho cow. "Contest butter" sold very readily at tho various club niarkots, nnd those who did not enter tho content woro obliged to mako improvement in tho quklity of what they offered for sale or lose the market for their but tor. Extension workers report to the United States department of agrleul turo that the buttor produced in nil parts of the stato has boen par coptibly Improvod as a result of those contests. AND Remember every dress is brand new and from our regular stock, no two dresses a like.' In order to make l oom lor our incoming Hot Weather Dresses we priced these dresses for a quick clear ance. Come and be convinced, at Hi R us Hi H? Hi Hi Hi Hi J. Thompson has boen a visitor at tho homo of E. Combs during tho past wook. Tho neighborhood party idea has boon successfully applied to gopher elimination In Furnas County j under tho direction of a specialist of tho Biological survey and tho extension agent In cooperative work of tho United tSates department of agricul tures and tho state college of ngricul turo. Tho eradication of pocket gophers Is vory difficult unless all tho farms in a district aro cleaned up in ouo campaign. A district two to threo milos long Is solected by tho county agent, nnd fnrmors In this district nro invited to n gophor poisoning pnrty, X full attendance is usually secured Tho morning session is given to a demonstration In cutting the bait and applying tho poison. Sufficient bait is proparod to supply tho party for tho day. In tho afternoon, tho party Is divided into pairs, ono person car rying tho bnlt and placing it in the runways, whllo tho other porson uses a prod to locato and open tho run ways. Tho county agent or specialist sponds somo time with each pair, giv ing lnutructlons. All tho infosted area represented by tho farmers nttonding Uio "party" Is covered and poison bait applied. In many cases n second day Is required to comploto tho work but all mombors of tho party lnvafl nbly stay with tho Job until It Is fin ishod. In Furnns county tho work has boon conflnod 'to tho alfalfa fields in tho vnlley lands along threo important etroams, tho Uopubllcan rivor, and tho Boavor and tho Sappa crooks. All last suinmor tho farmors woro con Btantly romlndod of tho importance o tho work, nnd oxcollont results woro obtained from tho community flold parties In tho fall. In tho campaign 2,500 acroB woro covered. Figuring tho ndvantago to tho farmors In boing rid of pocket gophers as half a ton of alfalfa per aoro, this area would moan 1,250 or $10,000 saved. No charges No refunds Every sale Final Hi BFi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Ladies' Outfitting Store Nor til Platte's Leading Women's Stors For Real Dress Values see North window BIGXELL NEWS iClalro Rosencrants who was In ured by being thrown from a horse Ib4 reported to bo Improving. Paul Overman and Harold Loftus were Blgnell visitors last weok, enjoying thomsolvos along the river. On the ovonlng of April 8, a number of people of tho Blgnoll community met at tho school house and organized a Baptist Church. Ono moro step in the right direction. A number of Blgnell people attend-, Mrs. Chns. Pitman and daughter, ed the lecture at the Dienor school Mrs. Anderson and-baby, loft Friday Tuesday evening, when Newton W.j morning for Denver where they will GnlnoB gnvo an interesting and very spend four months visiting friends instructive address. j Aprons and house dresses in good Miss. Ethel McCracken, the Blgnell quality wash percales and pretty stylos at $1, for Dollar Day only. E T. Tramp & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Rowo returned Wednesday from Mountain View, Mo. whoro they spent the winter visit ing relatives. teaohor, gnvo the children of the lower grades an egg hunt Friday morning, It was greatly enjoyed by the little LaVorno Elliott, Francis. Fitzpatrick, , ones- :o:- Tho program at tho Community Club was presented) by the old pcoplo of tho club. A splendid social spjrit was shown and evoryono seemed to en joy hlmsolf. On April 22. tho community club will bo ono yoar old. It has boen voted by tho mombers to eclobrato tho event by having a birthday party for its members. E. P. Trimblo presented tho Com munity Club with a beautiful oak pi ano bench last Friday ovonlng and Mrs. Lulu Drako presented some hand some hand-mndo lnco for a plnno scarf. Tho big dollar special at tho Lead er Mercantile Company 1b on aprons. No woman can afford to pass up this wonderful ono dollar apron which is mado of 72x80 fast color percale, neatly trimmed and In a stylo that will appeal to every woman; dark and light colors, sizes 3G to 44. Scores ' of .other special bargains In all de partments of tho store for Dollar Day, Wednesday, April 19. Tho Loader Mercantile Co. I L. & S. Groceteria. Ingwnrd Holm had tho mtsfortuno to havo his hand badly Injurlcd Mon day wbllo closing a barn door. Tho wind was vory strong and bo slip ped, catching his hand on a splko and toro an ugly gasb in it. Dr. Konnon was callod and Ingward reports bis hand ns Improving. Friday aftornoon tho Parent-Tcacb-or piootlng was hold at tho Bchool building. A good program was glvon by tbo paronts consisting of songs, readings and stories and an oxcollont talk on Alaska by Mrs. Aborcromblo. At the closo tho children woro sup rlscd by light refreshments and East er oggs. Miss Florenco Atwood, Unlvorslty Extension worker, visited tho girls' sowing club Thursday nnd mado pre paration for tho glrlB to tako up tho Bocond course in sowing. Whllo horo sho also gnvo a talk on caning clubs for girls and boys. Tho Community olub voted on Friday ovonlng. to or- ganizo a club for this purposo. at the Keith Theatre Wednesday Only, HAUL WMGHT First clasB trick tumbler Is considered ono of the best and fore most ncrobatlc comedlnnj on tho American stage. Mr. Wright's novelty clown act Is in n class by itself. From the time ho starts until the time he finishes, the nuLle.ico aro in nn uproar- His tumbling Is supreme. VAX k YOKKE In a "Fat Chance and n Thin Excuse" A streak of fat and a streak of lean In d melange of singing and dancing, chatter apd c nnily. Their olftring Is full of good whole some laughs. The two do not dope id ipon their physical ip; ej--anco to mako a success of their act, on tho contrary they have some vory good comedy and new songs. CLICK & BMGIIT Tholr offorlng is an excellently constructed little skit consisting of a serios of singing and dancing numbers Intorsporsod with lines of comedy talk so Infectiously funny that thero is never a doubt . their garnering more f nr tholr iuVt ci laugrs. Jut a hi,..; of personality. 1'EAJILS 110MANIAK .GYPSIES Consisting of threo girls and two men In a musical and whlrlwin Russian dnnclng act. Also playing Mandolin and not once do tho action of this net slow up and tho attention of the audience i held without. ( ALSO A GOOD FEATUJIE I'K'TUKE "KEEPING UP WITH LIZZI1. tsua k2. 1