The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1922, Image 2

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Como in nnd lot us tiilk with
you about memorial work. You
expoct to beautify your como
tery lot sometime, why not
thin spring?
If you arc not ready to buy
an oxponslvo monument, per
haps you want just a marker
Wp give tho same attention to
small work that wo givo to
110 West Front Hired.
Tho following interesting front
page nrtlclo appeared in the Garden
When in Omaha
Hotel Conant
Hotel Sanford
Hotel Henshaw
but for thoso in charge to defeat tho Marian Conneally arrived hore
very purpose of tho law simply to Wednesday from Omaha to visit at
favor friends, or for any othor selfish ' U'o Francis Conneally homo 'here,
reason, scorns chhlldlsh and unroason-, Sho attends school in Omaha,
able It surely puts a orlmp in unyj Dr. L. J. KRAU3E, Dentist, X-Ruy
good impression one has ever had of , Diagnosis McDonald Dnnk Building,
tho presont administration nnd tho I'liono l7.
. - 1 . . n il l ...1 iirn.i
corps or various secrotarya. u ono uov, r. v i-nuurun ruiumuu nuu
man has it within his power and is nosday evening from Central City,
inclined to bo so small and narrow- Ho ottondod tho Kearney Presbyterial
minded as to Ignoro fncts and tho gon- there Tuesday and Wednesday.
oral welfaro of the groatost number i Dixon Optical Co., oyo sorvlco.
of pcoplo Interested, then a different.
nrrnnirnmnnt nlintili! lin tniulo. Wnl NOTICE OF SALE
should by all means go back to tha u.,,aL U,UWI" uu" , Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing
commission system wherein three or of Nobraaka. Plaintiff, vs. Ono ' ? 'one Tthcm SlZ
five men might Judge of merits or a j Ford Automobile, Engine No. 732099. ' 8uranco of receiving honcot value and
caso. Wo are thankful that there aro uoronuant. courteous treatment.
few men who do thoso things but
thoro should bo no possibility of put
ting Into ho honorablo office unyono
who was not largo enough to wolgh
matters carefully nnd unprejudiced
beforo rendorlng n decision.
If the hatchery is located at or near
North Platte wo will bo satisfied, but
thorc aro some other strings that will
bo pulled If It Is to be located where
Mr. Stuhr practically Informed our
pcoplo that It would be. Bluffing Is the
poorest thing wo do; Wo mean to
fight for what Is right In this mat
For Sale
Diamonds A now otock JUBt re
ceived, $50.00 to $225.00. Real bargains.
Clinton & Son.
Ancona (Shoppard Strain) hatch
ing oggs, $1.50 per 15; also White
Loghorn eggs, $5.00 por 100. Will ro-
placo cloar eggs, gunranteo 85 per
cent fertile.
(Irncclnnd Addition.
Onoe More Illustrating tho Wide Qulf
8ometlmes Existing Between Ro
mance and Reality.
As tho crowded elevator car swooped
down from eighteen to ten sho became
aware that there waB a man Just be-
racresie COMPANY
largo, that by vlrtuo of an Order Ib
sued by tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, and to mo directed
I will on tho 1st day of May, 1922 at
tho hour of Two O'clock in the nfter-
noon of Bald day at tho East front
door of County Court House in Nortli
Platto. Lincoln County. Nobraska. sell
at public, auction to tho highest and
best bidder for cash, Ono Ford Au
tohioblle, Engine No. 732099, which
said Automobile was by said County
Court doclarod to bo u common nusl
nnce and wns found to bo tngaged in
unlawful transportation of intoxicat
ing liquor to wit: Whiskey, and was
slczed, hold and orderod sold by vlr
tuo of Chapter 109 of session laws of
Nebraska for tho year 1919, samo be
in sonato FIlo No. 190 and entitled
Intoxicating Liquor; said sale to re
main open ono hour.
Dated at North Platte, Nobraska,
this 15th day of April 1922.
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
County News for April 7. It shows tho hIn( her ,oft olbow nor congcious.
attitudo of our friends regarding tho
location of tho now flah propogatlon
Secretary of Agrlculturo Leo Stuhr,
nnd Fish Commisloncr O'Urion, wore
hero last Friday, coming In unnnounc
cd from North Plato whoro they had
been inspecting the possibilities In
that county for a fish hatchory. Wo
ness of him was somehow intensified
by tho exhilaration of the moment.
Curiosity counseled looking around.
Prldo forbade It. She folt a burning
sensation In tho pnrt of her left cheek
which was visible beneath her hat
brim, Elizabeth Houghton writes In
tho New York World.
Bump, slam, swoop I the car Inched
lis way down. Ten floors nro not too
want to say that Mr. O'Brien mado a few forjtho creation of a fairy prince,
To tho owners of tho record tltlo of
all property adjacent to or abutting
upon tho streets hereinafter des
cribed and all porsons interested
You and each of you nro hereby
notified that tho
Council of tho City of North Platte
Hlil nmlnr ilntn nf Anrll 7th. 1922.
pass and approve a certain ordinance Offico Phono 241 Ros. Phono 217
mighty good impression among tho
business mon and farmers whom ho
mot whllo horo and wo want to Bay
ns emphatically that Mr. Stuhr gave
us tho idea that ho was doing uh con
siderable favor by ovon considering
us nt nil. Ho Boomed to liavo hts mind
made up before ho had an opportunity
of giving our site an Inspection ,told
nil about why it would'nt do and why
tho Wollflcct groundB was tho only
ono to consider. Regardless of whoro
At the eighth floor ho was tull and
slender with a lock of hair falling over
his forehead, at the seventh he had
rather deep-set eyes and Btcrn, straight
As they passed the fifth she decided
that ho woro a necktlo of grayish blue
which undoubtedly matched the pecul
iar bluo of his eyes. Just then a fat
man pushed his way In and forced her
ngalnst tho wall. But she hardly no
ticed this.
Shu was planning the encounter.
I")iilntllv nh wnnlil stn from the car.
Uio railroad runs each way from tho adjusting her fur collar so that tho
hatchory, Wolltloot scomod to bo tho WOm lining should bo hidden ho
ono location. Of course tho boosters would follow closely, nnd in well-mod'
at North Pintle had thought this to ulated tones ask If he might take her
he a good ono as long as the land
whero tho proposed fish hatchory
would bo located was on n school sec
tion already owned by tho state, and
thcreforo, they wouldn't hnvo to do-
nnto any- of the land. It 1h In the
Bchool funds now but wo presume that
through nlmblo process of bookkeep
ing tho tltlo could bo tranBforod with
out having to transfor nny funds from
thu local pcoplo. Beautiful thought,
Sovcnty-flvo mtlca south of this lo
cation 1b tho hatchory ut Bcuklemnn
which is doing no part of tho state
nny particular good on account of Its
being whoro fow Inkos and fish re
serves can bo rouchod and anyone
with any idea of fairness would not
think of locating It there. But we sit
in tho position of tho prlsonor who
waB condomnod by tho Judge beforo
tho trial of the caso. Wo killed the
fnttod calf In his honor; wo flaUorod
him; wo cussed him and wo pleaded
"Main floor last stop I" bawled the
elevator boy. Sho found herself hur
rying madly ulong tho marble floor,
hearing tho tap, tap of her own heels
and u heavy tread close behind I It
wus, t must be the fairy prince 1 At
the door of the big ofllco building sho
stopped, a little breathless.
"Hello, Cutlol" smote raucously In
her car. "Want an urm across the
street V"
. A tiny llgure in a grotesquely rakish
green platd cap smiled up ut her, dls
closing In the front of his mouth a
gleaming gold tooth I
ft Homeopathic Physician ft
n Snrgeon
ft General Practice nnd
ft Construction Snrgerj
j Hospital Accommodation
Platto Talloy Hospital
$ Former Name Twlncm Hospital.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Special Attontlon Glvon to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130 Residence- 115
Teacher of Voice. Culturo
and tho
Art nf Slnalntr
Mayor and I City Ros studl() 10g w Thlrd Phono 114J
forming and creating Paving District
No. 11 of tho City of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nobrnska. And that
tho following streets including tho
Intersections thereof within tho limits
of tho city nro comprised within said
.paving district, to-wlt:
All that portion of Ninth Street of
said city commencing at tho East lino
of Locust Street at tho itnorsoctlon
of Locust Street with Ninth Street in
Osteopathic Physician
North Platto, Nobraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Graduate Yctcrlnnrlan
Ex-Governmont Veterinarian and ex
said city, then west to and along said assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Ninth Street to tho East lino of Oak
Strcot at tho Intersection of Oak
Street with tho west Ninth Street of
said city, thoro to terminate.
Unless objections aro fllod as re
quired by statute within twenty days
from tho first publication of tms no
tice the Mayor and City Council shall
nrocood to construct such paving.
Dated this 10th day of, April, 1922.
(Seal) E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
Hospital 315 South Vino Street.
Phones. Hospital 633 Residence G33
For dates and terms call at
First National Bank
North Platto, Nob.
Over Hlrschfeld's
Offico Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020
Como in and see me when In need
of Farm Loans. At tho prosent time
I can mawke a few Farm Loans.
When in North Platte
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
Palace Bazaar
first clast and prices
Opposite Union Pacific
The Farmer's Auctioneer
H. M. Johansen,
North PlattD, Nebraska.
Phone 783F3
Notice is hereby, given to tho Elec
tors of the City of North Platto, Ne
liraslca that Sho M.yor cad City Coun
til of tho City of Noi,r.'i Platto, Nebras
ka, hav.' , rovlded by ordm Mice for
tho submission to a direct vote of the
votors of tho City of North Platto, No
braska, tno following proposition: An
ordinance providing for' the submit
ting to tho votors of tho City of North
Platto, in tho County of Lincoln and
For those who do not have enough stato of Nebraska, tho following quos-
stock or machinery for a cenoral tlon: "Shall tno City of North Platte,
farm salo, 1 am located so I can hold n th, County of Lincoln, State of Ne-
combination sale at North Platte clty of N Platto6 Nooraaka ln
or at tho Falrview dairy 1 miles tho sum of Fifty Thousand ($G0,
west of town. I have always got 000.00) dollars, for tho purposo ot
enough Btock or machinery listed with raising monoy for paying tho cost ot
me so we can hold a combination sale Jffi' of .17
any time. and spaces opposite alleys In tho City
of North Platto, Nebraska. And to pro-
NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY vido for levying and collecting by the
proper officers of sold City a tax an-
Taken un by tho undersigned. 4 nually to pay tho interest and prln-
horses, near tho stock yards, Coun- cipal of said bonds as they mature."
' . , . , . , And by virtue of tho power ln mo
ty of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska; on ve3tod j horeby call an olection on
tho 26th day of March 1922: two bay said ordinance- so submitted to be held
geldings, weight about 130O pounds; in City of North Platte, Nebraska, on
ono black golding. weight about 1303 ho ICth day of May, 1922. The voting
pounds: ono bay mare, weight about , Th(J p, t w d t u . N.
1200 pounds. Durbin Garage nt the intersection ot
Dated this 28th day of March 1922. Fifth and Dewey Streets; the Second
Ward in the District Court Room at
the County Court House; the Third
"Ward at the Firo Station at the inter
section of Front and Vine Streets;
tlio Vnnrtll Wnrfl nt fVin NnHh "PlnHn
EstatO NO. 1848- or Uliaries J. Rulck Oamen nt tho fntprRnp.tfnn nf
i- t -t i i it. " -
uranu, ueceusou, m uiu BlKhth and Locust Streets. The doIIs
uourt oi uiucum ouuiy, ixbuiud. .to be openC(i at ejght o'clock In the
xne stato or iseorasKa, to an per- mornlnir anfl to remain onon until
sons interested in said Estate take eight o'clock in the evening of said
notice mat vio AunmiiBtruiur una muu (jay 0j oioction
. . 1 1 . . . n .1 MAnnn, r.9 1.1c I
ministration anil a petition for final 'C: 4V:. ...T;,.
... . . . a ,1 uiuuutu euuii imuK iuuii uuiiui. wim
boh auum huu utwjuuiiBw u an "X" before tho paragraph begin
i.iii.u,., "r;r.r;0.X. ing with the word "FOR" issuing
rnB.0?my.T..SL,VUty Thousand ($50,000.00) of th
Uv.n. '""-"' "" Paving Bonds of tho City of North
Dated Aphil 11, 1922
(Seal) County Judge.
Makes or Repairs anything mado of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
610 Locust Under General Hospital
House 125
Ancient Organization Puzzled at to the
Dlspoiltlon of Its Relict of
Days Long Past.
There Is u Royal Toxophlllto society
in England, which bus had Its head
quarters in Regent's park for mnny
years. Now, however, the society hns
to move, and Is concerned us to the fu
with him; wo carried him over our ture resting place of tho wonderful
state ronds fnnd roads with mil treasury of archery relics now ln
To tho owners of tho record title of
nil property adjacent to or abutting
upon tho streets hereinafter des-
, crlbcd and all persons" Interested
You and each of you aro hereby
notified that the Mayor and City
Council of tho City of North Platto
did undor dato of April 7th, 1922,
pass and npprovo a cortaln ordinance office 340
rornung anu creating raving uistnct
No. 12 of tno City of Nortn Platto, tt iv T KHAWKR
Tl I.. 1 ... T ..1 . . .1 il... ' ' " " ------ - " "
tho followlnc streets Including the Osloopnth Physician
!ntnrnrMnYia flinrnnf wlHiln ilin ltmtta I 0
thn oMv nrn nnmnrloml wUhln onl.l OVOr tllO O.OSlS North Platte
paving district, to-wlt:
All that portion of Sixth Strcot of
said city commonctng on the oust
lino of tho Intersection of Vino and
West Sixth stroet ot said city thenco
Archers' hall.
One bow and set of urrows are more
than 4,000 years old. These were
taken from the tombs ut Sakknrah, In
Egypt, nnd are believed to have been
In use about 2000 B. 0.
Another bow was given to the soci
ety by Mahomet Effendl, "embassy
from the Sublime Porte," ln 1704, when
would ho glvon to tho state 110 cnmo 10 n"ianu Ior u,e ,,rai "ulc
cringing ins uow una nrrows wmi mm.
Wlw.n tlilu niiirlali ifllMnl unw tha
ally wo got down on our knees, men- ground ut llegont.a lmrU ne 8ttld itwna
tally, but to no avail. much too smull so ho went lnto a
While wo nro suro Mr. O'Brlon, who street outside the park und shot his
hy tho wny has grown up ln tho fish arrows Into a field. The distance was
busluoss nnd has boon connected with measured and found to bo n quarter
the hatchery at Gretna slnco It was ot m,lt'- Ma"'n"d wnB so pleased
rit Btartml. wnli imnrnMn.i win. wlth tnls sl,ot thnt 1,0 presented his
ln Bulck's and Hudson's Supors; our
Iwdlng citlzons taught him gobs n
bout nature and tho wonders of blrd
ology (ho didn't know n prarle chick
en from a curlew whon school com
menced; wo showed tho learned (?)
secretary of agrlculturo the finest pos
sible grounds for a fish ihatchory
without a penny of chargo; and fin
bow nnd arrows to tho society. The
bow is beautifully carvod and la of
Immense strength.
our grounds, thoro Boemed to be no
wny that proof could soak Into the
other party. Wo have tho outlot to
mo roai iukcs country, anu wo aiso Victory Made a Difference.
havo tho railroad facllltlos mat would Durlnc tho nllled occuuutlon of Qer
warrant the locatloiii, but it mndo no mnny, an umuslug encounter took place
Impression. About nil that, tho party "between a British soldier and a Qer
In plmrirn Hnnmoil to tin aliln tn ent UuroUPSH
was to bo told that- wo couldn't havo
Our pcoplo horo first started tho
move to put In nnothor flBh hatchory,
but Stuhr admitted his lgnornnco of
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
west to and along said Sixth Street ,,H,, 00.,1MIv1f nnv
of said city to the East lino ot Elm Ca"s Promptly answered Night or Day
Strcot nt tho Intersection with said
Sixth Stroet of said City, thoro to ter
Unless objoctlons aro filed as re
quired by statuto within twenty days
from tho first publication of this no-
Phonos. Offico G42 Residence 67G
tico, the Mayor and City Council shall Rooms 5. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg
proceou to construct sucn paving.
Dated this 10th dny of April, 1922.
(Seal) E. II. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
Offico Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242
To tho ownors of tho record tltlo of
all proporty adjacent to or abutting
upon tho Btroots hereinafter des
crlbcd and all porsons intoroBtcd
You and each of you aro hereby
jiotlflod that tho Mayor and City
Practice Limited to Dlseasse of
.Womon and Surgery
Ovor Roxall Drug Store
Phonos: Offico 127 Rosldonco 65B
rhyslclnn und Surgeon
Dlagnoss nnd Troament
rkvnr Tin Inn Rtntn TlAnlr
Council of tho City of North Platto I , ,, ... a,, noni
...winr ,! nf Anrii 7th. 10,0 Offico Phono 29GW Houso Phono 296R
The baroness, writes Mtss Violet It.
Murkhaui ln "Watching on the Rhine,'
did undor dnto ot April 7th, 1922,
pasB and approve a cortaln ordlnanco
rormlng and creating Paving District
No. 13 of tho City ot North Platto.
Jjincoln County, Nobraska. And that
tho following Btroots including the
Intersections thoroot within tho limits
told a British ofUcer that ono of his ? tho city aro comprlsod within said
men insulted her. Indeed, sho do- living district, to-wil
Special Attention Glvon to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phono 83 Rosldonco
Platte, Nebraska' in denomination of
Ono Thousand and No 100 (Sl.000.00)
Dollars, each bearing Interest nt tho
rato of Six (6) per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually, interest and
principal at the office of the County
Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato
of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear daU
of Juno 1st. 1922, and the interest on
said bonds to bo payablo on the 1st.
Estate No. 1868 of Jano James, do
ceaBed. In tho. County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Ctntn nt MnVirnalrn a.1
Creditors of said estate will take Nay of December 1922 and the 1st.
notice that tho time limited for pre- w Jno isuj ana on me ist.
sontatlon and filing of claims against of Juno of each and every year
-om afnt la Aii?nf Kth. 1922. and thereafter until all interest on aid
.m ,.( n(.nHWotnt i.MnH, Bonds shall havo been paid. Said
30, 1923; that I will sit at tho County Bonds to be numbered consocutlvoly
Court room In Bald county, on waj , - "r. "r? "" 'y Z
Kth. 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m., and .0""0.?
. . . ... i pniinnnn TnornTn nrrnoiir-zi. jniri rmi.
on August 5th, 1922, at to o ciock a. --- i,r t r "
bLv vnmtnp h-nr. allow. to bo twn payablft to bearer twenty
or adjust all claims and objections
dulv filed.
WM. ri. J. WUUUHUK&l,
(Seal) County Judge.
Estate No. 1879 of Bridget Jones, do
ceased In Uio County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
The Stato ot Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested ln said Estate take no
tice that a petition has boon filed for
tho allownnco to probate of last Will
and Testament of Bridget Jones, de
ceased and tho appointment ot Dr.
Nicholas McCabe aB executor of said
-will which has been set for hearing
heroin on April 18, 1922 at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Dated March 22, 1922.
(SEAL) County judge
clared, she had nover been so insult
ed ln her life. The, otllcor at once
this fact, and wo proposod unsolfiahly began Inquiries and ttnally learned
thnt It bo located either ut North
Platto or nt Scottsbluff. Aftor propor
agitation tho bill was Introduced to
locate it olthor In Lincoln county, and
this was tho first wo had constdorod
that tho lady had found two British
soldiers whistling und sliding down the
banisters of her back stairs. She
had told them sharply that whistling
and slldtug un tho bunlsters were ver-
boten. Whereupon Thomas Atklni,
our county ns a suitable location Wo genial and undefeated, had turned to
worked for tho moaauro and when It her nnd remarked pleasantly, "Aye,
,Mmn n. law ivo mado no obiocttona missus, but yer should have won the
nnd have none to offer now If this cm- war, and then yer could have come
u . . . . . j . xth, and slid down our back stulra and
ICrprlSO COU1U DO lUCUlUU ui nuii
Platto, or at least on tho North rlvor,
All that portion of Sixth Street of I
laid city commencing at tno East sido
. t Elm Strcot at the intorsoctlon of
Him. Strcot with said Sixth Street of
said city, thonco west to nnd along
said Sixth Street of said city to tho
east lino ot Jetforson Stroot at tho
Intorsoctlon with said Sixth Street of I
said city, thoro to tormlnnto.
Unloss objoctlons aro fllod as ro
nulrcd by statuto within' twonty days
from tho first publication ot thlo no-
tlco, tho Mayor and City Council shall
nrocood to construct such naving.
Dated this 10th day ot April, 1922.
(Soal) E. II. EVAN 9, Mayor.
Attost: O. E. ELDER, City Clork.
X-ltay Diagnosis Oxygen nnd
Gas Anesthesia for Extractions.
Ovor Union Stato Bank
Phono 296.
Llconsed Kmbalmors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
DartPhono 41 Night Phone Black 648
In tho Matter of tho Estato of Fred
orlck Worneko, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested ln Said Es;
Notico is hereby given, that Frieda
Rchorz. on Anrll 3. filed in this Court
an instrument purporting to bo the
last Will and Testament of FrederlcK
tWorneko, deceased, and which Will
relates to both real and personal
.property, and also her petition pray
ing that tho said Instrument bo ad
mitted to probate, and tnat letters
tostamontarv. bo Issued to her, upon
tho estate of tho Bald Fredorlck
Worneko. deceased, and that said no
tltlnn will bo heard boforo tho County
Court In tho Court House, ln the City
of North Platto. County of Lincoln
and Stato of Nobraska, on tho Z4tn
day ot April 1922, at two o'clock 1
M.. at which time any ono may ap-
near and contost tho probata ot said
Will, and show cause, If any there
bo. why said Instrument should not
bo admitted to probato as tho last
Will and Tostamont of Bald Fredorlck
Worneko, deceased, and why letters
tostamontary should not bo issued to
said netitlonor.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska
April 3, 1922.
(Seal) County Judge.
(20) years aftor dato but redeemable
at the option of tho City at any time
aftor fivo (5) years from the date
thereof, and shall tho City of North
Platto, Lincoln County Nebraska, levy
a tax in the year 1922 and each and
ovory year thereafter sufficient to pay
the Interest on said Bonds and in the-
year 1922 and each and ovory year
thereafter, sufficient to create a sink
ing fund to pay tho principal of said
Bonds as they become duo, until BUf
flclont tax has been levied to pay alt
of the interest and principal ot said
Bonds and such tax to bo both for
principal and interest and to bo loviod
upon all of the taxable property in
said City ot North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Thoso voting ngalnst said ordlnanco
shall mark tholr ballot with an MX"
before the paragraph beginlng wltn
tho word "AGAINST" issuing Fifty
Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars of the
Paving Bonds of the City of North
iPlatto, Nobcaska', in donominatfons
ot Ono Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars
each bearing Interest at tho rate of
Six (C) por cent por annum payable
soml-annually, Interest and principal
payable at tho offico of tho County
Treasurer of Lincoln County, State
ot Nobraska. Said Bonds to boar date
oC June 1st 1922 and the Interest on
said Bonds to bo payablo on the 1st
day ot December 1922 and the 1st
day ot June 1923 nnd on tnolst day
of December and on tho 1st day of
Juno of eacn nnd every year there
after, until all interest on said bonds
shall havo been paid. Said Bonds to be
numbered consocutlvoly from one to
fifty InclUBlvo and the interest there
on to bo ovidonced by coupons thoreU
attached. Said Bonds to bo drawn
payablo to bearer twenty (20) yeari
after dato but redoemablo at the op
tion of tho City at any tlmo aftor fire
(6) years from tho dato thoroof, and
shall tho City of North Platto, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, levy a tax in
Uio year 1922 and each and ovorj: year
thereafter sufficient to pay Uio inlor
cst ot said Bonds nnd ln tho year 1922
and each and ovory year thereafter
sufficient to creato a sinking fund to
pay Uio principal ot said Bonds as
thoy becomo duo, until sufficient tax
has boon levied to pay all of the In
torost and principal of said Bonds and
such tax to bo boUi principal and In
terest and to bo levied upon all ot the
taxablo proporty ln Uio City of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
Datod, this 10th day of April, 1922.
O. E. ELDER', City Clork.