I THE NORTH PLATTE SJ2MI-WEEKL V TRIBUNE The IIIItSCHPELl) Co. 1 WILSON TOUT. Editor and rnbUslicr, u ; Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postoflico as Second Class Matter. , SUBSCKIl'TION PIUCEi Ono Year, in advnnco i- $1.C0 i i ii. i - refc f ' mi DAY, APRIL 14, 1022. EDITOMAL A numbor of contributions nnd items nro crowded out of this Ibsuo as woll us several ndvcrtlsemonts of local merchants We did not know In time to allow for more space. LOOK WHAT'S COMING I BPWORTII LEAGUE I Will hold a sunrlso meeting Sun day morning at 5:30. After tho meet ing a breakfast will bo served to the members in the church parlors. WAJl MOTHERS Will attend the funeral of Eltnor W. Shaner to bo hold in Maxwoll Sunday. Mrs. 0. I). Shanor is a Stato War Mother. , AMERICAN LEGION Will hold a mcoting Monday even ing at tho Firomons hall. A largo at tendance is required. Important bus iness is to bo transacted. Refresh ments wll bo served by the American IOglon Auxiliary. SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES LUTHERAN 11:00 "Forever Triumphant." 8:00 "Tho Joyous Life" BAPTIST 11:00 Tho Risen Christ. 8:00 Tho Recipo of Life. WE CARRY THE WOULD FAMOUS s Want Ads FOR SALE Seed Corn and cane seed. R. E. Dillon. FOR SALEr-Cannn and dahlia bulbs Phono 995W. FOR SALE Ladios spring coat and rain coat, sizo 38. Phono 810J. I FOR SALE Evorbearing strawber ries, $1.00 por 100. C. H. Spicor. 33 jr. t - Eft I SPECIAL OFFERING I FOR RENT Storago space in tire proof ware house. Simon Dros. FOR RENT Furnished room, modern. 209 Locust street. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. W. T. Wilcox, 704 West Fifth. & Hi if? Hi HFi ies Lace .1 .0 . - Vest and Collar Sets 31 This is a' special purchase and consists ol some very handsome 3j natlerns. Quite a few have culFs to match. Just the thins: to Sfi tfi wear with your new Laster buit or to -make your old one look afi ;FOR SALE Cultivated ten acre tract, I close to town. Price right for quick sale. Answer XYZ, caro Tribune. NO MORE NO LESS .WANTED Acetylene welding of ad kinds, prices reasonable. North ;Sldo Blacksmith Shop. !Ji new. See display in our windows. ifi ifi Hi Hi m Mallory Hats Manufactured Since 1823. WANTED Stenographer and hoik- The HIRSCHFELD Exclusive Agents for Jfnllory lints In North Plntto Co. keopcr. or Co. North Plntto Light & Pcv- NICHOLS NEWS EPISCOPAL Guild will have a fair and supper April 20. The supper will bo 35 cents. , CUSTOM IIATCIIING-$7:G0 per com partment of 150 eggs. Call State Farm. FOR RENT Improved Irrigated ten acre track, adjoining Sutherland F. C. Leach, care American State Dank, Sutherland. FOR' SALE Hatching eggs, Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds and Whito Leg horns, $1 per setting. Luther I. Tuck or. Phono C98J. Tho baby that was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clemens Inst Friday died on Wednesday of this week and was buried in the Platte Valley comotorv yestorday. Nowton W. Gaines of the Unlvcr- F0R SALE By owner, at 505 So. slty Extension department made an 'Chostndt, 7 room house; pantry, hath, address at tho Nichols school houBOthro oloBota; modern except heat; Wednesday evening. Tho crowd was two lota outbuildings. Phone 853W. EPISCOPAL 8:00 Holy Communion 11:00 Holy Communion and Sormon nppropriato for tho spirit of the season. Spoclal music. '4:00 Chlldorns sdrvlces. 7:30 Evening prayer and sormon. Spobial music CHRISTIAN iC:00 Sunrlso prayor mooting by mombors of tho Christian Endoavor. li:00 Easter S,ormon 5:30 Joint mcoting of all Inl'or- not lnrgo on account of tho threaten- F0R SALEnarro,l Plymouth Rock Ing woathor but thoso who came hoard ono of tho finest talks that was ovor given in this community. Mr. Gairtcs spoke on community work and whttt It is going to bo In tho future when tho wireless telephone bocomes a ljttlo moro porfoctcd. Ho Is certainly a speaker of great ability. Following tho lec.turo, tho Nichols La. dlos' Aid served a lunch and evqry ono had a good time. :o: setting eggs, 75c for 15; $4.50 for 100. F. a Waltomath, 502 S. Locust Phono 444W. WANTED A girl for general house work. Phono 2433. . FOR SOLE Seed corn from 1920 crop. P. L. Wagner Farm ( Mrs. Robert McMurry of Maxwoll Spoilt last Tuesday with her daugh ter, Mrs. Asa Snydor. c Miss Anna Nelson of Lexington will spend the week end with her friend, .Miss Beulah McGraw, In this city. Miss Violet Lawson entertained a number of her friends at a party In honor of hor birthday last Monday evening. Sixteen covers were laid by Mrs. J. Cornwoll at her homo last Sunday whon sho gave a dinner In honor of the birthday of hor son, Asa. Tv- Mrs. Martin Mongeson, living at 802 North Locust Invited ,a number of her friends to help hor .celebrate her birthday. -H'c guests ,had a de lightful timpjand, refreslunWnts were served by thoostes'sV : She" received i number of useful .gifts, . - rv' ' WANTED A married cou'p'lo or. ..two ladles to room and board; modern, prlvnto home; prices reasonable, Mrs. W. P. Snydor loft yesterday i Phono 83GL-J. .. ; r . morning for Grand Island. Sho will 1 bo there two days attending thq mis-1 modlnto Endeavors and Junior En-jslonary moqtlng of the Konrnoy Pres. doavors. bytorlal. 8:00 "Mind of Christ In Man" 34.. Tp 11, Rg 28 Small Improve- PRBSUVftEtllAN. ittftgryjcos .bogln nt 10:30 with n.'cep tlcn of member? f; ml btptlsm of yi?l!firon. i 'C'l Eastor O.int'rttn by tin choir. 8:0.0 PRloxtlne' Comnlnndry' No. IS, will worship in a body and in full unlfonji. Dr. Pattorson will s,ponk on '"I;iio Knight Templar Faith." Everybody is Invited. monts. GO acres cultivated. Balance nasturo. Address Box G35. Grand Is Beginning. Sat. 'April 15th wo will lnn(, Nebraska. Jinvo o'r auio at less tnan cost to Hi METHODIST 11:00 "Resurrection Attributes of Jesus." Spoclal miiBlo. "As It Bognn to Dawn," Charlos Vln & oent. "Tho Rosurroctlon," Shol loy. 8:00 Bortlc sermon, Tdlstol's, "The j '. Rosurroctlon." Special music. "Jobub Lives Today," WHfoh. "Tho Glory as Victory Dawny," Loronz. tiH hII Pnclfit- models of tho, last hx: WANTED Woman for alterations months output. Wo wish' to , dlsposo ' 1 and sales In ready-to-wear depart of theso nlodols to make room for mont Apply by letter, stating m now goods arriving. Arvllla Whit- porlenco you havo had. Wilcox Do- tnkor. Mllllnory and Specialty Shop, partmont Storo 50G Locust St. under Goneral llos liltal- ' ' ' ' For Sale An'cona (Shoppard Strain) hatch Ing eggs, $1.50 por 15; also White FOR SALE Ono Do Laval soparator, No. 15, good as now; 1 alfalfa oul- Wvator with socd attachment; 100 Black Minorca hons. Phono 79GF14. Otto' Mosmer. LOST Sunday evening, between I Sioux Lookout and North Plntto, an Leghorn eggs, $5.01) por. 100. Wfll ro-, Ea8tmnu Kodak, post card sizo. Find- nlncta oloar ecus, cunrnnloo "SB " nor , 'oavo at UUDort's JJaroer snop ana cent furtllo. MRS. ANDERSON receive liberal roward. ('n'fP'i'iid C22SZ3! Your HOMIPUOOF HOStl'.RY St(;r EASTER - Wonder Day of tho Year. For Milady: Naturally, hor hosiery selection will bo Holoproof Hosiery. Sho knows from oxporlonco tho luster nnd bounty that Hole proof glvoa to trim ankles. OUR SlUICIAL Ladles' Pure 811k Holeproof Hosiery with tho oxtra stretch ribbed top. A $2.50 valuo all Uio now popular shados .$168 Addition. 1. REWARD To person roturnlng my watch and chain which I lost while boarding No. 3, Wednesday night Size G, hunting case, Hampden; en graved "L. E. W." on back; can give numbers. E. J. Enmes, Wallace, Neb AVANTED A saleswoman for dry goods, etc; must live nt home and expect to koop tho plnco In a pennan out way. Apply by lottor, stating ox porlonco you havo had. Wilcox Do partmont Storo. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE BR m !fi m FOlJltTH WARD ITEMS Saturda Spoclal, - Cash Market. Bono and roll beef -roast for Easter, 20c per lb. I. L. Stebblns, Phono 20. E. R. Goodman left' Monday for Denver whoro ho will .spend a week looking after. business matters Mrs. Fayo Brewer of Hershey spent a' few days hero visiting her stater Mrs. Besslo Show Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Ovormoyer an nounco tho birth of a boy born Sun day April 9th. They namod the boy Clyde Henry, Jr. A track meet will bo held today on tho local field whon 'Gothenburg and North Platto will compete for honors. The ladies of the Methodist church will hold tliolr annual .Eastor sale on Saturday April 15 at tho Crystal Theatre building. They will havo on sale wovon rugs aprons of a styles, homo baking such as pies, cakes, broad, baked beans, and Eastor eggs. Tho salo begins at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Gertrude Shoffiold jrjoturncd tho first of tho woek from Rochester, Minn, whoro sho spent throe weeks at the Mayo hospital receiving med ical treatment Wo havo just received a big ship ment of Volland books and dolls for children, mother mottos and cards. Shower Invitations, birth announce ment cards, clilldrens birthday party Jactations and, vory unique platea cards. Ajso Mother Goose tihjymos and pictures framed. Arvilla Whit takor. Millinery and Specialty Shop. 50G Locust St. Under General Hos-jital. SEED POTATOES The other car of Minnesota Red River Early Ohio's, certified Seed Potatoes, will be. in the last of- this week. Farmers having their potatoes ordered can. load their wagon at the car,.- McMiehaei Grocery Phone 441 j.j i,i i.t :.: if it :.: i.t i.t J.t :.: :: :.t t.t i.t t.t i.t i.i i.t i.t i.t WANTED Nobraska land, direct from owners who will pay a com mission on deals. Sond full descrip tion in first letter. Washington County, Kansas farms to exchango for Nebraska land. L. N. Rosamoiid, Hnddam, Kansas. -:o:- Ludlcs JSxtm Heavy Pure Silk Holeproof Hosiery with rlbbod top all now shades. Holeproof ffosiercj l-adlcs' Puro SUk Fated Holoproof llolsery with ribbed top V r Black, white, cordovan 7 ft?C Holeproof Hosiery Holeproof Hosiery THE HIRSCHFELD CO. nnd Women nnd Women North riattcs Exclusive Holeproof Hosiery Storo Dr. W. T. Pltchard left yoetorday mcrnlng fcr Lowollon whoro ho will bpoml several days transacting hasl-ness. Mrs. Mary Elder loft yestorday morning for Grand Island where she will attend tho Konrnoy Prosbytorlal of tho Woman's missionary society. Mrs. Lylo Browor of IIorBhoy spont Vodnosday In tho city visiting "rlonds. Saturday Spoclal, Cash Market. i"ono nnd roll beof roast for Eastor, 20o por lb. I. L. Stobblns, Phono 20 ifEi . . in tf3 sin :o:- Wo wish to nnnounco that wo have a vory oxtonslvo lino of tho ovory day cards, such as sympathy cards, ill- noss, thank you, father," and mother day cards. Also anojmepmout cards nnd cards of congratulation, condo- lonco and woddlng day cards. Spe cialty Shop. 500 Locust St. Undor Goneral Hospital. " 5y J3ased on OVm. JJ. J3rady's famous Play by Cotfie J3lah' .Parker and Jfbs. J3. (frismoi iple, old-fashioned story of plain people, embracing the four seasons. A story of loves Man and Woman Mother and Baby. ,A great bell tolling Humanity. A atory of laughter Rabelaisian horseplay. Quaint absurdities ' springing. gay 3 barn r dances ' 'sleigh bells ojingling. Love'sjvoice isweetandlow strong andrtender across fragrant fields'and twilighT'streams In the end, amazing scenes March storm,'ice'break-up,"'Anna and David .cied "with. blinding .mass .of. icefdoWn.thc.roaring river.' AtTheKeith Theatre, 4 Days. ; COMMENCING SATURDAYr-MATINEES Saturday and Sunday. SPECIAL MUSIC. Prices 23ci 35c, 65c. Special Matinee Saturday 10c, 30c.