'A TUESDAY and FltlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, APRIL 14, 1922. NO. 28. 4 SETTING FIRE 10 OWN HOM E , LOCAL imOTHKKHOOD KS FORTIETH ANNUAL PARTY ANNOUNC- MAY DEPUTY (jOUNTY FIRE WARDEN AND ATTORNEY SECURE EVIDENCE CITY COUNCIL This morning Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Chcnoy, 712 South Vino, mado a com plete confession to setting their home on flro last Sunday night and again Monday morning. The story told by tho Cheneys Is to the efect that thoy needed money to send Mrs. Cheney to tho hospital and that thoy could not meet tho payments on tho house. Tlioy filled ono or moro trunks with their most valuable property and quietly took them away from the house on Saturday evening. Late Sunday night thoy uiarted a firo in i tho house. Tho alarm was turned in and the firemen succeeded In putting It out without much damage. Early Monday morning the fire was again started while ono of them was away. When tho other returned, tho inex pediency of tho matter caused them to turn in tho alarm and a second tlmo tho, house was saved. The firo department hoys found firo In five orj moro places and reported, tho mattor j and Deputy Flro Warden Butcher re- Division 88, Drothorhood of Loco motlvo Engineers announces its 40th Annual May Party to bo given at tho Lloyd Opera House, Monday, May 1st. Tho engineers and friends look for ward to this annual event from year to year and It has come to bo ono of the out-standing social events of the spring months. Tickets are ono dol lar, including tax, for thoso who dance and 25c for thoso who wish to watch the others dance. RODY OF OVERSEA HERO TO RE RURIED AT FORT Mc-I'RERSON RE-ORGAN ZED LABOR, CANDIDATES TAKE SEATS OF THOSE NOT ENDORSED The body of Elmer W. Shanor, who was killed in action in the second battlo of tho Marnc, was expected In Maxwell last night or today. The funeral services In charge of Max well American Legion post, will ho hold Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. at the Baptist church and immediately following that committal services will he hold at Fort McPhcrson National cemetery, whore intcunent will bo made. Elmer was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Shanor of Maxwell. Ex service men In uniform aro request ed to meet at Legion hall, Maxwell at 1:30 p. m. tot- One of the business changes which is slcnlflcant in automobile circles is spondeh and the arrest followed. . tlln P.nmhlnlnir of tho North Platte Charges of arson will bo filed today. Bulck Co( aml the LoBan rjuick Auto :o: ' Co. under ono roof. Thoso two firms The first part of noxt month a wln mntnin their identity ono being number of Shriners will leave for jobbors am the other retailors. Tho Hastings where a Shrine ceremonial movo of tne jgan company was mado will be held. A spoclal train will to cut down expense and to centralize leavo' hore and Shriners of Grand tll0 Bulck interests . In North Platte. Island will join them enroute.. Th0 two firms can use tho same show Watch tho bargains in the Whit-1 room and in other ways conduct tho taker Millinery and Specialty Shop! two businesses in a moro efficient and April ICth. 6I!6 Locust General Hospital. Sit. Undrlr economical way. Dollar Day Special Two Tunkston Spark Plugs, $2.00. One Spark Plug, porcolean, valuo 30 cents. All for $1.00. Hendy-Ogier Auo Co. j E, H. Gange of Denver and former ly freight agent here visited friends for several days while onrouto to his homo from Omaha. . MIbs Gladys Hansen left for Coun- IMWJlb JUHIUIIIU.V 111U1111I1B YVIIUIB value she will spend a week visiting rel atives. Wo have a limited number' of suit and dross hats formerly priced up to $10.00 that wo will closo out at tho rcr.fik-b!o price or $4.50 for Sat-nrd-v -al;.-. ArvlKn Whittaker, Mil linery Shop. 500 Locust St. Under Ccnoiul Hospit'il. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY "We Want a Tanckdown" Rah! Huh! itnh! Rah ! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Kali! Hah! Hah! K;th! Kali! Riih! Arthur S. K.n. r .;ci.i. Tho city council met in special session Tuesday ovoning and after allowing somo bills and attending 10 somo other unfinished business It ad journed sino die. Tho rotlring mem bers, Mosaers Coatcs, Cantlln and Lolnlnger left their places and the now mombers, Messcrs Murphy, Ow ens and Smallwood took tholr scats. Tho best of good will was shown a3 tho rotlring members shook hand's with the new members and wished tnem weu. councilman Dicnor wub ro-oloctod. Councilman Howard Mc- Michaol was unanimously ro-eloctod president of tho council after whioh Mayor Evans announced tho follow ing standing committees: Ordinances, MoMichnel, Dicner and Owens. Fire, Murphy, Dienor and Smallwood. Water, Simon, Hughes and Murphy- Sower, Owens, Smallwood and Lang- ford. Streets, Hughes, McMichaol and Simon. Gas and Light, Lnngford, Murphy and Owens. Public Buildings, Smallwood, McMichaol and Hughes Ffnanco and Purchqse, DIener, Si mon and Langford. :o: Profossor E. C. Chllcott of Wash- Ington D. C. and of tho chief officoi ment was in North Platto this week. Saturday Spoclal, Cash Market Bono and roll beef roast for Easter, 20o per lb. I. L. Stebbins, Phone 2C. On account of two members of tho Grant debating team having the flu, It has been necessary to postpone the debate until April 22. As tho Grant team Is composed of three very capa blo speakers and coached by two able dobators, tho local team welcomes the jbanco of another week -'of "prepar ation. Tho room which is being vacated by tho Logan Buick Auto Co. will be oc cupied by Julius PIzer with a store No announcement has boon mado ot the extent ot tho now store but it Is reported that Mr., PIzer will make this new storo a credit to tho North sido and to himself. Hemphill's Prlnt ery will return to tho old location where the- PIzer storo now holds forth, Theso business changes will be com pleted shortly after tho first of May. Do not fail to tako advantage of the big salo of Infants and chlldrens drosses- Luncheon sots, aprons, and waists at tho Specialty Shop. April 15th. 50G Locust St. Under Gi n. ral "Hospital. Arthur Manke, a lG-ycar-old boy from tho Cozad vicinity was picked up hero last Monday by local offl-' cials and is being held in the county Jail, charged with horso stealing MEMBER OF LOCAL CATERING x FIRM TO BE WED IN OMAHA Invitations aro out announcing tho marrlago of Miss Tassla Constantino to Sam R. Poulos of this city at Omaha. The coromony will tako ptaco at 6:00 p. m. on Sunday, April 23 at tho Honshnw hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. Poulos will bo at homo' ftC 820 E. Fourth Street in this city after May 1. Mr. Poulos Ib a member of tho firm of Poulos Bros, proprietors of the Oasis. Anyone who does art work aside from noodle work Is asked to notify oltlier Miss Whlttakor or Mr3. Mc Roynolds so thoy can mako arrange ments for tho Art Exhibit. Episcopal church. ITho Masonic Lodgo will havo chargo of the ser vices at tho grave FIFTY-BARREL MILL HS ORDERED LOCAL GRAIN CONCERN SHOWS CONFIDENCE IN LINCOLN COUNTY Tho actual work of mixing concroto Ktnrted yesterday and tho purbing for tho paving Is being put In place. Tho system used Is Interesting nnd efficient. Tho Chambor of Commerce band had Its first rohersal Wednesday ov oning. Thoro wero twonty-ono pres ent with sovoral who had not mado plana to bo on hnd then. Special music at the Lutheran Church at 11:00 Sunday will include Organ prelude; Anthem, "Who Shall Roll Away tho Stone;" Chnnt, "Glor ia in Excclsis;" Anthon, "Christ Our Passover;" Chant, "Agpus Del;" Chant, "Sanctus;" Organ postludc. Mrs. Peter Burko of Maxwoll died at her homo early this morning. Sho leaves three daughters, Mrs. Oliver Carroll, Mrs. Marston Van Doran and Mrs. Francis Barnoll all of this city; and threo sons. No funeral arrange ments havo beerL-made. Louis Rayono an early settlor of Lincoln county died at his homo south of Maxwell Wednesday. Tho funoral services wore held- from tho Maxwell Catholic church. Ho leaves three sons and ono, daughter, h one ot tho sons, Fred Oulmette, lives in this city. Tho joint BCoutmnstcrs mooting ro-( contly hold provided for tho organi zation of all boy scouts who havo re ceived ono or moro merit badges Into Honorary Troop Ono. This troop will moot only a fow times oach'yoar in a social event but these mootings will bo well worth while. Tho body of Fred Gill, who died In Franco, arrived horo last night and was met at tho dopot hy an escort ot Amorican Legion men. It was takon to tho Dorryborry & Forbes undertaking parlors whoro It will romaln until Sunday whon It will bo takon to Arnold, whoro Uio funoral services will bo hold nnd lntcrmont mado. Fred was a brother ot Mrs. S. R. Dorryborry of tills city. Tho bad broak In tho wator mains under tho pavomont near tho corner of Sixth and Dowoy camo from a sorvlco plpo which wns not used and of which no ono know. When tho Glty bought tho wator system tho company from which tho purchase was .mado took all tho charts and survoys so that tho city started .out with no records ns to sorvlco lines laid. This is-ono which was only dis covered when it had rustid through, Tho repairs wore mado by tho wator department nt Its own oxponse. Tho Nobrnska Mill & Elevator Co. has placod an order for a fltty-barrol flour mill. Tho machinery is ox pected to reach horo beforo tho first of May. Preparatory work was bo gun yostcrday at tho plant on East Front street nnd work will bo rushed so thnt tho mill can bo in working order as soon ns possible. Officers ot tho company oxprossod thomsolvos as very well satisfied with tho pros pects and thoy aro confident thnt tho mill will bo a paying proposition from tho start. C S. Huffman, signing himself, "Grandpa," writes of tho birth of a nine-pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur A. May of Anehoim, Calif., on April 5. Mrs. May was formerly MIbs Irma Huffman. North Platto friends oxtend congratulations to mother and father, not forgetting to folici tato tho grandfather and grandmothor at tho same tlmo. John Ilinman, who is 82 years old, died at his home yestordny morning. Ho leaves a daughtor who lives' In California and threo nophows, all llv Ing in this city. Tho funoral services will bo hold Monday afternoon at the THE HIRSCHFELD ca BETTER CLOTHES FOR LESS MONEY Hear 'em jell when Ray nets Being. He's collcgo-boy, dross-suited milkman and gridiron star. And, of course, there's a girl to cheer him, too. From Richard Andre's play. Directed by Charles Ray AT THE SUN THEATRE Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION k iPfk V 1 PI' YOUR in Easier ami IS HERE All we ask is for you to look at our Suits. You judge the values. D K U Cu. We know they are the best suit values in town Good Clothes $1850 to $3500 Satisfaction or Your Money Back Tho directory of Lincoln comity pure bred live stock owners was crowdo'd out ot this lssuo for lack of tlmo t6 got R ready. Tho llBt la be ing published from tlmo to time and it will then bo put out in tho form of n Httlo booklet. Thoro aro still a num ber of brcedors of horscSj cattle, sheop, hogs and poultry In this county from which wo liavo not heard. Tho directory will not bo complete until ovory such breeder and ownor has sont In his list. Wo just want the owner's name, his address and tho kinds of pure bred llvo stock which ho owns. There isno chnrco. C. H. Whlto, gonornl ngont for tho Lolsh '. nl'oy railroad hotweon Bui fulo and Now Yoik was in Nortn J'lntte Wednesday transacting l-al-ncsii. n.'s railroad lias four muln lino tracks nd radiphoncs vra'i re contly Installed In all tholr Pullman cars. Tho North Platto Woman's club met Tuesday aftornoon, April 11, at tho homo ot Mrs. Lane, 303 South Sycamore A lottor was road asking for a gift toward tho purchaso ot hoadqunrtors at Washington, D. C, for tho Gonornl Federation of Worn nn's clubs. Tho cluh votod to givo $100.00 for this object. Mrs. Ror Mohlman had chargo ot tho after noon's program, tho subject being "Our Flag." Mrs. W. J. Tlioy rend an nddroas by Franklin K. Lano, on tltlod, "Tho Mnkors of tho Flag." Mrs. Roy Mohlman road a papor on "Tha History ot Our Flag," and Mrs. R. F. Cottorpll ono on "How Wo Secured Rocognltlon of tho Flag." A eulogy to tho Flag by Mrs. W. E. Starr com pleted tho program. Dollar Day Special Wo will put a now Prost-O-Lltfr ttox on any Storago Battery, regard less what mako you battory is for $1.00 on April 19th. Midwest Elect. Ser. Sla. Why Go Elsowlierol Phono m 215 E. Sixth SU A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE A SAFE PL ACE TO TRADE North Platte's Foremost Clothiers for Men and Young Men LOOK FOR VALUE Don't fsincy that lowesj. price cars are cheapest Usually they are more costly in use. If you are interested in more real valuo at the fairest price ever set on an automobile, we invite you to sec the PI ge Brothers MOTOR CAR The wonderful sales record made by Dodge Brothers cars in North Platte and throughout the entire coun try speaks for tho confidence of every ono in this good car, and their approval of its value for every known service. Our factory while running at full capacity cannot meet tho present demand, and we certainly advise prompt order for your car, if you want tho use out of it this coming spring and sum mer. Trices F. 0. II. North IMatto: Touring $1025 Commercial Truck $1010 One one-half ton Truck Chassis, $1485 . . V. ROMIGH, Dealer.