THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WJBEKLY TRIBUNE SPECIALLY WH TTEN of othor countios may soouro tho clr- BOV SCOUT LEADERS ARRANGE Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist, X-IUiy Diagnosis McDonald Rank Building. Phono 07. cular diroct from the Collego at Lin- FOR SCOUT TRACK AND coin, FIELD MEET OR L INFORMATION ABOUT AGRICUL. TURAL SUBJECTS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES Lambs become vory fond of grain The first annual scout nold meet when only a fow dayu of ago. Maxl-'wlll bo hold Thursday, April 20. This mum growth cannot bo expected un-s to ho after school hours. The ' scouts will bo divided into two class 08, ono for scouts weighing over 105 pounds and ono for thoso woightng Tho material contained in experi ment station circular 14 of the Uni versity of Ncbrask Agricultural Col- logo Is a culmination of soveral years study and Investigation of tho differ ent typos of hog houses used in Nebr aska. It is realized that tho plans giv en -Will not suit all condition that may arlso, but an effort has been mado to bring out the cssontlal fact ors so that tho plans may sorvj ns a guldo In planning a house suited to particular conditions. Tho circular not only discusses foundations, fioorH, partitions, doors, windows, heating, Individual and colony houses, but also shows dotallod plans and bills of mat erial for ono typo of Individual house and four types of colony houses. In counties having Extension ngonts tbcro is a supply of this circular in that agents offlco which is a branch of tho Agricultural Gollogo. Residents Sensible Shoes Are Fashionable Shoes with sonslblo walking hools and comfortable toes are tho voguo for out-door and daytlmo wear. Rap idly, tho high Fronch heel and tho un comfortablo pointed toos aro bolng limited by fashion to formal dross at fairs. "Tho greater comfort and pcaco of mind enjoyed toy tho wearing of sen slblo shoes has boon tho cause of fashion's now attltudo toward cor r&itly shaped shoos. Tho leading ln flucnco in this stylo trond has boon, and is tho wpll known Cantilovor Shoo. It hnB a floxlblo arch and a closo fitting instop which mako walk. Ing a joy and which tuko tho fatiguo out of both walking and standing. less grain Is fed. The creep method of feeding Is recommended by the Unlvorsity of Nebraska Agricultural College. A "crcop" is a pen with suit ably prepared openings accessible to tho lambs but not to older sheep. A high dry spot near where the ewes aro corallcd Is an Ideal location. Dry frosh feed should be availablo in tho creep at nil times as sour or mouldy feed Is a certain forerunner of trouble. Usually tho lamb loarn to oat grain more quickly If thoy arc started on a mlxturo of bran and oats as they are partial to this feed. A gradual change to any desired ration may thon bo mado with good results. Lambs that aro to 1)0 shipped to market should recelvo a ration consisting mostly of corn by the time they aro two months old. Corn along with tho owo's milk and pasturo produces a fat lamb which kills out a very deslrablo car cass. Lambs that are to bo kept as breeding stock should not rccoive a great amount of corn but ratnor should bo fed oats and some bran. Oats and bran, tho milk of the ewo, and pasturo tend to produce rugged growthy lamb with strong bono and vitality. You will onjoy tho now shoo fash Ion whon you wear Cantilovor Shoos, and tho freodom permitted by tho Cantilovor floxlblo arch will net llko a tonic on your foot. It Is a real happy fooling that you oxporlonco whon you wear Cantilovor Shoos. Como to our Btoro and boo thorn, and try them on. It'B a treat to tho foot and to tho norvos, wo aro tho solo agents for Cantilovor Shoes In this city. DR. S. E. HUPFER CHIROPODIST, 317 East Fourth Street. Suda graBS Is becoming moro and moro popular as a hay and pasturo plant In Nobraska. Tho Agricultural Collogo consldors it ono of our best plants for a ono year pasturo. Men who need somo additional pasturo for tho foar should consider It carof ally, as It was thought that It might bo poisonous undor cortaln conditions if used as a pasturo plant. However no cases of poisoning liavo been report ed from Nebraska whero hundreds of farmers aro using it now. Sudan should not ho put in tho ground un til It warmB up. It Is usually seeded JuBt following corn planting. It should not bo pasturod until It Is soveral Inches tall and has had a chance to get rooted. It makes a good pasturo for all kinds of livestock and will car ry moro head of stock per aero than any other annual pasturo plant that wo have. For hay It should bo cut Just as tho first heads appear. Fiftcon to twenty pounds is usually- seeded either for hny or pasturo. Tho present diseased condition of many valuable flocks of farm fowls 1b being rapidly transmitted. In ono county tho death of over C000 fowls was traced to ono flock ad it is prub ablo, that fully as many more could havo boon traced to tho same cause. iProvontlon thru sanitation should bo tho watchword, says tho Agricultural Collogo. Fowl cholera is spreading rapidly and spring housocleanlng Is In ordor. Sunshlno, cleanliness and disinfection should bo carefully np- pllod to flock as provontivo measure Many cases of disease are traced di rectly to tho earthen floors In the poultry houses. Thoro havo been noted poultry houses in which tho original dirt floor of fifteen or moro years of continual uho is tho dusting placo of tho fowls. If you havo oarthon floors in your poultry houses you should dig thorn out to a depth of six Inches or moro, cart mo carta out into tno corn field and haul In clean, fresh earth to roplaco It. :o: CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank thoso who wore so kind to us during tho Illness and death of our loved ono and to ox proBB our gratltudo for tho sympathy shown us. Mr and Mrs. W. S. Combs and family. :o: Eyes examined, Glasses fitted. Sat isfaction, sure. Clinton & Son NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS less. Thoro will bo an equal number of ovents In each calss and tho points mado by tho two classes in each troop will bo added so tho small scouts havo tho samo chance to win tho moot ns tho larger scouts. There will bo a second meet In May and ho points mado by tho dlfforont troops In each moot will bo added and the lnrgcst totals will determine who gets tho banner. :o: LINCOLN COUNTY CENTER Louio Goetz of Kansas 1b visiting his cousin, Francis Montague. Arthur Ekborg and Alec Anderson are battling with tho flu. Clydo Cypher Is holplng Will Con nor build fence this week. Chas, Loypoldt und Ray Hoatson are again at work grading roads In our vicinity. M. E. Colling left for a visit at Mlndon, Saturday making tho trip by car. Albert McKaln sprained his anklo while playing ball Sunday. Lincoln County Center was out in full force. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grulko are re joicing over tho nrrival of a 9-pound boy Saturday. Ho Is named Frederick Lewis. Miss Alburta Burton and her pupils of District 44 aro planning for a bas ket social and program In tho near future. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Waller have re turned from their honeymoon trip to Polk county. Upon tholr arrival they wero serenaded by tho "country or chestra. :o: Orvlllo Harris has filed u petition for dlvorco from Loralno Harris on tho grounds of cruelty and desertion. Did your wife tell you to subscrlbo for The Tribune? Up to April 1, County Treasuror Soudor Issued 3,320 auto licenses In Lincoln County. It Is figured that there will bo at least 800 more li censes Issued hero this year. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platto, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For thoso who do not havo enough stock or machinery for a general farm salo, I am located bo I can hold a combination salo at North Platte or at tho Falrvlow dairy 1 miles west of town. I havo alwayB got enough stock or machinery listed with mo, bo wo can hold a combination sale any tlmo. J. S. TWINEM M.D. nomcopnthlc Physician ft Surgeon General Practlco and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Platto Talloy Hospital Former Nnmo Twlncm Hospital. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. COL. S. P. WHITTAKEK Auctioneer References: Call me or mako dates at tho Unon State Banlc Phono 796-F-3 Or write to mo on East Tryon Route North Platte, Nob. MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture and the Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. Third Phone 114J Offlco Phono 241 Res. Phono 217 L. C. DROST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. W. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Phones. Hospital 633 Residence 633 -:o:- NOTICE Tho noxt Lincoln county teachers' examination will bo hold In tho ubuqI place, Saturday, April 15. AILEEN O. COCHRAN, County Superintendent. 50 YOUNG WOMEN We need 50 young women to take tip training at onco for tho new Lord Lister Hospital having a capacity of 200 beds. Wo give nn excellent course In Theory and Practical Nursing under the direction of competent Instructors. Full maintenance and $10 per month for first year after acceptance ; second and third years $20 per month. Address, MRS. E. O. HENRY, Mgr. Lord Lister Hospital 26th and Dewey, Omaha, Neb. Deference a7 Bank or Trust Company In Omaha DR. HAROLD FEUMER Osteopath Ovor Hlrschfeld'n Office Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020 Water Mils aro now uuo and bocomo dollnquont April 20. All parties plcaso mako payment by that dato. IIHRSHEY S WELCH Wator Commissioner r : 3S j.t V i.t :.: n it i. YM. WALDORF TInnor Makes or Repairs anything made of Tin or Sheet Metal. 510 Locust Undor General Hospital Office 340 POTATOES I have between 500 and 600 bushels of good smooth potatoes ior sale. Fine for seed or lor table use. $ Leave orders at once. it I 1 FRANK STROLBERG I 8 5j Miles West of North Platte 5 u J. 1 it it it 4 4 H ji 4 :.i :.i j.i . i.t It 11 t.t a it i.t H i.t i.t i.t ft Special Spring Sale For folks who havo not spent it all tho coin thoy mado during Wilson's Administration look ' at tno prices Sowing Mnchlnos, all makes $5 to $25.00, see them sow. Furnlturo lowor In prlco than Auction pales. Two Gasollno Engines choap. $ Soeds, Garden Tools, Touts, Cots, Canvas, Oil Stoves. Now Furniture look hero Whlto Enamol or Vornls Marten Iron Rods, big post and fillor $12.40. Now gunrantood Coil Spring $5.00.' Now all cotton mattress $9.00 and $11.50. A bod liko this will restore your f youth. Heavy Brussols Rug, 9x12, only $18.75. j Last yoar's prlco $32.00. i.t U I am not looking for book ac counts, my cash register Is i.t it empty, but my furnlturo Is paid for, that means n big discount S to mo and you got tho bonoftl. & i.t It ECHELBERRY it East Front Street ED KIERIG Auctioneer For dates and terms call at First National Bank North Platte, Nob. 1115131 liPil Columbia Dry Bat teries work better and last longer for bella and buxxen for thermostats for gas engines for Ignition on the Ford while starting; for dry battery light ing in closet, cellar, garret, barn, etc Tht worU'i motl famotu dry battery. Uttd whtrt group of indhidual ttlU tttutdtJ. Pahntttotk Sprint Cttp Binding Potti t no extra ch'argt Columbia Dry Batteries are for sale at your very door! You can insist upon and get Co lumbia Dry Batteries wherever you live. Hardware and general stores, electricians, implement dealers, auto supply shops, and garages sell Columbias. Universally used for doorbells,buzz ers, heat regulators, alarms, etc., for gas engine and tractor ignition, for quick starting ignition on non-selt-starting Fords, and for every battery need under the sun. Insist upon Columbia. Columbia Drw Battel they List hngsr Is your wife lonesome while you are away? Send her Tho Tribune. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY GEO. R. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attontlon Given to Surgery 'and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130 Residence 115 T FARM LOANS Come in and see me when in need of Farm Loans. At tho present time I can mawke a few Farm Loans. T. O. SWENSON UNION STATE BANK When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Taken up by the undersigned, 4 horses, near the stock" yards, Coun ty of Lincoln, State of Nobraska; on tho 26th day of March 1922: two bay geldings, weight about 130O pounds; ono black gelding, weight about 1303 pounds; one bay mare, weight about 1200 pounds. Dated this 28th day of March 1322. (Signed) J. E. STEVENS. ROAD NO. 418. House 125 Everything reasonable. Station. DIt. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Ovor tho Oasis North Platte DK. ItEDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-Rny Calls promptly answered Night or Day Phonos. Offlco C42 Residonco G7G DR. M. D. STATES Chiropractor Rooms 5. C, 7 Building & Loan Bldg Offlco Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practlco Limited to Diseasso of Women and Surgery Over Roxall Drug Storo Phonos: Offlco 127 Rosldonco 65G OTIS R. PLATT, M. D. Physician und Surgeon X-Rny Dlagnoss and Troamont Ovor Union Stato Bank Offlco Phono 296W Houso Phono 29GR JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Spoclal Attontlon Glvon to Surgory McDonald Bank Building Offlco Phono 83 Residonco 38 DR. L. A. SNAVELY Dentist X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen and Gas Anesthesln for Extractions. Ovor Union Stato Bank Phono 296. DERRYBERRY & FORBES Llcoused Embnlmcrts Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 538 Hotel Palace Palace Cafe Palace Bazaar To Whom It May Concern: The special commissioner appoint ed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho northwest corner of Elmore street of the Village of Dickens, running thence north to the south line of Section seventeen about, sixty rods in township ten, range thirty-two, west of tho 6th P. M., Lin coln County, Nebraska, the above des cribed road to bo Stxty-slx feet wide, has reported In favor of the eatab- lishmont of said road, any or alt parties naving any oojecuons tnero to, or any claims' for amago by reason of the establishment of above describ od road must file samo in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, on or before twelve o'clock noon of the 29th day of May, 1922, or said road will bo allowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska. this 16th day of March, 1922. f A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. EXTENSION TO ROAD NO. 418 first class and Oppssite Union Pacific mm To Whom It May Concern: Tho special commissioner annoint- oricos 1 ea t0 locate a public road as follows ' . T! 1 1 i AT . NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1880 of Sarah A. Morton, deceased in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested in said Eostato take notice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of Robert S. Carothers as Administrator of said said Sarah A. Morton, which has been set for hearing herein on April IS, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated March 24, 1922. WM. H. C WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1868 of Jano James, do ceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said ostato will take notlco that tho tlmo limited for pre sentation and filing of claims against said Estate is August 5th, 1922. and for settlement of said Estate is March 30, 1923; that I will sit at tho County .Court room In said county, on May 5th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on August 5th, 1922, at 10 o' lock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust aH claimB and objections duly filed. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (Soal) County Judge. Beginning at the southeast corner o Section Twenty-nine, and the North east corner of Section Thirty-two, Township Eleven and Range Thirty two, thence running west one milo between sections twety-nino and thirty-two, along said section lino, thenco south between sections thirty ono and thirty-two to the north lino of Town ship Eleven, then south between sec tions fivo and six and section seven and eight, eighteen and seventeen, to the south lino of section seventeen, thenco east about eighty rods between sections seventeen and twenty all In Lincoln County and State of Nobras ka, tho abovo described road to be sixty-six feet wldo, any or all parties having objections thereto or claims for damages by reason of tho estab lishment of said described road must file samo In tho offlco of Countv Clerk in Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before twelve o'clock noon of tho 29th day of May 1922. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, thiB 16th day of March 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1879 of Bridget Jones, do- ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nobraska, To all per sons interested In said Estate tako no tlco that a petition has beon filed for tho allowance to probato of last Will and Testamont of Bridget Jones, do ceasod and tho appointment of Dr. Nicholas McCabo as executor of said will which has beon sot for hearing heroin on April 18, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated March 22, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST (SEAL) County judge IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN COLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA In tho Matter of tho Estate of Fred erick Worneke, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING. To All Persons Interested In Said Es tato: Notlco is horoby giyen, that Frieda Schorz, on April 3, filed In this Court an instrument purporting to be tho last Will and Testamont of FredeHok- Worncke, deceased, and which Will rolates to both real and porsonnl property, and also her petition pray ing that tho said instrument bo ad mitted to probato, and that letters tostamontary, bo issued to her, upon tho ostato of tho said Frederick Worneke, deceased, and that said pe tition will bo heard boforo tho County Court In tho Court House, In th0 City of North Platto, County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, on the 24 tilt iday of April 1922. at two nVino- .M., at which time any one may an- ,,v. w,u wuiMi mo prooato of said Will, and show cause, if any there .bo, why said instrument should not bo admlttod to probato as tho last Will and Testament of said Fredorlck Wernoko, deceased, and why letters ?Vmt?r3r 8hould not b0 issued. to Dated April 3, 1922. NVM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. at North Platte, Nebraska. (Seal)