The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 07, 1922, Image 5

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on 11
to ub: "Why shpumyou ad
vertigo? You jgotnlV (no gas
business there,-; Is." 'S'.
Wo aro glad he asked thin
lucaUon. Poriiaps you, too
would like to know why. Hero
-la our nnswovr'
-vt -
It Is not sufficient, that we
merely. give good " service, bo
'courteous and . niako frlomK
rtVo want to dla'pol projudico
ftnd misunderstanding from the
'minds of the public by contlnu
r!ly stating the facts about our
'business. ''
Wo, believo it our duty to let
the public know tho real nature
'of our .business and the, aims
'and ideals of tho men engaged
in that business. There is no
mystery about it, nothing that
wo would wish to cover up
Thon why not advertise it?
Llko tho man on the witness
stand wo can say: "It's tho
easiest thing in tho world to
tell tho truth when there Is
nothing but the truth to toll."
North Plaite Light &
Power Co
11:00 Chuich services preached by
Rev. Almon.
11:00 "Tho Sprlt Controlled Liro"
7:30 "Tho Cross and Conscience"
11:00 Morning prayer and Bcrmon.
7:30 Evening prayer and sermon.
Will hold its regularmeoting to
morrow. Lunch will bo served. A
full ntltmdnn'co is desired; "
Regular business, meeting post
poned until Apr. 25. Don't forget that
11:00 "Small Enemies of Useful
ness." 7:30 "Jeaus CallB to tho Highest
11:00 'Tho King Doing Half Right
7:30 "Th0 Game of Right." Illus
trations by large water color paintings.
, Preaching 11:00 "Leaves 'Cut From
tho Field.""
Preaching 8:00 Book sermon, Wil
liam Allen Whites' "The Heart of n
Fool." r-
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke arrived
Wednesday from Denver to visit their
daughter Mrs. L. J. Krause. They
made tho trip by auto.
On April 25, tho day before tho big
Rhada'nanthus degree, tho local Yoe
men Lodge will initiato a largo class
of members and have a business ses
sion of tho lodge.
A cantata ''The Nazarine" will be
given by the Swedish Lutheran
League of. Hershey and of North
Platte at 8 o'clock Friday April 14
at the Swedish I uthoran church.
Vornon Yanken and Mrs. Grace E.
Volz, both of Maxwell secured a
marriago licenso at tho county judge's
office Wednesday and wore married
by Paul Meyer, justice of the peace-
1 am leaving this wook for Laramio
to bo gone through tho summer but
will bo back about the first of Sept
ember in timo for the fall sales. Any
ono wishing to have a sale between
now and then may write mo at Lar
amio or make the date at the First
National Bank. Ejl Kierig, Auctioneer.
Miss 'Helen Schwaiger will leave
next week for Hastings whero she
will spend a week visiting Miss
Frances Edwards who attends Hast
ings College. Helen will also visit
relatives at Glenville, Nebr.
The now Easter hats now on dis
play in tho Whittakor Shop are tho
most attractive over seen in the city.
Prices remarkable quality tho best.
50G Locust St., under General Hos
pital. Mis. H. J. Rittenbouso left yejlar
lay morning for Chadron, "Nobr.
vhtre sh.j wjll make bet futuro
Miss Anna Rubis returned , from
Gothenburg, where she spent several
days visiting friends.
"Did'ja ever drive a mulo without
swearing? If not experience the real
emotion and sco "Olaronco",
Martin Jepsen took his daughter,
Kaura, to Lincoln Wednesday morn
ing for examination by medical and
surgical experts Sho has been sicl?
and it was not certain where tno
troublo is located. Laura lias be.oii
attending tho local high school this
Wo havo a high-grade piano in our
posession at North Platte. For quick
disposal we will greatly sacrifice tho
price. Terms if responsible. Write at
on-e if interested to the Denver Music
Co., Denver Colo. ,
Practically all motorists recognize the benefit of a
spring overhauling for the car. And within a few weeks,
thousands will be attaking this task more or less assidu
ously according to their enthusiasm or their familiarity
with the subject.
But the elimination of carbon, the tightening up of
the bearings, bolts and nuts, and the freshening effects
of a coat of paint are not sufficient, according to Mr.
Davis, manager of the local Exide Service Station.
"The battery," says Mr. Davis, "requires more or less
attention at all times of the year, but especially after it
has stood in the car idle or otherwise throughout the
"Coriosion may have taken place around the ter-
teminals. This should be carefully scraped off and vaseline
'Spread over them to prevent further trouble of this kind.
"The cradle in which the battery rests, is frequently
'so badly corroded by acid, that, figuratively speaking, the
'battery is only hold by a thread. Jn tact, 1 nave seen a
man's battery drop out on the road because tho motorist
had failed to examine his cradlo.
"The wisest course is to drive the car to tho nearest
.service station either before or after you have completed
the rest of the overhauling. Hero, an expert battery man
can test your battery, toll whether it needs any repairs
and in other ways, assure the success of your spring over-
It hauling.
"One way of avoiding this if you lay your car up for
the winter is to store your battery with your battery ser
vice station until spring. Tho cost is nominal, but whpn
you are ready for tho touring season, you can be sure
your battery is in good condition.
"To sum up, remember your battery is an important
part of your carr Give it at least, the same attention you
give to other parts and you will have no cause to swear
at tho battery rather, you will swear by it.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Want Ads
WANTED An aBBlstant ilk druas
making. Mrs. Crano, Phono C23J.
FOR SALE Ladies' spring coat nnd
rain coat, size 28. Phono 810J.
FOR SALE Everbearing strawber
ries, $1.00 por 100. C. II. Spicer.
FOR RENT Storago space In fire
proof waro houso. Simon Bros.
FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms and:
3 unfurnished rooms. 215 W. 3rd. jl
FOR SALE Lots; good terms. Mrs.
Thomas Axtcll. Phono 1212W.
FOR SALE 18 head fall pigs. Phono
788F31. T. E. Doolittle.
FOR BALE Cultivated ten acre tract,
close to town. Prlco right for quid:
sale. Answer XYZ, care Tribune.
WANTED Acetyleno wolding of nil
kinds, prices reasonable. North
Sido Blacksmith Shop.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
roomB at 1221 West 7th St. Cot our
FOR SALE A largo sigo Hoozier
kitchen cabinet, in good condition
Call" 2G7J.
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, White
Plymouth RockB, 75c for 15 or $1.50
for 100. Phono 780-F13 or 780-F110.
WANTED A Ford motor with drive
shaft or in chassis. Must bo in good
condition. Harrison Tout. Tribune
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Barred
Rocks, S. C. Reds and Whlto Leg
horns, $r per setting. Luther I. Tuck
er. Phono G98J.
FOR SALE English Whlto Leghorn
setting eggs, $1.00 tor 15; $4.50 a
hundred. 2019 West Gth, J. II. John-sen.
WANTED Will pasture cattlo and
horses on Charles Breternltz place;
prices right. Chas. E. Whittakor, Try
on Route.
FOR SALE One Do Laval separator,
No. 15, good as now; 1 alfalfa cul
tivator with seed attachment; 100
Black Minorca hens. Phono 79GF14.
Otto Mesmer.
LISTEN I havo a good deal for the
right kind of a man who wants to
run a dairy close to town nnd'put up
liay, and broak out some bottom land.
George McKain.
FOUND Two 2-year-old heifers, two
weeks ago on my place. Can have
same by paying me for this ad and
for food. Phone 102, Sutherland, Neb
Ed. McGlothlen. on old John Keith
ranch. 7
WVL. Ddtan of Maxwell was a city
visitor Thursday.
Wo havo about one hundred bushels
of apples which wo will soli for $2
a bushel. First come, first served.
Rush Mercantile Co.
Special Purchase of
Hand Bags and Beauty Cases
We have just purchased One Hundred pieces x at an
unusually low price, which was made by the Manu
facturer to keep his skilled help employed. There is .
a large assortment of patterns which we will run
'See the display in our window and come early to be
Eg sure of the one you want.
1 Wilcox Department Store
Miss Edith Helen Slebold and Les
ter Adams of this city were married
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at
the-homo of tho brldo's mother, Mrs.
Julia M. Siebold, 518 South Chestnut.
Tho bride wore a dark blue travel
ing suit with n hat jto match, and
carried a beautiful bouquet of pink
roses and Miles ol tho valley. Tho
bridesmaid, Miss Audry Adams, sister
of tho groom also wore a dark bluo
suit and carried pink roses. Tho
flowor girls were Etta Taylor of Min
ataro and Iris StcgaU. Llttlo Mar
garet W'ltt, dressed In whito organ
die, carried tho ring in a. largo whito
Mrs. C. H. Lelnlnger sang "Oh
Promise Mo," nnd Miss Florence "Mo
Kay played tho accompaniment Mrs.
Loinlngor played tho wedding march.
Goorgo Slobold, brother of the.
In 900 blook East Third, 1 blocks
from school; south fronts; water,
gas, sower, side walk, block paved on
four sides; only two lots left, they
arc boautiful, price $800 each, good
I terms. Soo us today.
i Tho llollman & Selinslnlu Agency.
bride, acted as boBt man and Rev. P.
R. Stevens road tho marriago linos.
Tho brido is tho daughter of Mrs.
Julia SIebold of this city and is a
highly respected and cstlmablo young
lady with a host ot-frlonds here. Sho
has boon cmployod for n number of
yoars In tho local tolcphono office.
Mr. Adams is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Adams. Ho was raised fh
North Platto and enjoys a largo cir
cle of friends hero. Ho holds a re
sponsible position with tho Union Pa
cific railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams left on a lato
train for California and other west
ern points whoro thoy will mako an
oxtonded trip. Thoy expect to bo
bomo about May 1. '
Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls
nt farmers prices at
South Dowoy Street
Springtime, surrounding
us with budding blos
soms and signs of peace
and beauty, stirs mem
ories of those at rest.
- j )
i . . j ygftfm
y &AIUKUAI i-iiiiJ ounuH i u
! She Sure Was a Hit with Men! I
I ; For tho minors of Totem City had 1
I ; struck it rich, and Coletto had staked S
H B hor claim in their roaring dnnco hall. H
HI, , A man's country and a woman's 0
a wllos! Pictured with all tho luro and U
Eg flro that Dorothy Dalton put Into v S
1 E "Tho Flame of tho Yukon." H
a I ' rf AdciphZuVor preont
JP J CC paramount Qiclum
At such a time it is befit
ting that we erect, as a mete testimonial of love and 'sorrow,
a fine momumciit or headstone as a lasting trilmtr lo mark
the final resting place.
After all, your gar
merits are only as
new as they look.
Dry Cleaning revives and beautifies, brings
back all the original attractiveness of ma
terial and colbring-
Don't wait for your clothes to look shab
by, send them to us and we'll keep them,
looking new.
The cost is small, the service BIG!
Give us a trial.
Model Cleaners and Hatters