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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1922)
ft live , TUESDAY and FItlDAY TI-nRTVrEIGKTH. YEAR. iNOiiTii p'atte! Nebraska, april 7, 1922. T , , i , i it i i. :. I .in hv L, i i I I . I , II, , , 1 . , , , . ...n , , , . : : : ' , , NO. 26. 1 ' H : m . SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLEAND THINGS ITEMS OF INTE11E&T ABOUT 11E r CENT lCiPVE'NINGS IN THIS v COMMUNITY fiABOR'tfiCKET WINS IN EHECTIfl JB3J&ii fMwG.tjS lit A III). MX EDUCATION 11X. WAIIDS MEMBERS ftp, During tins past month jiidgp "Woodliurst ias Issued eleven '.'mar riage llconses. During March 1931 he issued twenty-four and In MarchLl920 Maxwell Saturday night of tlifa wcela i" "uiiur ,01 jacrc ana uianche Car son viio aris1 to leave on thej second ho issued twenty. The monthly , roport'o'f the city li brarian for March shows tho circu lation of hooka to 'havo heen .4,044l an Increase of 1065 ovor tho nrovldiis' month. , '. u' i Ali ordinance "was nassori bv the city coqncll last Tuesday ovcnl'ng opening up Eleventh street west. This has been expected for some tlmo and appeared to bb needed. The High school boy Will have their intor-class track and field meet at the fair grounds this afternoon . following the -close, of schpoj. It is' an unusual event to decide- which class has the best athletes. The J. F. F. club held a vory en joyable meeting last Thursday after noon at tho home of Wrs. Will Col lins, flans wore made for a bazaar and supper. The hostoss served a dainty lunch to tho thirty members present. Tho. Methodist M$k will bold the second of 4tp . monthly get-together meetings at the church on Monday, April i'O at 6:30 p. m: A committee ,1s arranging, the program ,and the Ladles Aid , society is preparing tho dinner.' Lawrence Enzmliigor and Noel Bul lock, returned last evening from Grand Island. They made the trip In m iiuitu iu wuu uuu' ua-iiuii uuui o. ,The 'plahVls'-'tho property of Mr. En nlfngr' who bought' jt.,!recehtly and made the trip to Grand, Island in order to bring it here. Tho board of education has re elected the teachers, now in the schools for another year and has adopted a now salary schedule which raises some salaries and lowers others. The . contracts will be sub mitted to the teachers for their sig natures within a Bhort time. County Commissioners Cohagen an Cpker,' County Highway Commission ,er .Salisbury and 1. L. Bare went to Tryon this morning to Inspect the jlorth Platte-Tryon road. The com missioners expect to make some need ' J(I Improvements on that muchly traveled hlfehway, ',' A urpri's.4 farewell party, consist- Twill bo given at DIedrlch's hall at 'i Afl f6ilr chndiUatc's endorsed by the Central Labor Union for thd city council wore elected' at tho Tuesday' olectloii. Tho f (cures Worn ti(iK"sli. cured but substantial majorities weroj oxuit umuunuuu uver (janiiin m tne first ward, MUrphy ovor Coatcsin tho Beconu waru. Dieiicr With lib opnb 's!H6nln"W third wrfrlFah'd1 Owon. ovor boUi Leiningcrrand, Wobdgato irii,UiotogrtH trd. Alargr voto was polled than was expected. .:: Ian.6f their, coast to coast roilorslcat nig lour on 'next Monday. ti . 'MBiXnday night tho scoutmastnrH and their assistants woro entertained dt "a dinner by' Scout Executing E. L. Stephens-and, Mrs; Stephens at their homo-"After th0 dinner Which con sisted of "creamed chicken, hot bis cuits, homo-mado mimnlrtn nln nnri other good things, tho men snont moro than two hohrs in conference Over the future of tho scout work. ' Troop four of the Boy' Scouts was unabloto havo its , parent's nieht rif tho time the other boys had. theirs so they had it this week. .There wore many parents in attendanoo and' tho .scouts put on most of the program, ineso parents fpund out that there is something to scouting besides nlnv and they went home witn a hlghprj regard for spouting than they had .had before. , ,A j group qf army officers accom panied by- some general officers ot tho Unibn Pacific railroad woro In tho city for about throe hours Thurs day They were taken abo.ut th0 city in cars.- Thoy had a special attached to the afternodn train and left for the Syest. No information was given out as to tbejr object hero but, n num. ber of surmises havo been advanced any of which might or might not be right. " y was sonio talk Wednesday of asking a. recount., of the Votes for m.enbers.of.ithe :board of ediicrttioh. Friends of Mrs.. Ray Snyder were not satisfied, when It was discovered that she had been defeated by .only four cfoBg Ig hidbe'd K' 'treat fdr North Platte, votes according to tho .nnofnofni count and they based their dissatis faction on the way in which tho votes were coimted in, ono of the, ward's. Nothing can bo done,, however, until tho city council has canvassed the re- A ports of , the election ' boards in the Urt1iinBi?.itlio;,unpftlcla': tabulation of yptcs cagt foriiomb'ibrs pf itho buanl ,ot education atiUlo cltv.oloctlon hold.Tuostlnv.vAnrll 4. . '" r 4G.1 eMrs. ; 4.. Ward 1 53 143 Mr. Robinson -g-re---tg,g. 00 Mr. Swono atl.137- Mr. Scott r- .--L-Lsi 17G:' Mrs. Weston ' 81 . 4? 123 75 ,.,'91 134 10 r, , M, 121 SG '"3 . S2 '177 28 ,49 .77,- 32 158 45 G5 30 283 . 3DG . jC92 150 Total voto .2,490 LODGETO HAVE - 016 INI1TI0 i 8TATE..AXI) NATIONAL OFFICERS TO BE NORTH PLATTE r.,,, GUESTS . . Lookoutj Homestead No. 3030 Broth erhood of American. ( Yeoman Is Jo havo a big day on ' Wednesday. Anrll. 26. dn that' dtiy the degree team of National and state officials of the (ypcmen lpd59will,bo hi North Platte aria'ihltla'td Qualified 'candidates, into the Rhadamanthus (legreo of Yboman- ry. It Is the Highest degree of the lodge and has never been, given in TO'GALL A PAVING . 'BOND ELECTION CITY COUNCir PASSES i ORDIN- ANCE CALLING VOll AN ... FIRST FILING EOR TilE PRIMAllY !ELECTiON WAS MADE YESTERDAY !' E. B. Davla, member of tho house of ro'prosentatlved frotn this county during tho prtttt.two sessions pf the state loglslaturo yesterday riled , his application to bo placed upon tho bal lot at the primary election for ,tjie republican' candidate Tor state rop rosonUUivo, from tho 89th represen tative district. This 1 district com prises the four Wards of tho city of NortH Plalto Und Hlnmnn precinct. Ills Is tho flat filing for hny local offlco, to bo voted upon at the July primaries. -:o:- TJIE NEW TraiElLMAN IS A REAL HOTEL AND NOT A ROOMING HOUSE 'tk EL .ECTION Y , '(V -A Special flection will Bel held ou May"lG4'for tho purpose ofvotIng. ,on ino -proposition .or issuing J50.000 bonds for paying for paving the street Intersections and spacqs op posite alleys in tho city ot North P'atto. Tho property ownors In ii pav ing district must pay for Uo having In front of their Jots but tho cfty must pay for tho square at tho .intersoc western Nebraska b.oforo. There' are tion of each street nnd for tho space, at this time so in 6 ten or twelve niem- .bors. j living; In Northj sPlatto who TiaVo taken this dogreo In Denver, Omaha or, Lincoln.' There are between 45ahd 50 eligible n North Platte, 37. In Sutherland. 10 in Hershey and others In each of tho cities and towns in this" pqrt of tho state. Only th6so may join -who havo rendered certain valuable services to the lodKo. The m- Itlatipn will bo held in thp , af tornoon anu win 00 joipweq uy a banquet at 6:30 and a dance in the evening. Su preme officers from the headquarters in ues Aioines win no hero but It; Was not certain yesterflay,!jVst which; ones., would cpmo.Locar Ypemeno makingi!(blg.tplan for the initiation arid a'rb preparing to entertain' the visitors In true, North . Platto stylo. :o: . "Giarericb''.' to boWiVen bv tho Junior opposite tho alleys. Ko paving can bo .dono untli this lias boon voted upon, and thohonds au thorized. Tho olcbtlon will bn hold at tho usuaf. pjaccs and under tlifl usual conditions,, , , , :o: Mrs J Flynn left yestordtty morn ing for Keystono Whore she will visit relatives for sovernl daVs "v & vef . Tho ICiloloqheo' camflro has ar ranged fpr EVorvSlrl's Macazlno to bo sent .to tho City Library! for one year. This -Is tho "official magazlno of , tho Wednesday tho cafo nt the now Tlmmorman hotol i nthld city opened for buslnoss In tho corner roonl fpr morly occulilod by tho bar, Tho room iiaa been tastefully docoratod and equipped' with nil that Id necessary for tho comfort nlid convenience of the patrons. Mr. J. C. Trumbull of Omaha is In charge and ho plans to make- It ono ot tho best eating plncos In thp city. ' Opening of tho cafo Is only n part of tho roPrganintlon plan Which .Mr. Trumbull annpuiiced whon ho toolc ovor tho management, Tho other' work Is being pushed as fast as possible had will ' bo comploto within tho noxt fow days'. ' -:o:- Cortlfled seed potatoes at McMl-' chad's Grocoty. ' ' ' 0. W. Brandt, chief rules oxaminpr ot thp Union Pacific and hig clerk lcave( today In tlio examlnatlp!i cat for' Lps' Angoles "to examine 'tho em-i-ipyq's' of' the h. A. and , S. L. rail loads. ' , Tho ladies pf tho Mothodlst chruch will hold tleir nnnual Eastpr salo on. Saturday, April 15 at tho Crystal Theatre building, TJuoy will havo on palp woven, rugs, aprpns of aR styles, 'homo baking such as,, pips, . cakeg: broad, bakod beans and Eastqr eggs, LOCAL CLUBS TO HAVEJOf'S WEEK KIWANIS AND ROTARY UNITE FOR , 1 CARRYING OUT THE, PROGRAM NbVth Platto Rotary ' nntl' itlwanla clubs will Unlt'6 In prbni6tih'g Boys' Week and putting 6n a program which will bo' a credit to tho City' and a bohlftt to'th'o' boys. It Is planned for the rioxt week after Enstc'n Sunday is to bo Boys' Day at bhurchi Special services Will bo held at. each 'church and tho boys Will bo nskdd to sit in body. A big mooting of all boys with tlio mombora of tho clubs Is scheduled for Monday and n Field Moot on Tuesday ,1s part of tho pro gram. Tho Board of Education has consontod to allow tho boys to havo n vacation during that nftorrion and tho parndo from tho school building to tho Fair Grounds la to bo ono ot tho features of tho day. Many medals and other awards will bo offered. The joint commltto of tho two clubs ia mooting today at noon to perfect tho arrangements and -work out the do talla. ' ,: -:o: LOCAL AND PERSONAL T. D. Pylo . loft i last evening far Omaha. Ho -expects to bo igon", a Weok.q , .nt t.i:i A. LV'Knribld, general' chairman ot the B. ot L.''EQ. Bpont Monday In this city. . . Claronco Ansklngs, ngentt for Goll mtar 1 Bjoa. Circus -was . ln.L,the cltv Wednesday making mrrangenints for n 'clrcua to bo hold. Saturday, June 3. ' Mri 'rilid Mra Ed. Klorlg loft Wed nesday morning" for " Laramie" whoro thoy otfpoct to spend the" Bummer. The; ono? d roxpoctodSito.niakotlio ,trlp In --:o: The Wlllard Service station will havo an important announcement in ourncxt issue. Watch for.. it. C. B. Swodell arrivct tho first, ot (ho week from Van Nuys, Calif. Ho will' spend two veeks hero lookin;? after business matters. Swedoll was ing of,,rpller skating and dancing a former resident of. North Platte but moved to California threo years -ago COMFORTABLE COLLARS New collars are comfortable, and when thoy are properly laundered they retain their smooth, comfor table edges for a long time. The starched collar is being worn today by1 all well dressed men. If you have ever been annoyed by saw-edged collars, perhaps you have-tried the wrong laundry. The customers of this modern laundry know that they invariably receive the hind of service which satisfies. Because our clansing methods are scien tific and modern in every respect, we are able to of fer you a service which cannot bo excelled anywhere. We are careful we know our business. We can please you. Just phone and the driver will call for your bundle. - Send it to - ' , "Your Bosom Friend" Dickeys Sanitary Laundry Tlio Soft lVntor Laundry. L 108 1Vost Sixth St. ' Phone 7 ' This play was" written by Booth Tark' ington. tho famous American writer , who has won distinction In nil prom inent American magazines. Tho play, .rap , at , the 'Hudson Jheatrc In Noy York for over year. Tickets may bo jurchftsed tit' the Smith-Johnson Drug Co. 35c & 5Qc. The HIRSCHFELD Co' On Sale One Day Only Saturday, April 8th. OK'VMIOUT s Mens Fine Cotton Spring and Summer weight UNION SUITS Short sleeves-Ankle length Size 34 to 46. 79 c VSUIT 2 Suits for $1.50. Not more than 4 Suits to a ' customer. 9 io V-l I 1' 1 1')'. ' . Mill. il I II JU u ,,;''!, .-'! "K'p .')'.' ,''.if,-; ' i i i ' - .4''j; 'i , ,n" n,''i j',-'1' ft'. '.ia tni? , ft :'n ,vla friflfl ttA hrrm'. ft '.Ui Vl '! iv . 11 , -of.:, ,t ' .. Ml! tV'.u- ll ilfefe Brothers Motor Gar Owners .. ... , , ' i) I ti-.'" S-li.' j.'-.r . Oil i1tT i .aifjKfc ' mm". I I M ' ; ' ni ..slat i.'V).!! (:.' ,s "I tiJJ,V. ill, i i: !., '(')' "if'J!lTl3ring ybur fa'mily'and your friends to see MEn-'.io .iianhH .k. i;tv t-i , durance," the' remarkable uaw film of thov'oil gw, - ijtoi&tii ' 't -!; fields." fJf 1 ?'v W.VU r'i' ''J . ($: 'Vjft'tllrf " ''t-' '' . ,. , '' t..: ''f m.'t ittf M.UU ' , i1l"m'" At the SUN, Saturday, April 8th Alatineo.1 ' ' v- , I ' U '111 tit . ' . . t . -.m t,tt) At the KEITH Saturday, April 8th Even'ingi Jl HTEOH', ) J','f ; You will see a. standard Dodge Brothers Sedan in , Jfi iX : , , , a. series, of astonding porXormanccs under con- -a v, .,.) ) . i., ditions -which you would regard as unboliovable'rvyl,, .... until you, actually saw them. 3rA IB OT -Ub ;!!, ft ' ':- 'V(; , v l If; you think you have put yo.ur,Qar to hard.tfigtc on; rough roads anil fieldsof mud, it will ama7.'T you to see what these oil field cars are calledr - ""jj upon to do every day. This performance especially airanged for you and your friends, and all, others interested In, t .i t comfortable, economical and dependable 'trans'- 'if&il h 1. i. 1 111. L 1.11 ' " I IJUlLULlUIl W1L11 ailLOIUUUllUb. . ... J. V. ROM1GH ' Sit ' 1 Your Kind of A Store.