The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1922, Image 8

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WILSON TOUT. Editor and rnbllsher,
Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Postofflco ob Second Closo Mutter!
Year, in advance $1.60
Tho communication signed "A North
Platto Cltlzon" cannot bo printed until
wo know who wrote It and who Is
responsible. Wo cannot sco why
peoplo koop Bonding us communica
tions reflecting on tho honor or In
tegrity of somo officer or other per
son and then full to oven let us know
who' stands back of such charges.
Tho Trlbuno Is tho Lincoln county
paper. It Is tho only papor having n
general circulation all O7or tho county
and It carries nows from ono part to
tho othor. Wo nro distributing over
ono thousand copies of each iasuo In
Lincoln county outsldo of North Platte
Wo aim to glvo tho news of all parts of
tho county and no community Is too
small or far distant to bo of Interest
whorover tho Trlbuno Is road.
Our nnnouncoinont of tho salo of
tho filling station at the corner of
Sixth nnd Locust was an error. Mr
RoMn&on camo to our oflco and gave
11 a tho facts and ordered somo cards
printed. ITo lator on tent word to
us that tho deal was off but. wo did
not get this word and so published
the ennouncomont- Saturday wo ro
colved word that Mr. Robltuon has
Lot r ought tho filling station nnd
that It Is still being operated by tho
S. & R. ptoplo.
Ycatorday at notary club wo wore
-told to get acnuulnte 1 with our neigh
bor, wo might Hko him. What a world
of moaning there is in that scntoncc
What a dlscovory It would bo for
somo of us if wo roally discovered a
good follow In tho man wo hnd lived
by for years and had been shy o
him. Avoid tho man who proaches
hatred. It is tho doctrino of destruc
tion. Peoplo respond to hato with
hnto nnd love with lovp- It is just
as Woli to keep your handspif your
pockdtbook until you knov'your man
but got acquainted with "him oven it
you find him to bo a rascal.
Someono is gottlng ambitious on
tho 0 o'clock whlstlo ngaln. For
qulto a. whilo It has boon behaving
Itself fairly woll considering that I.
Is determined to blow. Hut lately it
bus boon forgottlng Itself and Thurs
day night It went a littlo farther
than usual nnd made a mighty poor
Impression on tho moro than ono
hundred guests of tho Insurance'
mon's convention. Thoy woro trying
to hoar on after dinner speech but
they did not make It for tho whlstlo
sounded a little louder than UBual
nnd hold on a little longer than
usual and our ono hundred guosts
got nn Impression of tho nuisance
which lnvpresslon was good or bad
In so fur us thoy woro enjoying tho
nftor dlnnor speech or not. Tho nuis
ance should bo abated Just as any
other nulsnncc should bo abated.
Want Ads
FOH RENT Storage space in fire
proof ware houso. Simon Bros.
FOR SALE Lots; good terms. Mrs.
Thomas Axtell. Phono 1212W.
FOR SALE 18 head fall pigs. Phono
788F31. T. E. Doollttlc.
FOR SALE Puro bred Buff Orphlng
ton eggs, $1 per setting. Phono
FOR SALE Cultivated ten aero -tract,
closo to town. Prlco right for quick
sale. Answer XYZ, care Trlbuno.
WANTED Acetylono woldlng of all
kinds, prices reasonable. North
Sldo Blacksmith Shop.
A torn or badly
worn automobile lop
ruins tho appcrirancc
of the car. l.ct us fig
ure with you on need
c(l repairs, or on a
Imui'i new top.
Drive over our way
tomorrow and let us
talk it over,
615 Pine Street,
North Plutte, Nebraska
Francis K. Flynn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Flynn of this city Is vice
prosldoht nnd engineering director
of tho Luco Cano Harvester corpora
tion with hoadquarters In Nowport
Nows, Vn. Ho is associated with
Goorgo D. Luco of Now Orleans, who
has Invented a sugar, cano harvester
which bldB fair to revolutionize tho
ftugar industry. For 3,000 years tho
cano sugar crop of tho world has
boon hnrvostod by hand. This ma
chine solves tho labor problom and
quickly harvests vast flolds of cano.
Tho Trlbuno Is in receipt of a picture
from a press clipping bureau In tho
cast and tho accompanying letter
saya that Francis Is ono of tho ng
urcs In tho picture. Wo used to
know him pretty well and think we
would recognize him now nnywhoro
but avo could not rccognizo him in
tho picture. Howovor, ho was prob
ably thoro and ho wns In good com
pany. Wo congratulate Mr. and Mrs.
Flynn on tho bucccss of their son nnd
assuro thorn that wo always know
Francis would mako good.
Thoro nro somo men nnd womon of
vision Iii Lincoln county and things
nro going to bo bottor horo in a fow
yoars thnn thoy have been. Thfj
nppllOB particularly to tho country.
Thoro are men nnd womon horo who
havo stopped out of the seclusion of
their homes and volunleorod for sor
vtco and their leadership Ijs being
accoptod by their neighbors who avs
anxious to uphold' tholr hands. Theso
pooplo soo that tho salvntlon of the
rural communities ns places to build
homes nnd rnlso children, lies In com
munity effort and thoy nro boosting.
Thoro nro still somo soro spots. Thoro
nro somo land ownors who live In town
and who dabblo and putter about tho
neighborhood affairs of their formv
homo communities and try to run
things. There nro boiuo bock bltora
who try to pull down nnyono who at
tempts to do anything. Thoro aro tho
laughers who mako fun and thoro aro
tho acowlors who make trouble and
thoro aro nil kinds of peoplo that
wo havo In town nnd Vhoy work Just
ns hnrd. Often tho loaders got tired
of tho strife and glvo up nnd tho neigh
borhood sinks bnck Into nn each-man
for-hlmsolf attitude Tho country Is
noedlng rural leaders but it needs
rural supporters who will boost theso
lenders and In doing thtit pull them
solves up. Wo know of tho good work
being dono In Blgnoll, Nichols, Jack
Morrow Flats, Platto Valley and othor
communities nnd we know of othor
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
rooms nt 1221 West 7th St Get our
prices. '
WANTED Second-hand slnglo
disc cultivator and Blx-sliovol cut
tlvator. Phone 784-F5.
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, White
Plymouth Rocks, 75c for 1G or $4.50
for 100. Phone 780-F13 or 780-F110.
FOR SALE Two well located lots
iPrlco $550.00; $100.00 down nnd 15
por month. Phono 1254-L-J.
trnctor nnd all kinds of machinery
Phono 796-F3. Col S. P. Whlttakcr.
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Barred
Rocks, S. C. Reds and Whito Log-
horns, $1 por sotting. Luther I. Tuck-
or. Phono C98J.
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rook
sotting eggs, 75c for 1G; $4.50 for
100. F. C. Wnltomath. 502 S. Locust.
Phono 444W.
FOR SALE English Whlto Leghorn
sotting eggs, $1.00 for 15; $4.50 a
hundred. 2019 West Cth, J. II. John-
WANTED Will pasture cattlo and
horsos on Charles Brctornltz plnco;
prices right. Chas. E. Whlttnkor, Try
on Route.
touring car; good condition; bar
gain at $150.00; will trade. Call
1247W. Henry Clark.
communities which are starting the
good wtc. Wo will bo happy to tell
our render of theso communities and
iho good work thoy ara doing from
tlmo to tlmo In tho future.
Exceptional Values In
Mens New Spring Clothes
For Example See
The Fine Suits offered at
An offering made possible by the oper
ation of the smallest possible margin of
profit in production and retailing.
This spring we hope you will look else
where first, just to satisfy yourself how
reasonably priced our spring clothes
For the wise young man who 'vants to
combine his EASTER and GRADU
ATION Suit, there is no better time nor
place than this to get it.
C. S. Clinton returned Monday Mrs. Harold Wolso left yesterday
from Omaha and - Kansas City. Mr. for iLncoln. Sho accompanied Merna
Clinton nttouded the Jewelers con- Churchill who will receive medical
vontlon in Omaha last week. treatment thoro.
Ralph Clabaugh left Monday for Albert Haspel arrived the latter
Grand Island whero ho will transact Part of last week from Los Angeles,
business for several days. .Calif. Ho will spend two weeks hero
lAnl.lM r l. .. i xx
Plioaoll rWrvl,nr..v vntnrnn.l tr. UIMSI UUBlIiCas immers.
Mrs. Louis Peterson loft for Oma-
tfri yystorday morning where Bho wll'-
shop for a week and visit relatives j
and frlonds. I
Wall papor at 10c a roll and up,
Painting nnd papor-hnnglng. H. H ,
Landgrnf, Rltnor building, phone
570W. , I
Mrs. Frank McGovern will leavo
tho" latter part of tho week for Caloxl-
co, Calif., whero sho will mako he
futuro homo.
Mrs. D. U. Robinson returned to
Wollflcet Saturday nftor spondlng
sovoral dnys In tho city shopping nnd
visiting frlonds.
Wednesday Judgo Woodhurst Issued
a marriage llconso to Ellas I. Sylvcn,
a farmer of Gothenburg nnd Mlsa Ella
Ol.ifson of Arnold.
onday, April 10.
At Union Stock Yards, North Platte, Nebr.
Thoro will bo any kind of horsos a man wants. Good
heavy, woll broke teams, ready for work. Real good un
broko horses and mules. Anything from a broomtail to
a real heavy horse, the good kind. A good assortment for
you to pick from.
Uring Your Horses Horo for this Auction
Anything you want to soli. Wo can sell any kind herea
buyer for all of thorn. A good demand for horses around
horo, and also a good time to sell.
poliv yestorday whero ho attends unl
vorslty. '
Mrs. Don Mcintosh returned to her
homo In Ogdertsburg, N. Y., after vis
iting her mothor, Mrs. John Grant,
for sovoral months.
Mrs. II. R. McMlchae'l and son, Ger
ald, loft today for Omaha whore tho
latter will receive medical treatment.
For qulok turnover will sacrifice
price. Player in our possession in
North Platte and must bo moved nt
once. Easy payments. Write quick for
particulars to the Denver Music Co.,
Denver, Colo.
mini mil , liailltMfcBl
When in Omaha
Hotel Conant
Hotel Sanford
Hotel Henshaw
In the Matter of Ray C. Norris, Bank
rupt. Caso No. 83, In Bankruptcy.
Voluntary Petition.
To the i Creditors of R. C. Norris in
tho County of Lincoln and District
Notlco is hereby given that by vir
tue of nn order of Walter V. Hoag
land, Reforeo In Bankruptcy, I, as
Trustee of the estate of R. C. Norris,
bankrupt, will on tho 6th day of May
! 1922 sell in front of tho Perkins Mer
cantile Company at Maywood In
Frontier County, Nebraska, all of tho
i remaining assets of the estate of R.
Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing G' Norris, bankrupt, now In my hands.
Is back of these hotels. Guests may Sfll(1 assets include miscellaneous lot
stop at nny ono of them with tho ns- of farm cmploments Including wag
surance of receiving honest value and ons, corn sholler, cream separator
courteous treatment. and other Implements, also lot of ac-
sons, also tho following described
real estate to-wit: Lots 5 and G in
Block 45 Lakovjow's Addition to
Wellflcet, and Lots 3, 4 and G In
Block 3 of tho orlginm town of Well
fleet, all In Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, nnd also Lot No. 37 in Block 243
In tho Orogon Valley Land Company's
additions to Lnkeview In tho State of
Orogon; and also the Southwest
quarter (SW ) of the Northwest
quarter (NW4) of Section 33 In
Township 38 Range 22 East P. M. iri
tho County of Lake, State of Orogon.
Trusteo of tho estate of
Ray C. Norris, bankrupt.
'.'it jetpaatanaii'MB neBTBnrjra n imn iipnimraiiiMiiLjoraBim;goa2gr
i , - 9
!' 3
ii 'fell IiS
Columbia Dry Batteries
work better nnd last
for belli and buzzcrt
for thermoitm
for g engine
for dry battery lighting
in closet, cellar, garret,
barn, etc.
for ignition on the Ford
while tarting
The world's most famous dry
bat I try. UstJ litre group of
individual ctlli it nttdtd.
Fahntttock Spring Clip Bind
ing Posti nt no txtra chart
How many uses you
have for Columbia! .
For doorbells, buzzers, thermostats, and
alarms, use one Columbia "Bell Ringer"
or two Columbia "No. 6" Batteries.
For ignition on gas engines and tractors,
use Columbia "Hot Snot" Ignition Bat
tery No. 1 46 1. Full power when you
need it most, while starting. For quick
starting ignition on Fords, use the same
size Columbia "Hot Shot" Ignition Bat
tery No. 1461. Saves your back, temper,
and time. Fits under the front seat.
Sold by electricians, auto supply shops and
garages, hardware and general stores, and
implement dealers. Insist upon Columbia.
W they hat lower
Sensible Shoes Are
Shoes with sensible walking "heeld
nnd comfortable toes are tho vogue
for out-door and daytime' wear. Rap
idly, the high French heel and tho un
comfortablo pointed toes aro being
limited by fashion to formal dress af
fairs. Tho greater comfort and peaco of
mind enjoyed by theT wearing of sen
sible shoes has been tho cause of
fashion's now attitude toward cor
roctly shaped shoes. Tho leading In
fluence In this stylo trend has been,
and Is tho well known Cantilever
Shoe. It has a flexiblo arch and n
closo fitting instop which mnko walk
ing a joy and which take tho fatiguo
out of both walking and standing.
Miiamim limn 1 1 mnnrarm-nmrjrn 1
In tho Mattor of the Estate of Fred
erick Wernoke, Deconsed.
To All Persons Intorested in Said Es
tate: Notlco is heroby given, that Frieda
Scherz, on April 3, filed in this Court
an Instrument purporting to 'i tho
last Will and Tostnmont of Fre -vlck
Wornoko, deceased, n'nd which Will
rolated to both real and personal
proporty, nnd also her petition pray
ing that tho said instrument bo ad-,
mltted to probato, and that lottors
tostamontary, bo Issued to her, upon
tho ostnto of tho said Frederick
Wornoko, doccasod, and that said pe
tition will bo heard boforo tho County
Court in tho Court Houso, In tho City
pf North Platto, County of Lincoln
nnd State of Nebraska, on the 24th
,day of April 1922, nt two o'clock P.
,M., at which tlmo any ono may ap
pear and contest tho probnto of said
Will, nnd show cause, If any thoro
,bo, why said Instrument should not
bo ndmltted to probato ns tho last
Will nnd Testament of snld Froderlck
Wornoko, deceased, and why lottors
tostamontary should not bo issued to
said petitioner.
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
April 3, 1022.
(Seal) County Judge.
You will enjoy tho new shoo fash
Ion when you wear Cantilever Shoes,
nnd tho freedom permitted by tho
Cantilever floxlblo arch will act Hko
a tonlo on your feot. It Is a real
happy fooling that you exporlonco
whon you wear Cantilever Shoos.
Como to our storo and seo them, and
try thorn on. It's a treat to tho feet
and to tho nervos. Wo aro tho solo
agents for Cantilever Shoes In this
317 East Fourth Street.