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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1922)
s THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CHATS WITH YOUR GAS MAN Whllo other merchants mny 'not caro whnt you do with an article after you buy It 'whether you put It to a waste ful uso or not wo aro greatly Interested. Wo want you" to Ret" tho most for your money out of tho gas you ubc. Wo want you to make your gas ibljls thrift bills. ' Tho reason we desire this 1 becauso wo know from busi ness experience that, wasto of 'gaB means big bills, complaints, Investigations, rc-chccklng, let- Iter writing, dolayed payments and otlier expenses,- which when takon together, mean dis satisfied customers. ' Satisfied customers aro worth 'more to ub than any revenue derived from wasted gas. Wo want no money we do not earn. Wo live to this policy overy . day and are glad to aid you in choosing tho most econom i icnl gas appliances and toll you how to avoid waste by using them intelligently. North Platte Light & Power Co. JACK MORROJV FLATS completed a Joseph Gnmblo -has now barn on his farm. Mrs. Vornost Peterson Is visiting her parents In Kearney this week. J. T. Lloyd was out to his ranch Wednesday, looking after his cattle. Farming has begun on tho Jack Morrow Flats. s g, Houston fcloyj nndfamlly of jorth lMatto vlsltcd at Fayo Lloyds last Sunday. Tho sowing club Is busy making uross form now Instead of doing any other kind of club work. Mrs. Zola Lloyd won tho quilt nt the community bazaar last Friday night. WIlllo ilaaso has been out of school since last Monday on account of n sprained knoo. Mrs. Piorco of Wood Itlvor, visited her daughter, Mrs. 13. 0. Nowtson last week. Ralph Harlan and John Rlttor nro vlsltlnir at tho Gus Haosc homo for a few (lays enrouto to SIdnoy. Mrs. Lawrcnco Illto and Mrs. W. A Kelso entertained tho ladles sowing club at tho homo of tho former this week. Mrs. Roy Goddon who has been down with tho flu during tho past wcok is reported to bo somewhat butter. Tho play "Tangles" which wns giv en last Friday night was woll attend ed and was very much enjoyed, by all present. Miss Emelino Calhoun taught last weok for Mrs. Hazol Qualloy who had lost her voice by u cold or the flu, which has been so prevalent over tliu country. WGNELL NOTES NICHOLS NOTES W. D. Spurrier shipped a car of cattle to Omaha last wook. Dill is tho largest feeder In Nichols district, hav ing shlppod four cars of fat cattlo and hogs this winter. Mrs. Wulter Good, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trovlllo loft for heir omo in jowa, Saturday night. Sho will return here tho last of tho woek and will probably stay with her par ents tno most of tho Biimmor. as hor Victor Rosonburir entertained. number of his friends n't a dance tit his homo Saturday ovenlng. Mrs. Sarah Combs was called Rising City Saturday by tho serious illnoss of her sister. Friday ovenlng tho Community dub votod to hold a fall festival this year Tho slogan waB "Begin Now, Pus'. Hard and Wo Will Suceod". Tho Community club ontortalned Friday ovenlng with a very good pro mother is recovering from a sovoroBram given by tho young people and Illness. Tho first "Official" ball game that wo have hennl or In Lincoln county took placo at Nichols Friday. It was played botwoon tho Nlel'ols and the Platto Valloy schools. Tho score was seven to six In fnvor of tho Nlchula team, children o tho club. Several people -:o:- l'OUHTU WARD ITEMS J. Llvoni of Sidney vislfod at the N. J. Nollen homo last wook wl.llo lip was horo attending, tho Inmiranco Men's convontlon. Mr. and "Mrs. J. Nollou of Ulttor Crook, Wye, spent sovornl days woek visiting ut tho homo of their son, N. J. Nollon, 503 Wont Tonth Htreot. TJioy loft Thursday morning. Saturday ovonlng Frank Cornwoll nolebratud his blrthdav bv inviMm? Ills frlouds to a hlgh-flvo card parly Ills mothor served tho guests with a nice lunch which thoy all enjoyed. Forty-sovon llttlo frlonds of Rne Mario Wilson, holped hor coloprato bor sixth birthday Saturday attomoon. Gaines of all kinds woro played and lunch was sorvod. Rao received quite ft collection of birthday prosonts. Tho Ellto club mot at tho home of Mrs. 'A. II. McMullon. 331 West Ninth street, Tuesday nftornoon. Mrs. Hop. kins stood first In tho IIIgh-FIv-j series and Mrs. Dorram second. Splendid rofroshmonts woro served. The progrosBlvo partof tho Fourth Ward was organlzod by tho olectioi of tho following of floors: C. P. Camp boll, chairman; Mrs. Mary Snyder, socrotary; Mrs. Mlnnlo Perkins, treas urer; J. A. 1'otors and Ilort Miller committeemen. fHIRUBS.TREES &7cL from Jack Morrow flats wero visitors. Mrs. Harold Wiese; county nurse and Mrs. Alleon G. Cochran, county suporintondont, were visiting tbo Big- nell school last Monday morning. Tho children woro given a health exam ination by MrB. Wiese. Harry Graham returned homo Sat urday nlgbt after serving four weeks on the Jury of, tho district court. Hnr- ry says ho has sUro serv.ed his tlmo. R. B. Putman Is building a barn and chicken houso for M. D. Rosen- orantz on tho High Flats. A son wns born to Mr. and Mrs. John Pell Sunday morning. The Pnrent - Teacher association which meets the first Friday In each month wns postponed until the Bccond Friday In April as the eighth grade examinations will be hold on Thurs day and Friday. Tho parents furnish tho program this tlmo. Rev. Slansbury, who has been preaching to tho BIgnolI people during tho pnst year, preached his last ser mon Sunday. Ho haB accepted n cail to tho Baptist Church at Friend, Nobr. Wo regret very much to have him leavo and wish hfm success in his now new. uov. lionjanun win ioko up tho work horo until a pormanont pastor Is secured. A. S. Allen, county clerk, visiting tbo Community club last Friday ever. lng gave a talk on taxation. It was enjoyed by nil. Tho BIgnell community club has placed signs on each side of tho school grounds along tho public highway. It theso signs had boon there a few weeks ago a serious accident which occurcd, might have been avoided A military funeral will bo held Sun day at Ft. McPhorson for Elmer Shaner who mado tho supremo sacra flee near the closo of the war. Ho was one of. Iho'ydung men of BIgnell called at tho boglnnlng of tho wnr, a vory model young man In overy respect and ono who has .been greatly missed Ho was tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. O D. Shaner, llvipg cast or BIgnell. o: Sioux Lookout chapter D. A. R. mo last night with Mrs. Frank Barber, 02 West Fourth street. Reports of tho stato conference at Lexington woro glvon and other matters of bus iness considered. Local coal dealers' say there le probably enough coal in the retail yards horo In North Platto to answer vory need for tho spring nnd summer. Both tho waterworks and tho electrl" light plant nro woll stocked for the present, Gigantic Army and Navy Goods Sale Continues The Sensational Reductions in Prices on our Merchandise is the Talk of the Town ti-.i' Folks, it will payEyou to travel miles to get in on this high class merchandise at prices that will surprise you. Pay us a r visit and be convinced. & T' Army and Navy 104 East Front St. OPEN EVENINGS. Cor. Front and Locust Store Si Hi m Hi Hi m m m m ts mm &5 Trees, shrubbery and growing plants nro as important to the homo beautiful as tho choice ot'pitlnts for tho house. And thoro 1b Just as much need of caro in soloctlon and arrange ment. All Prices Rcnsouitblo Pormlt us to assist you In soloctlon wo havo trees, Bhrubs, roso bushes or any thing that can bo had from any nursery or groonhouso. NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CO. Owing to a chango in our planting plans wo havo tho following plants for sulo. All shrubs priced as they stand In tho field. Wo neither dh; nor deliver. Please do not call on business Sundays. Spiroa Van Houttl (Brldul Wreath grown here ono or two years, $1X0 each. Large Tartarian Honeysuckle (white), $1.00. Largo Jnpuneso Pea Tree, $1.00. Hollyhock roots, per dozon, ."0c. A fcw Dwarf Iris (blue), per bunch, COe. Experimental Substation, W. P. Snyder, Supt. ! Jt j.t J.t- $ 3 j.t j.t if J.t i.t i.t i.t i.t .T ii if if if if if if 8' if it if J.t J.t j.t J.t 11 if if if if POTATOES I have between 500 and 600 bushels of good smooth potatoes ior sale. Fine for seed or for table use. Leave orders at once. FRANK STROLBERG 5 Miles West of North Platte j.t j.t j.t J.t jt j't j.t J.t j.t j.t J.t j.t 8 j.t if SHRUBS tjj 11-2 Blocks West of U. P. Depot. Look for the Big Letter Sign Eg I NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. III Hiillflll'W imi li II I 1 1 ) 'I HI HI . Ill I Ml II I Ml j.t Special Spring Sale For folks who havo not Bpdnt nil tho coin they nmdo during Wilson's Administration look if, at tno prices You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car. EXPERT AUTO TOP MAKERS AND TRIMMERS TTE ' AUTO T PHONE 300J 107 West 6th Street m WAR MOTHERS Will hold a tea at tho homo of Mm. Julius Plzor on Friday from 3 to f m. All ladioa aro Invited. Sowing Machine all makes $G to $25.00, Bee them sqw. Furniture lowor In prlco than Auction sales. Two Gasoline Engines chenp. Soods, Garden Tools, Tonts, Cots, Canvas, Oil Stoves. METHODIST Keystone class will hold a skating party at Maxwell, Thursday. All mombors aro requested to meet nt tho church at 7 o'clock. j.t Now Furnlturo look hero j; Whlto Enamel or Vornls Marten Iron Beds, big post nnd filler $12.40. if if jt j.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t g j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t if J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t B it if counts. empty, but my furnlturo Is paid for, thnt means n big discount l J to mo and you got tho bonofii, Jit j) it j.t $ it j.t j.t j.t Now guaranteed Coll Spring $5.00. Now all cotton mattress $9.00 and $11.50. A bed like this will restore your youth. Heavy IJruBsols Rug, 9x12, only $18.75. LnBt yoar'a prico $32.00. cnoh rogltttor is :;t my ECHELBERRY I Eust Front Street AUXIIJAUY The h. A. to the U. of R. T. will hold Its regular business mooting Friday at 3 p. m. in K. C. Hall. A full attendanco is desired. T. M. Cohagen returned Sunday from Omaha whore ho transacted business for several days. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist, X-ltay Dlngnosifr. McDonald Bank Building. Phono 97. Mrs. W. Crocker arlved this morn ing from Iowa to make her future homo with hor Bon, J. II. Crocker. NOTICE Important meeting all members of Farmers Shipping Association, Satur day, April 8 at 2:30. Discussion of now shipping yard and distribution, of farmers union commission Birm refund. WARREN DOOLITTLE, Secretary. LUTHERAN Aid socloty meets Thursday after noon in tho church parlors. Mcs- damos Thoolecko, GIddeon, Illuming- ton, Rodlno and F. C. Wnltemath arc on tho ontertnlnlng committee. BIBLE CLASS Tho Church Helpers Blblo class ol tho Presbytorlan church will moet in tho church parlors next Friday aftor- noon at 3 p. m. A good program has been propared nnd all members aro urged to ho prosont. Tho hostesses aro Mosdamos Ogler, Saunders, Wm, Rltner and Moulton. :o: Put Tho Tribune away after all tho family havo read it aa you will want to refor to It lator. Tho Travol nnd Study club met last evening with Miss Bosslo Salisbury. 015 West Fifth strcot. Flno rofrosh monts wero sorved. -:o:- EGGS FOR HATCHING I can furnish 200 ogga this woek from my hoavy laying R. I. Reds, olthor in 50, 100 or 200 lots nt 10 conta each. This week only up to Mondnv evening. March 13. South Park Poultry Yards, J. H. VnnCleavo Vaudeville at the Keith FOR Wednesday Only EDXA RKMIXCi Offors a few character songs in a now novel way which is sure to please. Sho makes a complete chango from whlto to black face in full view of tho nudience In thirty seconds. ALLEN GREY & COMPANY Is nmong tho happiest talking trixters appearing in vaudovillo. He Is not of tho old school offering a routine of blnsetricks in slight of hand, but rather a comedian both original and decidedly funny. In fact his porformnnco hns been called "Twelve minutes of hearty laughing ,nnd distinctively funny." STERLING ROSE TRIO t A flno company of skillful acrobats who furnish series of muscle de manding stunts. All dono with fino finish nnd commendable ease. Ono of the best staged this season. CASTLE AND IJELMONTS- In "Just Types" In songs and dances, elaborately costumed inclu '. ing artistic singing nnd dancing. Tho ouly act of its kind in vnuci. villo ALSO A GOOD FEATURE PICTURE WILL RE SHOWN f t